Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Forever ❯ My Forever - Chapter 21 ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Forever
Bishojo shadow & hato chiisai
Disclaimer: Neither of us own Yugioh.
Chapter 21
The afternoon sun coming through the window woke Ryou. He opened his eyes, making a face and an annoyed noise. He slowly sat up, wincing at the pain in his body. He looked around. He was cuddled into Seto's chest, the man's arms wrapped around his body. Bakura slept beside them, clutching Ryou's small hand in his, and at the foot of the bed, Mokuba was snuggled up with Malik and Marik, all asleep. Ryou smiled at the sight and closed his eyes, breathing a sigh of relief. Mokuba was safe. Then, it hit him. He had to pee. BAD.
"Seto?" He called, shaking Seto slightly. Seto grunted and blinked his eyes open. "Seto, I have to go to the bathroom! Please!!"
Seto jolted awake from his sleep falling off the bed hitting his head against the bedside table "Dammit!" He cursed loudly as he groaned sitting up unhappily rubbing his head "...Sorry Ryou, need help?" Seto asked carefully.
Ryou smiled and nodded slightly. "Are you okay?" He asked, and at Seto's nod, he held his arms up. "I need to go to the bathroom." He said in a small voice, as the other began to stir, disturbed by Seto's fall and yelp.
Seto picked Ryou up gently and carried him to the bathroom. They had already changed him into his pajamas so he didn't have to conceal anything from prying yami eyes. Bakura groaned softly at the loss of warmth as he moved to snuggle behind Marik.
"You probably want a shower or a bath...do you?" Seto asked
Ryou nodded as he used the toilet. "Yeah.... I feel...." And he shivered. "I've never felt this filthy in my entire life. Can... can you help me? Please?" Ryou asked, as he finished and flushed the toilet, leaning against the wall to stay standing.
"Of course, It's probably easier for you not to stand but...there is a seat in the shower." Seto finished; something about bathing always puzzled Seto, he didn't personally like to take a bath, showers he figured were much cleaner. Seto helped Ryou out of his clothes and let Ryou sit down in the shower "Still need my help?" Seto asked not wanting Ryou to feel uncomfortable.
Ryou gulped, looking a bit torn, but after a moment, he nodded and held his arms out to Seto, begging him to hold him. Seto smiled and stripped, and turned on the shower, then knelt before Ryou and held him. Ryou sniffled and laid his head on Seto's shoulder.
"When they took me, did they hurt you, Seto?" Ryou asked, suddenly.
"Physically, no I wasn't hurt, the fact that you were gone though did hurt." Seto said sitting down next to Ryou turning the youth around slightly so he could wash his back being mindful and careful around the bruises, slashes and welts.
Ryou hissed slightly as Seto washed his injured back, and moving downward, with Ryou's permission, and to his fury Seto found that Ryou once again had to be stitched up after being torn open in the brutal sexual assault. Ryou winced and whimpered.
"It happened again...." He said in a broken tone. "Two... at once. Gods... it hurt so much..... I thought I was going to lose my mind, Seto."
"We know...Bakura could somehow feel it too, I wish I could have stopped them before they did that to you, and I'm sorry that I wasn't there to help." Seto said gently massaging shampoo into Ryou now short hair. "We should give you a proper hair cut once were finished." Seto said not sure if he should comment upon it or not but it did need a proper cut regardless.
Ryou's entire body seemed to droop at that, and he whimpered. "I don't want to see it.... I can't bare it..... Why did they cut it off?" He cried, and rubbed furiously at his eyes that were tearing up.
"Ryou, it's okay love..." Seto said hugging him gently "It'll be okay, everything will be all right again I promise you." Seto whispered gently in his ear as he rocked the youth back and forth.
Ryou's ragged breathes soon evened out as he leaned back into Seto's embrace. "Yeah.... and my hair will grow back. It's good to be home again. How was Mokuba when you got to us?"
"He was fine, energetic as ever...had a little bump on his head but he was more worried about you than anything else." Seto said, happy Ryou was relaxing a little bit as he grabbed the shower head and washed the shampoo out of his hair and repeated the action with conditioner.
Ryou sighed in relief, and smiled. "I'm glad. I was so scared that they had, or would, hurt him. Seto, I don't know if he told you but.... I might suggest therapy... They forced him to watch.... watch me being molested. I told him not to break eye contact with me, but he's just a kid. And I know he saw some things he shouldn't have....." Seto smiled at Ryou's concern for his brother.
"Okay, I'll talk to him later, he's usually pretty easy to read...you should talk to him too ya know, even if he does need therapy you probably should explain a few things to him." Seto said lathering soap on Ryou's chest and stomach.
"Explain WHAT?! That I was raped?! Fucked up the ass against my will?! Literally TORN APART?! Seto, how do I explain that to him?!" Ryou cried, getting slightly hysterical.
Seto held Ryou to keep him still so not to reopen any wounds or cause himself un-necessary stress. "Ryou...I don't say this to hurt you or make you uncomfortable...but you were the only one there with him and he won't talk to me about it much if any." Seto took a breath. "I know you don't want to speak of it, and I don't blame you but nonetheless you'll need to talk to him sooner or later about it...whenever you're ready I don't think he cares right now but he will later and it's better he not keep it all inside himself, talking with you is far better than any therapist." Seto explained
Ryou shook his head. "I can't! Seto, why me, he's YOUR BROTHER!! why me.........." And he broke down crying, and it was obvious to Seto that the last question was NOT referring to talking to his brother....
Seto gathered the trembling boy in his arms, this was just too much for Ryou to handle at the moment and he regretted trying to explain it. "Don't worry about it Ryou...I'm sorry I brought it up..." Seto said kissing his damp forehead. "Regardless of everything else Ryou...you are my family too." Seto said
Ryou hiccuped and nodded, curling his arms around Seto's neck as he was lifted up and carried out of the shower. There was a knock on the door, and then Malik poked his head in.
"Seto, I'm taking Mokuba down to get him something to eat so you and Ryou will have some privacy. Marik and Bakura are outside talking, okay? I'll be in the kitchen if you need me." And he left.
"Seto...." Ryou whispered softly, and pressed a gentle kiss to Seto's shoulder. Then, he blinked. "My... my ring... They took it. You go it back for me?!" He gasped, staring at the ring on his finger that until now had been unnoticed.
"No...actually Yami got it back...for us." Seto said
Ryou blinked. "Yami?" He said, and looked up at Seto. "Yami YUGI?"
"Yeah, I know." Seto said wrapping Ryou in a warm fluffy towel and securing one around his own waist before picking him back up and setting him down gently on the bed.
"You want to wear pajamas or actual clothes?" Seto asked pulling on a pair of boxers and some slacks himself.
Ryou smiled lightly. "Pajamas. I don't think I'll be going anywhere for quite some time." And he made a face. "My butt hurts...." And then, the face became horrified. "OH NO!!!!"
"What?" Seto asked slightly alarmed as he clutched some silk pajamas.
Ryou made a face. "They gave me awful smelly old ass cream again, didn't they?!?"
Seto rolled his eyes "yeah they did, but it did speed up the healing process besides I don't need to tell you: it doesn't matter and your still using it yet again do I?" Seto said helping Ryou into his slacks.
Ryou pouted and whined. "But I don't like it.... it's... SQUISHY!!!"
"Yeah, yeah I know...we've been through this before and you didn't get out of it last time what makes you think it'll work this time?" Seto said slipping on his shirt. "Come on lets get some food in you, afterward you put on the ointment." Seto said sternly.
Ryou crossed his arms and pouted. "No." He said.
"You are only adorable when you do that love, not intimidating." Seto said picking him up gently and taking him down to the living room. "Wait here, I'll bring you something to eat, what do you want?" He asked
Ryou frowned. "To not have that crap on my bum." Ryou said, and Seto gave him a look. Ryou sighed and shrugged. "I don't know.... How about Lobster Bisque, Greek Salad, stuffed crab, some chocolate mousse and a bit of raspberry Sorbet?" The boy said, smirking playfully, and giggling at the irritated look he got. "Vegetable soup. The kind with the little alphabet noodles. I like the alphabet noodles."
Seto shook his head, amused. "At least you were more reasonable than Mokuba, he decided to have pizza." Seto said walking off to fetch the soup. Bakura walked into the living room.
"Ryou..." He sat next to him giving him a hug. "Feeling better?" He asked
Ryou clung tightly to Bakura. "Yeah... I'm sorry if I hurt you....." Ryou whispered. Bakura blinked, and then realized that Seto must have told Ryou how he had felt his pain.
"No, I was okay...I'm fine now clearly and it's not as if you could help it any." Bakura kissed his cheek gently.
Ryou smiled and cuddled up into Bakura's arms until Seto brought his soup. Then, Malik and Marik came in with Mokuba.
"Okay, Ryou." Malik said. "You need to get your mind off of this. You too, Seto. You two have something important to think about."
"Ryou's health is a bit more important to me at the moment." Seto argued but then realized what Malik was referring to and sighed. He hadn't really thought much on the wedding really and he was worried Ryou might want some time before speaking of it again.
"Oh, come on.... It will cheer you up!! Ryou, you wanna start planning your wedding?" Malik asked. Ryou's eyes widened, and then he looked down, blushing. "Ryou?" After a moment, Ryou looked up and smiled, gazing at Seto. He abandoned his soup and hopped into Seto's lap, ignoring the pain, kissing him.
Seto kissed him back, he did miss the contact he had when he was with Ryou as Ryou finally pulled away. Seto smiled and placed Ryou back where he was. "Eat, we can talk and eat at the same time can't we?" Seto said knowing very well he could.
Ryou nodded, and Seto blinked at the tears in Ryou's eyes. Ryou kissed him again. "I can't believe it! *smooch* We're *smooch* getting *smooch* married!!! *smooch smooch smooch*"
Malik, Marik, Bakura and Mokuba chuckled.
Seto smiled and laughed at the affection, although eh enjoyed it very much.
"So...planning a wedding..." Seto pondered for a moment having no idea where to start.
Bakura moved over. "Come on, Ryou. Let Seto go and eat." And Ryou obeyed.
"So... big wedding, or small wedding?" Malik said.
"...... small, don't you think?" Ryou said, looking at Seto.
"Definitely...friends and limited family." Seto said, he didn't really have a family except Mokuba but he wasn't sure about Ryou or even if the family approved of Ryou's lifestyle. "Keep it low key, I don't want to be filmed on my wedding day." Seto said not wanting a single reporter near him that day, he would shove the damn camera right up their ass if they tried.
"Why? Wouldn't you like a video of our wedding?" Ryou asked. "I'm sure you can hire someone. And a photographer."
"Big question here, Ryou....." Malik said. "A tux? Or a dress?" Ryou turned and gave Malik a look. Malik giggled, and Ryou turned back to Seto, waiting for him to answer him.
"A tux, dresses are for women and Ryou is still male last time I checked." Seto said shaking his head at the comment "I could hire someone yeah, but I'd rather one of our friends just film it instead." Seto said.
Ryou made a face. "And who among our friends can wield a video camera?" He asked.
"How about Yugi's grampa?" Marik suggested.
"Good idea." Ryou said, nodding. "I... I don't know how I'm gonna tell my dad......."
"When he finds out WHO you're marrying, he won't mind."
"Kidding, Ryou!! Now.... where do you want it?"
Seto stayed silent, he wanted Ryou to pick the place, not to mention he wasn't sure where it would be held if he picked it.
Ryou thought a moment. He looked at Seto. "Any ideas?" He asked, and Seto shrugged. "Oh, you're a lot of help. You're half of this wedding too, y'know......"
"We could always hold it in the backyard..." Seto suggested it wasn't unheard of and they did have a large enough backyard that could support a large wedding if they wanted one.
Ryou smiled and nodded. "The back yard is nice. We have lots of options out there."
"Ooh!! Ooh!! Pick me! Pick me!!" Mokuba cried, bouncing up and down with his hand in the air.
"What?" Seto asked just so Mokuba would stop bouncing before he made himself sick or something.
"Seto, how about by that waterfall you installed a few months ago? You were talking about putting a bridge over it where it falls into the water lilly pond!! Why not go ahead and build it, and hold the ceremony on it?" Mokuba suggested. Ryou smiled.
"Oh, wow... that sounds great, Mokuba." He said.
"That sounds perfect." Seto said smiling "I could have the bridge built in a weeks time, no problem." Seto added "Ryou... seriously." he glared at Malik and Marik "What about your father, you don't really speak him much...will this bother him?" Seto asked
Ryou shrugged. "I never told him I was dating you....." Seto gave Ryou a look of dismay. "But I think he kind of knows about my sexuality, but.... well..... we'll see. I want him here, Seto." Ryou said. Bakura smiled and kissed Ryou's cheek.
"Hey Ryou!!! What kind of cake?!" Marik asked, and Ryou rolled his eyes.
"It figures that it would be YOU to ask that." Ryou said.
Seto smiled "Should it be the traditional white cake Christians have...white seems so virgin to me honestly." Seto said with a smirk "Speaking of Christians...what kind of service are we having?"
Ryou had blushed at Seto's comment. "Well... at traditional weddings, there are TWO cakes--"
"SCORE!!!" Marik interrupted.
"A Bride Cake and a Groom Cake. The Bridal cake is white, and the Groom cake is chocolate, usually with chocolate covered strawberries, but if it's a small wedding, we don't need two cakes...." Ryou thought out loud. Marik's eyes got really big.
"A giant Coconut Cake!!" He said, and collective sweat drop went around the room.
"We might need two..." Seto commented
Ryou laughed. "Yeah.... okay, so traditional bride and groom cakes?"
"Yeah, or two grooms cake's." Bakura said pointing out the fact that there were two grooms.
Ryou smiled.
"Make the bride cake pink!!" Marik suggested, and everyone gave him a look. "Just an idea."
"Marik...." Malik said. "Stop talking."
"Out of curiosity are we going to need a wedding planner?" Seto asked considering the wedding would be small; their cook could take care of food, yeah they might need a flower arranger or something but they really didn't need a planner.
Ryou sighed. "It might be a good idea. We'll want invitations, caterers, flower arrangements...... Yes, we should hire someone.... whoever would be willing to arrange a wedding for, well.... a couple like.... us...." And Ryou looked down sadly at the hostile attitude they had been met with due to their relationships.
"We'll find someone, even if I have to cart `em here overseas." Seto said taking Ryou's empty soup away and coming back with a glass of water for the youth.
Ryou smiled at that, but there was still a hint of sadness in his eyes.
"Okay.... honeymoon." Malik said, and Ryou laughed.
"Malik, maybe Seto and I should just let YOU plan it!!"
"Honeymoon I think we'll plan later..." Seto said nuzzling Ryou's neck lovingly
Malik grinned.
"How about a spa?"
"Malik, drop it." Bakura said, looking at Ryou, who still looked a bit depressed.
"Ryou?" Bakura asked "What's wrong you were so happy just a second ago..." Bakura questioned.
Ryou suddenly buried his face into Seto's shirt.
"What... what if daddy is just like those people?" He said, in a voice that was on the verge of crying.
Seto frowned and hugged Ryou as strongly as he could without hurting him. "If he knows about your sexuality and doesn't seem to care honestly I don't think he'll have a problem with it Ryou...don't get all stressed out over it...when is he due to come home again?" Seto asked
Ryou shrugged. "I have no clue." He said, heaving a big sigh. Bakura smiled and ruffled Ryou's hair.
"So, um, what kind of flowers, Ryou?" Malik asked, trying to get Ryou's mind off of his worries, but it didn't work.
"I really don't want to talk about this anymore." He said, and tried to stand, but winced and yelped, and fell back onto the sofa.
"You want to go back to our room Ryou?" Seto asked ready to pick Ryou up, Ryou usually ran away from him when he tried to pick him up so it was kind of a treat on Seto's part, he liked to carry Ryou around.
Ryou sighed and rested against Seto, melting in his arms. "I don't know..... no. Seto? Can.... can I go outside? Please?"
"Sure." Seto said grabbing a throw to lie on.
Ryou laughed as Marik and Bakura argued at the foot of the bed, and Seto shook his head while Malik and Mokuba tried to separate them.
"Next time I'm bored, don't tell them to amuse me." Ryou said to Seto. Seto grinned, but looked up when the doorbell was heard.
Seto wasn't about to leave Ryou and just let his attendants answer the door. He was bit disturbed when the attendant knocked on his bedroom door. He sighed and opened it "Yes?" Seto asked
"Um...I'm sorry to disturbed you but a man named Yaten Bakura wishes to see Master Ryou." She said obviously new considering she called Ryou Master before she left to take him into the living room as Seto looked to Ryou.
"Your father?" Seto asked
Ryou's eyes were wide and panicked and his face was pale. "W-W-What is HE doing here?!" Ryou squeaked, beginning to shake.
Seto shrugged "He's your father...he might have just wanted to check up on you is all... I mean you haven't been home, well his home in some time, besides we do need to talk to him anyway...no better time then the present." Seto smiled at Ryou's nervous state "Don't worry about it, I'm sure it'll be okay Ryou, come on I'll go with you." Seto said after Ryou insisted he was walking and Seto wanted to see how long it would last.
Ryou gulped and struggled out of bed; a week of healing and it was still hard to walk. Ryou limped to the door and out into the hall. By the time he reached the stairs, Seto had had enough and picked him up, carrying him down.
"Um, Seto.... I think I should see him alone, first." Ryou said softly, and after being put down, limped into the living room where his father was pacing.
"Umm.... hi dad....." He squeaked.
"Ryou..." Yaten said going to Ryou and hugging him "I got word you'd had a really bad fight at school and hadn't been back, what happened?" Yaten asked worriedly noting Ryou was limping badly.
"Huh?" Ryou said, blinking, then his eyes widened. "Oh yeah! Ummm.... that.... it wasn't a fight, I was attacked and beaten....." Ryou said, looking down, then moving over to the sofa to sit down. "Yeah, that was a while ago."
"Attacked?! What on earth for?" Yaten gasped, appalled. "And I'm sorry... I know it was a while ago I just couldn't get away any sooner...but you haven't been back to school and you look injured as it is now." Yaten sat beside Ryou, "What happened?" He asked
"It.... it's a long story dad..... First off... it was kind of, well... the cops classified it as a hate crime...... See... dad, I've been... seeing someone...." Ryou stammered, wringing his hands.
"Another boy?" Yaten asked as Ryou didn't look at him and just kept his head down "You don't need to be ashamed or anything Ryou..." Yaten said; he sort of figured it out, in all of Ryou's sixteen years he had never shown any interest in girls at all. He was a little disheartened at first but decided that is was just who Ryou was and he might as well accept it, he just never had enough will to bring up the subject before.
Ryou nodded. "Yeah.... and normally they wouldn't care so much. The reason I'm such a big deal is because, well... Dad, I've been seeing Seto Kaiba."
Yaten paused for a moment at that "Kaiba...I'm guessing that's why you are staying here then huh..." Yaten wasn't so sure about his feelings on Ryou seeing Seto Kaiba, he wasn't angry just a little unnerved by it was all, not to be offensive but Kaiba was not your normal boyfriend or girlfriend depending on your preference. He noticed his silence was making Ryou nervous "They attacked you for seeing him...I'm sorry...he must mean a lot to you...does he feel the same?" Yaten asked he didn't want Ryou's heart broken.
Ryou smiled slightly and blushed. "Seto has been there through everything dad... He loves me. He's so concerned about my safety and happiness, and, dad... He, well....." Ryou held up his hand, showing off the ring. "Dad, we're getting married."
Seto had crept in by that point but didn't make his presence known; so far everything seemed to be going okay.
"M-married?" Yaten said making sure he heard right as he watched Ryou nod his head up and down enthusiastically. "When did this happen? Why didn't you send me a letter or call?" Yaten asked
Ryou looked up and smiled. "It happened just under two weeks ago, dad. So it's pretty recent. But right after he proposed, well.... I should go back a bit. People have been after me, threatening me, trying to scare me away from Seto. And they were stalking me, taking pictures of me... And then, they lured me into meeting them and I did.... Probably the biggest mistake of my life, and...." Ryou shook his head, looking down again. "They drugged me, and they raped me."
Yaten was rendered speechless...he felt like embracing Ryou and consoling him but he was obviously being taken good care of by Kaiba not to mention it was a bit late for paternal instincts to kick in ...he was a bit late for all that now.
"I'm...I'm sorry...I...." Yaten looked at Ryou or at least tried to, his son's head was hung eye's closed "Were they the ones that cut your hair too?" Yaten said placing a gentle hand on Ryou's head as he nodded in response. His heart wrenched in his chest, Ryou grew his hair out as a reminder of his mother and Yaten had become attached to the resemblance of his wife and Ryou , without it he looked...diffrent. Yaten sighed and drew Ryou into his lap making him gasp.
"I realize that you are a bit old for fatherly.... Things... not to mention I'm terribly late in the ordeal...but I'm here to support you in any way you need, and in any life choices you make I'll be right behind you every step of the way." Yaten smiled softly "I love you and nothing in the world will change that."
Ryou stared at his father, eyes wide, then burst into tears. Yaten blinked, a bit startled, but when Ryou laid his head on his shoulder and clung tightly to him, he wrapped his arms around him and held him close.
"You have no idea how wonderful it is to hear that...." Ryou wailed between sobs. "I was so scared that you..... that you wouldn't accept me, or be disgusted by me, or.... Daddy...." And he hiccuped and kept crying.
Yaten sighed. "So... you're getting married.... Ryou.... are you sure that's a good idea?" Seto narrowed his eyes from where he was watching and listening in. "I mean...."
"Dad, I love him." Ryou said, blinking.
"Well yeah, but... you can't be sure that he's the one."
"Dad, I KNOW!! I mean, you said that when you met mom, you KNEW!!"
"Well, yeah, I did, but.... Ryou.... that was different."
"How is it diffrent?" Seto asked making his presence finally known, it was all looking very well until now. "Sir, I know he is your son and you're looking out for his well being but make no mistake I love him with every fiber of my being...and he loves me, please don't tell me this is a gender thing." Seto said
Yaten jumped, startled. He turned and looked at Seto. "No, not at all." He said. "Look.... I may not have been in Ryou's life very much, but from what I do know, he's never really been in a relationship before. And... No offense Mr. Kaiba, I know you are responsible and mature beyond your age but... don't you think you're both a bit young to be thinking of marriage? I mean... You're both just kids! I just want to make sure that you both know what you're doing. You're both so young... it's not your sexuality that concerns me, it's your timing and your youth. I... I just want to make sure that Ryou will be okay. He's my son."
"I understand your concerns, but we have known each other as friends for years, dated for half a year...granted we are young but we both were a bit forced in growing up a little early in life in order to survive and take care of ourselves, and others. I'm not blaming you but we are both ready for this commitment." Seto took a breath "We're not stupid, we are not just two teens wanting to become high school sweet hearts or anything...we love each other and it's as simple as that, why not spend our lives together, we would be doing it anyway." Seto said pulling Ryou to his feet and into his arms.
Yaten nodded and stood, now that Ryou was out of his lap. "If you both feel that strongly then...." He sighed and shrugged. "Then I support you. Ummm.. Anyway... I don't think we've officially met.... Yaten Bakura." He said, holding his hand out to the CEO and smiling. Ryou grinned and looked up at Seto, eagerly.
Seto smiled at the older man taking his hand and introducing himself although it was kinda not necessary. Seto smiled the man didn't look like Ryou at all he had dark hair a little past his shoulders and was well built probably from all the architectural work he did and probably still does.
"How ling will you be in Domino?" Seto asked
"I took leave from work when I got word that Ryou had been in the hospital, but the time isn't definite." He said, smiling at Ryou. "So... You guys gonna tell me when you're planning on getting married? I need to let my boss know so I take off work." Ryou looked delighted that his father wanted to be there.
"We haven't discussed that yet, dad." He said, then made a double take. "Don't look now, but we're being spied on." Seto and Yaten turned and saw Bakura, Malik, Marik and Mokuba peeking at them from around the corner.
Seto just shook his head "sooner or later..." Seto sighed "You guys can come in you know." Seto said sitting on the couch with Ryou knowing he still shouldn't stand to long.
Bakura smiled and walked up to Yaten, "Good to see you again, any new possessions for Ryou lately?" He joked standing behind the couch. He liked to taunt Yaten, yes, but never did for too long, the man had threatened to take him back to Egypt once and nearly did too.
Yaten gave Bakura a look, then looked at Malik and Marik. "I trust that the three of you haven't burned my house down?" He said sternly, making Seto cover his mouth to hide his smile. Bakura snorted and looked away, while Marik rolled his eyes and wandered across the room. But Malik smiled.
"No sir. Your home is intact." He said and Yaten smiled, liking Malik quite a lot. He wasn't sure about Marik.
"Dad, this is Seto's brother, Mokuba." Ryou said, and Mokuba shook hands with Yaten.
"Wow, Ryou looks nothing like you!!" He blurted, and the man laughed.
"No, Ryou gets his looks from his mother." He said. "Are you gonna make sure that your brother takes care of Ryou for me?" Mokuba snorted and rolled his eyes.
"Are you kidding?! Ryou is the one who takes care of Seto. Seto never slept until Ryou moved in." Seto blushed slightly at that, but Mokuba didn`t know how that sounded. Yaten choked.
"Moved in?!" He repeated, and turned to Ryou, who looked like a deer caught in headlights.
"He's been living here for a while now..." Seto began to explain "With those three running around can you honestly blame him?" Seto said shifting the blame to Ryou's Yami's and lovers.
"Yeah, blame us why don't ya." Bakura said
Yaten sighed and removed his glasses, rubbing his face. "Ryou.... I think you need to start confessing....." He said. Ryou gulped and nodded.
"Well... we got together at Christmas, and I spent so much time over here that Mokuba said I may as well live here and Seto asked me to move in and I was kinda stressed with Bakura, Malik and Marik constantly making messes and keeping me awake--"
"And molesting you." Mokuba cut in, making Yaten glare sharply at Marik.
"So I took him up on his offer and moved in." Ryou said. Yaten blinked. "I go home once a week to clean up the house." Ryou offered, weakly.
"Don't you two have an apartment?" Yaten asked, looking at Malik and Marik, who blinked.
"Oh yeah!!" Marik said, brightening up. "I keep forgetting about that place...." Bakura rolled his eyes.
"I don't." Malik said. "I'm the one who pays the rent!" And he glared at Marik.
"By the way you two have a new bed and my old desk over there." Seto said simply "He's fine here Sir, he's been here practically since we got together and we get along perfectly fine, he still goes home to take care of mail and other things but...this is his home now, and it always will be." Seto said
Ryou smiled and cuddled up to Seto.
"Yeah, Ryou's the live-in babysitter. OW!!" Marik yelped, as Mokuba smacked him upside the head.
"I don't need a babysitter!!" He snapped. Yaten quirked an eyebrow at Seto's brother.
"Well.... I guess that settles my decision then." He said, and everyone looked at him. "Ryou, you were the only reason that I was keeping the house. If you're not living there then I'm going to sell it." Jaws dropped. "I've been thinking of it for quite some time."
"Crap! Where will I live?!" Bakura howled, and Yaten glared.
"How about you move in with your boyfriends?"
"Yeah Bakura! New bed!!" Marik said, excitedly. Bakura thought about it, then shrugged.
"Whatever...." Bakura grumbled, then Yaten turned and looked back at Ryou.
"So.... you wanna tell me everything that's happened? Like why you were in the hospital more than once?" He asked. Ryou paled. Seto cleared his throat and stood.
"I suggest we move that conversation somewhere else." He said. So Seto, Ryou, Bakura and Marik all went to Seto's study, while Malik entertained Mokuba, and they spent the rest of the day talking about the events of the last two months.
Seto was jerked out of a peaceful sleep by Ryou elbowing him in the nose. He sat up and checked to see if he was bleeding, then glanced at the clock. It was 4 am. He looked down at Ryou, who was sweating and twitching in his sleep, thrashing every now and then. He was whimpering, and ever now and then the whimper was punctured with a frightened cry.
Seto gently shook Ryou awake who jolted and nearly toppled out of bed although Seto caught him and he looked at Seto with wide frightened eyes until he relaxed a little and Seto settled him back in bed. "Maybe...maybe we should get you something to help you sleep better love, you haven't had a decent night since I brought you back home, I know it's only been a week but I'm really worried about you." Seto said stroking his cheek lightly even though Ryou was almost fully healed he still had bad nightmares.
Ryou whimpered and hid his face in Seto's chest, and after a moment, Seto felt hot tears fall to his skin and trickle down to soak into the sheets. Ryou's body shook as he cried, and tried to wriggle closer to Seto.
"Sleeping pills...." Ryou managed to say between hiccups. "Won't change my dreams....."
Seto sighed "Then...therapy...something Ryou..." Seto said lifting his chin to look into his eyes "You shouldn't suffer them any more than you already have, I can barely stand the fact them taking away any more from you than they already have...I want you at peace, no more bad dreams." Seto said it did hurt him to see Ryou struggle like he did even now.
Ryou shook his head and sniffled. "I don't need a shrink, Seto!" He protested. "And what can therapy do to change dreams, anyway? You can't control dreams!"
"Mikado can." Seto said.
"No, he can't! He has prophetic dreams from time to time, but he can't control when and what sees. Not even Ahmose can control his dreams. All I can do it fight through them and pray that each one is last.... gods.... I can't stand much more of it... They're hurting me... and I can hear Mokuba.... screaming...."
Seto kissed Ryou softly pressing his forehead against Ryou's "I'm sorry, I know I haven't been much help through all this and if I could change your dreams you know I would, I only want to see you happy and I try my best to give you that if nothing else." Seto said softly.
"Seto, you've been more help to me than you can imagine. When I have nightmares, you're here to wake me up and hold me. When I was hurt, you were there to support me, and you never left me.... well... there was that one time, but you had good reason to do it..." Ryou looked up at Seto, his eyes sparkling with tears, but behind that, they were shining in adoration. "I love you....."
"And I love you but...it hurts me also to see you keep on suffering so, I want to help but there is little I can do, waking you up hasn't helped you at all nor me, it just makes us both exhausted and even if we get back to sleep you have another nightmare." Seto said shaking his head
Ryou lowered his eyes, knowing that Seto was right. In fact, almost all week, when Seto woke him up from a nightmare, Ryou had been pretending to go back to sleep, knowing that Seto would remain awake until he did. And then, after Seto had gone to sleep, thinking that Ryou had, too, Ryou would lie there for hours and shake, unable to fall asleep again.
"I know...." He said, and rolled over, facing away from Seto so he wouldn't see the fear in his eyes.
Seto hugged him from behind "I'm sorry for being such a realist...it's just I want you to get better and the past few night's I know that you haven't been sleeping at all, and it's not from lack of trying." Seto kissed his neck softly not know how else to console Ryou in the situation.
"I can't get it out of my head. Every time I move, I feel the pain. And when I lie here, it plays over and over again in my head. I can't stop thinking about it..... I can hear not only him, but.... everyone, everything. Everything that all those people have said to me since this all started. Seto... I'm sure you killed them.... but what if someone takes their place?"
"After what happened to them do you honestly think that anyone would try, Kakyo the other one is a coward, even you know that, and Kyo has given up considering Lily doesn't love me and I don't love her AND that she showed complete support for our relationship...Ryou NO ONE will take you away from me again I swear to you that they won't." He whispered
Ryou whimpered and shook his head. "How can you be sure?!" He cried in a high pitched tone. "What if... what if Kyo hasn't given up? What if someone decides to finish what he started?!"
"Ryou..." Seto said taking his face in his hands "Look at me...not again, never again...you need to believe me Ryou, otherwise your nightmares won't go away if you stay afraid all the time that it will happen again, don't think like that believe me." Seto said
Ryou sniffled and nodded, relaxing and closing his eyes, trying to sleep, but he couldn't stop shaking. Suddenly, the bedroom door opened. Ryou jumped at the sound and clutched Seto close, his heart pounding.
"Seto?" Came a small whimper. Ryou sat up.
"Mokuba?" He gasped.
"I... I had a nightmare..." Mokuba said, rubbing his eye. "About.... them..... and....."
"Come on..." Seto said outstretching his arms to the youth as he cuddled him to his chest just the same as Ryou and sighed 'no sleep tonight I see...' even if Mokuba hadn't come in he still wouldn't have been able to sleep not only was his lover suffering, his little brother was as well; Mokuba had already been to a therapist and it wasn't helping... he needed to do something but didn't know what could possibly make this all better.
Ryou cuddled up to Mokuba as well, gently petting his hair.
"Seto?" Mokuba said. "Why.... why did they want to hurt Ryou so much? Ryou didn't do anything!"
Seto sat up slightly; he still figured Ryou needed to talk to Mokuba but he still seemed reluctant to do so. "Simply because there are people in this world and will do anything to get their way...or simply get revenge, money...unfortunately mankind is not as civilized as we are lead to believe, those men wanted to hurt you just to do that, hurt you and me out of revenge or for money it doesn't matter...they won't be doing it again." Seto said
"But it doesn't make sense!!" Mokuba whined. Ryou sighed.
"Well... part of it is the fact that a lot of people think that.... two men together is evil and disgusting...." Ryou explained. "And how many men out there were hoping for Seto to marry their daughter?" Mokuba blinked.
"But...I know your relationship is diffrent from what the guys at school call normal...But Marik, Bakura, and Malik all live together and the neighbors have to know what's going on and I'm sure your school knows as well, they might be a whole lot meaner than you and Seto but they were never even verbally messed with as much as us..." Mokuba pouted just not understanding
Ryou smiled. "Marik, Bakura and Malik aren't just mean, they're dangerous. Everyone is afraid of them. I know people talk about them behind their backs, but... well.... They don't exactly live in the real world. They don't care. They.... they don't care what others think of them. They don't even listen to what others say about them, but... I'm not like that....."
"Still...they didn't attack Seto, they attacked us..." Mokuba said slowly.
Ryou smiled and ruffled Mokuba's hair. "that's because NO ONE messes with your brother. They're all too scared of him!" Ryou said, but Seto shook his head; that wasn't the reason.
"They took Ryou because he was in the way; in the way of me being a bachelor and able to marry... they took you because they knew Ryou loved you very very much...as much as I do even." Seto sighed "Some people like old money types want to marry in their own social status and think it's wrong to do otherwise...so they tried to eliminate him, I don't think they would have hurt you or even taken you but apparently the guy they had working for them went off his rocker." Seto said
Ryou nodded. "Yeah... he was nuts, Mokuba.... He was a sadistic bastard who really didn't care about what he was paid to do... he just wanted to see us in pain. He took you so I wouldn't fight him." Ryou explained. "He... didn't hurt you, right? You're not keeping something from me, are you?"
Mokuba looked at him "No, he roughed me up but the Sogon guy wouldn't let him do anything...sexual to me...only the touching you saw happened." Seto hugged Mokuba Ryou had told him about what they did to Mokuba in his presence but still felt like Mokuba wasn't saying something but they both figured he'd tell when he was ready.
Ryou nodded and sighed. "Mokuba... anything else?" He asked, as Seto took his hand, resting them both on Mokuba's stomach.
"Um..." Mokuba bit his lower lip "There was...something else...they..." Mokuba swallowed and Seto and Ryou exchanged worried glances but let Mokuba try to get it out "The tape they sent Seto...they made me watch it...they told me they would do the same thing to me if I didn't cooperate." Mokuba said a few tears escaping his eyes; it was no wonder he was having nightmares
Though Seto hadn't watched the entire tape, he knew how horrible it must have been. Ryou's mouth fell open in horror.
"They... they showed you......." He gasped. Then, he shook his head, got out of the bed and ran from the room, his hands over his face. Mokuba and Seto sat up, calling him.
"I shouldn't have told him that, huh?" Mokuba muttered.
"No that's not it Mokuba...you should have told us, you did very well I want you to stay in here or go to Marik and Bakura alright? I need to go get Ryou and calm him down." Seto said hopping out of bed and running down the hallway calling Ryou's name.
Mokuba frowned it wasn't so much he had to see it...it was more so that no matter what, whether he cooperated or not, they would do it to Ryou again; it was a lose-lose situation and he could do nothing to help himself or Ryou.
"Seto?" Malik grumbled, appearing from one of the guest rooms. "What's going on? I heard a door slam...."
"Um..." Mokuba was standing in front of the door about to knock, he fidgeted slightly before speaking up. "C-can I stay with you guys for a little bit, you see I accidently upset Ryou and now Seto's run off to find him and I just want...I don't wanna be alone right now..." Mokuba fumbled and was surprised to be picked up by Bakura.
"Course you can..." Bakura said soothingly as he brought him to the bed "Wake Marik up will ya?" Bakura said as Mokuba grinned devilishly knowing he was practically the only one who could get away with it.
Mokuba smiled and crawled onto the bed, whining. Bakura and Malik turned to watch, grinning.
"Maaariiiik....." Mokuba whined.
"Hurg......" Marik answered. "Eh? Mokuba?"
"I had a nightmare." Mokuba whimpered. Marik blinked sleepily, then lifted up the covers for Mokuba to crawl in, and Mokuba did so. Marik covered Mokuba and draped an arm over him.
"It's okay... get some sleep...." The yami mumbled, closing his eyes. Malik and Bakura snickered.
Bakura decided to snuggle with Marik feeling a bit awkward to do so to Mokuba, besides Marik refused to wake up for more than two seconds so he simply shrugged if off and soon was drifting off as well, Malik laying down beside Mokuba and petting his hair, soothingly.
Seto ran down the hallway after hearing Ryou in one of the farthest bathrooms sobbing on the cold tile floor.
When Ryou realized he'd been found, he looked for a way to get away, but found no escape, so, pitifully, he dragged himself into the shower and huddled in the corner, crying into his arms, folded on his knees.
Seto's face was filled with pity as he decided not to remove Ryou from his spot but rather join him, and he wrapped his arms around the youth and just sat there until he relaxed
"I'm sorry...I know that was the last thing you needed to hear." Seto said softly.
"It wasn't enough that they did that to me, but they taped it and SENT IT TO YOU!? AND MADE MOKUBA WATCH IT?!?" Ryou screamed, and Seto winced as the echoes in the bathroom made it twice as loud. "Who ELSE has seen it?!"
Seto sighed deeply "Ahmose saw the small part I saw as well..." Seto said as calmly as possibly "No one else." Seto swallowed a bit nervously "Ryou, you can't stay in here it's cold you'll catch cold if you stay here." Seto said.
Ryou shook his head. "I don't care." He mumbled in a low, dead tone.
"I DO." Seto said firmly picking Ryou up despite his struggle Ryou becoming slightly violent with Seto as he almost dropped Ryou so he put him down on the carpet as easily as he could once outside the bathroom. Ryou would have run off again if Seto hadn't caught his wrist "Stop it Ryou! Stop running away from me I'm trying to help you!" Seto yelled.
Ryou continued to squirm and fight, until he let out a high pitched yip, and then he froze and went stiff, eyes closed in pain. "..... oops?" He managed to squeak. Seto blinked. "I... I think I just tore open my stitches....." And he allowed Seto to support him. "I'm sorry, I just.... the most horrible moments of my life were seen by you and Mokuba... Seto, that hurt me so much. I know you could handle it, but.... Mokuba?! How COULD they?!"
Seto sighed and shook his head "I wish I knew...and as crazy as it seems he didn't seem to shaken about it, he allowed me to leave and was plainly reluctant to tell us in the first place but nevertheless I think that reluctance was because of you rather than himself." Seto said as he helped Ryou back tot he room. He called the doctor because if the stitches did tear he couldn't have Ryou bleeding.
Ryou closed his eyes, that were red and swollen, not only from crying, but from his recent lack of sleep. "I.... I miss my mom....." Ryou whimpered suddenly.
Seto frowned now being completely lost, granted he lost both of his parents but he honestly didn't know them all to well. "I'm sorry Ryou...I wish I could help you there but...I can't." He admitted softly.
Ryou sighed. "Seto? Do you remember your mother?"
"A little...I think..." Seto said softly "I know she had hair like Mokuba's, maybe not as unruly but it was long and black like his...I think he keeps it long for the same reason you kept yours long." Seto said softly.
Ryou looked up. "Really?" He said, and Seto nodded. Ryou smiled and laid his head down again, somehow comforted by that idea. "Your brother is wonderful, Seto. And he's brave. Brave enough that he bitched at those guys for not giving him any medical supplies to he could take care of me." Ryou smiled. "He tried so hard to take care of me......"
"He loves you just as much as I do." Seto smiled and the two kissed gently, the doctor's voice breaking up their kiss.
"Now, now...be good until he heals...no point in tearing the stiches." He said
"I called because he...might have.... we need you to take a look." Seto said although Ryou squirmed.
"You gonna be good for me this time?" He asked. Ryou knew him well but nevertheless Ryou had always been insecure about others in such an intimate area.
Ryou bit his lip and wrung his hands, eyes darting nervously back and forth between Seto and the Doctor. Seto gave him a look, and Ryou gulped, but nodded his head.
"Y-Yes....." He said hesitantly.
The doctor smiled "Thank you, you certainly threw a fit last time..." he grumbled when he checked on them last week. The doctor slid off Ryou's pants easily as if it was a cast off thing taking it a good sign that he wasn't bleeding profusly if much at all.
"Well.., bad news is you've ripped one but it only has minimal bleeding and actually the other's can come out so you could let it heal after I place some ointment on it to speed up the process...I can take out the stiches now if you'll let me." He said looking to both Ryou and Seto.
Ryou nodded vigorously from where he had his face stuffed in a pillow in his
embarassment at having some old guy poking at his ass.
The doctor merely rolled his eyes at Ryou's behavior "Fiesty little thing isn't he?" He asked amused
Seto laughed "You have no idea, I just got finnished chasing him down the hall..." Seto said smiling at Ryou who glared.
The doctor was finished in no time "Like I said it's really a very small cut, it should heal before you know it, whatever you guys do can resume immediatly if you wish." he said leaving.
Seto shook his head as he helped Ryou sit up "Does it hurt?" He asked concerned.
"stings....." Ryou said. "No thanks to you. If you had left me alone when I wanted to be alone, this wouldn't have happened!"
"Well they wouldn't even be out if I hadn't found you so we're even." Seto said "Besides you're the one who refused to let him apply the cream and you have yet to do it yourself.
Ryou snorted and turned his back on Seto, hiding under the covers. "If you want that stuff on my butt so bad, YOU put it on."
Seto rolled his eyes "Fine..." Seto said, about to do so but Ryou practically freaked, snatching away the cream
"I didn't mean it!!!" Ryou shouted, chucking the tube across the room. Seto rolled his eyes, noting that it was now 5 am.
"Fine, fine, you act as if I'm the one that has the problem with that area of your body which I assure you I do not." Seto said kissing Ryou's nose "Lets get a couple of hours of sleep at least okay?" Seto said nestling down into the covers
Ryou sighed and nodded, snuggling closer.
"I love you."