Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Forever ❯ My Forever - Chapter 22 ( Chapter 22 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Forever
Bishojo shadow & hato chiisai
Disclaimer: Neither of us own Yugioh.
Chapter 22
Seto and Ryou climbed out of the limo in their tuxes, and entered The Yellow Rose. The host bowed to them.
"Someone is already awaiting you in your private room." He sniffed, and Ryou blinked.
"I thought we were supposed to be here first, Seto." He said. Seto shrugged, and they entered the private room. "DADDY!!" Ryou squealed, leaving Seto's side and running over to his father, who caught him. "I was worried that you couldn't come back in time with that hurricane!!"
"Ryou, I wouldn't miss this for the world. If the plane couldn't have made it, I would have run across the continent and swim to Japan if I had to." And he turned and smiled at Seto, nodding and offering his hand.
Seto smiled shaking his hand as soon as their hug had ended "Nice to see you made it in time." He said, they were a bit more than just early but they were the guests of honor so it was appropriate. Pretty much everyone who was invited was coming to the rehearsal dinner, he wasn't sure if they were all coming to the wedding but nothing could really spoil his mood right now.
At least until there was a crash outside the room, and squabbling. Ryou winced and turned as the doors opened to reveal Marik, Bakura and Yami, all shouting at each other in Egyptian, followed by Yugi and Malik, who looked embarrassed.
Seto shook his head "Please tell me we separated their seats or at least we will..." Seto said walking up to them. "Will you all please shut up? Look free food, go." Seto said with a gesture as Marik and Bakura glared at Yami before walking off. "What was that about anyway?" Seto asked Yami being civil toward the other, at least for tonight.
"Nothing." The Pharaoh muttered, and wandered away. Ryou sighed and shook his head.
"They were picking on him." Malik said. "They tripped him and he fell on a busboy. I'm gonna go talk to them." And he turned and headed over to Marik and Bakura who had found the caviar (Marik was freaking, thinking that it was boogers, and Bakura was now chasing him with a cracker covered with the stuff). The door opened again and in came Ishizu and Rishido, who had probably arrived with the Ishtars, but decided to wait to come in so they wouldn't be seen with them.
"Nice to see you two." Seto smiled "At least your entire family is not insane..." He said a bit under his breath as he went back to Ryou and nuzzled him softly making the said boy blush and laugh. The rest of the guests soon arrived which included Yugi's grandfather, Joey and his sister, Mikado, Ahmose and Otogi, Honda, and to everyone's shock and surprise, Pegasus and his brother, Tenma, and, of course, Mokuba, who was already stuffing his face with appetizers.
Seto took the liberty to invite Pegasus, granted he wasn't the best person on earth but in all honesty he wasn't a really bad person either. His brother Tenma was definitely a new face to everyone, but in the invitation you were allowed to bring one guest so Seto was polite and introduced himself as well as Ryou.
Ryou blinked, having never known that Pegasus had a brother, and nervously tried to apologize to Pegasus for his yami's behavior but really, how can you apologize for your yami ripping out some guy's eye? A fake eye, yes, but still.....
Pegasus laughed slightly at Ryou saying there really was no need for apologizes, after all he did try to take the Ring, the only difference was that Bakura succeeded and Pegasus didn't.
For about an hour or so everyone socialized, afterward taking their seats so the meal could be served and announcements made.
The waiters went around the large table taking orders, and filling glasses with sparkling cider and champagne for those who were old enough. Seto and Ryou sat next to each other at the head of the table, Mokuba beside Seto, and Yaten beside Ryou. Seto was slightly annoyed that Ryou wasn't paying much attention to him, but he also knew that Ryou missed his father, so he said nothing as Ryou had enthusiastic talks with Yaten, mostly about memories of the past, many having to do with Ryou's mother.
Seto actually found the conversation Ryou and Yaten were having benefiting, Ryou didn't speak much of him mother...or father for that matter, it was nice to get a little bit of Ryou's past as he listened.
Seto realized Ryou must have not visited his mother's grave in quite some time, he wasn't sure if it was accidental or on purpose but he guessed it was because of transportation, her being buried in Britain. It was slightly heartbreaking as father and son both wished the mother could be here, he was about to interject the conversation, he wanted Ryou to be happy today, but someone else did it for him. Bakura stood to make a toast to both him and Ryou.
"May the gods smile upon you and wish you the best, as everyone here does." He said with a slight bow glass raised.
Malik grinned and stood. "Ryou and I have been friends for a while. And some of you here don't know how they got together." He looked pointedly at Ryou's father. "Truth be told, it was Mokuba's idea." And everyone looked at the boy who grinned. "And it was genius."
"All Kaiba's are geniuses." Mokuba said, making everyone laugh.
"Last Christmas, Seto go put into a spot. And he needed our help."
"That much of spot?" Pegasus asked, and Seto gave him a look as snickers went around the room.
"He needed to throw a huge Christmas Party and had twelve hours to do it in. Ryou took charge, and through all of us, we made it happen." Malik grinned at Seto.
Seto smiled back at Malik "I have wonderful friends, I couldn't have done it without your involvement, I am still grateful." He said giving Ryou's hand a squeeze.
All those who had been involved with that lifted their glasses, and loudly congratulating themselves. Malik laughed and continued.
"After it was over, we were all dead tired and we collapsed in the living room. Marik had hung mistletoe on the ceiling above the sofa, and Mokuba arranged things so that Ryou and Seto had nowhere to sit but under it. And our dearly exhausted CEO and happily oblivious Ryou sat under it." Marik and Bakura snickered.
"They fell right into our trap." Marik said.
"And that was that." Malik said. "Six seconds later, they were dating. And six months later, they're getting married. Nice job, Mokuba!"
Mokuba beamed proudly in his seat giving both Seto and Ryou a wide smile. "Everyone here but you two was aware that you liked each other." Mokuba said making everyone one in the room laugh softly at the apparent truth of the situation.
Ryou blushed and rubbed the back of his neck as his father laughed along with the others. Then, Yugi stood up. Joey leaned over and whispered to him, and Yugi blushed, then glared. Joey grinned.
"Well?" He asked. Yugi glared and climbed up onto his chair, earning himself several giggles from around the room.
"First off, Ryou and Seto, I think we were all a bit surprised at how well your relationship worked out. You were so alike in some ways. You tended to keep to yourself. And you were so different in other ways. Ryou, you were really shy, and kind, and so concerned for everyone. Seto, you.... weren't." Everyone laughed, and Seto gave Yugi a look. "But since you've been together, you seem like different people! Ryou you're more outgoing, and a bit more forceful, and Seto, you are also a bit more outgoing and you actually seem to care about something other than your company and your brother. Ryou, if it weren't for you, Seto wouldn't have finally come out of his shell." Ryou laughed. "I think you two have been great to each other, and I hope you will continue that. Good luck, and congratulations." And everyone raised their glasses and Yugi sat down again.
Marik stood up next. "You two have gone through some hard times as of late, yet you've stayed together through it all. You protected each other as a family should do and looked out for the greater good of a situation not giving up or giving in. The love you share is stronger than many I have seen, you both need each other more than you'll ever know in one lifetime. May you be together in this life and beyond." He said raising his glass in toast as everyone drank to Seto and Ryou once again.
Ryou quirked an eyebrow, having expected something totally random and bizarre from Marik.
There was a throat clearing and everyone turned and looked at Yami, as he stood, looking a bit nervous.
"Ummm.... first off, I want to apologize for what I did back before your nightmare started...." Seto's eyes twitched. "I had no right to put you two in that position--"
"Damn right!!!" Bakura snapped. Yami glared.
"And I wish you both the best.... here." And he tossed something across the room. Seto caught it and looked down. It was a small tape. "I swiped it from Malik. He told me himself that there were no copies of it."
"YOU TRAITOR!!!" Malik howled, leaping up, but Bakura pulled him back down and gave Marik a look of warning.
"I hope you can spend the rest of your lives in perfect happiness together." Yami said.
Seto smiled giving a small laugh as he shook his head glancing at Ryou who was also laughing softly and Yaten looking curious but simply shrugged deciding it was probably better he didn't ask.
"We'll do our best not to make the same mistake again..." Seto said, figuring in a way they did ask for it, but at least the fiasco was over with for now, plenty of laughs were brought from it at least.
Yaten cleared his throat at that point, and Ryou gulped, looking at Seto nervously.
"Um, I've only known Mr. Kaiba for--"
"Seto." Seto interrupted.
"Um, Seto," Yaten said with a smile. "For a few weeks, and have been out of town for most of that time... as always. But as much as I have been away, I know my son." And he smiled at Ryou. "And it takes a helluva person to catch his eye, much less his heart." Ryou smiled and blushed. "So you must really be something special, Seto, aside from the painfully obvious of being a teenage CEO of one of the largest companies in the world. Honestly, you are the last person I would ever expect to marry Ryou. If someone had told me a year ago that Ryou would be marrying you, I think I would have died laughing. But from all I've seen and heard, you two are perfect for each other. I wish you a very happy future together." And he put his hand on Ryou's shoulder. "And I wish you nothing but happiness, no matter where your life may lead you, Ryou. Mom would have given anything to have seen this... and I know that she's watching you. And is happy for you." And he knelt and hugged his son, tightly. "But Ryou...." And he pulled away and shook a finger under Ryou's nose. "Marrying one of the richest men in the world doesn't mean that you can just lay back and relax in the lap of luxury. I expect to see a college degree from you, young man." Ryou laughed and hugged his father again, as Yaten stood ands raised his glass. "To your happiness."
Glasses were raised and a few more toasts were given, stories and congratulations were exchanged among friends and families until a few guests had started to leave. Seto looked down at Mokuba whom had dozed off in his lap.
"It's getting late..." Seto said softly stroking Mokuba's hair and glancing at Ryou giving him a warm smile. Everything had gone so smoothly, and tomorrow he would be married to Ryou.
Ryou looked down at Mokuba and laughed. "Don't wake him, Seto.... I've got him." And he picked Mokuba up. "I'll take him out to the car. Be right back." And he turned to leave. At a clearing of the throat, Seto turned to face Yami and Ahmose.
He glanced back at Ryou, happy to see Yaten was accompanying him until he turned back to Ahmose and Yami. "Something to say or were you two going to leave?" He asked standing up
"Both." Yami said with a shrug. "Actually, we have a small gift for you."
"It was your idea." Ahmose said.
"But you made them." Yami said.
"At your request." Ahmose replied.
Seto frowned slightly as he looked expectantly at Ahmose and Yami to finish their small debate on credit to whatever the gift was.
Each reached into their pockets and held up a small pendulum, much like the one Ahmose had used to track down Tomo and Ryou. Ahmose held a silver one, and Yami a gold, each on a chain of the same material.
"Here." Yami said, simply.
Seto took the two pendulum's one in each of his palms and looked upon them before glancing back up at Yami and Ahmose. "I hate to sound incredibly ignorant but what exactly are they?" He asked.
Ahmose and Yami smiled. "Just in case something happened to Ryou or Mokuba again." Ahmose said. "They know of these. They had to give a few drops of blood to make them. Should they ever be taken from you again, these will help you find them. The gold will lead you to Ryou. The silver will lead you to Mokuba."
"No one can ever take them and hide them from you again." Yami continued. "Put them in a safe place, Seto. They are NOT to be used if Ryou wants to play hide and seek when you're feeling frisky...." And he and Ahmose both smirked at that.
Seto smiled at the joke. "Thank you both very much, although I hope to never have to use them...thank you." He said as both yami's smiled and went on their way. Ryou came back alone, his father must have already left.
Seto looked around the mess of the empty room as he walked to Ryou hugging him and kissing him gently. "Tomorrow's the day...ready to spend the rest of your life with me?" He said kissing the top of his head.
Ryou smiled and clung to him. "I was ready months ago....." He sighed, as Seto guided him out to the car. "Did Yami and Ahmose give you their gift? I saw them approaching you."
"Yes." he said smiling softly at Ryou "But as I said to them, I hope to never use them." He opened the door for Ryou who slid inside and he followed. Mokuba was asleep on the adjacent seats of the limo as Ryou cuddled next to Seto and they spent the ride in a comfortable silence until arriving back at the mansion.
Seto took the liberty of carrying Mokuba up to his bedroom and tucking him in, he would be a bit grouchy in the morning considering he stayed up later than usual but Seto disregarded it, Marik and Bakura would be the ones putting up with him for a few days anyway.
Ryou was getting undressed for a shower when Seto returned. "He didn't wake up at all, did he?" Ryou said with a smile, pulling off his tie and unbuttoning his shirt.
Seto smiled following suit. "No, he didn't...stayed asleep the whole time." He said running a hand through his hair and joining Ryou in the shower. Ryou's body had pretty much healed you couldn't even tell he had been injured and Seto was thankful for this. He snuggled Ryou in the shower for a minute before actually grabbing some soap and proceeded to give Ryou a full body massage as he washed the pale skin.
Ryou purred throughout the whole thing, and found himself wanting to rub against Seto... but he and Seto had decided to abstain for a while... Ryou smiled to himself.... Until tomorrow. He grabbed the soap from Seto when he felt his chest being washed for a second time and he began to wash Seto, kissing his skin here and there, smiling as he gently worshiped his body.
"I love you..." He murmured, standing to wash Seto's hair.
"love you too." He said bringing Ryou's face to his and kissing him passionately wanting to throw the abstinence vow out the window but managed to pull away as they finished washing one another lovingly before slipping into bed Ryou cuddling up against his side and smiling widely. Seto smiled to nuzzling his face into Ryou's hair, which was still thick and a bit unruly after being blown dry.
Ryou purred and closed his eyes. But a few minutes later, he began shaking. Blinking, Seto sat up and looked down to see tears in Ryou's eyes.
"I.... miss my mom... I wish she could be here tomorrow...."
Seto smiled a bit sadly kissing Ryou's forehead and stroking his cheek. He decided to stay silent and just offer Ryou comfort in his arms rather than words. He feared anything he said would only come off cliche and that's not what he wanted. "Try to get some sleep love...we have a big day tomorrow... I love you." He said gently pressing his forehead against Ryou's hoping that it didn't sound as if he was blowing off Ryou's statement.
Ryou sniffled, but sighed and rolled over, laying on Seto's chest, smiling as he rested his head just above Seto's heart. He wrapped his arms around his waist and closed his eyes, falling to sleep almost immediately.
Seto wrapped his arms around Ryou and he soon joined Ryou's reverie.
Seto was jolted out of his sleep by his bedroom door banging open, and Ryou woke with a jump and scream.
"WAKE UP, WAKE UP!!! TIME TO GET UP, SETO, IT'S A BIG DAY!!!" Screamed Mokuba, launching himself at Seto, and to Seto's shock, Yami and Yugi were right behind him. They tackled him and blindfolded him and dragged him from the room.
Seto managed to pull himself away after they finally let him go in a seperate room. Seto growled tearing off the blindfold. "What in the blue fuck are you idiots doing!?" He bellowed
Yami, Yugi and Mokuba grinned. "It's the day of your wedding!!" Mokuba cried, and Yugi laughed. Yami grinned.
"And according to Yugi, traditions these days say that it is bad luck for you to see Ryou today until the wedding." Yami said.
Seto glared at him but rolled his eyes after a moment and sighed. "My tux is in my room though, where Ryou is." Seto said, shaking his head at the three, a little surprised that they actually managed to drag him from his room into a different one, he just passed it off as he didn't get enough sleep.
Marik poked his head into Ryou's room who had a bit of a bewildered expression on his face probably from seeing Mokuba, Yami, and Yugi drag Seto out of the room.
"What the heck is going on?" He gasped, clutching his chest where his heart was threatening to burst. He collapsed back onto the bed as Bakura came in.
Marik sighed. "Some tradition about not see you before the wedding, don't worry about it." Marik said sitting on the bed and giving Ryou a hug.
Yugi walked into the room grabbed Seto's tux and walked out without a word. Malik soon walked in as well wearing a big smile and carrying his suit.
"You ready for your big day Ryou?" Malik asked sitting on the bed next to him.
Ryou yawned and stretched, muttering. Bakura laughed and ruffled Ryou's hair.
"Come on, up!" Bakura said, jerking the blankets away from Ryou. Ryou yelped; he was buck naked.
"It's not like we haven't seen it before...or that we get tired of it." Marik teased and Malik slapped him upside the head.
"Behave." He said handing him his clothes and giving Bakura his. "Come on Ryou, I'll help you get dressed." Malik offered as he grabbed Ryou's white tux out of the closet and ushered him into the bathroom so they could change without wandering yami eyes.
Ryou smiled and stretched, grabbing the hairbrush and pulling it through his hair. "Thanks Malik." And he smiled at Malik, who was eyeing his ass. "Hey!!
"What?" Malik said slipping out of the clothes he'd obviously thrown together in a spur of the moment and began to change.
"I saw where you were looking....." Ryou growled, and playfully turned on the sink, splashing water at Malik.
"Hey!" Malik said as he nearly got his pants wet "I have to wear this the rest of the day ya know!" Malik said "And unless you wanna look like you got into a wet t-shirt contest I'd start getting dressed." Malik said sticking his tongue out at him
Ryou returned the childish gesture, then began to dress as well. "Geez, these things are so complicated." He muttered, trying to get his white tux in order. "How are you makin out with yours?"
Malik slipped on his vest "So far so good..." Malik starred at Ryou a moment before giving him a big hug. "You look great by the way." Malik said buttoning up Ryou's vest and helping him into his coat and with his bow tie.
Ryou sighed and smiled, then turned and looked in the mirror. And his smile faded. A cloud of depression seemed to settle suddenly.
Malik frowned and looked concerned "Ryou, what's wrong?" Malik asked worried
Ryou slowly reached up and felt his hair, his eyes sparkling with tears. "Why.... why did he have to cut my hair?" Ryou whimpered.
Malik frowned and hugged Ryou. "Ryou... I know how much it meant to you to have your hair long, as a reminder of your mother and everything but...you know she wouldn't want you to be sad today, no one does." Malik said rubbing his back gently "This is supposed to be a happy day Ryou, don't dwell on what has happened in the past.... instead, dwell on the here and now." Malik said.
Ryou smiled and hugged Malik. "Thanks... even though you sometimes pounce me and try to molest me....." And Malik blushed. "You've always been there when it really counted. Thanks Malik."
"Anytime." Malik said as he ran his fingers through Ryou's hair and fluffed it up a bit. "Wait till you see what our Yami's are wearing." Malik said with a wink
"Oh?" Ryou said as he followed Malik out of the bathroom
"TADAAA!!!" Marik and Bakura sang, striking poses. Ryou's eyes widened.
"Where did you two GET those?!" He gasped, staring at the Egyptian robes they wore. Bakura was in Blue and white, and Marik was in yellow and lavender.
"The sorcerer." They said in unison. Ryou's eyes widened; it was quite obvious to the others that he had an idea.
Bakura smiled and hugged Ryou standing back to admire the suit he was wearing "You look really nice Ryou." he said kissing his cheek "Now what are you thinking?" He asked noticing the look Ryou got in his eye.
"NothingBakurayoulookgreatgottagobusydaybye!!" And Ryou flew out of the room. Marik, Malik and Bakura blinked after him.
"What the hell was that all about?" Marik asked, looking at Malik and Bakura.
Malik shrugged "I dunno... I'm just happy the look was directed to you two and not me." He said walking out of the room to follow after Ryou.
Seto glanced at Yami and Ahmose who were wearing Egyptian robes. Seto smiled slightly, Ahmose had explained to him about how the ceremony would go and it sounded perfect. Seto noticed Mokuba struggling with his tie as he knelt in front of him and fixed it for him, Mokuba making a choking sound as he did so.
"Hush." Seto said standing up
"I hate this!!! Can't Ahmose conjure up something like this for me?" Mokuba asked, playing with Yami's crimson robes. Yami, who had been straightening his crown (which he insisted on wearing as a Pharaoh) laughed and ruffled Mokuba's hair.
"Ahmose would be glad to, with your brother's permission." He said, and Ahmose covered his mouth as he snickered slightly.
"One day out of the year you wear a suit, you can stand it I'm sure." Seto said indicating that Mokuba would wear his suit. Mokuba huffed slightly but soon sighed and decided to just deal with it like Seto implied.
Seto stood at the base of the bridge that he had built after Mokuba's suggestion for it. He stood facing Ryou. Their friends had all made a circle around the edge of the little pond. Bakura stood behind him, and on the other side, Ryou stood with Malik. Ahmose stood on the bridge in the very middle in his black and purple robes. He beckoned to Seto and Ryou, who climbed the bridge from either side until they stood facing each other. Seto blinked. Something was.... different. When Ryou turned to look at Ahmose, Seto noticed what it was; Ryou's hair had grown back.
Seto stared for a moment before smiling not able to resist running his hand through his hair. He looked to Ahmose "Your work?" he asked softly.
Ahmose blinked, and shook his head. Seto blinked and Ryou smiled, looking back at Mikado who grinned and winked at Seto. Ahmose cleared his throat, and Ryou and Seto turned to face him.
"We stand before this company, on this day, to witness the joining of Sethos and Ryou." He began, and Seto inwardly sighed and rolled his eyes. What WAS it with Ahmose calling him Sethos?! "Welcome are you, friends and family of this couple. Today, before you and before the Gods, you shall witness a transformation as Sethos and Ryou share vows and become one, in the gaze of Ra." And the Egyptians present briefly turned their faces to the sun.
Yaten smiled, he honestly didn't understand the whole Egyptian magic thing, but seeing Ryou with long hair once again made his heart swell, it was a reminder for both Ryou and himself that his wife and Ryou's mother was always with them. It obviously made Ryou happier as he stood listening to Ahmose's words. Yaten glanced at Seto, he was a bit hesitant toward the teen but after getting to know him he realized to two belonged to each other.
"Good friends, we come here today to witness the joyous celebration of the love between Sethos and Ryou," Ahmose continued. "Supporting them in their decision to be joined as one in the sight of this company and of the Gods.
"Blessed be all who attend this glorious celebration, and blessed be those about to be united in the bonds of love.
"Friends and loved ones, join with me in the celebration of the union between Sethos and Ryou as their lives' paths now merge to become a singular road paved with love."
Bakura smiled at feeling his Hikari's emotions rush through him like a river, there were to many to describe as he took hold of Marik and Malik's hands giving them a tight squeeze as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the sensation that ran through him supplied by Ryou, his own pleasure about the day was already large but with Ryou's emotions along side them it was almost overwhelming.
"We gladly receive this company today, to share the joy as Sethos and Ryou are united in marriage." Ryou smiled at Ahmose's words. His heart was swelling with joy beyond any he had ever known. He savored the moment for now, though he longed for Seto to take him into his strong arms and hold him, and never let him go. But he didn't have to wait long, and so he was patient.
Ahmose looked up and around at the small group assembled. "If there is any here who can show just cause that these people should not be joined into the bonds of marriage, let them speak now, or keep their silence for all time." The only sound heard was the water cascading down the waterfall that the bridge stood over, and the birds in the trees. Ahmose nodded and looked at Seto and Ryou. "You stand before this company and before the Gods, seeking to become one with each other. You have entered into this union with open eyes and full hearts. If either of you, or anyone present here today, know of any reason why these vows should not be made, speak now.
"You are aware of the reality of the vows you are about to speak to one another; of the responsibility that comes when a partnership is created. If there is any reason within your hearts that this ceremony should not continue at this time, I charge you to voice it now, for marriage is based in honesty and trust, and only with those things can you successfully create a partnership." Ryou simply smiled and turned to look at Seto.
Seto smiled and looked at Ryou locking eyes with him. It seemed as if in that moment everything was perfect and everything was right, nothing could spoil the moment as they looked into each other's eyes expressing undying love without words.
Ahmose went on. "I remind you now of your commitment to one another. There will be times of hardship which you must endure, supporting one another with your love and strength and honesty. You stand before me, the Gods, and this company, having desired the bond of marriage. Voice now your love and devotion before the witnesses here today."
"Ryou...When I first met you it seemed as if my world was as crazy as it could be. It wasn't long before I realized that I loved you and wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. Every time I see you it inspires me to be the best man I can be for you and for us. Something I share with you is a lifetime dream that we will be together forever with faithfulness and affection for one another. I have learned from you that I don't have to be perfect to be loved. You gave me the ability to feel like I've never felt before and knowing that I will feel that way for the rest of my life gives me more happiness than I could ever imagine. Our love is unique in a way that most people will never get to experience. I look forward to being with you every morning when I wake up and every night when I go to sleep you will no longer be a dream but also a reality. Take me as your husband and I promise you I will give nothing but companionship, faithfulness but most importantly, an eternity of love."
Ryou smiled the most joyful smile Seto had ever seen and it took a while for him to get himself together, not bothering to wipe the tears from his eyes.
"Seto-- the sound of your name brings light to my heart. The sight of your eyes while you smile brings infinite happiness and joy. The sound of your voice calms my uneasy mind. The touch of your hands brings unfathomable pleasure. I have never thought my love for you would be so outstanding and wonderful. You have changed my life and touched my heart in so many ways, it would take more than my lifetime to tell them all. As I stand before you today, as we are united by our loved ones, as we devote our lives to each other, I make just one promise: to do anything in my power to make you happy the rest of your life, as you have and will do for me. You are the love of my life, the joy in my heart, the peace in my mind, and the breath in my lungs. You are the laughter in my voice, the smile on my face, and the tears in my eyes. Where there has been cold, you have brought warmth; where my life was dark, you have brought light. This day, I devote my life to you, my heart to you, my mind to you and only you. I have thank the Gods every day, since the moment I met you, for the wonderful blessing of you. Whatever lies ahead, good or bad, we will face together. Distance may test us for a time, and time may try us. But if we look to each other first, we will always see a friend. Let us make of our two lives, one life, and let us always honor and respect each other.
Seto Kaiba-- I love you. Forever and always."
Ahmose smiled and turned to the side, looking at Mokuba, who grinned and ran up onto the bridge carrying the little purple cushion on which sat two rings. He held it up and Ryou took one, Seto the other. Ahmose smiled and held out his hands. Seto and Ryou placed their hands in his, and he gently fingered their ring fingers. "There is a reason that the rings go on this finger." He said. "Within this finger is vein amoris.... the love vein. It flows straight to your heart. The ring is a symbol of eternal love that will forever flow through you." Ryou and Seto smiled and Ryou took Seto's hand and held up the ring. Seto stared at it; it was platinum, intricate carvings covering it, with two tiny bands of blue framing the carvings. Ryou turned the ring a bit, and word on the inside caught Seto's eye. Until my forever ends... And Ryou slipped the ring onto his finger. (AN: see the ring!!!! http://graciousrose.com/hand_engraved_blue_cerin.html
Seto smiled softly, the ring felt perfect around his finger as if it was meant to be placed there... and it was. He turned his attention back to Ryou quickly the thought coming and going in an instant. He held up the ring for Ryou to see as well, a platinum band to go along side the engagement ring as he tilted it slightly so Ryou could read his engraving as well. 'Guide me with thy perfect light.' Ryou smiled as he read that engravement and with that Seto slipped the ring onto Ryou's finger.
Ryou looked like he was going to burst into tears, and seeing this, Mokuba pulled the hanky from his front pocket and offered it up. Instead of crying, Ryou laughed and hugged Mokuba, then sent him on his way. Ahmose smiled.
"These rings represent all you have promised to your partner, before this company and the Gods. May you ever be mindful and strive to keep the vows you have spoken." Then, he pulled a white satin ribbon from the folds of his robes, and placed Ryou's hand in Seto's gently binding their hands together. "And so the bond is made." He said.
"Honesty, trust, communication, effort, understanding... all these are the building blocks of a firm marriage, and your solemn responsibility to one another. At this moment you stand at the gateway between your old life and your new. If you, for whatever reason, feel unable to step through that portal at this time, speak now."
The sound of the water was almost deafening in the silence that surrounded Ryou and Seto as they stood upon that bridge, hand's locked together and eyes in a seemingly enternal gaze, the silence was welcomed.
"May the Gods bless this union. May all who encounter it be blessed with love. May your lives be full and your hurts be few. May the Gods sustain and strengthen your bond, bless you and keep you, for as long as love shall last.
By the Gods who chose me upon my birth to hold this sacred position which allows me this sacred power, I do bless this union."
Ahmose then looked out at their friends and family.
"You have witnessed the promises made by Sethos and Ryou one to another, and the exchange of the symbols of their union. They are now connected to experience together whatever life may bring them."
He then looked back to Seto and Ryou.
"You have made your vows, one to the other, before the Gods and this company, and exchanged tokens of your love. By the power of your love, I do pronounce you married. In the binding of yourselves have you created life anew. Step forth, therefore, into that new life, and rejoice in your love." And then, he turned Seto and Ryou to face the small gathering. "I am honored to present to you Seto and Ryou Kaiba."
Everyone cheered, and Ryou's face shone with his joy and tears. Seto glanced at Ahmose, asking permission to kiss Ryou. Ahmose smiled and nodded.
Seto pulled Ryou into his arms and kissed him lovingly and passionately, holding Ryou's body close to his own as Ryou's arms wrapped around his neck. Seto pulled away after a moment to smile at Ryou, who smiled back, equally ecstatic almost to the point of tears.
"I love you." He whispered nuzzling Ryou gently.