Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Forever ❯ My Forever - Chapter 23 ( Chapter 23 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Forever
Bishojo shadow & hato chiisai
Disclaimer: Neither of us own Yugioh.
Chapter 23
Yugi's grandfather got everyone's attention and sent them all up onto the bridge with Ryou, Seto and Ahmose for the wedding pictures. He directed people, and took pictures of different combinations of people for the next twenty pictures. Then the four yamis disappeared, leaving Soguroku to do a family portrait with Seto, Ryou, Mokuba and Yaten, and then different family combinations. Then, everyone headed over to the patio next to the pool for the reception. Ryou and Set trailed after everyone else as they had been instructed.
As they entered the patio through the ivy arch, Ahmose, Yami, Bakura and Marik stood there with incense burners in their hands. Seto was a bit confused as the four began to circle them, chanting in turn. Yaten was also very confused, and Ishizu leaned over to explain to him that it was an Egyptian ceremony of blessing the newly weds. The four yamis then approached them in turn, anointing them with oil and muttering their own individual blessings, and then backed away, smiling, Bakura placing a tender kiss on Ryou's forehead.
Seto smiled back at them, he had been curious about the robes from the beginning but decided it best not to ask questions and just go along with them. It felt somewhat satisfying to have their blessings anyway, their best wishes toward him and Ryou meant more than anything really. They had everyone they ever needed and ever would need, right here in his house. Seto smiled at Ryou hugging him strongly.
"Shall we?" He said gently pulling Ryou close to him as he lead him to the makeshift dance floor.
Ryou blushed, well aware of all the eyes on them as he went with Seto. The DJ fiddled around, and the music started. Ryou smiled as Seto wrapped his arms around him, a soft smile on his lips. The sounds of soft drums came over the speakers, opening the song "True Colors" by Cindy Lauper. Ryou smiled shyly and tried to focus on Seto, and not the fact he and Seto were the center of attention at the moment. Seto began to move slowly, and Ryou just followed, closing his eyes and laying his head on Seto's chest, savoring the moment.
Seto pulled Ryou closer to him relishing in the warmth of their two bodies so close to one another, he wasn't really focusing on the music or all the eyes that were on them at the moment. He didn't care honestly he was with Ryou and nothing else mattered but the man in his arms. He closed his eyes and simply relaxed for the first time in a long time knowing they were both safe and happy. Ryou was everything to Seto and he was the only one he said it was okay for Seto to be his true self; he needed Ryou for he could never be himself without him.
Ryou sniffled and Seto blinked, but smiled when he caught Ryou rubbing his eyes on his tux, and blushing at being unable to hold back a few tears. The song had ended, but neither noticed. This made the others giggle in amusement. But clearings of a throat made them blink and turn. Bakura stood there with a small smile. He nodded to Seto, then looked at Ryou and held out his arms. Ryou smiled, gave Seto a brief hug, and then went to his yami.
"I CALL SETO!!!" Malik and Marik howled in unison, then glared at each other and began to bicker as they made their way to Seto, but by the time they got their, Ishizu had grabbed him to save him from becoming a human tug-of-war rope.
"Thanks" Seto said taking Ishizu's hand and giving both Marik and Malik a smile as they pouted slightly but then danced with each other, all taking partners on the dance floor.
Bakura smiled gently at Ryou "You look beautiful Hikari...I'm happy for you..." He said kissing Ryou's forehead gently as he hugged him equally soft. Bakura could feel every emotion that Ryou felt and he knew Ryou had never been happier in his life. The music went a bit up beat and the dancing became more fun as drinks were passed around and all had a good time.
Malik and Marik ended up playing Rock Paper Scissors for the next dance and Malik won after telling Marik that Rock ripped a hole in paper, and then Malik decided to dance with Ryou, stealing him away from his yami, leaving poor Seto to dance with Marik.
"Hello!" Marik said cheerfully as he seized the worried CEO. "You two look so happy! Where are you going on your honeymoon again? I can never remember!!!" And he gave a brainless smile.
Seto rolled his eyes at Marik, unable to really decipher what to do in the situation, even more so when he was pulled against the other into a dance that was odd to say the least.
Bakura laughed unable to help it, Seto being panicked by a dancing Marik was just hilarious in the yami's mind. Bakura saw Mokuba sitting on a table swinging his feet back at forth just watching everyone else dance.
"Come on kid, I'm sure you can dance." He said taking Mokuba to the dance floor.
Yami smiled, should Bakura ever become a father he would probably be good at it. He saw Mikado and Otogi dancing, Yugi dancing with Joey at the moment. He calmly walked to Ahmose.
"Dance?" He asked simply
Ahmose, who had just taken a drink, choked and spat it out, then coughed. Yami held back a grin.
"W-What?" Ahmose asked, blinking, as if un-sure of what he had heard.
"Dance with me." Yami said, and Ahmose blushed.
"I, I don't dance..."
"Liar. I remember that one time when we were seventeen, and you--"
"THAT WAS DIFFERENT!!! Your LIFE was at stake!!! I had to, well... I'm not getting out of this, am I?"
"No." Yami said, and Ahmose sighed.
"I thought as much."
"Ahmose. Come." Yami said, and walked out onto the dance floor, Ahmose shuffling behind. Mikado and Otogi snickered at Ahmose's obvious discomfort on the dance floor. In the mean time, Malik was grinning at Ryou.
"I can't believe it!! You're finally married!!!" He said, and Ryou smiled.
"Is it really that surprising, Malik?"
"Well, granted we thought you'd get married someday but it being Seto was a bit of a surprise...at least to me." Malik grinned "We are all happy for you, more than you'll know." Malik gave Ryou a squeeze. "Sooo...what do you have planned for the honeymoon?" He asked mischievously
Ryou made a face. "A VERY long plane ride to New York City. Seto has a room for us in the Plaza." He said, and Malik gave a low whistle, impressed.
"VERY nice Ryou. Wow. Remind me to marry a rich guy."
"You're gonna marry Marik and Bakura."
"Oh yeah!!!"
"You're such a blonde."
"Oh, bite me, Ryou." Malik teased, and then the song ended. Malik reached into his pocket, and pressed a twenty-dollar bill into Ryou's hand. Ryou blinked. "It's an American thing. The Dollar Dance. You give the bride some cash and dance with her. But I thought you could use a bit more... oh wait. Never mind. I forgot who you married."
"MALIK!!!" Ryou laughed as Malik ran off, and Yugi pounced, also giving Ryou a bill.
"My turn!!" He squealed, and Ryou laughed.
Seto managed to get away from Marik and stole Mokuba away from Bakura who was soon taken by Marik anyway so it wasn't a big deal. "Did you get the necklace?" Seto asked
Mokuba grinned big. "Got it right here, Seto." He said, and pat his pocket, then froze, his grin fading. "Ummm... at least... I THOUGHT it was right here..." And he began searching his pockets, Seto staring at him, horrified.
"...MOKUBA..." He whispered in a harsh tone "If you are joking this isn't funny." He said praying he wouldn't have to ring Mokuba's neck.
"I think it is." He said, showing Seto the necklace that had been in the first pocket the whole time. He let out a mischievous giggle.
"Gods, I love this kid." Marik said, ruffling Mokuba's hair as he and Bakura danced by.
"I swear Mokuba..." Seto said hugging him strongly and kissing him on the cheek affectionately. He took the necklace and Mokuba's hand as they stopped the DJ for a second. He smiled at Mokuba.
"Ryou...me and Mokuba have something to give you." He said gently as Ryou let go of Yugi for a moment to go to Seto.
Ryou blinked. "You do? Ummm.... should I be worried?" He asked playfully, and Mokuba grinned, while Seto gave him a look.
"Yes Ryou." Mokuba said. "Be afraid. Be VERY afraid."
"I LOVE THAT KID!!!" Marik laughed, and Bakura, Yami and Ahmose shushed him.
Seto thumped Mokuba on the head. He was having second thoughts about leaving him with Marik and Bakura for the week but decided the damage was already done.
"You are a part of my family now, me and Mokuba wanted to give you something to show you how much you mean to us." He said holding out the necklace to Ryou.
Ryou's eyes widened as he took the locket that was identical to the lockets Seto and Mokuba wore, mimicking a Duel Monsters card. He opened it. On one side was a picture of Seto. On the other side was a picture of Mokuba. Seto and Mokuba smiled and opened their own lockets. Each had a picture of the other in it, and newly added, each now had a picture of Ryou as well. Ryou grinned as his eyes filled with tears. He dropped to his knees and flung his arms around Mokuba with a joyful sob.
"Oh gods.... you two have no idea how much this means to me...." He whimpered, and Seto grinned, hanging the card locket around Ryou's neck. Ryou then stood and hugged him, his face glowing in his happiness.
Seto smiled as he hugged him close to his body. Ryou was family; the locket was almost like a tradition, a reminder that they would never be alone, for they had each other. Mokuba hugged Seto's side as he wrapped an arm around the youth giving him a tight squeeze. The three broke apart Seto grinning softly at Ryou who was still looking at the locket a somewhat awed expression to it.
For a moment Seto thought he would cry but he pulled him back to the dance floor, he knew Ryou's tears would have been happy one, but they didn't suit his face...Seto never wanted to see him cry again.
There was more dancing with numerous partners (everyone kept up what Malik had started and gave Ryou some cash) and eventually, Ryou had been partnered with nearly everyone there, including Mokuba and Ishizu, and even Yami, though Seto had intervened when Marik decided to take Ryou for a spin in his own original version of the tango.
At last, Seto and Ryou led the way to the lunch tables where everyone sat down to eat the calamari (which for some reason Yami believed was Seto's attempt to kill him) and boiled lobster.
After Yami had been convinced that Calamari was an actual food and not something Seto had arranged to kill him, things got quiet and peaceful. But of course, that never lasted long.
"Hey, Dr. Bakura?" Mokuba said, and Yaten looked up, finding his new son-in-law much to his liking.
"I think that as Ryou's family, me and Seto should get to hear some stories about him!!"
"Yeah! Got any embarrassing stories about Ryou?" Mokuba asked. Seto choked and Ryou froze, eyes wide. He had a bad feeling that the incident of his raiding his mother's wardrobe at age five would be coming up...
Yaten laughed slightly, part of him wanting to spare Ryou the embarrassment but the rest of the guests' eyes and ears wanting him to continue. He shook his head slightly but couldn't help but embarrass Ryou just a little bit.
"When Ryou was five, he and his sister raided their mothers wardrobe playing dress up, or some sort of nonsense." He paused for a moment reflecting "I'll never forget getting off from work to see my wife trying desperately to wash off the makeup on Ryou's face from the little incident, the lipstick had stained his lips red for the next few days and everyone thought he was Amane, or that I had twin daughters...I had a hell of a time explaining it to people." Yaten said recalling how he and his sister would often play dress-up but he would at least let the others believe that, that was the only incident with gender bending.
Ryou turned red and let his face fall into his hands as Seto shook with concealed laughter beside him.
"Why, hikari no Bakura, no WONDER you didn't mind wearing that skirt at the party..." Marik teased, and Yaten blinked over at his son, who was turning redder. Bakura snorted, trying to hold back his own laughter.
"Did Ryou ever wet the bed?"
"MOKUBA!!!" Ryou howled.
"No, he never had that problem." Yaten said laughing wanting to ask about the skirt incident at the party but let it pass. "He grew up too fast." Yaten said a hint of nostalgic in his voice.
"Nice to know SOMEONE in the family never wet the bed." Mokuba said, and Seto dropped his glass, spewing the sparkling cider all over the table. Marik, Bakura, Malik, Joey and Yami all fell out of their chairs laughing; the rest managed to stay in their seats.
Seto choked for a moment before glaring at Mokuba, he really had nothing on the youth so he simply shook his head and began to scheme a way to get back at him. He shot Mokuba the 'I'll get you later' look before turning back to Ryou snuggling him who snuggled back.
"I always thought you looked good in a skirt." He whispered softly in Ryou's ear, who punched him playfully in the arm.
"So, Dr. Bakura, did Ryou ever--"
"Time for cake!" Ryou gasped, quickly, effectively distracting everyone. Everyone got up from the table and headed over to a small table next to the pool where two small cakes sat, a chocolate one with chocolate covered strawberries on it, and a white one with red rose petals and cherries on it. Going by tradition (with Ryou playing the bride's role, of course) Ryou cut the white cake, and Seto the chocolate one, playfully stuffing a strawberry into Ryou's mouth when Ryou turned to say something. Mokuba wedged his way to the front of the line and got cake from both cakes, and followed Ryou and Seto back to the table, Seto snickering at Ryou who was having trouble chewing the large strawberry.
They enjoyed cake, and then Mokuba disappeared, only to reappear in his swimming trunks and go flying into the pool in a cannon ball. There was more dancing, and then, a honking from the front of the house. Suddenly, Ryou and Seto found themselves alone with Dr. Bakura, the rest of the gang had run out front to see the limo.... despite the fact that they ALWAYS saw limo's around Seto. Yaten smiled at Ryou, who smiled back, and hugged his father.
"Have fun on your trip, Ryou." He said, and Ryou smiled and nodded. "I don't know when I'll be seeing you again, so...." Ryou nodded.
"I understand dad... And I'll see Bakura move out and Seto will help me sell the house, okay?" Yaten nodded.
"Okay. Thank you, Seto." And he and Seto shook hands. "You enjoy yourself as well. And I expect you to pamper my son."
"I hope to see him gain some weight."
"DAAAAD!!!" Ryou whined. Seto simply grinned.
"We'll see...." He said, and Yaten nodded, and then accompanied them out front where they were immediately bombarded with everyone shouting at them, telling them good luck and tossing rose petals up into the air. Ryou was blushing and Seto was grinning like an idiot. Ryou blinked when he was hit in the head with several things that didn't feel like rose petals. Curious, he caught one, but he was dragged into the car before he could see what it was. The window rolled down and he and Seto hung out of it, waving at their friends and family as the car drove away, Mokuba's yell following them.
"You'll be in a hotel, Ryou, don't scream too loud!!! Okay everyone!! SWIM PARTY!!!!" Ryou and Seto sat back into the car.
"I suppose it was too much to ask for us to go without your brother saying something like that, eh?" Ryou said, and Seto simply rolled his eyes. Ryou then looked down at what he was holding in his hand. He turned red, then burst into laughter.
"Did, did you see what Malik and Marik were throwing?!" He laughed, and Seto blinked.
"No...." He said, and Ryou slapped the thing into his hand. Seto looked down at the condom in his palm, as Ryou continued to laugh hysterically.
Seto shook his head at the condom, dropping it to the floor and he pulled Ryou into his lap and kissed him, it would be a little while till they arrived at the airport and he wanted some of Ryou's undivided attention.
"I'm feeling neglected." he said playfully nibbling on Ryou's ear and down his neck and he removed Ryou's jacket and worked on the buttons of his shirt.
Ryou giggled and nuzzled Seto, then turned, diving for his grape soda. "Want anything?" He called, his head in the refrigerator.
Seto frowned "I was currently helping myself until you dove away." Seto said as Ryou smiled at his straightening himself up in Seto's lap. Seto sighed and resigned to just snuggling with Ryou for the moment, it was enough at least until they arrived.
Ryou grinned. "We wait for now Seto. Wait until we get to the hotel. Then....." He grinned evilly and squirmed, grinding his backside against Seto's groin. "You can have your way with me." And he kissed him on the nose and popped open his soda, slurping it.
Seto sat back in the plane as he took a deep breath, thnakfully they were landing soon. Ryou was asleep his head resting in Seto's lap, he was exhausted which was easy to understand they had an eventful day and plane rides were not excactly the most exciting. He felt slightly bad for doing it but he gently shook Ryou awake.
"We'll be landing soon Ryou, you need to sit up for a bit okay?" Seto said as the seatbelt light came on.
Ryou mumbled and blinked his eyes open, but Seto could easily tell that Ryou was NOT awake. He said something that sounded like "weasel wet", that Seto finally decided had actually been "are we there yet?"
Seto smiled slightly "Not quite, we will be soon though." He said simply as he managed to get Ryou to sit up long enough for the plane to land until he ushered him out of the plane and into an awiting limo. Ryou basically fell asleep right on the backseat as Seto shook his head at him silently. He told the driver where to go, hoping Ryou wouldn't be upset about his decision.
Ryou yawned, cuddling closer against Seto, one hand clutching the Card Locket that Seto and Mokuba had given him, and he gave a tiny coo as Seto ran his fingers through his hair. "luff oo." He mumbled, obviously meaning "love you."
"Love you too." Seto said gently nuzzling Ryou but stopped doing so seeing it was only relaxing the teen more which would put him right back to sleep. "Aren't you even curious as to where we are?" Seto asked hoping to bring Ryou out of his revirie.
"Nooyrk......." Was Ryou's answer. Seto sighed.
"No, not New York." He said. Ryou blinked blurry eyes open.
"Yes, Ryou. We had a plane change. We're between planes right now, we have three hours to kill."
"Wawedo?" Ryou mumbled, curling up under the tails of Seto's trench coat.
Despite how adorable Ryou was being Seto wanted him to wake up a little, he wanted it to be somewhat of a surprise. "Look outside your window love." Seto siad hoping he would recognize his surroundings even in his sleep dazed mind.
Ryou blinked. "Donwanna......." He mumbled, and yawned cutely. He blinked a moment, then crawled over Seto's lap to get to the refrigerator. He poked his head in.
"Setooooooo!!!!!" He whined. "There's no grape soda!!!"
"If thats all it took to get your attention I would have pointed it out sooner..." He half grumbled "And this isn't my limo Ryou, it's just a rental." He said looking out the window.
Ryou sat up, pouting. "Can we pull over to..... get...... some........" Ryou trailed off as he looked out the window. His eyes got bigger, and bigger and bigger. "S-Seto.... Is that.... is that the Palace of Westminster?!" He gasped, completely floored. "IT IS!!! SETO!!! HOW DID WE END UP IN LONDON?! I THOUGHT WE WERE GOING TO NEW YORK!?"
"We are, like i said we are switching planes, it happens to be here that the switch takes place...not to mention i thought it would do you good to see your old home." Seto paused a moment to see Ryou's face light up slightly "And if you want..." He hesitated slightly not to sure how to approach the subject "We could visit your mother." He added softly he would only do so if Ryou wanted.
Ryou stiffened slightly, then slowly tore his gaze from the sight of London and fixed it on Seto. Seto couldn't quite place the look on Ryou's face. His eyes were wide and he looked near tears.... tears of joy or sorrow Seto could not know. He looked like he wanted to scream and laugh at the same time, and he had a look of confusion and clarity all at once. It was nothing Seto had ever seen on Ryou's face.
"I.... I would... like that." Ryou said softly, then slowly turned and looked back out the window at Big Ben.
"We don't have to, we could spend our time somewhere else if you would rather." Seto said not sure if Ryou really wanted this or not, his face had to many mixed emotions all at once and he didn't want to reawaken anything in Ryou that the youth didn't want.
Ryou looked at him again, then slid across the car and into Seto;s lap. "I want to.... it's been... so long, Seto... I want to." And he turned and moved over to the window that separated them from the driver. He rolled it down and spoke to the man softly, then returned to Seto's side. A few minutes later, the limo pulled over. "Be right back." Ryou said, and got out of the car, the driver accompanying him into the small florists. They emerged a moment later, Ryou with a large bouquet of white roses and lillies, and climbed back into the car. And the car began to move again. "Seto.. when we get there, could you give me a few minutes alone with her?"
Seto nodded "Of course." He said softly admiring the flowers. Seto had only seen pictures of Ryou's mother but he looked like her, the resemblance was almost uncanny, almost as much as Mokuba looked like their mother, he wondered for a moment if it was a wise decision to bring him here, granted Ryou had reassured him and he was now sitting contently across form him. Seto pulled Ryou back into his lap and kissed him gently on the cheek nuzzling him affectionatly.
Ryou smiled. "this means alot to me, Seto... I.... can never thank you enough for this." He whispered, nuzzling Seto's ear. When the car stopped, Ryou smiled and moved away, getting out of the car and walking through the old gates that screeched on their hinges. It was a bit foggy out, and after a bit, he disappeared into the fog. Seto waited silently. Five minutes...... Ten....... Fifteen.... Seto finally got out of the car and went to find Ryou. The cemetary was huge, and many of the graves were hundreds of years old. Seto looked around, wondering where Ryou went; he couldn't see in the fog. He looked down at the gravel path that was raked every day. And right now, there was only one trail of foot steps. He followed this trail for a while until the steps moved off of the path. Seto walked in the direction that the steps had been heading. A few seconds later, he heard sniffling, and soft murmurs. He moved around a large tree and finally spotted Ryou near an old fountain. The flowers lay on a grave, and Ryou sat at the base of the tomb stone, resting his head on it, fingers lightly tracing the carvings in the granite face.
Reiko Akari Bakura
Loving Wife and Mother
It was heart breaking to see Ryou in such a state as he took a deep breath and walked up behind Ryou placing a gentle hand on his shoulder not really sure what to say if anything at all.
Ryou smiled and covered his hand with his own. He was quiet for a moment, then started talking quietly again, this time, his fingers tracing over the word 'Mother'. He pulled gently on Seto's hand, and Seto sat down beside him. Ryou smile lightly at him, growing silent once again, twin trails making their way down his cheeks.
Seto pulled Ryou to his chest and cradled him gently. He kissed his cheek equally soft hoping that Ryou would not stay so silent for too long. The silence was somewhat eerie not to mention Ryou was usually very talkative so the silence was unnerving in the least.
Ryou smiled at Seto and held his hand. "I miss her...." He whispered.
"I know you do." Seto kissed his neck gently "Thats why we stopped here, I'm sure she misses you too." Seto said watching Ryou's fingers gently trace the word 'Mother'.
Ryou's smile faded and the tears began to fall even more. Ryou's lower lip trembled, and he finally broke down, sobbing against the granite memorial, moving closer and clinging to it with all his strength.
Seto sighed as he moved behind Ryou rubbing his back soothingly "...Ryou..." He cooed gently into his ear and continued to rub his back reassuringly as he cooed gently into his ear, hoping to ease a little bit of the pain Ryou was in, granted Ryou said he was happy to visit his mother again but it would definatly bring up some unpleasant memories as well.
Ryou shook his head, trying to get his sobs under contol. "It's n-n-not fair!!!" He managed to get out. "Why?! Why did she have to d-d-d-ie?!" He screamed, beginning to rock himself against the stone, as if expecting it to suddenly become the body it served to comemorate and embrace him.
Seto hugged Ryou around his waist and rocked him gently. Ryou rarely even spoke of his mother much less spoke of her death. Also Seto knew that cliche syaings would do Ryou no good now, he was past that phase where they offered comfort, they would seem like a slap in the face now. "Ryou...I'm sorry that you lost her, I'm sorry she is gone and that no matter what you will always miss her. However, you will always love her and she will always love you, just as I do...love is what keeps us going your love for her will keep her going as well."
Ryou turned away from the cold stone and cuddled into Seto's wamr chest and cried himself out there, getting Seto quite wet in the process. Ryou turned and looked at the tomb stone.
"I love you mommy....." He managed to say, sounding like a very small child. "And I... I promise... Seto will take care of me......" He sniffled loudly, then hid his face in Seto's chest again, wrapping his arms around his neck. "I'm ready to go....." He whispered, so softly that Seto almost didn't hear it.
Seto kissed Ryou on the cheek gently as he stood "Are you sure?" He asked as he helped Ryou to his feet.
Ryou sniffled and nodded. "We... we have to get back, anyway." He said softly, his voice thick with tears. And he slowly began plodding back the way he came, staring blankly at the ground as he went.
Seto took one last look at the tombstone reaching into his coat and pulling out a red rose. He lay it down at the base of the tombstone next to Ryou's bouquet, then left whispering a small 'thank-you' to the woman who brought Ryou into this world before taking Ryou's hand firmly in his own. "Are you going to be all right?" He asked unsurely.
"....... I'll be okay." Ryou said, softly. They slowly made their way back to the car. Ryou climbed in first, and sat silently as the car drove away, staring out the window, sniffling every now and then. Suddenly, to Seto's shock, he grabbed a nearby bottle of Scotch, pulled the plug out of the jar and tipped his head back, drinking the stuff.
"Hey now..." Seto said gently but firmly, taking to bottle from Ryou and cupping his face in his hands. "Don't be like like that, I know you're upset but you won't find any solution in the bottom of that bottle...trust me I've looked." He gave Ryou a gentle smile.
Ryou gasped, letting Seto take it from him. Ryou, for the second time that day, made a face that Seto had NEVER seen him make before. He shuddered violently, and rolled his tongue out of his mouth, gagging. "Oh!! OH!!! Th-that is HORRIBLE!!! OH!!!"
Seto couldn't help but laugh slightly "Also it's expensive..." Seto said glancing at the aged Scotch "Serves you right." he said putting it back in the mini bar. He kissed Ryou, letting his tounge slip inside his mouth tasting the liquor that still lingered there before pulling away, he had a fondness for Scotch himself but apparently Ryou didn't nor would he ever.
"You can afford it." Ryou mumbled, then shuddered again, and making faces like a house cat that has just tasted something VERY nasty. Ryou turned and huddled on the seat, looking out the window as rain began to fall.
"Not the point." Seto said pulling Ryou into his lap
Ryou sighed and relaxed against Seto. Then, he let out a hicup. His eyes widened and he slapped a hand over his mouth.
Seto laughed slightly "I figured you were a bit of a lightweight Ryou but not by that much." He said shaking his head
Ryou pouted and cuddled up to Seto, resting his head on his shoulder. "........ I don't drink. You know that. I'm under age..."
"Like I said, I figured." He nuzzled Ryou gently "I just hope you don't end up with a hangover or something." Seto said as the car stopped and they were at the sirport. "Come love, we have a honeymoon to get too." He said kissing Ryou's nose.
Ryou smiled slightly, then gasped. "What if security smells the stuff on my breath?!" He cried, and as Seto opened his mouth to answer, Ryou's stomach growled, loudly. Ryou stared at Seto and blushed, then hiccupped again, blushing darker.
"We're not riding with any other passengers this time around, we'll have the plane to ourselves Ryou so don't worry." Seto said as he pulled Ryou to his feet and they walked to the plane which was more like a jet, the inside looked like a mini hotel room.
Ryou stared at the place. "I thought we were gonna wait til we got to New York to... Consumate the marriage?" He said, wandering over to the refrigerator, mumbling something about getting something to eat to soak up the alchohol. "GRAPE SODA!!!!!"