Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Heart In Your Hands ❯ It Begins ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Karasea: Well, here's a Joey Fic for ya, written for lack of anything else for me to do. Just so ya know, Kais my Best IRL friend! ^-^

Kaisian: Rape later on. Why the hell did you write that?

Karasea: Sugar…

Kaisian: Ah

Kaisian: >[ oh and yugioh's not Kara's.

Karasea: Please R/R, read the endnotes as well… Flame me and if I think you should be nicer I'll char-grill you… Anyways, On with the Fic!

Joey's point of view**************** Warning rape scene later!

He's gone! I start to get up from the floor but wince from the pain that flows throughout my sore body, but especially in my thighs and lower regions. I walk out of the bathroom, supporting myself on the door and walls wherever I can and manage to get down the stairs without too much difficulty.

I listen cautiously for any movement. Nothing. Ignoring the pain I quickly go to the other end of the room to grab my jacket before running out of the door and out onto the dark street.

I pick up my pace and start to sprint lightly, not caring where I go as long as it's away.

Soon I start to reach an area that I deem far enough to rest. For now. He'll come looking for me eventually… then the whole damn thing will start over again. I give a dry chuckle before settling on a bench under some huge oak trees and getting lost in my memories.

*******Flashback (I've never done this before, rape scene here)

As soon as I heard the door slam shut I knew I was in trouble. Scrambling up I grabbed my homework and hid it under the Sofa before backing quickly into the corner, hoping to be overlooked. No such luck for me though. That was the first place he checked.

I could smell the stale alcohol on his breath. I couldn't think clearly at all.

He smirked, and before I could react I was sent sprawling to the ground several feet away by his booted foot. He jerked me up by the hair and threw me into the wall by the door.

Holding me up by the throat he lent in close before whispering huskily into my ear. I closed my eyes

"I've had a bad day, SON." He sneered, tightening his grip until I was sure it would bruise. "So why don't we just be a good boy today and not make a fuss."

It wasn't a question. It was a statement, a command. Even then I shook my head slightly,

I almost choked, but I got my answer out anyway, "Never! You sick son of a bitch. I'm not just gonna lye down and-" I was cut off by a punch in the face. I was surprised to say the least. My nose had broken on impact and was gushing with blood, my senses were spinning and I could hardly see. But this was only the beginning.

Taking advantage of my inability to think coherently he picked me and tossed me up the stairs, grinning madly. He dragged me over to one of the rooms and I tensed immediately. It was his bedroom. He was going to rape me!

Before I could think to struggle I was slung onto the concrete wall just above the headboard, Stunning me again.

Even though he was drunk my `father' was incredibly quick and strong. As soon as my body hit the pillow he was on me again. Grabbing my wrists tightly he tied them securely to the headboard, immediately they started rubbing my wrists raw, having some kind of wire threaded into them.

In a matter of seconds I was stripped bare. My skin slightly pink, marred with livid purple bruises and angry gashes was on display to the monster looming over me.

He straddled my hips, now totally naked as well. Leaning into me he bit my shoulder making me gasp in pain. I squirmed, trying to get free but stopped when he moaned loudly.

"Oh Yesss! Keep doing that, my pet!" He glared at me upon realizing that I wasn't moving anymore and then raised his had to slap me hard across the face. He chuckled nastily, "Oh well. I'll punish you more for that later, boy."

He trailed sloppy kisses along my collarbone before moving down. I gave a sharp, painful cry when he twisted a nipple harshly before biting down on it. He gave the other similar treatment, scratching me deeply with his nails and backhanding me around the face now and again. I was soon writhing in pain and humiliation both, but I wasn't going to beg or plead. I begged to nobody especially HIM!

When he shifted his weight I froze. This brought a smirk to his face. * Please don't do this. Please don't do this, pleas-* my inner Pleas for help were cut off abruptly when he shoved a finger into me.

I screamed, not caring about looking strong anymore. I started to struggle again even if though I knew there was no use in that.

Another finger was plunged in mercilessly and I arched away from the unwanted intrusion.

"Having fun yet?" He drawled in my ear, making me flinch. He laughed coldly, "I thought as much. But you should get used to it soon."

I wasn't paying attention anymore though. I was willing myself not to think of anything at all. To fade into the nothingness of being unconscious.

I screamed again when the fingers were removed quickly, covered in sticky red blood. My blood. I realized with a shiver.

He was smirking again. I shivered, chilled to the bone.

He looks down at me and nips my ear. I jerk my head away from him but he grabs it and holds on as his mouth moves to mine. He bit down hard on my lip and I opened my mouth to cry out, giving him the entry he had wanted. He deepened the kiss, exploring my mouth and making me gag. I would have bitten him if I could move my jaw but his hand prevented that.

He released my mouth and I turned my head away. He gave another low chuckle and shifted again. Before I knew what was going on he had thrown himself deep into me. I screamed and thrashed but was quickly pinned down by bulky his hands and legs.

He thrust into me relentlessly, using my own blood as a lubricant, Moaning and panting. He sped up and I continued to scream. Tears poured down my face and mingled with the blood making the cuts sting even more.

His paced quickened and he gasped suddenly, cumming into me violently. He yanked himself out of my body roughly, making me scream again. He dressed and cut the rope holding my wrists, letting me fall limply onto the bloodstained sheets, before leaving the room.

I heard the front door slam and the room shook slightly. Getting up, I rolled off the bed. I Allowed myself to fall but caught myself weakly.

I crawled to the bathroom to clean myself up as best I could. When I completed task one I set about putting my clothes back on. Gasping in pain when the material rubbed against the now bandaged wounds.

I sighed heavily and leaned against the side of the bath. That was the third time that week, and It seemed to be getting worse and worse.

***********End flashback************

I had been laying down on the bench while I went through the memory in my head, unable to stop myself. A movement from the corner startles me from my thoughts and I flinch, sitting up shrinking away.

The figure sits down slowly, still in the shadows. I'm getting more nervous by the second.

"Wh- who?" I manage to stutter out, Breathing hard and tensing even more.

The stranger shifts himself and moves closer to the lights of the park lamp near the bench.

Karasea: I cannot believe I wrote that… Joey… raped… father… cliffhanger? =}

Karasea: Not telling. Besides, I want the people to decide. Please review this fic… If you don't I WILL NOT continue it. I need more than 3 reviews