Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Heart In Your Hands ❯ Explanations Part 2 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kais: disclaimers are boring… Karasea owns Yugioh NOT! But she will someday… apparently

Kara: warning= this is a very strange chapter, going from angst to fluff to angst then back to fluff, repeat as follows.

**********chapter 4

"Sir I've found him!" Boy, do I want to hit something? Answer? Hell yeah!

A second later I hear the door smash open and a lanky, ginger haired officer enters the room quickly and looks around. He nods to his partner before turning back to Malik and I.

"Did you know that kidnap is a criminal offence, boy?" He growls.

"This isn't kidnap, baka!" I yell before Malik can even open his mouth. He's angry, I can tell that much.

Malik's eyes suddenly go glazed briefly. He must be talking to Marik. Why though?

The officer blinks "Nonsense boy! You're delusional, and no wonder! By the looks of it, this little whelp has given you quite a beating!"

I feel my anger flare at the statement -how dare he?-I hiss to myself mentally, -he has no idea!-.

But my anger is nothing on Malik's. His eyes are narrowed and he's gripping his Sennen item tightly, looking ready to kill. When he finally talks his voice is calm, but venom is easily detected,

"He wasn't kidnapped, fool," He hisses at the two now stunned police officers before him, "I found him at the park."

The women is the first to recover, tossing her hair back, "It was reported to us that she was kidnapped!" The baka women says, thin lipped, "By his father no less!"

I snarl quietly, "Tell my father to go to hell," I glance at Malik and find him looking pleased, a smirk on his lovely lips… -stay on track! - I mentally berate myself. "I'm staying right here." - See if you can stop me-

The man looks doubtful, "Why?" He asks, rather lamely I might add.

"Because Malik-kun is the one who found me!" Malik blinks at me in surprise. Then he grins at me. Well it's more like a fierce kind of smirk. Ha! This should prove… entertaining. Yeah!

"Mine!" He whispers possessively in my ear. His version of a love confession. Psychopath!

He turns back to the stunned police and calmly tells them to leave. Like the baka's they are… they refuse.

"We won't leave until Mr. Wheeler agrees to come with us. This is a serious offence, we have told you this already! You are already in danger of a prison sentence!" The man says in what was probably supposed to be a commanding voice. Heh. It isn't.

"I'm. Not. Going. Back!" I grate out, angrily, "Can't you get that through your thick heads."

"It's the law." The woman demands. I notice that Malik's arm has moved to curl around his rod, -that just sounds wrong- I think to myself in amusement, I then notice I'm blushing, -shite-.

Malik smirks, "I couldn't care less." He purrs dangerously, he pulls the Millennium rod out of his belt.

The two idiots freeze for a moment before walking jerkily out of the door, down the hallway on to the road and throwing themselves through the front window of their car. They proceed to drive away, singing `do you know the muffin man?'.

I burst out laughing, leaning against Malik as we sink down to the floor in hysterics,

"That was easy enough! Oh and Malik?"

"Yeah?" He asks, turning towards me, head cocked to one side slightly.

"Where are they going?" I ask, slightly worried.

I have an inkling, and me having an inkling is never good… unless it's about food. Hmm foods good! I'm cut off by Malik's laughter though,

"I sent them to your father to deliver a message." I freeze. Staring at Malik, horror struck… My father would know where I am, he'd kill me!

I grasp Malik's arm tightly, "Malik. Please tell me that's not true! You didn't do that! Did you?" I whimper pathetically, before cringing, my old reflexes kick in.

-How stupid am I?- I yell at myself mentally, letting go of Malik and backing into a corner -He's going to hit me now-

I cringe again when Malik gets up. I must be having a relapse. I don't know why, I can't help it either, it's just that my father…

He walks over and crouches next to me.

I flinch when he takes me into a gentle embrace before laying me on my stomach on the warm blue carpet floor. My mind races -he wouldn't- I cringe again -Of course he would, baka! This is Malik Ishtar we are talking about!-

I struggle uselessly for a while but Malik is a lot stronger than me. He pins me effortlessly, being surprisingly gentle.

"You know I won't hurt you," He whispers, bending down so he could reach my ear, "Just relax." He says this so soothingly that after a moment I do relax, my shoulders slumping and my limbs going limp in the other boys arms.

I can almost feel Malik's smile as ran his hand over my shoulder and kneaded my back gently, making me purr lightly.

He continues the massage, carefully avoiding any of my many wounds and seeming to instinctively to know where I was tense. His hands guided by my purring and shifting.

He knows I'm enjoying this. That's why he's doing it, I guess. But there are other reasons… He's gained some of my trust quicker than anybody other than Yami or even Yugi did. I also guess it's his way off apology… Strange guy, ne?

"I only told them to tell your," He snorts, "Father that he can go to hell and never come back… If he doesn't I'll send him there personally."

I grin slightly, rolling so I was now using Malik as a pillow, my old Panic forgotten, "Guess we're an item then!" I laugh.

"Yup!" Malik says cheerfully, "Took a while to get your tail from between your legs though!" He says innocently. So what do I do? Thwack him of course. Playfully though, guess I have a nickname already.

Revenge for giving me that nickname will be oh so sweet… now what could I call him? I lie their quietly for a while before laughing and turning so I can look up at him.

"Shut up, you! Just wait till I find you one!"

"I'm afraid," He replies in a deadpan tone, "I'm very afraid."

I laugh, my old laugh. The one I use with my friends and I feel safe,

"You should be afraid, Ishtar!" I exclaim, grinning like a maniac.

"Oh?" He asks with a grin of his own, "And why, my dear little koi, should I be afraid?"

I roll off him and get up, leaning against the mahogany walls in a lazy manner, "Because your Kitchen is soon to be empty!" I say, shooting off in the direction of food.

I can smell food like that, you know… anywhere. Just put me in a house and I'll find you the kitchen.

"MY KITCHEN!!!" I hear Malik yell in mock horror, then get up to chase me.

A few seconds later found me on my back on the softly tiled kitchen floor, A grinning Malik straddling my waist.

"Hello Malik, fancy seeing you here." I say smoothly. Even if I am grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"Destiny preordained this meeting!" Malik replies without missing a beat, mimicking Isis's voice almost flawlessly.

"A boy you will find trying to destroy your kitchen and make you go hungry by raiding the fridge!" He continued, nipping my neck lightly. I let him, arching my neck slightly, unable to move as he has my hands pinned.

"Screw destiny!" I moan feebly into Malik as he kisses me gently. He's hesitant though, obviously worried about panicking me or hurting me.

He smirks and leans in close to me, teeth grating gently against my ear lobe, tearing another moan from my throat.

He cocks his head to one side and smirks again, "Submissive?" he asks, "Who'd have thought it." He hums calmly, drinking in my pleasured sounds.

"Well, a lot of things have happened that I never expected… things do that you know." I pant, "And stop teasing me, Koi!"

"Are youu suure?" He purrs, I shiver in delight, "I may want returned services." He adds suddenly.

"Shut up." I say with a teasing sniffle

"C'mon." He says out of the blue. Picking me up as if I'm a three year old.

I squeak indignantly and with slight apprehension -He won't hurt you, baka- I say mentally. I Relaxing into him after he stops and looks at me with worry,

"Puppy?" Oh boy.

"I'm fine, Malik." I yawn slightly, "Just tired."

He doesn't look convinced, but carries me up to one of the many rooms anyway.

The first thing I notice is that the room is huge! I gaze around in silent wonder as Malik settles me carefully on the bed and sits beside me, Smiling.

The walls are deep lavender with black furniture. A huge bed sits at one end of the room and opposite that is a large window, giving a terrific view of the pool that accompanies their home.

Under that is a little satin couch with pillows. On the wall to my right theirs a bookshelf with a clothes cupboard and a desk. On the desk is an actual computer.

Malik chuckles next to me, "This all yours for as long as you stay here, Puppy." I stare at him in shock. "You seem surprised." He says with a small smirk playing on his lips.

I just nod dumbly before answering, "M-Mine?" I gasp out. "But, the computer?"

He grins and kisses me, "Yours too!" he kisses me again -Good kisser- I think, melting into his possessive embrace. "It has internet, so you can chat to everyone, too. Marik and I have are own, so does Isis, Ryou and Bakura… just about everybody, so we can talk without having to go anywhere!"

I can feel tears come to my eyes and look down, only to have Malik tilt my chin and wipe them gently away. "I don't deserve this Malik-"

I get cut off abruptly when he spins me to face him, staring straight into my eyes, "Never, EVER say that about yourself, Wheeler, I love you!"

That sentence… those three words send shockwaves throughout my entire being. I sob out loud and throw myself at him, burying my face in his chest while he rubs soothing circles onto my back.

It doesn't take him long to settle me down and after about a minute he shifts me carefully onto the bed, still next to me.

"Puppy, I'm staying in here tonight… and I'm locking the door too. I'm not risking you hurting yourself again, not yet."

I look up at him in surprise, "You'll stay with me?"

He nods at me with a smile, "Yeah," replies, "I would trust you normally but this is for your own safety."

I sniffle once but nod. I want him here anyway, I don't trust myself, either. I voice that and it earns me a playful laugh.

"You that end," I say with a grin, "Me this end. I can't have you attacking me in my sleep!" I laugh lightly.

"Of course not!" He shoots back at me.

We change quickly, in separate rooms and climb into our sides of the bed….

We proceed to have a fierce pillow fight…

I Laugh my head off when Malik tumbles off the end of the bed, covered in feathers…

He laughs his head off while I beg for mercy as he tickles me…

We then fall asleep totally exhausted.

*****end of chapter four***

kara: hehehe!

Kais: that was… weird

Kara: I know. Sticks around peoples! R/R, pleeeeeaaassse!