Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Heart In Your Hands ❯ Explanations Part 1 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kara: disclaaaaimer! Yugioh is not mine… yet… Enjoy!

Chapter 3! Explanations!

The first thing I notice when I come to is that I'm laying on a very soft comfy sofa and that most of my wounds had been bandaged.

"You're awake!" This isn't Malik. I open my eyes again and scan the room, looking for the speaker. It doesn't take me long to notice Isis, who was kneeling next to me.

"I-Isis?! Where am I?" I moan feebly, closing my eyes.

Isis smiles gently before answering me, "You're at my house. Malik brought you." She shakes her head in bewilderment, "I don't know why though, he left quickly, and without saying what had happened."

"R-really? He didn't say a thing?" I stutter out, none of this is making sense to me any more. I just want to curl up and die. To die would be nice, to escape from all this pain and suffering, and escape from the concerned stares that follow me. I don't want pity! I want a release from my troubles!

I notice vaguely that Isis is looking concerned, and that just makes me mad, I don't know why, it just does. I really must be going crazy.

"Joseph?" She asks softly. "What's wrong? I can't help you if you don't tell me."

That's another thing I suddenly find that I hate, people asking too many questions. Which is exactly what Isis is doing right now.

"Oh, I can tell you how to help me all right…" I say,

"Then tell me!" Isis demands,

"Let me go to the toilet." Is all I say in reply. Of course, I don't tell her that my intention has nothing to do with the toilet in particular.

She looks unsure for a moment, but it passes and she nods, helping me stand and assisting me to one of the doors, "It's the first on the left." Is all she says before settling down again.

-First to the left- I repeat in my head before walking up to the said door. I walk inside, using the walls for support.

I go to the cupboard on the far left of the spacious, baby blue colored room. Looking inside I locate what I was looking and hoping for, and take it out.

Closing the door quietly I limp over to the large bath and sit on the edge.

-Well, this is it- I think to myself, -I hope Isis doesn't get blamed for this, this has nothing to do with her.

Closing my eyes I raise the shimmering blade to my wrist. I take a deep breath before drawing it across in a quick but deep slash. I grimace slightly when I feel the liquid drop down into the bath. I slash my other wrist a second after I heard a door slam.

Black dots swim before my eyes as I feel my consciousness slowly ebb away. Patronizingly slowly. Even my death is mocking me, much like my `father'.

"JOEY!" I blink sleepily, that wasn't Isis, that was… MALIK?! Oh boy, I really am in trouble now… but it's too late for that now.

I give one last moan before collapsing fully onto the tiled floor, hitting it with a dull thud.

I am still slightly aware, however and register the fact that the bathroom door has just been kicked open.

"Joey!?" Malik yells, confusion and worry in his voice.

"Hey, Ishtar." I cough weakly, "Sorry for messing up your bathroom…"

He shakes his head before kneeling next to me. I flinch back slightly.

"Joey, I've told you before… I am not going to hurt you… I can't say the same for yourself though." While he says this I vaguely feel him take hold of my wrists and examine them.

Sighing he stands up and walks back over to the cupboard and takes out a little red box. Obviously it's a first aid kit.

He comes back to my side and I'm too weak to protest however much I may want to. Or do I?

I give a slight hiss when I feel him dab at the cuts with antiseptic. But he just continues on, only increasing his grip slightly.

After a few seconds he decides to talk, "Now, what the hell made you like this, Wheeler?" His voice demands an answer so I try my best to give him one.

"F-father." I manage to gasp out. I suddenly feel like I just want to go to sleep. -Yeah, sleep-

"STAY AWAKE!" He snaps, shaking me. I stiffen slightly.

He continues, now rapping bandages expertly around the stinging cuts, "What were you saying about your father?"

I give another weak cough and notice that tears are running down my face, he reaches over and wipes them away. At the same moment he does this I feel a warm, tingly sensation shoot up my spine. What the hell was that?!!

"He -cough- beats me regularly," I see his eyes narrow in anger and gulp slightly before going on, "But that's -cough- not all he does,"

I feel Malik tense slightly. His eyes narrowing even further, "And," He says in a low growl, "What else does he do exactly?"

"R-rapes me…" I reply, shaking in fear.

"He. Rapes. You?" Each word is said carefully, obviously trying not to scare me. Maybe that's a little too late, but still, I can't help liking the way he wants to- -WAIT A SECOND- I scream mentally at myself, -Where the hell did that come from?-

He shakes his head, "You aren't going back."

"W-what?! I have to! If I don't go back he'll just come and find me! I have to!"

He shakes his head again, lavender eyes glinting with a mix of emotions. "You aren't going back, Wheeler. You can make this easy or hard, it's your choice."

He pulls me up into a sitting position with my back to him and rests his head gently on my shoulder, making sure not to aggravate the wounds.

"I guess I don't have a choice then, ne?" I ask softly.

"Nope. But I promise you that neither me nor Isis will let anything happen to you."

"What about Marik?" I ask, my voice shaking again.

"He'll be almost as pissed as I am. You're a friend of the Pharaoh and his Hikari, the Pharaoh and Yugi are friend's of his, as they are friends to you alone. An enemy of a friend of the pharaoh is an enemy of his." He grins slightly and I return it,

"Now that's just confusing, Malik."

Malik chuckles slightly, "And then of course, Bakura and Ryou are ALSO friends of yours and the Pharaohs. So they aren't going to take this well either."

I laugh slightly, weakly, but it was still a laugh, "Um… Malik?"


"Thanks, you brought me here, when you could have left me back at the park, and you just saved me again."

"Not a problem! Just promise me to NEVER do anything like that again."

I smirk slightly, my old attitude coming out to play again, "Whatever you say-"

I'm cut of abruptly when somebody starts pounding on the front door. I hear Isis moving to open it and feel Malik -God I love that name- tighten his grip around me, before standing and pulling me with him back to the living room.

Somebody curses outside ,"OPEN UP! THIS IS THE POLICE!"

Malik and I freeze. Then slowly turn to look at each other. It dawns on me suddenly, and I grab Malik arm.

"My Father sent them!" I whisper frantically. Malik's Eyes widen slightly.

The door opens as Isis lets them in. I sit down heavily on the comfy sofa just as a female officer with dark red hair comes running in.

"SIR!" She yells, as Malik glares at her, "I'VE FOUND HIM!

*********End chapter**************

Kara: ^-^ Well, that's yet another chapter gone! Stick around for the next chapter: Explanations, part 2!

Kara&Kais: Ja Ne!