Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Slave for All Time ❯ Malik's Malice, Yugi's Lover and the Drunken King ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

—Glad everybody is agreeable as far as Friday updates. *thumbs up* Well, a bit of crap is starting to bubble in my personal life. That's why this update is so late during Friday. (Late/early, depending on what time zone you're in).
Don't know if I'm going to make May 5's deadline. So if my next update doesn't come on May 5, then that's why. But don't despair…I promise to update May 6…if not May 5.
Chapter 7 - Malik's Malice, Yugi's “Lover” and the Drunken King
Yugi had to see Malik now more than ever. He had so many questions. The Pharaoh wasn't expecting his presence for a while, so Yugi had enough time to speak with the ex-slave boy. He had questioned several servants in the dancers' wing and finally one told him where to find Malik.
“The boy is healing.” said the old serving woman hunched over in her cloak. “He got into a nasty fight and his side is bleeding terribly.”
“Thank you, ma'am.” Yugi said, bowing politely and hurrying off in the direction the old woman showed him. It's not my fault, Yugi thought. Well, yes, I do feel a little guilty for stabbing him that hard, but I was only defending myself! It was self-defense against someone I thought was going to kill me.
The main question was: Why? If Malik was the intruder from last night, why would he try to kidnap Yugi? Surely, if he wanted revenge against Atemu, then he'd be in the chambers or assassinate the Pharaoh. Maybe that was the reason. Maybe Malik had been in the process of an assassination and it was just luck that Yugi happened to wake up when he did. If that was the case, then Yugi didn't feel sorry at all that he'd stabbed Malik.
But if he had killed Malik, then Anzu would've been crushed that her husband-to-be had been murdered by her childhood friend. Yugi had to know the truth. And he had to hear it from Malik's lips.
Right now, Yugi was in a small, dimly lit corridor. Every room he'd checked in this corridor was a dressing room for dancers. He'd accidentally peeked in on a trio of half-naked dancers. They threw slippers at him until he ran away in panic.
Voices drifted down from the shadows. It sounded like Tale's voice and a man's voice. Yugi tiptoed into the darkness and found a door that was open a crack. He peered inside and saw Tale sitting next to a young man about Yugi's age. The young man was lying on a cot with bandages wrapped around his abdomen. The young man's hair was the color of fresh bread; not quite brown, but not quite white either. His eyes were almost identical to Tale's eyes. That must have been Malik!
Instead of bursting in, Yugi stayed outside of the room as Tale and Malik started talking.
“I still don't know what you had hoped to achieve by performing that crazy stunt. You were lucky I was there to help you when I was.”
Malik sighed and cringed. Yugi could see a bit of blood had stained the bandages. “I'm sorry, Mother. But I can't stand by and watch history repeat itself.”
Tale sighed. “You've told me this over and over again. My dear son, I admire your courage and determination, but I suggest you focus on what lies ahead. Your marriage to Anzu, for example. Surely, you don't want to throw that away.”
“No, of course not, Mother. I love Anzu. I'm going to marry her and you'll have many, many grandchildren to spoil and smother with love.”
Tale chuckled lightly. “Many, eh?”
“Nine should be enough, I think.” Malik replied. Yugi's cheeks grew hot at the thought of Anzu having nine children with this guy.
“We've…already started…” Malik said, quietly.
Tale frowned at her son. “Already you've ruined my best dancing girl?”
“I'm sorry, Mother. But we couldn't wait! And neither can my revenge…”
“Malik, you're going to be a father. I suggest you put vengeance out of your mind!”
Malik shook his head. “I can't. Anzu told me how much she cared about Yugi. She told how they've been friends since they were very small. When Atemu repeats his actions, Anzu will be sad and I don't want her to be sad. Yugi will be crushed and suicidal, just as I was! I don't want that!”
Tale sighed heavily. “I will talk with Shimon. Maybe there is a way to do this without force.”
“Don't mention me, Mother.”
“I won't. Now I must go. The girls are probably done with their stretches by now.”
“Don't work the mother of my child too hard.” Malik said, laughingly.
Tale smiled as she stood. “Dear boy, I know what childbirth is like. I'll be careful.”
Yugi hit behind a nearby vase as Tale left the room and walked down the corridor. Once she had left, Yugi peeked back in the room. Malik was still lying on the cot, staring up at the ceiling.
Yugi pushed the door open wider and entered. Malik snapped his head to look at him and his eyes widened. “How did you find this room? How did you get here?”
“Somebody told me you were here. Anzu told me she was going to marry you.”
Malik relaxed a little. “Oh. Yugi, eh? Anzu talks about you a lot.”
“I can tell she really loves you. Be good to my friend, okay?”
“I will.” Malik replied and turned back to look at the ceiling. He closed his eyes and whispered, “That's not the only reason you're here, is it?”
Yugi took a deep breath. “No. I want to know what you were doing in the Pharaoh's chambers last night.”
Malik opened his eyes and didn't return Yugi's gaze. “Two things. More one than the other.”
“You were eavesdropping then…” Malik growled. “Vengeance was just one of my reasons.”
Yugi frowned a little. “I am sorry about what Atemu did to you, but he—”
“You called him `Atemu'.”
Malik smiled, but it wasn't a kind smile. It was a bitter, ironic smile. “He told you to call him that.”
“No. I call him that on my own. He doesn't mind.”
“He's your lover then.”
“Why are you so quick to deny it?”
Yugi felt his cheeks burning again. “Because it's not true!”
Malik chuckled quietly. “If you insist. I suggest you not get too close to him and keep that dagger of yours close to you every night. I made the mistake for not defending myself. Don't you make the same mistake.”
“Atemu has changed since then. He's a lot kinder and he's become a better person. He's my friend and—”
“People do change, yes. But do you honestly think the Pharaoh has changed for the better? Do you honestly believe that he's really your friend and not simply pretending?”
Yugi frowned hard. He did not like the thought of Anzu marrying this guy. He might poison Anzu's mind with angry thoughts about Atemu. “I agree with you. People change. They can change for the better or the worst. Atemu has changed for the better and I—”
“YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT HE DID TO ME!” Malik screamed. He winced at the pain in his side. The bandages stained more as the wound reopened.
“I know perfectly well what he did. Shimon told me everything.”
“Fool…” Malik hissed, still holding his wound. “And yet you still stay? Get out of that position before it's too late.”
“I believe that Atemu is a better person. You're just too clouded with anger and vengeance to see that.” Yugi said, turning to leave.
As he closed the door, he heard Malik shout, “It's only a matter of time! Get out while you still have fond memories!”
Atemu sensed Yugi was upset and flustered. He wanted to ask what was wrong, but the party was already getting underway. The dancers were positioned, silent and ready for their dance. Yugi pointed out his friend, Anzu, to the Pharaoh. Atemu nodded, acknowledging he saw her. He did find her attractive as far as women went, but his preferences were still with men, particularly Yugi.
He thought Yugi was stunning in the outfit Atemu had picked out. They both wore matching golden, ankh-shaped earrings and gold rings with scarab carvings. Yugi sat on a cushion next to Atemu's throne. He didn't wear shackles anymore, but he did wear a smaller version of the Millennium Puzzle to show that he “belonged to” Atemu.
In came Lord Abubakar, the ambassador from Upper Egypt. He saw to the care and wealth of Aswan. With him was his only heir, Lady Rehema. Rehema was very small, but was growing into a pretty young woman. Atemu was five years her senior, which would make Yugi four years her senior. She was at the age of puberty and almost marriageable, but thankfully Lord Abubakar had agreed not to pursue Atemu as a possible match for Rehema.
Lady Rehema had long hair the color of sand in midday and her eyes matched the ocean blue beads around her neck. She was dressed in a kalasiris with short sleeves and embroidered with scarabs and falcons. The whole kalasiris was dark-colored with a golden sash tied around her waist to hold it together. On her feet were golden colored slippers decorated with onyx and jade beads. Around her forehead was a simple strip of cloth sewn with blue beads and a falcon in flight.
Lord Abubakar wore a kalasiris as well and his was designed like Rehema, except he wore a cloak over his shoulders and fastened around his neck. His kalasiris was a lighter color and designed with beautiful red and sunset-colored beads and thread.
Lord Abubakar and Lady Rehema bowed to the Pharaoh. Atemu gestured for them to rise as he said, “It warms my heart to see that you both have arrived here safely. These festivities were arranged and prepared in order your honor, Lord Abubakar.”
“Thank you, Pharaoh. We are honored by you humble generosity.”
“Tomorrow we will discuss the well-being of Aswan. I have heard that some things have been troubling you.”
Lord Abubakar nodded. “Yes. The gods are beginning to turn a blind eye to my city.”
“We shall discuss it tomorrow, but for tonight. Let the celebration begin!” Atemu announced.
The music began to play and the dancers twirled, dipped, and swayed their hips to the rhythm. Priest Shimon hurried down to speak with Lord Abubakar. Atemu remembered that Abubakar, Akunadin, and Shimon were good friends. They'd be chatting and gossiping like little girls all night.
Lady Rehema approached Atemu's throne and bowed to him. “Good to see you again, Pharaoh.”
“Greetings, Rehema. I wasn't expecting a visit from you.”
“I like traveling.” Rehema smiled, but it faded quickly. “Besides, my grandfather was worried about leaving me in Aswan while he was gone.”
“Is it really that bad?”
Rehema nodded, looking close to tears. “It is. There's no end to the fear and despair in our city. Grandfather has done all he can. Even those soldiers you sent a year ago have not improved our situation.”
Atemu sighed. “I promised Abubakar that I would discuss this tomorrow and I intend to keep my promise, Rehema.”
“Thank you, Pharaoh.” Rehema replied. She finally noticed Yugi and asked, “Who is this?”
“My name is Yugi, my lady.” Yugi bowed to her.
“Yugi is…my personal servant. He would like to entertain you tonight.”
Rehema wrinkled her nose. “Entertain me?”
“Y-Yes.” Yugi said. “Would you like to see the courtyard? Or could I get you something?”
“There are some lovely Nile lilies in the courtyard if you'd like to see them, Rehema.” Atemu said. “The courtyard is quite secluded too. You'll both be alone.”
Yugi kicked Atemu with the side of his foot. Rehema didn't notice it. She loved the little spark in Yugi's eyes. “I like lilies.”
Atemu nudged Yugi's calves. “Go on then, you two.” He said. He watched Rehema lock arms with Yugi and walk out to the courtyard. May Yugi not fall for you, young one, Atemu thought.
“You have pretty eyes.” Rehema said.
The Pharaoh had been right. The courtyard was deserted. Yugi and Rehema were completely alone. The pool in the center of the courtyard was where the Nile lilies floated peacefully. There were other flowers too, but Yugi did not know the name for them. Two lines of fruit trees outlined the entire space of the courtyard and their rich scent combined with the elegance of the flower's perfume was heavenly.
“Thank you, my lady.” Yugi replied. They hadn't said much of anything to each other except Rehema was constantly complimenting Yugi on his hair, his shoes, his pendant, his skin. Yugi tried to compliment Rehema back, but he didn't have much to compliment her on. She was cute, but so young. She hadn't had time to develop things that men were…interested in.
Rehema was attached to his arm by this point and was saying, “Oh my grandfather loves parties like this once in a while, but Ra help me, I hate parties. I prefer long strolls like this. Do you, Yugi?”
“Yes, my lady. It's nice to get away from the noise and the crowd.” The music was wafting through the courtyard no louder than a whisper. It was far more peaceful out here.
Rehema laughed. “Stop saying `my lady'. You can just call me `Reh' if you want.”
“Very well.” Yugi replied. He picked one of the flowers, a pretty light blue flower, and held it out to her. “It's for you, Reh.”
“Oh, Yugi.” Rehema tucked the flower into her headband. “It's beautiful. Thank you.” She hugged him. “I like you, Yugi. I don't feel so nervous around you.”
Yugi blinked. “Uh…nervous, Reh?”
Rehema pulled away and attached to his arm again. They continued their walk around the courtyard. “I was brought up around wealthy Egyptians. When I was very small, I went swimming in the Nile without my clothes. Some thief stole my clothing and I had to run to my home naked. Grandfather was entertaining some guests when I came back. They all laughed at me.” She buried her face in his shoulder. “I never want to cause my grandfather such embarrassment ever again. I'm always afraid of what I'll do.”
Yugi cracked a little smile when he tried to picture such an event. “That is rather funny.”
Rehema looked at him. “Funny! It's not funny at all! My grandfather was humiliated because of my stupidity.”
“Stupidity for what?” Yugi chuckled. “Look, Reh, when I growing up me and all my friends used to play in the mud with nothing on except the mud stains. It was nothing to be ashamed of.”
“What happened to me is entirely different!” Rehema pouted.
Yugi rolled his eyes. “All right. What I'm trying to say is, you need to learn to laugh at yourself. It wasn't your fault that the thief stole your clothing. It was just a bit of bad luck. Years from now, when you're entertaining guests of your own, you can tell them this story and everybody will laugh and think how funny and entertaining such a story is.”
Rehema stared at him for a moment and stopped walking. “I guess that makes sense. I never really thought of it that way.”
“I thought your story was amusing. You shouldn't be afraid to do things like that. Everyone does something embarrassing at some time in their life.”
They both laughed lightly. Rehema latched onto Yugi's arm again. “Oh Yugi…you're so intelligent…and so handsome…and very funny.” She laughed again.
“We should go back inside, Reh. Are you hungry?”
“A little. We'll go inside for food and drink, then come back outside to talk more.” Rehema smiled. Yugi smiled too, but inside he was wishing he was somewhere else.
The party was still in full swing and Abubakar and Shimon were standing on the dais with the Pharaoh. Atemu hadn't moved from his throne, but he was holding a goblet. A servant must have brought him something to drink while Yugi had been gone.
The dancers had finished their performance and were now mingling with the guests around the throne room. Anzu stopped Yugi and jumped to her feet. She hurried over and smiled at him. “Yugi, hello. Malik told me he met you today.”
Yugi froze. He hoped Malik hadn't said anything about what they'd talked about. Rehema frowned at Anzu. She didn't want any other girl talking with her Yugi.
“Oh really?” Yugi said, keeping his voice from shaking. “So what did he say?”
“Just that he met you and he's glad I have such a dear friend.” Anzu said. “I'm so glad you got to see him. I was worried you two would never get to meet.”
“Anzu, after the party, can I talk with you in private?”
Anzu blinked in surprise. “Well, I was planning on going to Malik…”
“It wouldn't take long, Anzu. I promise.”
Before Anzu could answer, Rehema hauled Yugi away from her as quick as possible. “Come on, my Yugi dear.”
Yugi dear? Yugi raised an eyebrow as Rehema headed for the dais. The old men and the king looked at them.
Lord Abubakar smiled. “Rehema, I see you and Yugi are getting along. Shimon and the Pharaoh were just telling me about him.”
Yugi bowed to Lord Abubakar. “It's good to meet you, my lord.”
“You are a polite young man, aren't you? Well, the gods have certainly smiled down upon you, Yugi. Bringing you to this place and putting you in the protection and care of our great ruler…”
Atemu laughed. “Don't tease, Lord Abubakar.”
Rehema smiled broadly. “Grandfather, I really like Yugi. He's very kind and so sweet to me.”
“I'm pleased to here that, Rehema. Perhaps Yugi could come and visit you in Aswan someday.”
Rehema shook her head. “I don't want to leave Yugi.” She turned around and shouted as loud as she could, “I LOVE YUGI!”
The music halted and everyone stared as Rehema continued and Yugi's face went from brown to deep red. “Yugi, I love you and I want you to marry me and father my children! Because I LOVE YOU, YUGI!”
Silence followed her little speech, and then it was broken when the Pharaoh dropped his goblet in surprise and deep hurt.
The festivities ended shortly after Rehema's little outburst. Lord Abubakar scolded her for embarrassing Yugi like that. When she repeated Yugi's words to her, Abubakar sent her to bed, telling her that they'd discuss this later.
Yugi snuck off to the dancers' wing to find Anzu while Atemu stayed in his chambers drowning his confusion and hurt in lots of wine. The wine he was drinking was freshly brewed and quite strong. He'd gotten drunk before, but not this drunk. He didn't know what had come over him. It was like he'd lost all sense, all self-control, and all emotion.
He picked up his own dagger, knowing—though in a drunken stupor—that Yugi carried his own knife with him. Atemu gulped down another two goblets of wine and stumbled off to find Yugi, wielding his deadly weapon.
—Rehema is, of course, the annoying, little Rebecca Hopkins and Lord Abubakar is Arthur Hopkins. By the way, I'm going with the Japanese information and it states that Rebecca was/is 12. Now, don't kill me if I got the ages wrong. I never really figured out Rebecca's true age. And if they said her age on the show, then I must've missed it. So don't get all in a tiff because I messed up the ages. That just shows how picky you are.
—Oh and the city of Aswan did exist and was part of Upper Egypt. Got that from my Humanities textbook, so don't correct me. ;-) And Atemu's principle location…I'm guessing somehow in or near Cairo, so that's where his palace is at. From Aswan to Cairo is a long way to travel, especially back then. The kalasiris was a unisexual robe and my description of the one Rehema wore is…fairly accurate. I suggest doing a Google search for `em and you'll see.
—Last, but not least, I wasn't lying about the personal stuff that's been messing with me. So if I don't get the next update on May 5, then I'll have it up May 6. So look for the next update May 5 through May 6. Later readers!