Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Slave for All Time ❯ He Must Be Punished ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

—Everybody just loved Atemu's little confession. In this Chapter, we'll see if Yugi takes it to heart or not. Yugi just might finally decide if he loves Atemu.
—Don't get excited…no lemon in this chapter. A bit of fluff, but no lemony goodness just yet.
Chapter 11 - He Must Be Punished
Yugi had counted the days since he had been captured and put into the chains of slavery. Tomorrow it would be exactly one year since Yugi had come to live at the palace. The days had flown by it seemed. Otogi had sent word back to Yugi that the problems in Aswan were finally dying down. He was also climbing up the military ranks, plus living with Lord Abubakar and Lady Rehema.
Otogi was close to finding his sister and with Lord Abubakar's help, Otogi was finally going to see her after all these years. Yugi sent another message back saying that he was happy that Otogi was going to see his sister and that he would pray to the gods that Aswan would remain peaceful.
After hearing from Otogi, Yugi began to wonder if Anzu would ever send word to him. He asked Tale if she'd heard from her son, but the woman always shook her head sadly. After that, she started sending Yugi little presents of jewelry or fabrics and once even a bow and quiver of arrows.
When Yugi showed the bow and arrows to Atemu, the Pharaoh laughed. “Can you even use those?”
“No.” Yugi said. “But if I can learn to use a dagger, then I can learn to use a bow.” In the past year, Yugi had become an expert with his dagger, mostly thanks to Atemu's teaching. Yugi found that he was growing fonder of the Pharaoh with each passing day.
Atemu smiled. “I suppose I can teach you.” He lay back on his bed.
Yugi—who now had his own bed rather than a bunch of cushions—sat staring at him. “I don't want to waste your free time. Seems like the only free time you ever have, all you do is teach me things. Like using a dagger and what not…”
Atemu laughed again. He pushed himself up on his elbows, displaying his perfectly naked chest and stomach. “Yugi, I'm perfectly happy just being with you.”
Yugi looked down at the floor, remembering Atemu's declaration of love. He felt his cheeks grow warm when he remember all those words of praise that came right from the heart. He felt horrible at not being able to return such feelings.
“Huh?” Yugi snapped his head up. “Oh…uh…did you say something?”
“No. You seemed deep in thought.” Atemu came to sit beside his servant.
“Sorry, I was just thinking.”
“About what?”
Yugi shrugged. “It's nothing.” He leaned against the Pharaoh's shoulder. “I wish I knew how Anzu was doing.”
“I can send search parties to find her if you want.” Atemu whispered, putting his face close to Yugi's hair.
“No. I'm sure it'd frighten her and Malik.”
“You're worried that Malik will corrupt her, aren't you?”
Yugi closed his eyes. “I tried to convince Malik that you're a better person. I tried to tll Anzu to watch out for him. But she didn't listen…even when I told her what Malik did to us.” He suddenly covered his mouth. Oh no, he thought.
Atemu's eyes widened. “The snake…the intruder…it was…?”
“N-No, I—”
“Malik was behind them both!” Atemu jumped to his feet.
“Pharaoh, please…”
“Yugi, why didn't you tell me sooner?!”
“I couldn't, he—”
Atemu was busy putting on his shirt and cape. He whirled around to face Yugi. “Malik tried to assassinate me, Yugi. By putting that asp in my bed, he's committed a crime. He cannot go unpunished.”
“Please, Pharaoh, he probably has a child now, maybe even two or more.”
“Why are you defending him?”
“Atemu, will you shut up for a second!” Yugi shouted.
Atemu was taken aback by the boy's outburst. Yugi had never spoken so forcefully before and for some reason, Atemu found it incredibly erotic. If they'd been in a different situation, he would've tempted Yugi to yell at him again…or even hit him. The boy had developed a little muscle. Maybe it would actually hurt this time.
“Atemu, if you punish Malik, he'll hate you even more. Then his children will hate you, and their children and this cycle will begin. They might try to overthrow you.”
“You're overreacting, Yugi.” Atemu told him. “You once told me to bring your slave masters to justice. They did wrong and got what they deserved. Malik did wrong as well. Twice in fact. He must be punished.”
“But what about Anzu and their family? Anzu loves him.”
“So you're protecting Malik from his punishment for her sake. You love her?”
“I don't love Anzu.”
Atemu sighed. “Yugi, every assassin, whether his plan is foiled or not, must be punished. Attempting to kill the king is a crime just like any other. Just like slavery.”
Yugi hung his head. He knew Atemu was right and for a year, Yugi had tried to forget about that night with the asp. But the scar on his foot wouldn't let him. Every time he saw it, he remembered.
Atemu hugged Yugi. “I promise that no harm will come to Anzu or any children she has. But Malik's crime cannot go without its consequences. He must be brought to justice.”
Yugi locked gazes with the Pharaoh. “What will happen to him?”
“That is for me and my court to decide, Yugi. It's time I faced Malik again. What I did to him two years ago will come back to light, but…” he sighed. “It's time…”
Yugi stretched up and placed a small peck on the Pharaoh cheek. Atemu's eyes widened as he stared down at the boy who tried to hide his reddening face. Atemu tackled Yugi playfully and covered his face with kisses. He stopped when he felt Yugi wrap his arms around him. He purred with pleasure and grabbed Yugi's shirt, wanting so badly to rip it from his body and explore everything underneath.
No, it wasn't the right time. He released the shirt and pressed his mouth against Yugi's. His tongue gained entrance into the boy's mouth and Atemu gladly explored the cavern. Yugi moaned with the pleasant sensations he was feeling. He ran his hands up and down the Pharaoh's sides and back, feeling the familiar sleekness of the skin under the fabric.
Finally they broke the kiss and Atemu whispered, “I have waited for this moment a long time. Tell me, Yugi, do you return my love?”
“I'll give you my answer if you leave Malik alone.”
That killed the moment entirely. Atemu frowned and got off the boy. “I have to be getting back to my court. Perhaps we'll talk later…”
Yugi sat up, looking after the king as he left the room. He shouldn't have said what he did. He could not undo it now, no matter how much he wished. He rolled off his bed and walked out onto the balcony. The sun had gone below the horizon and the land was awash with growing shadows and the twinkling of the stars and the fires of torches in the city. The people were now dark brown blotches moving against the dark buildings, heading home from whatever business they had been attending to. There was laughter in the business. Some drunken nitwits having great fun probably.
Yugi looked down into the courtyard far below. Guards paced across their posted watches, servants popped in and out of the darkness sometimes carrying something, sometimes not. It was nighttime and life was continuing on.
The boy wandered out of the Pharaoh's chambers and walked about the palace, thinking and wondering what to do now. Atemu would hunt Malik down and have him brought back for punishment. Odds were that Malik would know Yugi tattled on him. But perhaps he figured Yugi would tattle eventually and that was why he left in the first place.
By now, Yugi was nearing the dancers' wing, he stopped short when he saw a figure cross the torchlight. The figure stopped and Yugi's eyes widened.
A baby whimpered. The figure hurried away. Yugi went after her. “Anzu, is that you?”
Suddenly, something big came at him just as he rounded a darkened corner. Had it been a year earlier, Yugi would've crashed to the ground in a frightened heap, but he wasn't a scared little slave anymore. He dodged easily, his hand at his dagger.
He heard something metallic hit the stone floor. Then Tale stepped into what little light there was. “Boy, get back to wherever you've been.”
“Tale, I saw Anzu! She's here and she has—”
“I said go.” Tale growled. She looked far more dangerous and fierce in the dim light.
“Yes ma'am.” Yugi said. He started walking away until he felt that Tale had gone. I know that was Anzu, he thought. I know that was her! I recognized her eyes and the slope of her shoulders.
He turned around and tiptoed back to the corner and peered around, keeping his breathing steady and quiet. There was a door opened furtherer down the corridor. There was torchlight spilling out. He tiptoed to the door and looked in. He was right! Anzu was there and she had a bundle of cloth in her arms. The bundle produced two, tiny arms of dark tan. There was a gurgling noise and a baby's squeaky happiness. Thank the gods, Yugi thought. She gave birth to a healthy baby.
Then…he noticed Anzu's clothing was different. She wore a kalasiris of a dark red color, like blood. Around her head was a strip of cloth of the same shade of red, except with stripes of white. She wore bracelets around her wrists and anklets of jade and red shoes. On her upper arm were tattooed hieroglyphics that read:
Thy Life is bound by forces of Set
Heed these words
And Never Stray
For His word Is Law
Thou shall obey only him
And crush Those who Pursue Justice
Yugi was frightened, especially when Tale removed the cloak on her shoulders to reveal the same hieroglyphics on her left shoulder blade. What was this? Some sort of cult?
“I don't want to be apart of this.” Tale said firmly. “I may bear this oath, but that does not mean that I am sworn to it.”
“Marik does not care anymore. Marik will find others. Marik has many followers.” Anzu said. Gods she sounded like a lifeless doll! What had happened to her?
“I see. And what about you? What about Intisar, my granddaughter?”
“A female heir does not please Marik. I am now pregnant with another child, hopefully a son.” She looked blankly at the baby girl in her arms. “I intend to get rid of this creature.” Anzu said, standing and putting the baby on her chair. She unsheathed a small knife from the folds of her kalasiris and Yugi tensed. She wouldn't! No, that was just a baby!
Before she could bring the knife down into the baby's chest, Tale grabbed her wrist and flung her aside. Before Anzu could recover, Tale scooped the baby into her own arms and pointed a huge, glittering sword at Anzu.
“You and Malik sold your soul to hatred and darkness. Anzu, listen to me. What about Yugi? He still cares for you. I shouldn't have run him off when you came here.”
“He is Marik now. Marik intends to save Yugi from the clutches of the Pharaoh. Marik knows that Yugi was close to coming to Aswan. Marik would have had Yugi within his territory and yet Yugi came back in this horrible place. But never fear, Marik shall save Yugi.”
Tale frowned hard at her. “Malik or Marik, whatever in hellfire he wants to call himself now, is no longer my son. Tell him so and if I ever catch him or you here again, I shall not hesitate in killing you both. Tell him that as well if you still have a brain.”
Anzu looked at the baby. “That creature must die. Kill her for me so that I may tell Marik that I completed my mission.”
“I will, wench. Now leave.” Tale snapped.
Yugi hurried away and hid in the shadows until Anzu had completely gone. He peered back into the room and saw Tale still holding the baby. She whispered, “Little Intisar…I shall not kill you. I'll keep you here and raise you myself.”
Yugi felt partly satisfied and headed back to the Pharaoh's chambers. Now Yugi really did want Malik to die. He had brainwashed Yugi's childhood friend! He had gathered a group of anti-Atemu people, Set worshippers. And he had manipulated Anzu into nearly murdering her own daughter!
Yugi stormed into the Pharaoh's chambers, nearly startling Atemu out of his wits. Atemu was having dinner in bed when Yugi arrived and stood when the boy came stomping in. “Yugi, what's wrong?”
The boy caved in and wept deeply, clutching the Pharaoh's shirt and burying his face into the nape of the king's neck. Atemu hugged him and stroked his hair as he sobbed and sobbed.
“Yugi, hush now.” Atemu said, softly. “I didn't mean to upset you.”
“It's…not you.” Yugi cried. He told Atemu everything he heard Tale and Anzu talking about. “I'm not championing Malik anymore! Kill him! Just kill the bastard!”
“Calm down, Yugi. We've already made the decision to send out search parties in the morning. Now I know to send them out along the route to Aswan. Good work.”
“Please don't punish, Tale. She was against it, I know she was.”
“I know and I believe that she would never turn against me, despite what I did.” Atemu sighed heavily. “If only I hadn't done that it Malik. Maybe none of this would ever happen.”
“But then I would have never found you or gotten to work at the palace.” Yugi said, wiping the tears from his eyes.
“True.” Atemu continued to stroke Yugi's hair. “Don't worry, Yugi. We'll bring Malik to justice whether he likes it or not. And I think Tale will take good care of the baby.”
Yugi nodded. He closed his eyes and let Atemu kiss his forehead and cheeks. “Yes.”
Atemu purred again and hugged Yugi closer, paying special attention to nibbling at the boy's earlobe. “Yes what?”
“You asked me if I returned your love…”
Atemu picked him up and dumped on the bed. “Oh my Yugi…tonight I will make you my everything.”
The Pharaoh pounced on him, spilling the food and drinks everywhere. “Yes.”
“Please, I'm not ready yet.” Yugi said.
Atemu growled impatiently. “When damn you?”
“Tomorrow night…I promise.”
The Pharaoh collapsed beside him. “I have a party to host that night.”
“Then the night after?”
“I can wait that long…I think…” Atemu grumbled.
Yugi curled up against him. “Thank you, my king.”
Atemu kissed the boy's hair. “Good night, my lover.”
“I love you, Atemu.” Yugi whispered before succumbing to sleep.
—I told you no lemony goodness. Next chapter will tell what the fuck is going on with Malik, who now calls himself Marik to I guess hide his identity. Not very creative name change, huh? Oh well…
—Next update: June 16