Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Slave for All Time ❯ Cult of Set ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Yes, yes. I missed my deadline for the story update. Well, that's because I think I'm going to change it. Instead of every Friday…how about I just post at the end of every Chapter, when the next update will be? Odds are my updates will remain every other week. Gives me plenty of time to work on `em.
—Okay, like I said in Chapter 11, this chapter will tell what Malik's mostly been doing. It begins about two weeks before Anzu goes off to see Tale. You'll find out why she originally goes to Tale. It wasn't intended to be just to kill her daughter.
Chapter 12 - Cult of Set
(FYI: Set, or Seth, is the Egyptian god of the desert, storm and violence. He's basically the embodiment of all the enemies to a prosperous kingdom like Atemu's.)
After leaving Cairo, Malik and Anzu were found by a group of Atemu haters. They praised and worshipped Set more than any of the other Egyptian gods. Ever since joining this group of Set worshippers, Malik was no longer afraid of the Pharaoh. When he told the Set worshippers what he had done, they praised his efforts.
Malik eventually murdered the current leader of the Set worshippers. He turned them into a full-out cult. The worshippers became mindless zombies under Malik's control. He used his words, actions and influences to brainwash everyone, including his own wife. He became obsessed with the destruction of King Atemu and he didn't care who he uses or sacrificed to do so.
Anzu had tried not to notice that changes in Malik. She tried not to believe everything Malik told her, especially as she grew heavier and heavier with child. But Malik used every cunning, wicked trick he picked up to convince his beloved that he was always right and she would be damned for all eternity if she didn't listen to him.
After becoming the worshippers' leader, Malik changed his name to Priest Marik. His followers, his cult, also knew him as Set's Blessed One, the Desert's Guardian, Lord Marik, and Storm Tamer. Where and how he got the name “Storm Tamer” from was a mystery.
One night, Anzu's cries of pain echoed throughout the encampment. Marik grabbed his sword, intending to shut the woman up permanently, but one of Anzu's maids came to him, bowing very low to the sand.
“Tell that woman to shut up before I cut her head off!” Marik hissed.
The cries had died away by this point and the maid said, “Yes my lord. But I have good news for you.”
“Then speak, wench.”
“I am pleased to announce, sir. That you are now a father.”
Marik was silent for a second, absorbing this information. He smiled and said, “Good. I have been thinking of an heir to my throne. What is his name?”
“Intisar, my lord.”
“That's a girl's name, fool! Are you telling me my wife birthed a female?!”
“Yes my lord.” the maid said.
Marik kicked the maid out of the way and stormed off to where his wife lived, for he and Anzu lived separately. Anzu was lying among feathered cushions of the softest material. She was holding a small bundle against her breast. The bundle wriggled and nursed noisily. Anzu was weeping when she looked up at Marik.
The maids who were standing around Anzu, left immediately, for fear Marik would induce his wrath upon them. Anzu said, “Come and meet your daughter, Marik.”
“Bah!” Marik spat, glaring at the child. “I do not want a female heir. Women are weak and worthless. Just like you.”
“I understand.” Anzu said, without even trying to defend herself. “Suppose she could marry a strong man. One of your fol—” She stopped when Marik slapped her across the face.
“You have no life of your own. The day you donned that mark on your arm was the day you swore your life, soul and body to Set! I am Set's messenger and as such, I have power over you. Drown the child in the Nile and we will start making a son.”
“Forgive my stupidity, Marik. Must I kill my—” Anzu stopped when Marik raised his hand to strike her again. “If Marik commands it, then so I shall.”
Marik snorted. “But I am not without my gestures of kindness. Set will feel insulted if we simply destroy the creature now. Wait until I give my word, then kill the thing.”
Anzu said nothing as he left. She had angered the great Marik and felt Set's anger inside the blow she'd received. “I must not disappoint Set again. Marik says I must kill my child. And so I shall.”
The next morning, Marik met with his three advisors. “So, what news do we have of the boy, Yugi?”
The first advisor, a tall, lean man with a long white beard said, “My scouts say that he has returned with the Bastard King.” The `Bastard King' and the `Demon of Horus' were the names given to Atemu by the Cult of Set. Marik declared that he would personally kill anyone who spoke the Pharaoh's name.
“The lad was brought back.” replied the second advisor, who was as short and stout as the first was tall and lean.
“How so?” Marik asked.
“That Demon of Horus sent his minion, Slipher, to retrieve the boy.”
“Before I came here and was shown the light by Set, I vowed to save Yugi from the very fate I suffered until the Bastard King's clutches. I will continue to pursue that vow until Yugi is safe and Set shows him the light too.”
The third advisor nodded. “Lord Marik, may I speak freely? I have an idea.”
Marik snorted. “Very well. I'm not asking for good ideas.”
“Make Yugi your heir. Help him see the ways of Set and give him all the wisdom you have.”
“Or maybe I'll give him your job once my son is born, if that daft woman can birth me a proper heir.”
“The heir she gave you was unsatisfactory, Lord Marik?” asked the first advisor.
“Of course. It was female.” Marik snapped. He turned and saw a maid delivering food and drink. “You! Hold still. If Anzu cannot give me a good heir…” He let his voice trail away as he grabbed the maid. She let out a sharp gasp, but remained quiet as Marik threw her upon his cot.
“Leave you fools.” Marik said. “Set has given me a sign. I wish to do his bidding.”
The advisors left as Marik proceeded to rape the poor maid, who did not struggle or cry out…
The days slowly passed and Marik began to forget about his decision of what to do with his daughter. Anzu stayed out of his sight, mostly. She was as zombie-like as any of Marik's other cult members. Each one had the Oath of Set on their upper arm or shoulder blade. Anzu wanted to mark Intisar, but Marik had told her that the creature was too impure to be blessed by Set.
For the next few days, Marik took a different maid to bed with him. When Anzu found out, she did nothing. Set would surely fling his wrath upon her and her child. Despite her disappointment at angering Marik, Anzu did feel a small pinch of motherly love for the baby Intisar. Marik only wanted a male heir and didn't care how many women he had to get pregnant in order to find one.
Intisar grew older with each passing month. Marik took Anzu to bed with him before Intisar turned a year old. Within that time span, Anzu deemed herself pregnant again, just to please Marik.
A few days later, after a year had already passed, Marik summoned Anzu to his tent.
“I am here, Set's Blessed One.” Anzu said, bowing low to the ground. She had left Intisar in the care of one of her maids, since Intisar was too impure to be in Marik's presence.
“Finally. I feel generous today, woman.” said Marik. “Set commands me to give you a slim chance of redeeming yourself. If you fail, then you die, so Set declares.”
“As you wish…” Anzu replied, blankly. “What is Marik's desire from the blessed words of Set?”
“Go to Tale, my mother. I hear tell that she does not wish to be one of mine. Go confirm this. And take that awful creature with you. Kill Intisar while you're there. And if you don't, I shall know and all hope for you will be lost.”
“So Set commands of me and so shall it be.” Anzu said and left to fulfill her mission.
A few days later, Marik met again with his advisors. “The woman has returned.” he said to them. “She says that her mission was completed and the impure child is dead. Apparently, my mother is a witness.”
The first advisor bowed. “I will check with my scouts to confirm this, Lord Marik.”
“Fine.” Marik grumbled. “It is true about my mother. She is and will always be loyal to the Bastard King.”
“An unfortunate mistake, Lord Marik, but it is not worth your anger.” said the third advisor.
“I do not believe the woman.” replied the second advisor. “Women cannot resist a baby, no matter how impure or horrible it is. I suspect the impure creature lives.”
Marik made a thinking noise in his throat. “If the scouts confirm your suspicions, then the woman will be punished.”
The advisors bowed. “So you say, so Set has wished it.” they chanted in unison.
o—t. o—t. o—t. o—t. o—t. o—t. o—t.
At the palace, just a couple days after the incident with Anzu and Tale, Yugi felt afraid. Atemu had sent out search parties yesterday and Yugi was anguish for some news, whether good or bad.
Finally Atemu came into the room and Yugi practically tackled him with questions. Had the search parties returned? Did they find Anzu or Malik? Had Tale said anything to him? Did Atemu see Intisar? Was there any news?
“Yugi, calm down!” Atemu said, throwing them both onto his bed. “Questions later. Tonight is the night you promised to submit.”
“I can't think about sex right now!”
“Oh, but I can.” Atemu said, kissing him sweetly. “Submit to me like you promised and I'll tell all afterwards.”
Yugi let the Pharaoh kiss him and take his shirt off. “You promise?”
“Of course, my lover.” Atemu cooed gently. He rubbed his cheek against Yugi's flat chest, feeling how soft and perfect it was. He was getting harder the more he lavished Yugi's chest with licks, nips and kisses. Yugi arched his back and moaned with pleasure when Atemu began teasing his nipples with his teeth.
“Pharaoh…” Yugi sighed. Now that he was experiencing it, being in love with a man didn't seem so bad. After all, it was still love and surely the gods didn't object. He let out a gasp when he felt the Pharaoh's strong hand against his most private area. He moaned loudly as the same hand started massaging his already hardening erection.
“Don't be afraid to touch me too, Yugi.” Atemu said, relieving himself of his own shirt, cape and Millennium Puzzle. Yugi was too shy to even think of touching his love. As much as the Pharaoh would've liked it, Yugi just couldn't.
“Eep!” Yugi squealed when Atemu removed the boy's shenti. The Pharaoh licked his lips at the beautiful body lying under him. How could someone look so perfect? Malik had not even looked this way. Atemu lay on top of Yugi and simply hugged him close. Their hardened members pressed against each other, making both young men want each other more.
“So am I the only naked one?” Yugi asked. Atemu laughed and undressed himself completely. Yugi's eyes widened and his face turned a bright shade of pink. “You're huge…”
Again the Pharaoh laughed and kissed the boy's blushing face. “Oh, but you won't see it for long.”
—Cliffhangers are evil, I know. I like using them. So…yeah. Again I apologize for missing my update deadline. Hope I didn't cause any traumatic reader spazzes. lol Don't wonder if I have a good excuse, because I don't. I forgot and I admit to it.
—Anyways, next update: June 30 - yes, I'm purposefully making you wait a while for the end of the lemon. =D