Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Slave for All Time ❯ Warning and Infiltration ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sorry about not updating in a really long time. I've moved into my college dorm and already started my classes. So I won't be updating for a while after this one. I'm setting my next update for September 1, because it seems like the most likely time I can get an update in. It's my 2nd year of college and…well, I'm trying to work harder than ever to get my B.A. in Literature.
—Also, read my ramblings at the end. I have two new fanfic ideas for everybody to vote on. Currently, this fanfic is about 49% finished…almost halfway done.
Chapter 14 - Warning and Infiltration
Several days passed while Marik waited for the perfect time to capture Yugi. Not knowing of this evil plot, Yugi and Atemu were never apart. Yugi became the palace choice errand boy. His daily runs included, fetching water for the horses, buying a present for a guardsman for his favorite dancer, helping an older servant with their sweeping or scrubbing, assisting the cooks with the evening meals, and so on.
During the night, Atemu showed Yugi again and again how much he loved the slave boy. Yugi loved how gentle Atemu was to him, whether in bed or not. He felt rather giddy about referring to the Pharaoh as his “lover”. There were times when Yugi still missed his family and friends. He hadn't heard from Otogi in a long time. Of course, after seeing Anzu like a brainwashed puppet, Yugi had given up all hopes of ever seeing her again.
One night, after another beautiful round of sex, Yugi buried his face in a pillow and shook with the effort not to weep. Atemu noticed and hugged the boy's naked form to him. “What's wrong, my love? Have I done something to hurt you?”
Yugi looked at him and wiped a fresh tear from his cheek. “You've been the peak of love and perfection to me, Atemu. I just…sometimes I miss my friends.”
“I only wish I had the power to bring them all back to you. I hate seeing you upset.” He paused, thinking. “Would it help if we took a trip to Aswan? To visit Otogi. You said once that he lived with Lady Rehema.”
Yugi's eyes widened. “Atemu, you'd come too?! You'd really blow off this whole palace and your work to come with me?!”
“I've been meaning to pay Lord Abubakar a visit anyways. The last I heard from him, the troubles in Aswan had diminished thanks to the extra help I sent him.”
“Oh Atemu!” Yugi hugged him tight. “I love you so much!”
Atemu began tickling him and the boy thrashed playfully in a fit of giggles. The giggles turned into moans of pleasure when he felt the familiarity of the Pharaoh's hand on his penis.
The next day, Yugi was sore. After promising they'd go to Aswan, Atemu “played” with Yugi until both were too tired to even pull the sheets over their bodies. Next time, Yugi would demand to be on top. Being on the bottom was getting old and fast.
Yugi decided to pay Tale a visit. No one had asked him to run any errands so far and Atemu was too busy at the moment to do much to or with him. Tale was instructing her dancers. It was just so hard to believe that she was a grandmother. She didn't look a day over 25 years.
Little Intisar was growing like a weed. She had Anzu's kind and beautiful eyes and Marik's pale hair. She was so adorable and Yugi often liked to play with her. Yugi never told Tale that he knew who's child it was. No one asked Tale about her either. She only told them, “A beggar woman came to me for help. She couldn't afford to care for the babe, much less herself. So I took the child and will raise Intisar as my own.”
Tale commanded the dancers to take a break. She saw Yugi holding Intisar and walked over to him. “I assume you're taking care of the Pharaoh.”
“Of course. He and I are going to visit Lord Abubakar tomorrow.”
“You've traveled there before, haven't you?”
“Not all the way. I came back when I realized I wanted to stay here.”
Intisar squealed and kicked her baby feet. Yugi tickled her tummy and she laughed. “Think she'll grow up to be like you, Tale?”
“She will be raised properly. Who she becomes is her decision. But I pray the gods have blessed her with a kind heart and a decent brain.”
Yugi smiled. “Well, it'll be your choice to keep her that way, right?”
Tale laughed. “Butter me up, eh?” She gently took Intisar in her arms and said, “Watch over the Pharaoh. Tell him to watch over you.”
I will, Yugi thought. He stood and made a small bow to Tale before hurrying back to the main palace rooms, where he was usually most needed.
By dawn the next morning, a small group of soldiers led by Priest Shada were ready to leave for Aswan with the Pharaoh and Yugi. Priest Seto was against it from the start. He proclaimed that Atemu's visit to Aswan was based on foolish reasons.
“My reason is to pay a friendly visit to a friend of my father's and one of my most loyal lords of the sands. Does that sound foolish to you, Seto?” Atemu snapped at him.
“That is not the reason I refer to.” Priest Seto replied, passing a side glance at Yugi already mounted on his camel. Normally, the Pharaoh and Yugi rode horses, but when traveling long distances in the desert, it was better to ride camels.
“Yugi comes only because his last childhood friend now lives in Aswan. He comes of his own free will and his reasons have nothing to do with my own.” Atemu said, more calmly.
Priest Seto was about to protest more, when a strong feminine voice bellowed, “Hold your tongue, Master Seto. Or I shall cut it off.”
It was Tale. Everyone was stunned to see her so close to the Pharaoh. After the rape of her son, people in the palace had become accustomed to seeing Tale never within eyesight of the king.
“T-Tale…” Priest Shimon was the first to recover his voice. “What are you doing here?”
Tale ignored him and turned to the Pharaoh. “I would like to accompany you to Aswan, King Atemu.”
Atemu looked on in shock. “You trust me?”
“I trust myself to help keep you and the boy safe.” Tale replied. Atemu just smiled and nodded affirmatively.
After traveling for two days, the group rested for the eve of the second day. Yugi was sound asleep with his head on his lover's lap. Atemu stroked his servant's hair, swelling with the happiness he'd made Yugi feel.
Tale towered over them like a mountain. Her broad sword—a weapon she hadn't used in years—hung at her side so familiarly that a person could swear it'd never her side. “All is quiet, Pharaoh.” She whispered.
Atemu looked up at her. “Tale, there is something I've wanted to say to you.” He paused, checking to make sure Yugi was still asleep. “I know that,” he began quietly, “words cannot express my sorrows for what I have done to you. Had I not committed such a vulgar act unto your son…you would not have lost him.”
Tale knelt beside him. “I cannot say that I hated you for it. Nor can I say I was not disappointed. My Pharaoh, I was disappointed that such a noble, kind young man such as you would commit rape, but I did not hate you.”
The Pharaoh blinked in surprise. The light of the fire nearby was enough for him to see she was being completely honest. “Why? I would not blame you if you did.”
“I loved him.”
“Akunumkanon…” When she saw the Pharaoh's expression, she waved her hand. “Shocking, yes. But I won't deny it. He meant as much to me as Yugi means to you.”
“Did my father return your love?”
“I told him once how I felt. He said that he already knew. He found me charming, beautiful, strong of body and heart…” Her voice trailed away as she looked into the fire. “But he passed away. And I devoted myself to protecting you, because I saw so much of him inside you.”
“Did you…and he…?” Atemu didn't know quite how to put the question.
“Consummate our love? No. You need not fear. You are not my son, nor is Malik your brother.”
“Where is Malik?”
“I do not know. I know he has become the leader of a cult that despises you and your kingdom. I told Shada to bring more soldiers than this, but he assured me that these guards were the finest he had left.”
“You need not worry about me, Tale. Shada's forces will protect me, as will my swordplay.”
“I did not say it was you who needed protection.” Tale said, standing again. “My son seeks to cause you the same pain you caused him, I'm sure of it. And to do that, he will take everything that is precious to you.”
He wouldn't! He can't, thought Atemu. He looked down at Yugi still sleeping so beautifully and peacefully. Atemu gripped the servant's shirt so tight, he began to stir. “Uh…Pharaoh…is something wrong?”
Atemu held his love tightly to his chest. “Yugi…I swear that no matter what happens, they will be together forever until the end of time.”
Yugi—still half asleep—replied, “Of course we will.”
There was a crash and soldiers scrambled across the sand. Yuugi sat up quickly as Atemu unsheathed his sword. Yuugi put a hand on his dagger and saw them. Men wearing dark brown hoods and carrying blackened swords. Two of them rode horses but the other five were on foot. The horses wore collars with the symbol of Set.
Yuugi looked around wildly as everything began to happen all at once. The soldiers of Set and of the Pharaoh clashed in sprays of sand, clanks of metal and screams of slain. He saw Tale briefly run into the darkness after…something. Yuugi wanted to follow, but Atemu grabbed his arm.
“Yuugi, stay where it's safe!” he ordered.
“But it's you they'll kill!”
“Maybe.” Was all the Pharaoh said before he ran into battle, stabbing one man and dodged another's sword before slicing that one in half.
Suddenly, a man came at Yuugi. Using what he'd learned, Yuugi managed to sidestep the man's attack and brought his dagger to meet the attacker's eye with catlike agility. The men on horses weren't as easy to dodge. Yuugi had to roll and run to keep away from them.
As Yuugi was trying to keep away from the men on horseback, Shada's soldiers were in trouble. More men seemed to be pouring from the night. They were outnumbered and no one knew where Tale had gone. She disappeared completely!
“Tale might be dead by now, my lord!” said Shada as he stood next to the Pharaoh in battle.
“You don't know Tale.” Atemu said, stabbing one man and hacking off another's arm. “She must've seen their leader and gone to kill him!” Suddenly he had a terrible thought. “Yuugi!”
“Pharaoh, come back!” Shada called as he watched the king run through the blood, sand and men.
Atemu saw Yuugi being chased around by the riders. He ran towards them, his bloody sword swing. One of the riders came at him and dismounted. Their swords met in a blinding whirl. There was burning anger in Atemu's eyes. Though tired from battle, he felt his strength surge when he saw the second rider sweep Yuugi up and carry him away.
“Forget about him, Pharaoh.” said a voice that was painfully familiar. Atemu felt his face go pale when he saw the lavender colored eyes of Malik staring at him from beneath the rider's dark brown hood.
“Malik! Where are you taking him?! He has done nothing to you!”
“But should he die, it will cause you great pain.” Malik said. “Oh and don't worry about my mother.” Using his sword hand to keep the Pharaoh at bay, he retrieved a tuff of hair from his pocket. Hair like his…bloody hair still attached to a small piece of scalp.
“Tale, no!” Atemu smashed his fist into Malik's face and grabbed the madman's horse and rode after Yuugi.
But before he could even reach the edge of the ruined campsite, Malik threw his hidden dagger and it found the king's heart.
—If ya'll just wanna…kick me for not updating so very long, feel free. I feel ashamed, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. So next update is October 21. Why so soon? Because after today I'll have just a pinch more free time. Anyways, there's Chapter 15 and then comes the whole Atemu and Yuugi being reborn…
—New fanfic ideas to vote on! Woo! Two of them. Both Atemu/Yuugi. Both unhappy endings.
Fanfic Idea #1: Wishes. Yuugi is given a beautiful artifact from his father before he passes away. Several years later, Yuugi uncovers the same artifact from his attic. When he rubs it, he finds a genie and is given three wishes. Though he doesn't believe in genies, Yuugi let's Atemu stay with him and finds himself falling for this mystical spirit of wishes. However, sometimes there are wishes even genies cannot grant. Rated X for yaoi fluffiness, violence, and lemons.
Fanfic Idea #2: Guarded. Atemu is the loyal servant and advisor of Senator Seto, one of Octavian's faithful senators who survived the tyranny of Julius Caesar. One day, Atemu finds a young boy imprisoned inside Seto's bed chamber. Doing what is right, Atemu frees the boy and hides him from his master. But soon, Atemu begins to struggle between his loyalty to his employer and his newfound love for the boy named Yuugi. Rated X for yaoi fluffiness, bits of incense, a very small Seto/Atemu and pieces of Seto/Yuugi, and of course Atemu/Yuugi lemons.