Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Slave for All Time ❯ What the Gods Have Planned ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

—I just feel really bad about almost abandoning Mediaminer. I mean, gosh, I love this place! I can freely express my love for Atemu/Yuugi lemons that nobody seems to understand in real life. Lol.
—Some good things have happened since the last update. In such a short time, I realized I've pulled two of my grades up one letter and my boyfriend might propose to me. *cough* Not sure about the second one…yet.
—Story So Far: Atemu got stabbed...if ya'll think I killed him off, NOPE! I don't kill my bishie so easily. Yuugi has been captured and…I'm going to say that Tale's whereabouts still remain a mystery, because for some reason I like Tale far too much to just simply have her scalped. Now, this is the last “ancient Egypt” chapter. Chapter 16 will begin the “modern day” section of this fanfic. Although…I should probably call it a novel now. xD
Chapter 15 - What the Gods Have Planned
Shada was the first to see the Pharaoh fall. The attackers managed to get away, except one. He was taken to the dungeon to await questioning. King Atemu was on the brink of death and weakened from the loss of blood. He kept screaming for Yuugi and pleading for everyone to search the seven deserts until they found him. But no one listened. They were all more concerned about the health and healing of their king.
When things had quieted down, Shada and Mahaado reported the Pharaoh's condition to the other priests. Their king's wound was deep and he had lost so much blood. The healers and herbalists had done all they could. It was in the hands of the gods now.
“I told him not to go. I may not possess Isis's ability to foresee the future, but I knew something would go wrong!” Priest Seto snapped.
“King Atemu is strong. He will pull through.” said Priest Akunadin.
“It does not seem that way.” Shada replied. “The entire trip back here, he wouldn't stop begging us to find Yuugi.”
“Then surely we should find him.” Priest Shimon said.
“Why should we?” Priest Akunadin asked. “We've already exhausted most of our resources with the problems in Aswan. Exhausting them more to find one slave isn't going to help! We'll find the Pharaoh another slave.”
“We can't.” Priest Seto said. “I may have bought Yuugi to tease the Pharaoh, but I see now that Yuugi's presence has done wonders for the palace.”
“I like him.” Isis said, who had remained silent up to now.
“So do I.” agreed Mahaado. “He's become a favorite among all the palace staff.”
Priest Akunadin sighed heavily. Before he could speak again, Priest Seto said, “I will speak with the Pharaoh.”
“Careful, Seto.” said Mahaado. “He is in pain and tired. Do not upset him more.”
“I don't intend to.” Priest Seto replied.
Atemu tried to move, but the spot where the dagger hit him was in so much pain. It hurt to even breathe. If he closed his eyes forever, the pain promised to leave. But no…he had to fight the urge to pass on. If he could just stay alive and be able to see Yuugi one more time, that would be enough and he'd die happy.
He was lying on his stomach and looked up when the door opened. Seto came in and sat down next to the Pharaoh's bed. “You were lucky, I see.”
“Please, Seto…” Atemu managed to choke out. “Find Yuugi. I beg of you. Do whatever it takes to find him. Even if he's nothing but a mangled corpse.” Tears filled the Pharaoh's eyes at the thought of seeing Yuugi's lifeless, bloody body. “I'm begging you, Seto. I love him so…”
“We'll send a message to Aswan and bring back as many forces as possible. Now that the terror there has died down, our warriors may rest at home.”
“Seto!” Atemu cried. He winced at the growing pain in his back.
“I'm not finished.” Seto replied. “I have a confession to make.”
Atemu looked up at him. “What is it?”
“You may think I bought Yuugi just to tease you about the incident with Tale's son, but that's not entirely the case.” Seto said. “Though I have made such a thing evident to those around us, I actually bought him for a higher purpose.”
“Your happiness, Pharaoh. I told that perhaps I could use the boy to somehow make you happy. My taunts were partly a cover-up and partly for bitter amusement.”
Atemu snorted. “So all of this was part of your plan.”
“I had no plan except to buy the boy and give him to you in hopes he'd make you happy. Now I see that I have succeeded in that.”
“Seto, have you ever been in love? Do you even realize how much my heart is breaking right now?”
Seto's mind wandered to a young woman with pale skin and hair like moonlight with glistening blue eyes that took his breath away. “Yes, Pharaoh. I have been in love. I promise we will track down Yuugi.”
Atemu pointed to the table against the wall opposite of him. “My Millennium Puzzle.”
“You want it?”
“No. If I die here, Seto, take it. Preserve the sense of justice and bright future that I dreamed of with my father.”
Seto's eyes widened. “Don't talk like that, my king!”
“I feel very weak, Seto. I know you will take care of this kingdom.”
Seto's grip tightened on his Millennium Rod. “Pharaoh…” He stood and left the room, going back to the main throne room. Immediately he ordered a message be sent as swift as the wind to Aswan and bring back as many soldiers as possible. Shada commented that Seto seemed upset about something, but Seto paid him no mind.
Yuugi curled into a ball and shivered in fear. Where was he? After being captured, again, he could barely see anything except a brief glimpse of an encampment of tents with the symbol of Set on them. He didn't find Tale, only a dark dungeon of some kind. He wasn't shackled, but his dagger was taken away from him.
Without his weapon, Yuugi felt useless and afraid. There was no window for the moonlight to shine through. The door was completely bolted shut and weighted as much as ten camels. No matter how hard Yuugi slammed against it, it didn't even shudder. No matter how loud he screamed and pleaded, no one seemed to hear or care.
Finally the door swung open and two big men grabbed him and tied him in ropes and dragged him from the room. Torchlight and firelight stung Yuugi's eyes from being in pure darkness so long. People in dark brown robes gathered and watched him being dragged towards some kind of altar.
On the altar was displayed hieroglyphics that preached of Set and his greatness. Behind the altar were men in dark red robes that looked much finer than the ones of dark brown. A stranger in black robes stepped forward and threw back his hood.
“Malik!” Yuugi shouted. One of the men holding him, slapped his head.
“I do not go by that name, little Yuugi. My name is Marik, Set's Blessed One.”
Yuugi shook off his dizziness and frowned at Marik. “Let me go!”
“Never. I want to cause the Pharaoh the same pain he's made me feel all these years.”
“You're mad.”
“Yes.” Marik threw back his head and laughed. “Mad at the Bastard King! Join me, Yuugi. We can make him pay for what he's done.”
“Where's Anzu?!” Yuugi shouted. “I want to see her!”
“There is no Anzu. I made sure her worthless existence was null.”
Yuugi's eyes widened. “Y-You…killed your own wife…”
“Tie him to the altar.” Marik ordered.
Now finding the strength to fight back, Yuugi struggled against his captors, biting and kicking and screaming for help from the other people. None of them moved or even looked at him. They were all brainwashed as Anzu had been.
Finally, Yuugi was strapped down to the altar with Marik standing over him.
“O great and wise Set!” Marik said, raising his arms to the clear, night sky. The people fell to their knees and the red robed men began chanting quietly. “Tonight,” Marik continued, “I have fulfilled your words! With this boy, we shall avenge the wickedness done unto your Blessed One. According to your anointed words, we shall torture, rape, and defile him. And in doing so, smite the heart of the Bastard King who runs a sword through your brain.”
Yuugi tried to break his bindings, but they were too tight and his struggles only made them tighter. Marik laughed and one of the robed men held out a jagged dagger with a black hilt. Marik took the dagger and cut away Yuugi's clothing so that he was now tied to the altar in the nude.
“Let me go!” Yuugi screamed.
Marik just laughed at him. His laughter echoed through the crowd as the chanting stopped. He took the jagged dagger and made a long cut down Yuugi's chest almost to his penis. Yuugi bit his lip to keep from crying out, which might make Marik happy.
Marik proceeded to sketch little marks into Yuugi's stomach. He moved to Yuugi's thighs and wrote his name on the left one and the oath of the Cult of Set on the right one. Yuugi was sobbing now as he saw his blood slowly raining from the wounds.
Marik snapped his fingers and stood aside as a maid came forward and dumped a bucket of water on Yuugi's body. He screamed long and loud. The water was freezing cold, but it offered a minor comfort. He felt so numb he wouldn't feel another wound.
“You think you'll be saved?” Marik whispered in his ear. “Set's word is law now, fool.” He held up the medallion of the red dragon. “Not even the Pharaoh's prized God Monsters can save you now.” He threw the medallion into the nearest fire.
“Y-Y-You've…g-got me. I-I've b-b-b-been tortured. L-Let me go...”
Without a word, Marik stripped himself of his pants and jumped on top of the altar and proceeded to rape the poor boy.
The next morning brought no word to the palace or the day after. The messengers had been sent the night before and would not reach Aswan for another day and night. If more soldiers were ordered to leave to search for Yuugi, the palace guard would be very thin. Mahaado paraded through the city to find able bodied men to join the soldiers just long enough to search for Yuugi.
Meanwhile, the Pharaoh was feeling weaker. He hadn't had the stomach to digest much food. Sometimes Shimon, Mahaado and Seto visited at brief periods, giving reports that Yuugi had not been discovered, but they would keep searching. None of the priests decided to tell Atemu that they had barely even begun the search.
“I hate lying to him.” said Mahaado to Shimon after his turn at visiting with the Pharaoh.
“So do I. But knowing the truth would hurt him more.” The old priest sighed heavily. “We can barely get the search moving. Our forces are thinned out across the desert. We need more soldiers.”
Mahaado nodded. It would take too long to train new soldiers now, but at least we were getting the ball rolling.
Atemu closed his eyes and imagined that he was lying in bed with Yuugi rubbing his back in slow, sensual motions. In his dream, Atemu rolled over and tackled Yuugi gently. They both collapsed on the bed, laughing and tickling each other. Only Yuugi knew the Pharaoh's ticklish spots. In his dream, the Pharaoh let Yuugi be on top and surprisingly the slave boy was quite gifted at love-making.
“I learned it from my lustful Pharaoh.” purred Yuugi in the dream.
“Yuugi…” Atemu whispered through his painful sleep. He clutched his sheets, praying that the love of his life would be saved.
Three days.
Yuugi had counted each one from the rising sun to the rising moon. Each day, Marik came and made new cuts on his body and sexually abused him. After the torture, one of the red robed men—which were apparently Marik's advisors—would throw a blanket over Yuugi's body for the rest of the day.
The blanket was removed by the same maid who threw cold water on him the first night of torture. She gave him scraps of food and a few sips of water to wash it down. Yuugi was only fed enough so that he didn't starve. His body felt weak from all the blood loss and he was beginning to stink, which made the vultures hungry. Two guards stood close by to swat or kill vultures that came to nip at the boy.
When the blanket was covering him, Yuugi would close his eyes and his spirit would drift back to the waiting arms of his lover. Atemu would hold him closely and whisper sweetness in his ear and make him forget about everything else. In his heart and soul, Atemu was never far away. They were connected and that connection would last eternally.
As the sun began to set, Marik prepared for another evening of Yuugi torture. He was frustrated too. Yuugi seemed to show no signs of giving in. After each torture session, the spiky haired boy looked Marik straight in the eyes and a fire burned strong in those eyes. Such a fire of passion and strong will frightened Marik greatly. He had never been so nervous or frightened of someone except when he was a pathetic slave boy and raped by the Bastard King. That was the only time he was truly afraid of another human being.
Marik shook off the feeling and grabbed his jagged dagger. But before he could leave his tent, a young sentry entered. “O Blessed One! I bring word of my watch!”
“This had better be important.”
“It is! I saw a group of the Bastard King's soldiers heading for his palace. They appeared to have come from Aswan.”
Marik laughed. “The Pharaoh is preparing to search for Yuugi. He will never find him.”
“I fear there is more, sir.”
Marik eyed the sentry. “Then speak quickly.”
“One of the soldiers spotted my companion who shares my watch. I fled, but my companion was captured.” The sentry bowed low, fearing for his life.
“He will not speak. He knows that Set will never forgive him if he does.” Marik replied simply and headed out to the altar, sparing the young sentry's life…for the moment.
The imprisoned sentry was brought to the throne room that morning. The first prisoner had killed himself on his way to the throne room, but this one was not given such an opportunity. His arms were bound in ropes and his legs in chains. He was so tied up that the guards had to carry him in.
Priest Seto stepped forward. “Vile scum, where is the slave boy?”
“I know not what you speak of.” The man said.
“The slave boy your kind captured four days ago!” Priest Seto snarled. “Where is he?!”
“With my master, Marik.”
“And where is your master?” Mahaado asked.
The man laughed. Priest Seto tensed, wanting to hit this man until he did not breathe. But he promised the Pharaoh that he would find Yuugi. “Listen worthless being, tell us where the slave boy is and we might consider letting you leave unharmed.”
The man snickered. “I will not go against the great Set.”
“Show him to me.”
The room was deathly silent as the Pharaoh staggered towards the prisoner. Mahaado and Shada took the Pharaoh in arm. “My king,” said Shada, “you should not be here. You must go back to your chambers.”
Atemu shrugged off Shada and Mahaado as the prisoner was turned to see the Pharaoh. The man laughed at him, but he stopped. There was a golden aura around the king that had suddenly appeared. A voice from nowhere said, “You will talk, mortal. Or suffer…” The shadow of a huge dragon with two mouths appeared behind King Atemu. Just the sight of the creature shocked the man to his core.
He screamed in fear and told them everything and accurate directions of how to get from the palace to Marik's encampment. He told them how Yuugi had been tortured and Atemu turned and fell to the ground to retch, but not vomit. The thought of Yuugi being raped and abused by Malik was too much for him.
“Mahaado…” Atemu said weakly. His childhood friend knelt by his side. “Send as many troops as you can with the best weapons we have. If you must take prisoners, do so. Go with them and take Karim and Shada with you. Bring my Yuugi back to me…dead or alive.”
“Yes my king.” Mahaado was about to stand, but the Pharaoh placed a hand on his shoulder.
Atemu looked him in the eye. “One more thing, I want you to kill Malik. I don't care how. Do it with your bare hands if you have to, but kill him.”
“Go rest, my friend and I shall.” Mahaado said.
The blanket was taken off sooner than Yuugi expected. Marik was looking down at him angrily. He slapped Yuugi hard across the face.
“The Pharaoh's soldiers are coming this way. They'll be upon my followers very soon.”
Yuugi smiled. “Then you'll get what you deserve. And I'll be with my Pharaoh again.”
Marik slapped him again. “You do not deserve to be with the Bastard King!” He stabbed Yuugi's shoulder.
Yuugi cried out a little, but then started to chuckle. “You still love him, don't you?”
Marik's eyes widened and he nearly dropped his dagger. Love? Love?! Never! He couldn't love Atemu after what the king had done to him! “Never!” he screamed and stabbed Yuugi in the stomach as chaos erupted on the border of his camp.
“Yuugi!” shouted a familiar voice. Mahaado came at Marik as he turned to face the priest. With one hard slice, Mahaado decapitated the evil young man.
Yuugi was barely breathing as Mahaado cut his bidding and tied his cape around the boy's waist. “Thank you.”
They hurried back to the palace. Mahaado healed what he could of Yuugi's wounds. He begged Yuugi to hold on for Atemu's sake. Yuugi was grasping life so tightly. Everything hurt and death seemed so welcome now. Just the thought of Marik finally being dead was enough to give him peace.
You are not done yet.
Not done yet? Who's there?
A man in shining robes appeared, though Yuugi could barely see his face. Was that a falcon head instead of a human head?!
O mortal, strong of will and passion, you will not be left to die so easily.
I'm so tired. I don't think my body can take it anymore.
You shall lift your head again, O mortal.
I can't leave Atemu. I refuse. I don't care what happens.
This is what the gods have planned. You shall be with the one you love again. Though he will not know it.
What do you mean?
You shall see, O mortal. Trust in the gods. Now sleep…
“YUUGI!!!” Atemu shouted. He fell to his knees and held Yuugi's limp body close to his heart. “Yuugi! Yuugi, don't leave me! Please, my light. Please…” Tears rained form his cheeks as he kissed Yuugi's peaceful face. “Yuugi, Yuugi my love! Don't go. Oh Ra, please give him back to me! I can't live without him. Yuugi!”
So you shall not, O king. Sleep beside your love until the day you will meet again.
Atemu fell to the ground with Yuugi still in his arms. And that was how the guards found them. The Pharaoh finally reunited with his love in the afterlife.
That part where Atemu is begging Seto to find Yuugi made me shed a little tear, it was so sweet! Next update is November 10. Reason: two of my classes are bloody essay-happy. I have at least two essays due the week before. So between now and then, things will be a little hairy for me. Did I mention I turned 21 years old October 16? :-D
—Also I might get lazy, because I've gotten addicted to this new anime that's like Sailor Moon meets DNAngel. It's called Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne. Do a Google search if you don't know about it. I think it's cute…but then I've been a forever Sailor Moon fan so that's why it appeals to me.
—Okay, shut up DML. I'll see you guys on the next update! Remember to vote (for those who haven't) on Fanfic 1 or Fanfic 2 at the end of Chapter 14. As far as I know, it's a tie.