Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Slave for All Time ❯ Running Out of Time ( Chapter 19 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

New chapter, yay! And everybody had that little surprise near the end of Chapter 18. Enjoyable, eh? Egyptian Yuugi, at the end, he was horny and needed Yugi to help him…if my fellow dirty-minded people know what I mean. ;-]
—Well, I hope everybody has a happy holiday! I, personally, will be spending Christmas with my new laptop, my family, my friends, my fiancé, and my new Final Fantasy XII game for PS2. Yay!
Chapter 19 - Running Out of Time
“This must be a mistake!” Yami exclaimed at his Algebra teacher. The class had been dismissed except for Yami Kotara and Yugi Mutou. The teacher, Mr. Itou, had handed back last week's test and very few students ever passed Itou-sensei's tests. He cracked down hard on slackers and only a fifth of his students got so much as a B+. He was a small man, barely taller than Yugi, who was the shortest sophomore at Domino High. But students learn a very important lesson at Domino High. Never, EVER cross Itou-sensei. NEVER.
“There is no mistake.” Itou-sensei said. “If you want to pass my class, Kotara, I suggest you get a tutor.”
“I do not need a tutor.” Yami replied.
Itou-sensei tapped a ruler on the big, fat D- firmly scribbled on Yami's Algebra test. “That test tells me differently. Need I remind you that if you don't pass my class, you're off the soccer team? Need I remind you that your grade has slipped from a B- to a C-? That's on full letter grade, Kotara.”
Yami frowned hard at him. “Fine. So who will tutor me?”
“The only student who has ever gotten an A- in my class.” Itou-sensei motioned to someone behind Yami. He turned and made a little strangled cough to keep from groaning.
“Mutou, I want you to tutor Kotara in Algebra. Help him get at least a C+ on his next test.” Itou-sensei stood with his briefcase, beginning to leave. “By the way, the next test is before the big championship game, Kotara. Fail that test and you won't be able to lead our school to victory. So long, gentlemen.”
Once Itou-sensei was gone, Yami crumpled up his test and threw it into the waste basket. A week had gone by since Yami's…erotic dream. At first, the dreams seemed to stop, but two days ago they started back up again. Yami just wanted some peace. Maybe if he pretended to accept this nonsense, the dreams would stop forever. But he was just too stubborn to do such a thing…yet.
“So…uh…” Yugi started. He had decided to stop trying to push Yami to accept his ancient past. It was better to cozy up to him and gain his trust and friendship. As they say, you have to walk before you can run. “Want to get some studying in right now?”
“I can't. I have practice. But what's the point?! I'll fail no matter what! Dammit, I should've joined Saitou-sensei's Algebra class. It may be a bonehead class, but it's better than this tyrant!”
“Maybe we can study after you get done from practice.” Yugi suggested. Good thinking, he thought. He'll be hot and dripping with sweat…truly a delicious sight.
“Can't. I promised Tea we'd get some ice cream.”
Yugi shifted his weight from one foot to the other. “Well…when can you pencil me in?”
“Ha ha, very funny.” Yami grabbed his backpack. “Seven o'clock this evening?”
“Sure. My house or yours?”
“Mine. Be sure to eat dinner before you come over. My mother won't be there to cook for both of us.”
“She work late?”
“She takes night classes at Domino Technical Institute. She wants to be a dental assistant.” Yami looked at Yugi over his shoulder.
“Oh. My mom used to be a dental assistant.”
Yami turned and looked fully at him. “Really?”
“Yeah, but…she had to quit to help raise me after my dad died.”
“I'm sorry to hear that. My father is gone too. How did your father die?”
Yugi shrugged. “I don't remember. I was only three at the time. How did your dad die?”
“Lung cancer. My mother said it was the cigarettes that did it.”
“Oh. Sorry.”
Yami shrugged. “My dad was a jerk anyways. I don't mourn him. Anyways, see ya at my house.”
Yugi had to get Yami's address from Tea. He explained Yami's predicament with Itou-sensei and Tea was all too happy to help.
“Can I come too? I got a solid B in Itou-sensei's class.”
Yugi wanted to say `yes', but he found himself answering, “No, Tea. No offense, but he might pay more attention to you than his studies.”
Tea blushed furiously. “Good point. Well, good luck.”
Yugi now stood in front of a modest, little two story house with a fine white paint job and a dark colored roof with potted flowers on the porch and an off-white porch swing. Most of the lights were on and steady, except the porch light flickered like fire.
After knocking on the door, Yugi checked to make sure his T-shirt wasn't wrinkled and his jeans were straight. He looked inside his backpack too. Algebra book and notebook with a pencil clipped onto the front…check!
Yami finally came to the door sporting tight, black leather pants with a sleeveless, white top and a dark blue towel draped over his hair. “Come on in.”
This must have been the den, because there was a big, green sofa in the center of the room and a medium-sized TV facing it. In the farthest corner, away from the door was a desk with lots of papers and opened envelopes littering the top and the seat of the desk chair.
“Don't sit at the desk. It's my mother's. And I forgot to clean the kitchen table.”
“Is there another table or desk we can sit at?”
Yami didn't want to suggest this, but his mouth moved on its own, “There's one in my room.” No, he thought. I don't want this nut job in my room! But he was moving up the stairs and Yugi was following willingly. He showed no signs of happiness or eagerness. He was completely blank and serious. Oh well, Yami thought. It won't do any harm. But he tries to flirt with me, I'm kicking him out.
“Aw, nice room!” Yugi said when they entered. It was a decent size bedroom with posters of different music bands and a couple swimsuit models. The walls themselves were a nice shade of blue and the floor was hardwood. The bed was queen-sized and decorated with Bugs Bunny bedsheets, which almost made Yugi burst out laughing. He never pictured Yami as the type to have cartoon-like sheets.
“Something wrong?” Yami asked, sitting at his desk, which was a lot cleaner than his mother's.
“No.” Yugi replied. Yami stood again and grabbed a fold-out chair from beside the desk. He put it up between the desk and the bed. Yugi sat down and both boys got out their textbooks.
“I hate math.”
“Think you'll be a star?”
“Excuse me?”
“You know…a big time athlete. A big soccer star with lots of ramen, pocky and soda commercials, trips to America, big money, a hero to millions…that sort of thing.”
Yami chuckled. “I don't know about that. Soccer is just a hobby for me. I like to play it, but I don't think I'll be making a career out of it.”
“What do you want to do with your life?”
“Aren't you supposed to be tutoring me?”
“Just trying to make conversation.” Yugi said. They turned to their homework for the night and started business. It wasn't long before Yami and Yugi became friendlier. By the time, they were done with their Algebra homework, each one new what the other's favorite color, favorite movie, favorite book, and favorite musical artist was.
“Thank you for helping me.” Yami said as he put his book and papers into his backpack. The clock showed 8:30pm. Yugi was busy tucking his things away too. Maybe he's not so bad, thought Yami. He certainly isn't the wacky nimrod I thought he'd be. So long as he doesn't talk about that Egyptian crap, then he's okay.
“Well, I guess I'd better go then.” Yugi said.
“Wait…” Yami hesitated. He wanted to get to know Yugi better. Tea always told him that Yugi was a great guy, though shy and insecure. Maybe they could be friends. “I want to apologize. It seems you and I got off on the wrong foot. Let's start over.”
Yugi smiled a little. “Sure.” Baby steps, he reminded himself. “You can eat lunch with us more often too.”
“We can have another tutoring session tomorrow after school. No practice tomorrow.”
“Great.” Yugi said. “I'll see you tomorrow then.”
“Yugi! Yugi, wake up!” said Egyptian Yuugi.
Yugi rolled over. “I don't want to play with you tonight.”
“It's not that! There's something wrong! Fate dealt us a bad hand.”
“Not tonight…” Yugi moaned and covered his face with his sheets.
Egyptian Yuugi sighed. He held his hand over Yugi's left arm. There was a spark and the tattoo of an hourglasses appeared near Yugi's left elbow. The top part of the hourglass was halfway empty.
“Yugi, if you can hear me, please listen. I've marked you with a sign from the gods. When the sands of that hourglass run out…” Egyptian Yuugi bit his lower lip. “This is very bad, my friend…very bad indeed.”
Meanwhile, Yami was having a dream of his own. He was standing in total darkness. Suddenly, his ancient Egyptian self appeared in front of him. The pharaoh seemed aware of Yami's presence, unlike in the other dreams.
“You can see me now! Tell me what's going on!” Yami snapped. “Leave me in peace!”
“His fate is in your hands. You must save him.” The pharaoh replied in a ghostly version of Yami's own voice.
“Whose fate? What's going on?”
“You'll fail this test just as you failed your math test.”
“Shut up! I don't want to hear it!” Yami shouted.
“If you do not submit to your past, then he will die!” The pharaoh growled. He waved his hand and a giant hourglass appeared beside him. The sand at the top was halfway gone. “He has four months to live. In four months, on the eve of your birth, if you do not submit, he will die.”
“I don't understand. Who will die? And why?”
“The gods are testing both of you. Five thousand years ago, the gods saved a pharaoh and his lover because their bond of love was strong enough to withstand even death. Both the pharaoh and his lover together could control the awesome power of the gods themselves. Now, after being reborn, the gods are testing to see if love can withstand the passage of time. If that same pharaoh and that same lover fail, then…well, the one to die first, always dies first.”
“I…I don't understand. You think I'm that pharaoh. But you're—”
“…only a piece of you.” The pharaoh replied and vanished into the darkness, leaving only the giant hourglass looming above.
—Hmmm…interesting. “The one to die first always dies first” I wonder what that means. Heh…well, of course I know what it means, but y'know, I was saying that for like a suspense thing.
—Next update is on January 2…because everybody (including us dedicated fanfic writers) want to relax for the holidays. Love you all and Happy Holidays! :-]