Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Slave Mongrel ❯ Brain Washing ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

"So this is the place?" Duke said as he looked at the ancient styled wooden ship that sat placidly in the harbor. Kaiba and Detective Leon had tracked them down to here.

"Why isn't the boat rocking?" Leon asked as he gazed at the ship that was as still as if it wasn't on any water, but instead land. The group was standing between two warehouses that stood along the docks, taking in the details of the men in black wondering the deck and keeping look out. It wasn't going to be easy getting in.

"Maybe it's all that shadow magic around it?" Bakura questioned, as he looked the ship over. He was as high as a kite and loving every moment of it. What he was really loving was the thought of another item he could go after. And the blood he could shed!

"Maybe." Kaiba responded as he glared at the ship. Leon and Duke had to hold him back at first else he would have stormed the ship on his own, with or without the others. "But I could care less whether that boat rocks or not. I want to know where Joey is and if he's even in there." He growled out the last glaring at the ship as if he could intimidate it into talking.

"Translated we need a way onto that ship without being discovered." Yami said from his place in the shadows and leaning against the wall. "Without using our powers. If we can sense their powers then surely they would be able to sense ours."

"How about the cargo hatch over there?" Tristan said as he pointed to where cargo containers were awaiting to be loaded through a hatch. But now in the middle of the night no one was loading them, but leaving the hatch open wasn't exactly smart on their part.

"I think it sounds like a plan." Kaiba said as he walked back into the shadows, speaking as he went and not caring if the others followed or not. "Let's find a closer way to sneak in, the last thing we need to do is get caught."

"I'll lead the way!" Bakura said as he passed up Kaiba to take the lead. Once they were as close as they could get they snuck around in pairs behind Bakura, who was flitting from shadow to shadow. Duke and Kaiba followed him, followed by Leon and Tristan, Yami tail gating them.

"Which way now I wonder?" Duke whispered as he looked about, feeling unease as he swore they were being watched. He shook it off as he paid attention to what was going on. He didn't need to be distracted if there wasn't a reason for it.

"I suggest we go this way." Leon pointed to the only other door in the room. He looked at the two spirits with one reminder to give them. "No powers. Just punch them and you'll be alright."

"Can I kill them?" Bakura pulled out a wicked looking knife that creep-ed them all out. Tristan sighed and shook his head. Bakura didn't care, he wanted to see some action and most of all blood!

"Only if they try to kill you first, but don't get to sadistic." Leon returned as they headed for the door. They walked down the corridor, not running into anyone, which was kind of strange, till they came to a split. "Well damn. . ."

"Tristan and Bakura will go that way. Us four shall stick together till we have to separate, but let's at least stay in pairs of two." Yami took control , ignoring the glare he received from the other spirit, and the one from the Young CEO. "Are we game?"

"Sounds good to me." Leon said and they split up. They stayed together for a short while till Leon and Yami had to split up from Duke and Kaiba. Leon and Yami walked down the corridors for a while, Leon being forced to follow Yami who would not deter from his set path. "Don't you think it's funny we haven't ran into anyone yet?"

"No." Yami stated and Leon gave a frustrated sigh. He didn't know weather this guy was worse than D or not. Yami ignored him as he continued. "They are purposely avoiding us for a reason. But it doesn't mean they are not watching."

"You really know how to make a guy feel safe when dealing with the unknown don't you." Leon muttered vehemently as they continued down their chosen path. Yami's chosen path at any rate as they turned yet another corner and headed for some stairs.


"Seto, do you have the feeling we're being watched?" Duke asked as he stayed close to his love while they walked the corridors, only their footfalls creating any sound. It was eerie to the young dice master as he still felt eyes upon him that he couldn't see.

"Duke, shouldn't this ship be moving a little?" Seto responded as he peered through an open door that lead into a dark room. He sighed as they continued down the hallway once again. "And shouldn't we have ran into someone by now?"

"Then let me take you to whom you seek." A calm voice stated as they rounded a corner. Duke squeaked and jumped behind Kaiba who just glared at the darkly clad man before him.

"Who the hell are you?" Kaiba growled out in a threatening tone. He couldn't see the man's face, but the guy was huge. Kaiba was a little concerned and hoped Duke would be able to escape while he detained the large man.

"I am the one who will take you to our beautiful golden sun god." The tall man turned around, his cloak fluttering around him as he took off down the hall. Duke prodded his boyfriend to follow, who followed after the large man. They twisted down a few corridors, and some stairs, till they finally came to a room. The large man stopped just outside the door and turned to them. "This is where you go on alone."

"Is Joey in there?" Duke ventured as he peaked around Kaiba. He didn't get a response though which really irritated the dice master. In fact he was about to give mister big, tall and creepy a piece of his mind but Kaiba was faster.

"Fine then." Kaiba growled out as he stormed into the room. It wasn't just any room it was a bedroom, done in hues of the desert. The bed was shrouded from view by golden sheer drapes, but one could make out a figure lazing on the mattress. "Joey?"

The figure sat up and yes it was Joey, Duke even smiled and let out a sound of delight at finding their lover unharmed. The blond raised a Hand and made a dismissing motion at which the curtains on the bed parted. Both the darker haired youth's stared with wide eyes at him. And not just because the curtain got out of his way at his silent command either. He was dressed like an Egyptian, with a flimsy white kilt that parted when he pulled one of his legs up as he sat more up right. He was draped in jewels and gold that brought out his golden beauty even more, with Make up that enhanced the beauty of his eyes that almost seemed to glow with the power of a bright golden sun. And those golden orbs glared at their intrusion. "You're disturbin' my slumber."

"Joey it's us. . ." Duke said as they stared at their lover in shock. Ok Duke stared in shock, Kaiba. . . .

"Joey get up and come along now. We're leaving." Kaiba commanded angrily. He wanted to grab the blond and drag him kicking and screaming off this ship if he had too, but he knew that might not be a wise idea with all those guards around.

"And you're daring to command me as to what to do too." Joey said angrily as he lounged back with a thoughtful look. "I wonder what you would do if I ordered my guards to seize you and drag you to the brig? What would you do?"

"Joey, what's gotten into you?" Duke exclaimed a little lost for words as to why their love was acting this way. Had they brainwashed him or something? And what was up with that dialect?

"What's always been in me." Joey responded as he continued to stare at them with a fire in his eyes. Eyes that no longer held the Joey they once knew but someone else entirely.

"Stupid puppy." Kaiba growled out, which was obviously a mistake.

"Puppy am I?" Joey sat back up, then stood up on the bed allowing them a good look at him. "I am not some animal you can kick around, nor command, Seto Kaiba. To think I was in Love with a self centered low life such as your self. Did you think I would come running back like an obedient little dog? Did you Kaiba?"

"Joey. . ." Kaiba said at a loss for words, the feeling of his heart breaking making his chest hurt. Duke was crying next to him staring up in disbelieving horror, and Seto truly couldn't blame him. He himself couldn't believe this man that now stood before them was Truly their Joey. He didn't know what happened, but he'd be damned if he allowed it to continue. He just didn't know how to stop it.

"Joey you can't truly mean that. . ?" Duke whispered with fear and heart breaking sorrow in his voice. He stared at merely a hatred filled shell of their lover, who seemed to be possessed by something dark and sinister.

"Oh I mean it, `Master'." Joey laced his last word with such hatred and contempt that he knew it had to be like an arrow in the heart of Duke Devlin. But he didn't care anymore. "Did you think you're," Joey twirled his hand searching for words. "Little `slave mongrel' was going to come back for more like some willing bitch?"

"Stop this at once Joey!" Kaiba lost his temper and started yelling, and a yelling Kaiba was a dangerous Kaiba. "Get down from there, put some clothes on, we are leaving now!"

"You are no longer my master. Are these words not making sense to ya?" Joey asked with contempt for the men before him. "Because if you're having that much trouble understanding them, then perhaps my lovers would care to teach you what happens when you defy me."

Two young men emerged from the shadows, twins dressed in leather. They both looked pretty evil, dressed in black leather. Kaiba and Duke glanced between the moonlit hair and violet eyed twins who were wielding something they knew though had never seen before. "Item holders. . ."

"Yes Kaiba, that's right. My lovers will have this world and I will give it to them." Joey said with a cocky smirk as he walked to the edge of the bed, jumping down to the floor to face off against them. "I think it's time you both leave, or we will kill you."

"Joey please!" Duke Pleaded as he moved to stand before Kaiba, wanting to slap his blond lover around and shake some sense into him. "This isn't you! They've brain washed you! Just think about what you're saying!" Duke fairly screamed as he pleaded.

"Hmmm . . ." Joey seemed thoughtful for a moment, then shrugged and grinned. "Then you should have gotten here sooner, maybe before they brain washed me." His sarcasm was evident in his voice. "But like usual you're a day late and a dollar short."

"He's right." Kaiba said in a quiet voice as he fell to the floor in defeat. "I couldn't protect him. I can't protect anyone. Not my brother. Not even my lovers. . . I . . ." Kaiba trailed off as he tried to hold back his tears, but a few slipped out. He spent so much time at work, spent so much time at home working. . . Seto slammed his fist into the floor screaming. "BUT IT DOESN'T MEAN I DON'T LOVE YOU!!!"

"Aw, how sweet." The one to their right said, he seemed somehow more innocent than the one to their left. "But we love him as well and you can't have him back. Our golden sun god will no longer serve you as a pet."

"He's with us now, just walk away." The other said as he glared at them, daring them to challenge him. They had seduced him fair and square, making the blond theirs' by right and they would not give him up if they had their way about it. And thanks to Kaiba and Duke they had tapped into that previously untapped source of hatred and anger that was hidden. From the little things like name calling to seeing his friends buried in the earth due to the violence of their lives. It was perfect. Though Joey's hatred for Duke and Kaiba was not much, when combined with all the hurt and pain, it was soul consuming. And he was using to their advantage.