Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Slave Mongrel ❯ Some Help Please ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

"Wow another empty room." Leon muttered as he and Yami looked about the kitchen they had entered. Yami shrugged and opened the freezer to have a peak. "I hope your friend isn't in there."

"If he is, all rules will fly out the d . . . ." Yami paused as he walked over to an adjoining door and opened it. He stared in shock as what meet his gaze. So of course he didn't see Leon pull his gun and creep up behind him.

"It would be best for your friend to put away his weapon. As I mean no harm to you." Said a calm voice from the hallway beyond.

"Shadi?" Yami questioned at the much taller Egyptian who towered over both him and Leon. Leon just looked confused.

"Yami, my pharaoh, it is a pleasure to see you and the little one again who is in his room I see." Shadi returned as he held the scales before him, calm as ever, and his voice just as monotonous.

"You two know each other then?" Leon asked from his place behind the much shorter Yami. And did this guy just call Yami, Pharaoh?

"Yes, Leon, this is Shadi, keeper of the Items." Yami said as though this explained all. For him it did. As for Leon he was still a little confused. "Shadi this is Detective Leon."

"It is a pleasure." Shadi spared the Detective barely a glance, then returned to speaking with Yami, Making Leon feel like a third wheel. "I'm here seeking someone, whom you may know."

"Who?" Yami and Leon asked in unison.

"The one you seek, I too seek." Shadi replied in his eternally cryptic messages.

"Joey Wheeler?" Leon asked and Shadi acknowledged it with a slight bow of his head. "What do you want the Wheeler kid for?"

"I come bearing him but a single gift." Shadi responded as he turned around. "Shall we go, we are needed before time is no longer on our side."

Yami and Leon were quick to follow the Egyptian down the twisting and winding corridors that the darker skinned man seemed to navigate as if this were his ship. Leon leaned towards Yami. "Can we trust him?"

"I believe we can. He had the chance to destroy my mind after I nearly destroyed his, but he didn't." Yami responded. Leon gave a huge sigh and they continued without words. Soon they arrived before a door and heard someone shouting.


"That was Kaiba." Yami said as he followed a little quicker. Suddenly Shadi was no longer in their path and before them they could see Kaiba on the floor, Duke facing Joey who was in no more than some jewelry and a kilt. "What the hell is this?"

"Yeah what the hell is this?" Leon Echoed as they stormed through the door into the room. Yami hissed next to him glaring between the two twins and Leon knew exactly what that meant. "Oh no, another set of them."

"The puzzle!" They exclaimed in unison upon seeing Yami's Item. Of course this distraction was enough for Shadi to show up behind Joey and slip the Sennen Ankh around Joey's neck. Of course they noticed this too. "Keeper?"

"I have brought him a defense against their magic." Shadi stated as he caught the blond who was suddenly weak against the tall Egyptian. "The rest will be up to those who truly love him, those he truly loves."

"Joey!" Duke was the first to the Blond, taking him from Shadi who bowed and disappeared, leaving them to the rest. Duke Held Joey in his arms shaking him some. "Joey, please wake up."

//He has the Key!\\ Malik exclaimed in his Yami's mind.

/How did you guess?\ Marik returned with as much sarcasm as he could in his state of disbelief.

//What should we do?\\ Malik asked in a panic.

/We wait. . .\ Marik responded as he watched the blond start to come too. /I hate changing my plans!\

"Joey!" Duke's voice held a mix of emotions, relief, fear, worry, devotion. He gazed down at the blond who moaned again as he opened his eyes.

"What da hell happened?" Joey said as he glanced around, feeling a little weird. He took in the scene before him. Duke was holding him, Kaiba was on the floor looking very broken, the two nutcases were standing on either side of the room, Marik looked mad, Malik like he was about to panic. And Yami and Detective Leon stood in the door. "Muh rescue team made it." He smiled weakly as he tried to sit up.

"Oh Joey!" Duke hugged him and he hugged back. "Are you okay? Your not mad at us are you?"

"Why'd I be mad?" Joey asked confused as he tried to stand up, Duke assisting him. "I'm ok I suppose, little diz'y dough."

"You said some very cruel things Joey." Seto said from his place on the floor. He gazed up at Joey who looked thoroughly confused by his words.

"I did?" The scantily clad blond asked looking very confused.

"It wasn't him, it was probably them." Yami intervened as he glared between the other set of Yami and Hikari.

"Seto, whatever I said I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Joey said as he stumbled to Kaiba to join him on the floor, gazing at him with eyes that begged for forgiveness for whatever it was that he had done wrong.

"It's okay." Kaiba responded quietly as he gazed into those deep gold eyes that were filled with fear. "Like Yami said It probably wasn't really you."

//Yami do something!\\ Malik exclaimed as he watched the scene unfold.

/I'm trying but my magic is being blocked, I can't do anything short of physically restraining him from leaving.\ Marik responded with a growl and aloud he made his presences remembered. "A short while ago you were sucking me off of your own free will. We asked if you wanted us to stop and you did nothing to stop us."

"What?" Kaiba looked between Marik and Joey, who let his head drop. Kaiba snatched his hands back as if he'd been stung, or more aptly burned. "Is this true?"

Joey just shook his head, tears flowing freely as he didn't respond. Duke on the other hand was not to be deterred from his course of action. The raven haired Dice master ran to his lover and pulled him into his arms holding him murmuring words of comfort as the blond broke down and sobbed. "Seto, get out of Kaiba mode and think with your heart and not that frozen brain of yours!" Duke hissed at the brunet CEO.

"He fucked them of his own free will." Kaiba spat back, but then again he wasn't sure what to think at this moment in time. His emotions were running amuck and he reverted to the only ones he was familiar with.

"Maybe they were subtly influencing him." Yami responded as he glanced between the two, the sweeter one looking on the verge of tears.

"I think not." Marik spat back at the pharaoh. "I don't like the thought of someone playing games with my others heart."

"And how do we know you weren't just controlling him to give your Hikari what he wanted." Yami sent back with his own amount of venom.

"He. . . He has an Item now and can't be controlled." Malik sniffled letting the tears flow freely as he spoke. "Just take him home. Take care of him." He turned away from them and called over his shoulder. "Come my other, let them leave in peace." //We'll get the items later and when we do we will have him back.\\ He and his other left, the darker of them glaring at Yami as he passed. //And the puzzle too. . .\\

"Come on Joey, let's go home." Duke said, refusing to meet Kaiba's glare as he lead the blond out the door, followed by Yami and Leon. Kaiba trailed after them slowly glaring at his two lovers. Maybe even ex-lovers if he was that upset. They departed the ship to discover Bakura and Tristan all ready there, having been escorted off the ship by the look of the five robed men standing nearby. Duke was the first to speak silencing any questions they might have had. "Let's just go."


Shadi walked into his hotel room closing the door behind him with a sigh. It had been a long evening. "I take it you succeeded?" A soft yet strong voice asked from with in the confines of the room. Shadi turned and stared at the dark haired woman, who was sitting in a chair by the bed impassively before nodding. "I thank you for what you have done. My brother, nor his Darker Half, have no right to commit such atrocities."

"I agree." Shadi spoke as he set his own Sennen item on the dresser. "But the damage has been done and cannot be reversed. Now we can only leave it to his lovers to heal what damage they can." Shadi faced Isis as he continued. "I only hope we have stopped some of your brothers progress."

"Some?" Isis asked then continued with a sad smile. "We have merely slowed his progress. It will be up to the Pharaoh to stop him now."

~~~~~@_@ I'm writing crappy shit!~~~~~