Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Of The Past Forward ❯ The Beginning ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Title: Of The Past Forward
Author: Zilent1
Rating: PG (may change later on)
Warnings: AU, swearing, shounen-ai, OOC, timeline jumps and very minor OC appearances
Archive: Fanfiction.net, Zenith Seraphic. E-mail if interested.
Note(s): The plot for this fic was originally the initial plot-line for my unwritten original, "Demon Wings", but I've decided to use it for a fanfic. The poem used is my own, written for the plot (in the initial story). The OC's are not going to be 'frequent characters' and will not be used with the Yu-Gi-Oh characters (so no Mary Sue's). They are, however, only for the past timeline. Also, there are no Millenium Items or Duel Monsters/Shadow Games.
Disclaimer: Yu-Gi-Oh characters used herein are not mine, nor do I claim any rights to them. Anything else, unless noted otherwise, is property of Zilent1.

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Of The Past Forward: The Beginning

There were five.
All was balanced.
But there came forth a sixth.
The unknown Shadow.

On a quest to Chaos,
His desire for lust,
He shattered the balance,
And exiled the Key.

His Soul did it weep
And parted from Host.
When the Truth did arise,
The others did call.

But he was gone too far,
Far beyond reach.
So following suit,
The others their Souls also parted.

A century on,
As the Great Foresight predicted,
prophecy proved true,
For five unknown.

Two beings of Exile,
In pursuit of past,
Holding mystical powers,
And selves hidden below.

Shattered companion of Exiled,
To protect and to follow,
Knows not of his power,
To wield the Fire.

Living in calmness and lies,
Is the friend of all,
Able to change his guise,
But beheld from the Air.

Another the foe,
Who wants what he shalt not have; For power he wants,
But not of Earth.

And the last of Darkness,
Of two faces,
Great power,
but a geist, a deus above all.

What their future hold,
None know.
For they are the descended
Elemental Psychics.

The light-haired person placed their quill down onto the written parchment in front of them then sat back in their stiff-backed seat, massaging their temples. Flexing her wrists, Æther sighed deeply and stared up at the ceiling of the darkened room. The vision had come to her in the early morning as a dream, a dream that barely lasted a few seconds before vanishing. It came once again whilst she was doing her chores and had struck her so unexpectedly hard that she had to rest for a short period of time to rid herself of the headache that came afterwards. In that vision, she saw everything flash by and she strained her mind into remembering every little detail.

Thinking it had gone forever, she retired to her chambers and slept, but was soon awaken after the dream that seemed so real. Too real, as if she was witnessing it for herself. She had seen deep into the future, something no-one with primary clarivoyance had ever been able to do. Though, Cælis was not just another clarivoyant, or psychic for that matter. She was one of the rare psychics to obtain the 5th level, and she was also one of the legendary Ele-Sycs, powerful beings that were descendants of the Elemental Guardians. Being from the northen territory of Qu'Vana, she descended from the great Cæelis, Orul of Air. And along with this mass responsibility came the power to wield that element. But doing so was a gift and curse within itself. Her clarivoyance was extremely powerful and could forsee things far more into the future as Cælis was well-known for.

But this last vision, it seemed more like a prophecy. A warning for the future. And, in her haste, Æther had written it down, though her hand had a will of its own to what her gift was showing. And now, that is was written down, what should she do with it? Her solitary existance in the far reaches of the North would see the parchment never found. But for now it would have to do. The candle beside her had nearly reached its end and the light it let off was poor. Staring down at the parchment, Æther reread it, taking it everything she had written. It seemed so unreal. Azada was a peaceful world, though there was growing resentment between the Ordians and Psychics, and the Dark and Light sides of Azea and Ardukia.

But what didn't make sense was the fact that were was six Ele-Sycs mentioned, as opposed to the four that completed the circle, but she only clearly saw one face. A face of innocence and youth, something she did not possess, and yellow hair that shone gold in the sun. What this person was in the future she could not tell, but knew he was important. And what was this geist? The foreign word flashed through Æther's mind as clearly as the face, the meaning unknown to her. Sighing once again, she reached for the parchment and stood up. The chair legs clawed against the stone floor as it was pushed back, and the dim light disappeared as the candle was snuffed out by thin fingers. Quite footsteps retreated from the room and the click of a door was heard as Æther left the writing room, and quickly returned to her bed chambers.

With the parchment gently held in her hands, Æther sat on the bed and stared at it again, wondering what her words really meant...if they were her words. It seemed like something that Klados, the God of Fate, would write. It felt too much like she had written and signed someone's death sentence. A death sentence to be carried out in a thousand years after the Shadow rose. Rolling it up, she called in a small metallic cylinder and inserted the parchment into it. Placing in the cap, the cylinder glew a faint metallic yellow and disappeared.

"I'll take it to the Tower tomorrow," she murmured to the empty room and stifled a yawn. Slipping off her slippers, she slid back beaneath her bedcovers and shifted to make herself comfortable. No sooner had her head touched her soft feather pillow did she fall into a deep, dreamless slumber.

-A Century and a Half Later-

A scrawny blonde-haired boy sprinted through the crowded marketplace dodging busy shoppers as two older boys chased after him, cursing him in every language they knew, which was little. Malik Ishtar clutched the leather pouch tightly in his hand and ran towards the wharf, his breath getting dangerously short. 'Damn Ryou! He knew this would happen!' he mentally cursed his friend who had simply smiled knowingly just before the chase had started.

Running across the dirt-covered road and down the rickety dock did no good for his bare feet, as random nails decided to stand and tear at his feet. Hissing in pain, he hear the other two thumping after him in their own shoes, not feeling what he was. 'Damn me!' Why he decided to come this way was lost on him, and as he finally neared the end of the dock, he barely stopped himself in time for the fall into the blue water beneath him. The blue water that called to him. Turning his head to see how close the others were, his eyes widened and nearly stumbled. No more than ten feet away were the owners of what was in the pouch.

The bigger boy laughed, "Not so fast now are you, thief."

Malik snarled, "I am not a thief! You stole it from me, which makes you two the thieves! I was merely getting it back."

The other boy scoffed at him and nudged the other boy, "Here that? He thinks we stole it!" Then facing Malik, "I suggest you hand it back now, or you'll be swimming with the fishies in a minute."

Malik rolled his eyes. 'Honestly, why live on an island if you're afraid of water?' "I'd like to see you try." No sooner had the words come out of his mouth, did the smaller boy of the two run at him. With no time to think, Malik swung around and dived off the wharf, the cold ocean water rushing up to meet him with open arms.

He felt, rather than heard, the splash of the other boy as he fell in. If he were on dry land he would've laughed but sensing something drift near his leg, he kicked on and downwards. There was always something about being in the water that Malik loved so much, like he was in another world. Being a pure Nezoli, the water-folk of Azada, he was able to be under the sea for long periods of time without air. And right now, he was using that ability to his advantage.

Forgetting the reason why he was in the water in the first place was lost amungst the feeling of joy that he felt as he delved deeper. His thoughts seemed to have turned off and everything was calm, not a care in the world. It was like his own private sanctuary where nobody could bother him. The water caressed his entire being and wrapped and twirled around him in dance.

Turning to his left, he swam toward the shore in the distance, making sure to avoid the boats above him. Feeling a tight feeling in his chest, he began to slow ascend to the surface, the feeling of joy slowly fading with ever movement upwards. Breaking onto the surface, he took in a deep gulp of fresh air and turned around. The wharf sat not far from him and he noticed, with grim satisfaction, that the two boys were not there. He grinned to himself.

"Bit early to be taking a bath, isn't it?" came a voice near his ear. Malik yelped and slipped under the water for a second before composing himself and coming up.

Turning around, he glared toward the shore, particularly at a white-haired boy who was sitting down and waving at him. Feeling the telepathic link still open, he sent a thought back to the other. {You knew all along!}

{Of course I did. I can't help being able to See what I can,} came Ryou's reply.

{Pft! You could've told me,} remarked Malik before he dived under the water, reclaiming what he lost when he resurfaced.

"But would you have listened?" was the first thing he heard when he made it back to the shore, Ryou still sitting where he was, smiling. Malik shook himself off and slicked his hair back from his face.

"No," he replied before sitting down onto the ground. "But you still could've told me."

Ryou sighed but didn't say anything further on the matter. "What is it you took this time?"

Malik gave him a sideways glance. "You mean you didn't See it?" he asked mockingly.

Ryou shook his head. "All I saw was you running off the wharf to get away from those two. Nothing else."

"Well, I went to get back what they took. Called me a thief when it's mine!" Malik muttered. He reached for the leather pouch but didn't open it. Instead, he looked out towards the sea. "Have you ever heard of the Ele-Syc legend?" he asked his friend.

Ryou was thoughtful for a moment. "I'm not too sure. I mean, sure, they could exist, but for all we know, the past accounts could be nothing but made-up. Who would have so much power to be able to wield one of the most powerful magical existances ever?"

"You mean to say, who could have so much power to kill almost half of the population of Azada?" Malik asked, a small smile on his face. "It would be brilliant to be able to have that much power, don't you think?"

"Malik, think about it. You'd be killing yourself to contain it, let alone unleash it. Funny thing is, I've never heard of any existing now-a-days. Not after the locator gems were scattered, though I doubt them too."

Malik's smile turned into a grin. "I'd eat my words if I were you, Ryou, because I've managed to-" He brought the pouch in front of him and opened it but stopped talking when he saw something he dreaded to see. "No! You've got to be kidding me!"

Ryou looked over at the pouch, then up at Malik's shocked face. "What?"

Malik buried his face in his hands. "It's not there!" he moaned.

"What's not-"

"I must've lost it when I dived in!" Malik pulled at his hair and stood up, searching across the vast sea as though he could see the bottom. Ryou stood up also.

"What was it? A diamond? Some so-called magical device?" he asked.

"I can't believe it," Malik whispered before turning to Ryou. "I had it! The red locator gem! And it was glowing! Oh Gods!" He turned back to the sea, leaving a speechless Ryou wide-eyed.

"A red gem? Isn't that meant to be Fire?" he asked. Malik turned to him as if to say 'and your point is...?' "Well, Fire and Water are opposites, aren't they?"

Before Malik could say anything, there was a shrill call of, "Malik!" as Isis rushed over to them at exactly the same time the sea erupted in a fury of blue and red.

End chapter one.
To be continued...

A/N: Reviews and constructive criticism are very welcome, however flames are not. More to come. See my profile for more info. Basically, if you are confused on anything (at the moment), you can e-mail me and ask, since it's all basically evolves around "Demon Wings" (which no-one knows about more than I do) :)