Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Of The Past Forward ❯ Time Gone Back ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Title: Of The Past Forward
Author: Zilent1
Rating: PG-13(may change later on)
Warnings: AU, swearing, shounen-ai, OOC, timeline jumps and very minor OC appearances
Archive: FFNet, MMOrg, Zenith Seraphic. E-mail if interested.
Acknowledgements: [MMOrg] Ki-la-le and Lessie - thanks for reviewing!
Note(s): Bakura = Ryou's Yami. Remember, there are no Millenium Items or Duel Monsters/Shadow Games. Be aware of timeline jumps - there's a new one in here.
Disclaimer: Yu-Gi-Oh characters used herein are not mine, nor do I claim any rights to them. Anything else, unless noted otherwise, is sole creation of Zilent1.

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Of The Past Forward: Time Gone Back

Before Malik could say anything, there was a shrill call of, "Malik!" as Isis rushed over to them at exactly the same time the sea erupted in a fury of blue and red.

The force of such power threw the trio back, Ryou and Isis flew across the bank and slammed into a house beyond the road, rendering them both unconscious; Malik skittered across the stony road and sat slumped against a tree trunk, his bare legs revealing various bloody scratches. He heard screams around him and across the bay, as other people felt the eruption, but there was a thunderous roaring eating them all away.

Malik tried to lift his head to see what had happened but there was a heavy pressure in the air keeping it down. He blinked at the unusual yet familiar darkness around him, at the faint green tinge of the grass and at the strange metallic white glow around his legs. Although he couldn't see it clearly, there was also a constant flashing of blue and red that teased his vision.

"The Psychic Plane," he told himself dumbly. Rolling his eyes downward, everything regained their normal bright status but the silence screamed anything but normal. Blinking, he forced his head up, gritting his teeth at the pain that ran up his spine. Then all pain was forgotten as his eyes widened at the sight before him.

In its fury, the water had erupted outward as the glowing firestone awakened as it felt its master's presence. The water reacted as it would have, and fought to rid the opposing element from within itself. The water and essence of fire twisted in their fight but both seemed to be limited to a slightly visible sphere wrapped around them. A sphere that shone a strange metallic white.

Malik's head pounded with a strong headache, and a strange tingling was felt around his hands and from his level markings. The red and blue within the sphere pounded against the barrier, seemingly in time with the pounding of Malik's headache. There was a distant, angry growl from behind Malik's blind side and the fire essence, like a dog, stopped its fighting, allowing the water to throw it from the barrier.

If Malik were telepathic, he would've heard the growl more clearly, {Calm, fire. Calm. Your enemy is now a friend. Calm.}. If he were still in the Psychic Plane, he would've seen a bright red aura behind him. But he was neither and suddenly slumped unceremoniously onto the ground, the exact same time Bakura stepped forward and caught the reformed firestone. He grinned down at his hand that held the stone and then at the calming sea, which seemed to be giving him the evil eye as it sunk back into its depths.

Bakura chuckled and pocketed the stone before turning his attention to the unconscious Malik. 'He still looks the same as last time.' He covered the small distance between them in three steps and crouched beside him, gently pushing aside some of the other's blonde hair. 'But he doesn't seem like last time. He seems different.'

Looking up from the other boy, Bakura looked towards the house that Isis and Ryou had hit. He winced at the slight empathic waves coming from Ryou's direction. Deep mental and physical pain ran through his own body, faintly mimicking the other white haired boy. 'He must have lost his hold on his empathy shields.' Bakura winced again at a pounding against his mental shields. 'And telepathy shields. Every damned telepath is going to be getting this!'

He flicked a glance at a gathering of people looking at the ocean in the distance, and wrinkled his eyebrows in confusion. "What the hell? Don't tell me there aren't any telepaths here. I always knew Nezolus was a screwed up territory, but you're telling me these telepaths aren't getting his outbursts?" He winced again as another wave of pain came out. "Bloody hell! If he keeps this up, my mental shields will break."

He clenched his teeth together and wondered what the hell he was going to do. 'I can't let anyone see me yet!' A sudden warmth on his shoulder made his body tense and he whipped his head around to see a shaky and bloodied Isis standing beside him, her eyes diluted and unfocused. 'Fuck!'

"You...g-get...R-ryou, I'll help...m-my brother. They won't," she paused for a second as she gripped harder onto Bakura's shoulder. "They w-won't...heal h-here." She suddenly sunk to her knees like a puppet cut from its strings and starting gasping for breath. "House...not...far..." she managed to say, pointing in a vague direction, before her eyes rolled back into her head and fell against Bakura's back.

"Damn, lady. How can I help you when I don't want to be seen. Even if you're dilerious." 'Where's a damned Healer when you need one! Better more, a teleporter!'

Looking towards the waning crowd, he suddenly shouted out, both vocally and mentally, {"Hey! I need a healer over here! Three unconscious people!"} He saw a few people jerk their heads up and look around them, a blonde and a brunette stared in his direction for a few seconds before suddenly disappearing. Bakura's eyes widened, 'Shit! One's a teleporter!

Taking one last glance at Malik, and shrugging Isis into a crumbled pile, he murmured something under his breath and suddenly he was no more than just a fading outline. 'I guess living in Azea has its perks. Invisibility is not something easily accomplished by non-Aiya.'

No sooner had he disappeared, and stood a short distance between the Ishtars and the ocean, did the blonde and brunette appear. "Oh my, it's the Ishtars! What's happened to them?" the brunette cried, a frown creasing their innocent features, their bright green eyes searching their surroundings. "But where is the third?"

The blonde, however, was looking toward the area Bakura was standing just before instead of tending to the unconscious. "I dunno, but I swore I saw someone with white hair just before." 'Strange. They called for help then just up and left!'

"You don't mean this person, do you?" cried the brunette's voice, which sounded a little distant and worried.

Tearing his eyes away from the ocean, a slight frown marring his features, he jogged over to where the other was. When he saw the bloodied Ryou, his eyes widened in shock. "It couldn't be. He's too...broken to have been running around," he said to himself then looked at his companion. "Can you heal him, sis?"

Shizuka gave him a stern look, "Of course I can, Jou, but we have to get them all back to our place. I can't heal them here. Help me take this one over to the Ishtars and you can teleport us home."

The blonde hesitated a few seconds, the quick internal war over letting three complete strangers into his home not lasting long, before reluctantly agreeing, and unconsciously brushed back a random piece of his yellow-blonde hair behind his pointed ear. Watching her brother lifting the unconscious Ryou into his arms, Shizuka looked over at him, "You don't mind do you?"

'I swear, if you weren't my sister--!' "No, not at all. What are big brothers for?" he rplied, giving a small smile. Shizuka smiled back at him and rushed over to the Ishtars. Watching her go, his smile disappeared and he sighed deeply.

"Che, some gift teleporting is. Everyone always takes you for granted!"

-A Century Before-

Dawn rose as the golden sun woke and the two moons sunk back into the earth for their daytime sleep. Bakura lay dead asleep in his bed, oblivious to the new day and quite happy to be so. He had had a long night, staying up until his shift was over and the next guard came to relieve him from the tedious duty of guarding the Azean Tower. Why they didn't just set wards around the place was beyond him. But with the approach of Ardukian rebels, even he knew that no wards would hold them off. At the end of it all, he knew he would find and castrate Yami. That wicked Qu'Vanian who managed to avoid being caught up in such a tedious duty.

Groaning deeply in his sleep, he rolled onto his side, his unconscious vision that paraded half-naked women was not disturbed in the slightest way. Scantily-clad in short skirts and bikini tops, they walked around his dream self until a pretty, tanned, dark haired girl stopped in front of him, the other girls disappearing. Bent at the waist, she showed him a better view of her overly large breasts and smiled seductively. Dream Bakura groaned as he felt a certain heat in his loins and grabbed the girl around the waist so that she was straddling him.

He groaned again at the contact against his groin and the girl took this as an opportunity to kiss him hard against the mouth, her large breasts pressed against his bare chest. He moaned as she started to rock slightly, back and forth, and his blood-red iris's rolled back slightly into their sockets at such ecstasy. When the kiss broke, he wolf-smirked ever-so seductively.

"You're good, you know that?" he said huskily. The girl giggled against his mouth and rocked a bit faster. "Yeah, you're good," he groaned, "But you should just give it up, Yami."

Suddenly the rocking stopped and Bakura stared into moody magenta eyes. "How the hell did you know it was me!?" Yami snapped.

"Yami, only you would continuously try to seduce me in my dreams for what must be the twenty-eighth time this year!" Bakura answered and pushed the other off his lap. "I told you I hated busty girls, not to mention you still kiss the same, no matter what form you take."

Yami glared at him from the ground. "Pft! So you say. I nearly got you that time!"

Rolling his eyes and waving his hand in a vague gesture, Bakura retorted, "Whatever, whatever. Though I must admit, you make one sexy bitch, nearly beats that blonde guy you were before."

"Blonde guy? I don't do guys. Don't tell me you have another 'Weaver on your ass! Or that you're gay!" Yami glared at him.

Bakura sighed. "Dumbass, are you my friend or not? I'm not gay, I'm bi. Or has all your dream interfering screwed up your memory?" Yami glared at him and picked himself up from the ground, deciding looking at Bakura's legs - or groin - was not good. "Don't tell me you're jealous that another 'Weaver is interested in me too."

Bakura grinned at Yami's lack of response and looked around him. "You're just pissed that someone beat you at your own game. Right, I'm waking up now."

Dream Bakura suddenly disappeared, leaving behind a very pissed, shocked and downright confused Yami. "Blonde guy?" he murmured to himself, then grinned slyly, showing off his near-white teeth to nobody. "I've got you now, Bakura!"

Bakura woke up to find himself hugging his bed covers tightly to his chest and his whole body shivering as the hated cool morning breeze swept through his bedroom. "Stupid Yami," he muttered, releasing the covers and sat up over the side of the bed. Running his fingers through his long white hair, he stood up and half-stumbled to a small mountainous pile of clothing. Slipping into the first pair of trousers he reached, close-fitting black ones, he walked toward the arch doorway leading to the stairway, gleefully eying his windows on the way . His heavily curtained windows had let no slip of sunlight enter the room and Bakura was extremely grateful.

'Nothing worse to start your day than to see the stupid Sun.'

Halfway down the darkened, wooden stairs, his eyes suddenly widened as a face flashed in his mind. The flash vision of his rare clairvoyance kicking in. Gripping onto the banister for dear life, he clamped his eyes shut and tried to recall what he had seen. Deep purple eyes, surrounded by smudgings of kohl, graced a tanned, youthful face. A face framed by thick, luscious platinum blonde hair, and adorned with golden earrings. But that strange thing about the face was the darkened glow around it, and the five golden circles above the left eyebrow. 'Who the hell--?'

As if sensing something, Bakura's eyes shot open and he ran back up the way he just came and headed straight for his cursed window. Yanking the dark and heavy coverings, and wincing at the sudden onslaught of damned sunlight, his eyes sort out something even he didn't know what he was looking for. Below him, the streets bustled with life as many people ventured through the shadowed paths, leading them to places unknown.

Frowning, he swept his gaze across the streets, hoping to find whatever it was he was looking for. Nothing looked inconspicuous, or out of place. Not even two people wearing dirtied cream-coloured cloaks, their heads veiled completely. Letting out a sigh of dire frustration, Bakura turned from the window, exactly the same time two purple eyes flicked up in his direction.

Two purple eyes from beneath a dirtiedcream-coloured cloak.

End chapter two.
To be continued...

Ardukia and Azea are the two realms of Azada (Azada being the "country"). To put in terms of 'good' and 'bad,' the Ardukian's have the wrong idea that, because they're the light realm, that they are necessarily the good ones (Azea being the dark realm). However, while not being entirely untrue, Ardukia is known for its warfare and downside. It has also caused debate over whether either deserves to be titled so.

A pure Nezoli is the blood race of Nezolus, one of the five territories in Azea, and is known as the Water Territory. The other four are: Qu'Vana (Air), Rvika (Earth), Eorepa (Fire) and Azea (Spirit). Any references made about Azea would usually refer to the territory, other than the realm, but in some cases (regarding Ardukians) it may refer to the realm. An Aiya is the bloodrace of Azea.

Dreamweaver: also known as a 'Weaver or Dreamer. This person has the ability to create dreams or nightmares for any given person. In this case, Yami created up a 'wet' dream to try and seduce Bakura. To be able to do so, the 'Weaver must have full concentration or else it will fail.

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A/N: Reviews and constructive criticism are very welcome, flames are not but if you so desire to, I'm not stopping you. More to come. Oh, what do you think of the summative notes at the end? Good? Helpful? Annoying? I'm ¼ of the way through with the full Azada info.

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Ki-a-le: ...wow. An admirer? *grins like an idiot* I thought I'd try and step outside the box with serial fic protagonists and use Malik instead (who's my fav too :D). BxM is my favourite YGO pairing, hence me using it. I'm really glad you like it and I hope you like the rest of the chapters (when they come out). I just hope I don't muck them up :\

Lessie: ...and continue I will! Glad you like ^__^ *hopes she won't make Malik too OOC*