Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Office Tales: Story One ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Office Tales : Story One

By Shi-koi

I've had this fic hanging about my computer for ages. Actually I kinda forgot it was there. Hope you enjoy it. Ja ne!

Author's Note: Single slashes i.e. / are Yugi's thoughts to Yami, and double slashes i.e. // are Yami's thoughts to Yugi. Italics are the characters personal thoughts.

Content: This is an AU. This fic has two original characters but they're only there to provide background for our lovely bishies.

Warnings: YAOI. There may be lemons in later chapters or lime, but nothing like that yet.

Pairings: Yami/Yugi, Kaiba/Yami/Yugi.

Rating: R

Disclaimer: Nothing of Yu-Gi-Oh is mine.


Miki Kansaki was not having a good day. She supposed she should count herself lucky, what with being the Personal Assistant of one of the most powerful men in business world. But still...

"MS. KANSAKI!" Uh oh. The green-eyed brunette winced as she heard her boss roar. "Yes Sir?" Play it cool, she thought. Play it cool.

"Ms. Kansaki, I do not pay you to wander around daydreaming. I was told you were the best person for this position. Please don't make me regret it." Damn. Two weeks had barely passed since she was hired and already she was in the doghouse.

"Sorry Sir. It won't happen again."

"See that it doesn't." He growled. "And bring me the Mitsuni contracts before you go to lunch."

"Yes Sir." Miki backed out of the office quickly and hurried to get the contracts. Oh yeah, working for the great Seto Kaiba was a real blast.


Damn. Seto thought. Where does Resources find these people. In less than six months he'd gone through four P.A.'s and three secretaries. It was getting ridiculous. This one had seemed so promising too. He rubbed his forehead. He had another headache coming on. He wished he could stop and take a short nap on the long couch he'd bought especially for late nights. He'd had far too many late nights recently, but there just didn't seem to be much attraction to going home.

He frowned. Usually by the time he got home Mokuba was in bed and his staff had retired for the night. No, it was better to work himself to sleep. That was there was less time to think about...Seto discarded that train of thought. It was far too painful. Like this headache was starting to be.

He pressed the intercom to Ms. Kansaki's office.

"Hai." At least she sounds efficient.

"Could you bring me a glass of water please."

"Yes Sir. Right away."

"Thank you." He released the button. See, he could be polite. Seto snorted. Yugi had been trying to get him to be a little nicer in his exchanges with people. He thought of his little lover with a groan. Nobody could get rid a headache faster than his little love's magic fingers. He grinned, then sighed.

After everything he'd put his love through he doubted he'd ever see him again. He hadn't really had a choice, but he still felt bad about it. There were probably other ways he could have won the duel at Pegasus's castle all those interminable weeks ago, and he really didn't need to be so harsh with him after the duel. Dammit! He couldn't second-guess himself now. If he'd acted out of character Pegasus would have realised how much the younger boy meant to Seto. He couldn't have risked it.

Even if it meant breaking Yugi's tender heart?

He schooled his features back into it's neutral mask as he heard his PA knock on his office door.


She pushed the door open slowly.

"Well, I haven't got all day."

Miki almost ran to give him the clear glass of water.

He popped out three paracetemal and swallowed them with the water. He handed her the now empty glass.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome Sir."


Miki took the glass and washed it out in the small executive kitchen near her office. Kaiba had been in a foul mood ever since she met him. She chuckled. I wonder if he ever smiles. Sometimes she felt that he had a permanent scowl on his face. Or that damned blank face he sometimes wore. That was the worst. You never knew quite how to react then. She dried her hands and went back to her office, the new secretary, a Mr Shiro Hanaka, gave her a sympathetic smile. It was his first week on the job.

She looked at her watch. It was nearing five thirty. Only another hour and a half and she could go home to the nice long soak she promised herself. She got back to her desk and busied herself winding the days work up, checking everything. Only an hour and a half.

Miki had been busy for a while when she heard a commotion out by the front desk.

"...but.." It was a handsome youth with tri-coloured hair. He was arguing with the new secretary.

"I'm sorry. But Kaiba-sama doesn't want to be disturbed and your name isn't down for an appointment." The attractive young secretary shook his head helplessly at the young man.

"But it doesn't matter. Just let me talk to him for a minute, please. It's important." Large violet eyes pleaded and his soft bottom lip trembled. Shiro couldn't remember the last time he'd seen such a mesmerising combination. He sucked in a sharp breath, the picture the youth made going straight to his groin.

Miki walked up to the desk. She wasn't very tall herself and the youth barely reached her chin. She nodded at Shiro.

"Okay, I'll call him for you. But if I get into trouble it's going to be your fault." Shiro told him with a sigh pressing the intercom button.

"What!!" Kaiba's voice snarled loud and clear through the machine. "I said I didn't want to be disturbed. This had better be important!"

All three of them winced.

Shiro cleared his throat. "Uh, sorry to disturb you Sir, but there's someone here to see you. He won't take no for an answer."


There was a moment of silence.

Yugi leant over the desk and said, very softly, "Seto, you're not being very nice are you. You promised me you'd at least try to be nice."

There was a strangled gasp, then, just as softly, "Yugi?"

Miki and Shiro mouthed to each other silently. Seto? Yugi?

The red light on the intercom went off and a second later Kaiba's office door was flung open.

Seto stood at the doorway and stared with disbelief at his lost love. His eyes haunted as he drank in the oh-so-familiar features.

"Hello Seto." Yugi's eyes looked almost as haunted as Seto's. They held a new wariness in them that Seto knew he'd put there himself with his harsh actions and words. His mind flashed back to that fateful day, when he made Yugi choose between his love for Seto, and his love for his Grampa. Seeing Yugi on his knees, supporting himself up with too-weak arms, tears streaming down his innocent face. He could still hear his gasps and see him shuddering, trying to draw in a desperate breath around the tears.

His legs felt weak. He stretched out an arm and gripped the door frame. Everything spun. For a moment they were high above the sea, on the top of Pegasus's castle.

"Yu..gi.." He couldn't help it. Seto slid down to his knees eliciting a shocked gasp from his staff and a concerned cry from Yugi.

Miki and Shiro looked at each other in shock. How could their boss, the infinitely powerful Seto Kaiba be brought to his knees by an innocent boy with wide violet eyes?

Seto was mumbling distractedly. "Can't be.....wouldn't have come......dreaming...mind playing tricks...being punished.."

Yugi stepped up to Kaiba and knelt down in front of him. He took Seto's face gently in his small hands forcing Seto to look at him. His large violet eyes glimmered with unshed tears. He pressed a gentle kiss on his love's mouth making him moan against him. Yugi's tongue darted into Seto's parted lips barely touching, a whisper on his skin.

They barely noticed the stares they were drawing as people coming to and from the offices stopped and gaped at the display. They were in their own world.

Shiro swallowed a few times, feeling himself harden at the sight of the two lovers sharing a kiss. They made such an innocent kiss look so...erotic. He flushed at the pictures his mind conjured up. Beside him he heard Miki mutter something about ice and loosening the collar of her white blouse so she could breathe.

As Yugi continued his soft ministrations on Seto's lips his hands entwined themselves in Kaiba's thick, dark hair. "Not a punishment. Never, Koi. I'd never do that to you." He whispered to him. "I needed to think, to understand why you had to hurt me like that. I came to ask you for your side." Yugi nuzzled Seto's neck, The older boy wrapping his arms possessively around Yugi's small frame.

"Oh, Yugi." His name came out on a long breath. Standing gracefully, Kaiba picked up the smaller boy, who barely came to mid-chest on him and carried him inside his large office before turning and piercing the standers-by with an icy glare. "I would suggest you return to work. The show's over. MOVE!" He barked, noting with satisfaction the speed with which they vacated the area.

He looked at his PA and Secretary who were still standing by the latter's desk. "Hold all calls. I do not want to be disturbed."

Very rapidly and with two identical nods.



Miki and Shiro glanced at each other as Kaiba went back into his office and locked the door with a click which sounded so much louder than it actually was in the now silent room.

"So.." He said, looking at his desk.

"So.." She said, looking at the floor.

A few tense moments later and she was in her office and he was back behind his desk. Both of them replaying the scene they'd just witnessed.


After locking the door of his office, Seto carried Yugi over to his cream leather couch and gently laid him on it. Sitting next to the younger boy Seto pulled him into a fierce hug. Trembling at the realisation that he could have lost him forever. He rested his face in the younger boy's surprisingly soft hair, breathing in the scent he'd missed for so long.

The blue-eyed boy looked at his little angel. "Aishiteru Yugi." He said, stroking Yugi's face.

Yugi looked up at Seto, his eyes wide in surprise. He knew Seto loved him. But this was the first time he'd actually told him out loud. His eyes misted. "Aishiteru Seto."


Miki wondered if it was worth her job - and probably her life - she thought sourly, to disturb Kaiba. It was almost seven o' clock and she had a stack of letters that needed to be signed and sent off that night in order to reach their destinations within the time frame required. Straightening, she picked them up and carried them out to Shiro.

"What do you think's going on in there?" Miki asked him quietly.

Shiro gave her a 'You really have to ask?' look and rolled his eyes. He rested his chin on his fist and gazed sightlessly at the door of Kaiba's office.

"I know what I'd be doing right now with that little fox." Shiro drawled heatedly.

"Shiro!" Miki exclaimed with a shocked gasp, reddening.

He snickered at her expression. "Don't tell me you wouldn't do the same if you got the chance?"

She blushed. Then her eyes went vague as her brain supplied some x-rated material.

Shiro looked back at the door. "The boss doesn't know how lucky he is." He said mournfully. "I mean, did you see those eyes?" He groaned. "...And those lips." He licked his own, remembering the pouting, pleading face from earlier.

Miki dumped the stack of paperwork down on Shiro's desk. She leant against the dark wood. "It looks like Kaiba-sama's human after all."

"Makes you wonder, ne?"


Yugi snuggled his head further into Seto's chest. "I've missed this." He said absently into the silence which had descended. "I've missed you."

Seto sighed. "Gomen nasai, Yugi-koi. I'm so, so sorry. I never thought you'd get caught up in Pegasus's games."

Yugi twisted his head slightly to look Kaiba in the eyes. "Why were you so harsh to me koi? You had already won. There was no need for you to be so cruel."

"I couldn't take the chance that Pegasus would find out how much you meant to me. It was the only thing I could think of doing. Forgive me?"

Yugi gave Seto a small kiss. "Of course. I had to work out some of my anger, but essentially I knew that you must have had a reason for why you acted like that."

"Gods, I've missed you koibito."

"Just, next time, trust me to be able to cope with whatever happens. I would rather have known I had your support, rather than your enmity. Fake as it was. I can understand you doing anything you had to to win, for Mokuba's sake, but there are times when a soft word will work better than sharp threats."

Seto leant down, dropping a kiss on Yugi's nose. "Ryoukai." He said with a wry grin.

Yugi leant back against his love. Now all I have to do is find a way to introduce Seto to Yami.




When I've done my other fics I may continue the planned 'Office Tales' series. No promises though. *grin* Ja ne!