Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Office Tales: Story One ❯ Chapter Two: Introducing Yami ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Okay, here ya go. Since I've lost my other stuff, I've decide to write some more to this. Hope you enjoy it. Ja ne!

Office Tales : Story Two : Introducing Yami


"Hmmn?" Yugi raised his face towards Kaiba.

Kaiba let go of the petite violet-eyed youth. "Domo arigato."

Yugi looked confused. His face crinkled into a cute little frown. "Why?"

"For coming back. To give us a second chance." Kaiba clarified.

"Aa." Yugi shrugged. "I couldn't just leave things the way they were." Yugi sat up. "Actually, there was also another reason."

Kaiba frowned. "Is everything okay?"

Yugi stood. He started to pace the length of the office.


Yugi paused. With a great sigh Yugi sat back down beside the brunette.

"This has something to do with what happened at Pegasus's castle." Yugi began, watching Kaiba's face carefully. He sighed when a blank mask dropped over his features when Yugi mentioned Pegasus.

"Do you remember when I told my Celtic Guardian to attack?" Yugi laughed, it was slightly forced. "Of course you remember. How could you not?" He rubbed his forehead. Yugi continued. "Well, it wasn't really me. Well it was me in that it was my body, only it wasn't my mind."

He held up a hand to stop Kaiba from saying anything. "Wait. Before you say that I'm crazy, just hear me out."

Kaiba nodded. His eyes the only sign he was aware of what Yugi was saying. They were a brittle, glittering black.

"You see, for a long time, I haven't quite been myself." Yugi picked up the puzzle which hung around his neck.

"A long, long time ago, there was a Pharaoh. To save his Kingdom he sacrificed himself. His soul was trapped inside a magical object. A puzzle. Only the puzzle was broken. And try as they might, no-one was ever able to solve it. Over time people forgot about the brave young Pharaoh, and so he was left inside the puzzle with no way out.

Five thousand years later, an old man found the puzzle, and read the warnings about it. The warning stated that whomever solved the puzzle would be given the powers of darkness.

I solved the puzzle."

Kaiba jerked upright at that. "Nani???"

Yugi glanced at Kaiba. Leaning back against the couch he continued. "I got the powers of Darkness. Well a single Darkness, anyway. The Darkness wasn't a place, or thing, or power as such. It was a person. It was the Pharaoh. Only he couldn't remember being a Pharaoh. Five thousand years of being trapped had eroded his memory.

He had no name.

He only knew that he was of the darkness. So I named him such.


My darkness, as I am his light.

When I solved the puzzle a bright light came out and we bonded, melded. Our souls joined. We are two halves of the same soul.

When I was fighting you atop Pegasus's castle we were melded. I couldn't attack you. He could. Yami was in control when he ordered the Celtic Guardian to attack.

You see, Yami had been alone for so long that he had no purpose, no reason to exist. But when we melded, bonded, he found his purpose. He named himself my protector. My guardian. Yami made himself responsible for my safety and well-being.

Part of that meant that I needed my grampa. The only family I could count on. You were important to me, because of how I felt for you. But you were also dangerous. So when Yami had to choose between you and my grampa, my grampa took precedence. I was willing to forfeit the game. Only Yami refused to relinquish control.

Then he ordered the attack.

I don't think he understood just how much you meant to me until I started screaming inside his head. I let out all my horror, fear, panic and utter helplessness out through our bond. It shocked Yami so much that he lost control, giving me time to order my Celtic Guardian to stop.

It's not really Yami's fault. He just didn't understand. We had a long talk about what he'd done, and what was acceptable and what was not. We both let our walls down completely, there are no secrets between us. Consciously or unconsciously anymore."

Yugi finished, taking in a few deep breaths to compensate for talking so much in one go.

"So.....this Yami is inside you right now?" Kaiba asked quietly.

"Er....well, there's just a bit more to tell you." Yugi looked up into Kaiba's eyes, watching how he was taking everything carefully. He didn't want to overwhelm the brunette.

"You see, after a while, we found out that sharing everything was nice, but a little.....well, suffocating after a while. So we started trying things out. Eventually we found a way of splitting our magic equally between us and when Yami tried to materialise one day, he had formed a body. Rather than the spirit form he was in."

Yugi grinned, it lightened things considerably. "It's really strange when you think about it, because either of us can give the other our magic and return to spirit form. Quite handy when you want to sneak around," Yugi winked, "not that I'd ever do anything like that."

Kaiba snorted in amusement.

"On a more serious note," Yugi continued, "there is something I must tell you." Yugi's voice was lowered now. "I am trusting you to extend the same understanding towards me as I showed you."

Sitting up straighter, Kaiba nodded. "Aa."

"I've been sleeping with Yami."

Kaiba blanched. All the blood rushed from his face, leaving him pale and shocked. He swallowed convulsively, not quite trusting himself to speak.

"I.....I'm sorry Seto. But everything was so drawn between Yami and I after the duel, and we argued a lot. But after sharing everything, to the extent where you can no longer tell where you end and the other begins, well, stuff like sex seems natural, like breathing."

Yugi stood up, walking over to the large glass window, staring out at the twinkling city lights.

"W..Why?" Kaiba's voice rasped out.

Yugi didn't turn to look. He rested a hand on the glass.

"I love you Seto. And I love Yami. But it's a different type of love." Yugi finally raised his head and looked at Kaiba. The strength of his emotions making them glimmer in the dim light. "I have to tell you this because I have one more revelation."

Kaiba closed his eyes. "What is it."

"I think.......I think Yami loves you too."

"Nani?!" His eyes shot open, wide in shock.

"Yami and I have become almost a single entity. I love you. Yami loves you. He has lived my emotions from my view. I have experienced what he has inside the puzzle. He cannot remember his past, so that is not something we have shared, other that the small fragments he still has in his mind.

To all intents and purposes, he has felt everything, been there when we fell in love. All I ask is that you give us a chance. I need you, but I cannot exist without the other half of my soul.

Will you give us a chance? Please" Yugi pleaded.

Kaiba sighed, rubbing his forehead. My headache's back. Came the random thought.

"Yugi," Kaiba paused, trying to gather his thoughts. "I have no idea who Yami is, much less if I could love him."

"Ooops..." Yugi blushed, giving Kaiba a small smile.

/Yami? Are you okay?/

//Yes.// Yami's voice was tense.

/Do you....are you sure you can handle this?/

Yugi felt Yami's fear down the link.

//I have no choice. I love him.// Came the simple answer.

"He's scared." Yugi informed Kaiba softly.

"Tell him I'll do my best to understand."

Yugi nodded, his eyes going blank again for a moment.


//I'm fine.// Came the short reply.

Kaiba watched as Yugi gave a small sigh then held onto the puzzle, as if for reassurance.

There was a small flash and a person stood next to Yugi. Kaiba blinked. They looked almost identical. The new person had maybe a few inches over Yugi, but otherwise they were exactly the same.


Both Yugi and Yami raised their heads. That's when Kaiba could see the difference. Where Yugi's eyes were a deep violet, Yami's were a fiery crimson. Yami had more golden spikes in his hair and his bearing was older, not quite as open as Yugi's. Something only age and experience could provide.

Yami stared back at Kaiba. His stance was defiant, even though his eyes were vulnerable.

Kaiba stood. He looked down gently at the smaller man. "Pleased to meet you Yami." Kaiba said, extending his hand out.

Yami's frame relaxed a fraction. "Thank you."

Flicking a glance at Yugi, Kaiba was amused to note the grin on the youth's face.

"Saa.....I knew you'd get on."

Kaiba rolled his eyes. "Saying hello does not constitute a good first meeting."

"Well then, what're you waiting for? Invite us out for dinner." Yugi said with a cheeky smile.

Glancing at Yami for approval, Kaiba was pleased to note the spirit seemed agreeable to the idea, if a little unsettled.

Offering an arm each to Yami and Yugi, Kaiba led the way to the door. "Shall we?"


Miki pulled on her coat, watching as Shiro finished putting everything away and shutting down the computer.


"Yeah, almost." Shiro glanced to the office door. "Do we disturb them?"

"Errr...." Miki looked to the door. "We should tell them we're going."

They looked at each other.

"Paper, rock scissors?" Miki asked.

Shiro rolled his eyes. "Okay."

Shiro lost.

"Damn." Walking over to the door, Shiro knocked lightly. "Kaiba-sama?"

Kaiba called from the inside. "Come."

Shiro opened the door carefully. He blinked. Then he rubbed his eyes.

"Aa." Shiro took a step back, letting Kaiba walk out past him.

"I'll be back in the morning."

The three left.

"Please tell me I wasn't imagining that..." Shiro pleaded, looking at Miki.

"Uh...." Miki blinked, unconsciously mimicking Shiro's actions.

"Only one went in, so how did two come out?"

Coming out of her confused state, Miki answered. "I have no idea."


Leading Yami and Yugi through the deserted building, Kaiba took the opportunity to study them both.

A sudden thought came to mind. You always did want to try twins. Kaiba blushed at the thought.

Seeing Kaiba blush, Yugi only had one thought. Maybe this will work out after all.




Looks like this is going to be a series. Later chapters are going to have sections with *lime* in them. I don't know about Lemons yet, *shrug* but who knows. *wink*
