Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Oh...Crap... ❯ Atemu and Malik, sittin in a tree,... ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hello again ^^ Sorry for the drama the last two weeks or so. I promise to stick with this story until it's over. Thanks for all the support!
In the last chapter, Malik became a pimp ;) *gasp* Atemu is gay! *gasp* so are all the other main characters! Ok I'm now rambling, you're probably thinking `Shut up and type, you idiot, I've waited long enough' Hope you enjoy it!
The rest of the day had gone by rapidly. Malik had clicked well with Nathifa, already growing a soft spot for her. Also, having Malik around seemed to help Ryou's confidence, he wasn't quite so quiet anymore.
This had been no surprise to Malik, but the thieves were thoroughly astonished at how different Ryou became in just one day. But he was still rather shy around Bakura. Malik, on the other hand, had much fun exchanging insulting remarks with Mariku, knowing it was just for fun.
After some coaxing, they had convinced Malik to come to Mariku and Bakura's house the next day. Nathifa wasn't happy about Ryou and Malik leaving, so they pretty much spent the last half of the day playing with her.
Malik had yet to tell Ryou of the events that happened at the palace, momentarily forgetting about it. But by sundown it started nagging him at the back of his mind.
The house only had two bedrooms. Haniya and Nathifa shared one room with Malik and Ryou sharing the other. Mariku and Bakura, begrudgingly, shared the couch. Around the middle of the night Bakura's foot `accidentally' shoved Mariku to the floor.
“But I don't want you to go, Malik.” Nathifa turned on her puppy eyes, a trick she had learned from Bakura so long ago. It was morning now, and they were about to leave for Mariku and Bakura's place.
Malik tried turning away but found his eyes were glued to her face. It was times like this he wished he had a camera. Then he had a light bulb moment, “I'll be right back; don't move!”
He ran out the door. Everyone just stood there, waiting. Minutes later Malik rushed back in with something in his hand. He knelt down and gave it to Nathifa. It was a bottle. She just looked at him, confused, “What do I do with this?”
He chuckled, “Open it and smell.”
She did so, gasping, “It smells just like you!” She smiled fully.
He nodded, “Now whenever you miss me you can smell it. It's what I put in my hair to make it smell like it does.”
She nodded and hugged him again. A few moments later he pulled away and went outside, where Mariku was waiting. Ryou was still inside thanking Haniya for everything they had done for him.
“Where's Billah?” Malik asked, he and Ryou had been told to call them `Madani' and `Billah' out in public. Ryou had simply said ok, while Malik couldn't help but suspect this. He had a feeling it something to do with the fact that he couldn't remember where he had heard `Mariku' and `Bakura' before.
“I'm right here.”
Malik must have jumped a mile high from fright, making Bakura start laughing. Malik glared at him, “Don't do that you asshole!”
Bakura only smirked, “I'll do whatever I want, Namu. Where's Ryou?”
“I'm right here.”
Bakura jumped as high as Malik did, Malik began laughing just as the other had. Ryou blushed, “I'm sorry, Billah.”
Bakura sighed, “Its fine. I just wasn't expecting that.”
As this was going on Mariku had gotten on Malik's horse and was now waiting impatiently, “Come on, idiots!”
Malik turned to him, frowning, “There are only two horses. Mine and another one.”
Bakura chuckled and got on the other one. “Namu knows how to count.” He commented sarcastically, getting flipped off by the said Egyptian, who got smacked upside the head by Ryou.
“What's wrong, Namu? Don't you want to share with me?” Mariku put on a fake hurt look.
Malik rolled his eyes, “Yes, I want to share everything with you, Madani.”
He got on in front of Mariku, who whispered in his ear, “I'd like sharing everything too, Malik, two things in particular: one bed and lots of body heat.”
Malik gasped, “I should push you off this horse right now you bas-“
“Are you two going to come on anytime soon?” Bakura asked in an irritated manner. Ryou was already situated in front of him, too.
He smiled at Malik, who smirked, “I bet you're having fun, eh Ryou?
Before Ryou could deny it Bakura frowned and said, “No secret conversations in a different language, alright?”
Malik only smirked again, “Ryou, tell your boyfriend that I don't take orders from idiots.
He's not an idiot!
Ah, so he is your boyfriend? Is that how you got that blue robe?
Ryou blushed but frowned, “Bakura is my friend and nothing more, Namu. Besides, you seem to be getting pretty close to Madani.
By now they had already begun riding.
Malik's eyes widened at the smirk coming from Ryou, “I am not getting close to Madani!
I think you are.”
“Am not!
What about Nathifa? I know you adore her.
So? You do too.” Malik sighed, “I'm going to miss her.
You don't have to.
Namu, think about this. We could stay here and be happy.
Malik scowled, “Ryou, listen to yourself! We don't belong here, it's not our time! How can you talk like that?
Ryou smiled and looked around, “Namu, I like it here. I like the people, the life style, even the land itself is beautiful.
Yeah, if you don't become lost in the desert.
Malik, must you always ruin serious moments?
It's Namu. And what's so bad about our own home?
You already know, I don't need to tell you. Japan was so stressful, everything is either you get an education, or you end up on the street. People would tease me about being gay; my father was never home anyway, how can you not like it here?
Malik glared, hard, “Ryou…We have to go back eventually
Ryou pouted, “Can't you just think about it while we're here?
Malik's glare melted. He hated when Ryou got cute like this! “I don't know, Ryou…” Not being able to look at the other anymore, Malik turned away.
Ryou sighed, his features becoming sad instead of content. He hated disagreeing with Malik, but he also hated the thought of leaving here. What was so bad about here? Malik seemed to really want to go back, but why? Couldn't he see how happy Ryou was? How happy Bakura made him? Wait, how happy Bakura made him? Ryou blushed at his own thought.
He knew Malik was smitten with Mariku; Malik just couldn't get past wanting to go home to see that. But then again, Malik hadn't gotten around to telling Ryou what he'd been up to. Was there something wrong that Malik didn't want to share? Maybe Mariku was the one for Malik. Ryou smiled. Personally, he thought the couple would be very cute.
A small squeak escaped Ryou as he felt Bakura tighten his grip on him.
He heard the other chuckle and whisper, “What did Malik say to make you so distant, pet?”
Ryou blushed again. Pet? “Nothing, Bakura. We just…don't see eye to eye right now.”
“I see. Is it about us?”
“Well, that's a small part of it.”
“Anything I can say to make you feel better?”
`How about `I love you'?' Ryou gasped, he had not just thought that. He shook his head, “No, just the fact that you're concerned is enough.”
Bakura grinned again. “It's gonna be a while before we get there, Ryou, why don't you take a nap?”
“I don't feel tired.”
“Suit yourself.”
“I will suit myself.”
“Billah, I already said that.”
“…Shut up, Ryou.”
Malik's glare melted. He hated when Ryou got cute like this! “I don't know, Ryou…” Not being able to look at the other anymore, Malik turned away.
What the hell was up with Ryou? Why didn't he want to leave as much as Malik did? Of course, Ryou didn't have a potentially love sick pharaoh waiting for him at that Ra damn palace, did he? Malik mentally scolded himself for not finding Ryou the moment he was alone, before Bakura found him first.
What was so special about Bakura anyway? Besides his hair. Ryou's hair was like that too. Bakura was arrogant, egotistical, conceited, yet Ryou found something in him that Malik just could not see. But perhaps Ryou was a better judge since they had known each other longer?
Then there was Mariku. Malik unconsciously smiled. Mariku was also a little full o f himself, not nearly as much as Bakura though. But who knew. After all, Malik hadn't gotten a chance to know him.
But he couldn't afford becoming attached, dammit! Malik wanted to go back, where Atemu was in love with Yugi and Ryou was fun and lighthearted. He never knew how much Ryou disliked his life. Maybe he didn't dislike it so much until he got a taste of how another life could be.
He then noticed an incessant tapping on his shoulder. “What is it?”
Mariku chuckled from behind, “I thought I'd never get your attention. What's up with you?”
Malik frowned, but leaned even more into Mariku, “Nothing. I'm fine.”
“That sounded like an argument between you and Ryou.”
“How could you tell if we were arguing?”
“Give me some credit, Namu.”
“Alright, we were arguing. So?”
“What about? How ugly I am again?”
Malik rolled his eyes, “No, but good guess.”
“Was it about me anyway?”
“Not very much of it.”
“Care to elaborate?”
“Not really.”
“How come?”
“I just…can't tell you.” `I wish I could, though.'
“Is there something I can do to make you feel better?”
`There might be a few things you could do. They involve a bed, a knife, and some rope…' Malik mentally smacked himself for thinking that, “You could tell me what's up with Ryou and Billah.”
“Fine. Billah wants Ryou.”
“I kinda guessed that. I mean does he want anything more than sex?”
“I'm not sure; he's never been so…patient when it comes to that. Then again, Nathifa was around so I doubt Billah was about to try anything.”
“He wouldn't rape Ryou, would he?
“I don't think so. Ryou's growing on him. I think he is anyway.”
“Ryou grows on everyone. If he and Nathifa got together they'd be unstoppable.”
“Then let's hope that they don't.”
Malik felt tired. Getting almost no sleep last night was already catching up with him. He glanced over at Ryou to see him leaning against Bakura, his eyes half lidded. It was adorable. Malik would've smiled if it weren't for the yawn that randomly came.
`Sleep is a good thing right now…' he thought, allowing his eyes to close, not noticing Mariku smirk as his body finally relaxed…
“Oh good, we were wondering who would wake up first.” Bakura said, smirking slightly.
Malik had to squint until everything came into focus. He was lying on a bed with Ryou next to him. He sat up to see Bakura and Mariku sitting next to each other at the end of the bed.
“I win.” Mariku said happily. Malik watched as Bakura begrudgingly put some money into his hand.
“Did I fall asleep?” he asked, stifling another yawn.
“Ding ding ding! We have a winner!” Bakura shouted, but not loud enough to wake Ryou.
Malik got off the bed and lazily walked over to the window. When he looked out, he had to look away and rub his eyes. Upon another glance, Malik saw that his eyes weren't betraying him.
“Since when has a forest been in Egypt?!” he asked. Mariku and Bakura just gave him odd looks.
“It's always been here.” Bakura said, “Why do you ask?”
Malik turned back to them. “Did Ryou ever tell you how we got here by any chance?”
He sighed when the other two shook their heads, “Good.” He didn't think they knew since they didn't act like it. But they could still be keeping other stuff from him and Ryou, right?
Then again, Ryou seemed to trust them both, and why shouldn't he? Bakura and Mariku hadn't done anything to lose his trust. Maybe it was just the fact that they used a different name in public. Why would they give him and Ryou their real names? Maybe they trusted him and Ryou and this was their way of trying to gain their trust? ((too much `trust' in one paragraph for me ^^”))
“Earth to Malik!”
Malik looked up, “What is it?”
“Do you and Ryou just space out whenever you feel like it all the time?” Bakura asked.
Malik pouted. “Maybe.”
Mariku shook his head and grinned, “I won't tolerate that when we're alone.” He winked.
Malik looked at Mariku like he had grown an extra head, “What is that supposed to mean?”
Mariku shrugged, “Whatever you think it means.”
Malik scowled, “Pervert.”
Bakura chuckled, “Spare us, Malik, you don't exactly fit the part of the pure, helpless virgin.”
Malik crossed his arms, “For your information, I am a virgin.”
“Honestly?” Bakura asked, giving him a skeptical look.
“Yes! Just ask Ryou!” What the hell? Why would Malik lie about something like that? “Just because you're probably a man-whore doesn't mean I am, Bakura!”
Bakura glared, “You take that back this instant.”
Mariku remained silent as the two stared each other down. His partner in crime and his soon-to-be lover hating each other was not a good thing!
He then realized he was sitting in between them. Like hell it would stay that way! Mariku got up and leaned against the wall next to the door, away from both of them. Wait, what was that noise? Hallelujah! Ryou was waking up!
Ryou just lied there a few moments with his eyes open. So he had fallen asleep. Maybe he was more tired than he thought. He sat up and looked around. What happened while he was sleeping? Bakura and Malik were glaring and Mariku was smiling at him like he had just discovered that there was in fact another human being on this earth.
“What's going on?” He asked. His voice was a little more than a whisper.
“Ryou!” Malik snapped, making Ryou seem to shrink into the bed, “Isn't it true that I'm a virgin?”
Ryou nodded, wondering why Malik asked such a thing.
Malik's eyes flashed in triumph, “You see? I bet Mariku could name off at least ten people you've screwed!”
`Well, I couldn't give you their actual names…' Mariku thought, not daring to say that aloud. He glanced up to see Malik and Bakura looking at him expectantly, both waiting for a different answer.
“What happened?” Ryou asked, louder this time. He would not have Malik fighting with everyone while they were here!
“Bakura doesn't believe I'm a virgin!” Malik pleaded.
“Well he called me a man-whore!” Bakura shot back.
Ryou rolled his eyes. For some reason he wanted to giggle, but that would most likely make things worse. He looked at them both, deciding which one to scold first.
“Malik, this wouldn't be the first time someone said you're not a virgin anyway, so why do you care what Bakura thinks? He was probably just kidding. As long as you know the truth, that's good enough. And you.” Ryou turned to Bakura, who had been grinning to himself while Malik was being told off as if it was his sibling getting in trouble.
Bakura stopped grinning and waited for Ryou to go on.
“Bakura, just because someone is as…feminine as Malik, (Mariku hid his laughter poorly at Malik's shocked face), it doesn't mean you should taunt them about things like that. Especially when you're not the most pure in that area either.”
Ryou nodded as if reassuring his own words, “Do you understand?”
Both nodded.
That wasn't good enough for Ryou. “I want you to apologize and then shake on it. Now.”
Bakura got up and walked over to Malik, who had finally uncrossed his arms.
“Why am I doing this?” he asked no one in particular.
Malik smirked, “Because Ryou will kick your ass if you don't.” He extended his hand.
Bakura reached out and grasped it, shaking slowly.
Apologize.” Ryou reminded them.
Malik sighed, “I'm sorry, Bakura.”
“For what?” Ryou chimed in.
“For…calling you a man-whore.”
Bakura rolled his eyes, “I'm sorry too. If you say you're a virgin, you're a virgin. No matter how feminine you are.” He narrowly dodged the slap Malik aimed at him.
Mariku felt very pleased. Ryou had managed to work everything out, and he didn't even have to say a single word! Yes, he was quite content for the next few seconds. Then he became bored, “Why don't we show you around?”
Ryou nodded, having forgotten momentarily where they were.
Mariku walked out the door, motioning for the others to follow. Malik started walking, but then shoved Bakura on the bed before going on his now merry way.
Bakura scowled, “Did you see that, Ryou?”
Ryou just sighed, “Yes I saw it.” He then smiled, “But you deserved it.” He exited the room, leaving a grumbling Bakura. He sulked for about five seconds. After those five seconds he realized that he was the only one in the room, quickly getting out.
The house was two stories. Since it was only Bakura and Mariku living there, the home was far from being highly decorated. But still, it was well furnished for two teenage guys. There was furniture in every room; Malik wondered what the two did to be able to purchase all their stuff.
Ryou, of course, was in a happy place the whole tour. There were exactly four bedrooms, and he loved them all. There was even a patio when you went out the back door, and there were even four chairs! The house seemed to already know that soon it would have four occupants instead of two.
`It was like we were meant to come here. Malik can't possibly want to go back after a few days…' Ryou thought.
The tour ended with them sitting in a circle on the living room floor. It was the first room you came in through the front door. There were two couches, a chair, and a rug in the middle. The rug was what they currently sat on. The seating arrangement was Malik, Ryou, Mariku, and then Bakura.
Malik and Ryou had just taught the other two how to play `truth or dare'.
“So let's get started.” Malik said.
“I want to go first!” Bakura demanded.
Malik just grinned, “Fine.”
Bakura looked to Ryou, “Truth or dare?”
Ryou hesitated, “Truth.”
“What is the language that you and Malik speak to each other?”
Ryou glanced at Malik, who just shrugged to show he didn't care about that piece of information.
“It's called Japanese.”
“What place is that-“
“One question per turn!” Malik cut in, “It's Ryou's turn now.”
Ryou nodded in thanks. “Malik, truth or dare.”
Malik gave him an odd look, “Truth I guess.”
“Tell us what happened at the palace.”
Malik frowned, “Ryou, I don't want to-“
“C'mon, Malik, are you scared or something?” Bakura taunted, earning a glare from the other.
“No, I am not scared.” Malik took a short breath before beginning, “I got there and some guard was like `you're a spy!' and I said `no I'm not!' so he took me to the pharaoh and it was Atemu. So I told him a bunch of bull about us being step brothers and he said I had to wait a week before finding you and bringing you to the palace. Then I met Isis and I told her everything, Ryou.”
“Yeah. So she told me to not worry about it. She's either looking or has already found a way to get back. So she's probably really anxious, and you know how Isis is when she worries.”
Ryou nodded, but the thief kings were lost as all get out.
“How do you know Isis?”
“Why were you at the palace?”
“Why would you need to lie to the pharaoh?”
“Are you and Ryou really brothers?”
Shut up!” Malik yelled, silencing their questions. He rolled his eyes, “That's pretty much it.”
“Really?” Ryou asked.
Malik thought, “No, wait, there is one more thing. Atemu is in love with me.”
What?!” This came from Mariku and Ryou, who both looked highly upset.
Bakura, however, was laughing his ass off.
Mariku glared at him, this was no laughing matter! He couldn't have Malik being someone else's! Malik was his! He would be, anyway.
“Is this why you want to go to the palace so badly?” Ryou asked.
Malik resisted another eye roll, “Of course not! You think I like him liking me like that? He kissed me, Ryou!”
At this Bakura's laughter increased, while Mariku got up and began pacing. Phrases like `I will kill him!' could be heard coming from his mouth.
Malik turned his attention back to Ryou, “I need to get back because Isis is waiting! And the fact that Atemu will probably send people to come after me if I don't return safely in a week or so is a good motivation to get me back at the palace.”
Ryou nodded, “I didn't realize how…big this is…But Malik, I still don't want to go back. Isn't there any way we can stay here?”
“I don't know…I'd still wanna go home either way.”
“Because I like home better, don't you miss technology? Music, movies, clothes, everything?”
“Malik, you know that we can live without things like that.”
“What about your millennium ring? I know you miss that.”
“Do you miss the rod?”
Soooo much.”
“…Did it just get really quiet?”
They looked up to see Bakura and Mariku staring at them intently. Malik jumped in his spot, “Don't do that!”
“You two are more interesting than I thought.” Bakura commented, “The way you're talking, it sounds like you both owned millennium items.”
Malik and Ryou looked at each other, Malik shaking his head. Ryou gave a pleading look, “Why can't we just-“
“We can't tell them because they won't tell us everything about them.”
Mariku raised an eyebrow, “Who said you don't know everything about us?”
Malik furrowed his eyebrows, “Give up your innocent act. I know I've heard your names somewhere before. Why don't you tell me where?”
No one said anything.
Finally Malik stood up. “This is ridiculous.” He said and walked away.
“Where are you going?” Bakura called.
“To my room.”
The three were left in silence until Ryou spoke up, “It's late anyway. We should all go to bed.”
The other two nodded. “I'm going to talk to Malik.” Mariku said and headed off.
“Good luck.” Bakura said sarcastically.
Ryou sighed, “I'm sorry for Malik's…mood swings. He just wants to go home.”
Bakura shook his head, “Then he should go home. Why is he intent on taking you with him?”
“It's just complicated I guess. Goodnight, Bakura.”
“Goodnight, pet.” Bakura could just imagine Ryou's blush as the boy walked off. He smirked; Ryou would please everyone if possible. He sat on the couch, not feeling tired just yet.
The said boy turned around from looking out the window, “I thought I locked the door.”
Mariku was about to say something along the lines of `I'm a thief, I can pick any lock.', but he thought better of it. “I just…wanted to make sure you're feeling ok.” How lame did that just sound?
Malik smirked slightly, “I'm fine. What about you, though?”
Mariku looked confused, “What do you mean?”
His smirk widened. “You seemed pretty upset to learn that I have the pharaoh after my heart.” Mariku was so amusing.
“Oh, that.” Mariku smirked too, “I hate the pharaoh anyway. I can't have him in love with my property.”
Malik chuckled and turned back around, “I don't belong to anyone.” He heard slow footsteps behind him. He felt fingers gently graze his back for a moment.
“This is incredible.” Mariku mumbled to himself.
Malik closed his eyes, “It didn't feel so incredible.” Memories flooded him. He felt like he was about to cry. Mariku could not see him cry. “Get out.”
“Please get out.”
“Malik, I-“
Sometime tonight.”
Mariku lingered a few seconds more before heeding Malik's request and leaving.
Malik glared at the window, as if all of his problems were its fault. He sighed. A determined look came over his face. Even if he couldn't get attached to anyone besides Ryou, Malik would enjoy tomorrow and the next few days for Ryou if it killed him.
Feeling somewhat relieved at telling them what happened at the palace, Malik finally went to bed, thoughts of the next day filling his mind.
Reviews would be amazing!!!! ^_~
PS: If you didn't notice, I renumbered the chapters to what they actually are, savvy?