Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Oh...Crap... ❯ Stop it!...Mmm...Nevermind... ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hmm, I don't feel like typing anything up here, just read the chapter…Well, perhaps I'll answer the reviews like I did at first e__e…
But first, `himar' means donkey, although it's probably being used more like `ass'…
RyousGirl567: Alas, my story is rather perverted, but that's the way I like it ^_~ lol, I'll look out for that song fic you were talking about, thanks for reviewing! =)
Hells_gatekepper: Just wanted to say hi e_e we talk outside of the story enough already ^_^ luv ya
Youshiie: You don't like Mariku and Malik?? Lol just kidding, thanks so much! ^_~
“Where is Malik?” Ryou inquired. He was busy trying to cook some kind of meat he found in the kitchen. At least it looked like meat. Well, Bakura said it was ok to eat.
The said thief yawned, “I don't care.” He sat at the table, and tried running his fingers through his hair. He frowned. “My hair is messy again, Ryou.”
Mariku came in with nothing but a towel around his waist, “That's because you have to brush it regularly, moron.” He strolled over to where Ryou was and looked over his shoulder. “What is that?”
Ryou looked fretful, “Bakura said its ok!”
Mariku just walked away, holding in laughter as he went.
Bakura smirked to himself. “Why don't you leave us alone and go away?”
“What do you expect me to do? I just had a bath.”
“I think Malik needs waking up…” Before the whole sentence was out of his mouth all that was left of Mariku was trail of dust.
Ryou frowned and threw away the meat in a basket he found that would serve as a trashcan, one thing he did miss. “Malik doesn't like being woken up in the morning…”
Mariku peered through the crack in the door way. Malik was lying on his stomach, his face buried in the pillow. The covers only came up to his waist; he had changed into a kilt thing instead of his pants from the day before.
Grinning to himself, Mariku ran to the bed and pounced on the other.
-----Downstairs Ryou heard a bump. He asked what it was, Bakura merely answered that it was Mariku's wake up call. -----
Poor Malik woke up instantly, feeling someone straddle him.
“Good morning, Malik.” A voice whispered in his ear. It was a voice Malik knew all too well by now.
“Get off me or die.”
Mariku pouted. “Someone is being grouchy this morning.”
“I'm like this every morning.”
“Well, we can't have that.”
Malik felt Mariku begin massaging his shoulders and back. He opened his mouth to protest, but it felt rather nice, so he sighed instead. Minutes passed by in silence.
“If you don't mind my asking, how did you come to have this tattoo?”
“…My father did it.”
“Did you ask for it?”
“No. I didn't want it.”
“Why did he do it then?”
“It was my `responsibility'. Further questions on this subject will not be answered.”
“Fair enough…Malik?”
“Why won't you open up to me?”
“I can't afford to. Why do you care so much?”
“I don't know. Ryou seems more than willing to share his thoughts with Bakura about anything, so I was wondering why you're so different.”
“Ryou actually wants to stay here.”
“And you don't?”
“Of course not.”
“Was it something Bakura or I did?”
Malik rolled over onto his back after Mariku gave him enough room too. “No, it's not you or Bakura.” He glanced down. “All you're wearing is a towel.” He couldn't help but grin, “Idiot.”
Mariku looked down, “Oh yeah, I forgot about that…or maybe I wore it just to give you easy access.” He looked at Malik suggestively.
Malik laughed. “I refuse to deal with this right now.”
“Deal with what?”
“With you being such a pervert!”
“I only am around you.”
“How flattering. Where are the other two?”
“In the kitchen.”
Malik leaned up on his elbows. “I'd like to get up now.”
“What if I don't want you to go?”
“What if I don't care?”
“I like you where you are though.”
“Mariku, get up!”
“What do I get?”
“What do you mean? I don't have anything to give you!”
Mariku grinned evilly. “I want a kiss.”
Mariku smirked. Malik was so cute when he was clueless. “You heard me…” He murmured, leaning down. Malik wasn't moving away, to his delight. They were so close; Mariku could just taste the other's lips…
“And if you look in Malik's bedroom, you'll notice that he's being seduced by our dear Mariku.”
Both looked up to see Bakura smirking in the doorway.
Ryou was standing next to him, a shocked look on his face. “We were just passing by, we didn't mean to, sorry!” He squeaked. He then disappeared down the stairs.
Malik shoved Mariku off him, “You're both assholes!” He ran after Ryou.
Mariku stood up. “What was that for?!”
Bakura shrugged. “I was bored, and you were taking too long so I came up. Apparently I also had perfect timing.”
“Your timing couldn't have been worse.”
“For you, maybe. See ya.” Bakura casually strolled away.
Mariku stayed lying on his back, contemplating what would've happened if he wasn't interrupted so rudely…A few minutes later he glanced down to see a bulge in his towel.
“Ryou!” Malik called, seeing him go out the back door onto the patio. “Wait!”
He caught up to the albino, who was standing with his back turned to Malik.
“Ryou, if you'd just let me explain-“
“Explain what, Malik?!” Ryou exclaimed and turned around abruptly, glaring daggers at Malik.
Malik was scared. Ryou had never been this angry before. He took a step back, remaining silent.
Ryou continued glaring. “Malik, sometimes I just feel like I want to kill you! I mean just…Urgh!” He made his hands look like they were crumpling up a circular object with more force than needed.
“You are such a hypocrite! First you tell me `we have to get home! We can't get close to anyone or anything!' then here you are about to…do that…with Mariku! Malik, you drive me crazy! Why can't you just admit that you like it here and that Mariku is a good guy?!”
“Ryou I was not about to do that, you don't know the whole story!”
“Why don't you tell me the whole story then?”
“Mariku only wanted a kiss! It wouldn't have gone any farther!”
“Well why didn't you promptly refuse?”
“Because last night I told myself I would have a good time!” Wait, that came out differently in Malik's head.
Ryou's eyes widened, “So that's your idea of a good time?!” He turned back around.
“No! I just…I don't know! I'm sorry! I wasn't thinking! I promise not to do anything like that with Mariku, ok?” Malik didn't know what had happened. When Mariku was leaning down, Malik had wanted it. Just the thought of their lips coming together…Malik shuddered. “I'm sorry, Ryou…”
“No, don't be sorry. Maybe I shouldn't have exploded on you like that. I just…I don't get you right now, Malik. What do you want?”
Malik shook his head. “I don't know…”
Ryou faced him again. “You've been saying that a lot lately. Malik, you know better than anyone else that I can't stay angry with most people for very long. I just wish you would make up your mind before you try to tell me how to make up mine.”
He walked past Malik and back into the house.
Malik sat down in a chair. How did this manage to happen? He should've brought Ryou to the palace the moment they were together again. He should've done a lot of things. Things that can't be helped now. He sat with his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands, repeating the same sentence over and over to reassure himself,
“I'm having a good time, I'm having a good time, I having a good time, I having a good time…”
Ryou came back through the back door just as Bakura was coming in the kitchen.
He immediately noticed something was up. “What's wrong, pet?”
“I think Malik is slowly going insane.” Ryou stood looking out the window, leaning against the counter.
Bakura joined him, glancing at Malik before turning back to Ryou. “You wanna talk about it?”
Ryou sighed, “I dunno, I mean, Malik is my best friend. But I think he's being really selfish and hypocritical. He says he wants to go home. Then he almost kisses Mariku. I don't know what to do anymore, I can't understand him!”
They stood in peace a few minutes while Bakura tried to figure out what to say.
“What about you, Ryou?” Bakura asked.
Ryou shook his head. “What do you mean?”
Bakura grinned, “I mean what's so bad about going home? It's not as if we'd never see each other again…”
Ryou gave the saddest look Bakura had ever seen. It took him a few moments to comprehend it. “Wait a minute, Ryou…we would never see each other again if you went home?”
Ryou just shook his head.
“Ra, Ryou, where do you live?” Bakura couldn't believe this. Never see Ryou again? He felt a lump form in his throat. He didn't know why. Why did this upset him so? Wasn't Ryou common? Of course not. Bakura knew that from the moment they met, he had just been denying it.
Ryou furrowed his eyebrows, “Are you ok, Bakura?”
Bakura snapped back to reality. “I'm fine. Why do you ask?”
“You just look sullen all the sudden.”
“Well why wouldn't I be sullen? Malik wants to take you away!”
Blushing, Ryou asked, “You want me to stay?”
Bakura chuckled, “My dear Ryou, how could I not want you to stay? Why would I even bother teaching you Egyptian or bringing you here if I didn't want to stay?”
“I, I don't know…” Ryou stuttered.
Bakura kissed his forehead. “C'mon. I know a place we can show Malik that might make him feel better. Hell, we all need to feel better.”
“Where did you say we were going?” Malik asked the millionth time, lagging behind again.
Bakura groaned, “We never did say! Now shut up and walk faster!”
Malik rolled his eyes. They had been walking all day in this Ra-damned forest! He ran up to Mariku, who was a few feet ahead of him. “How much longer is this going to take?”
Mariku just chuckled. “You talk too much. Just enjoy the day, and don't worry about our destination. It's well worth the walk. Trust me. Or can you not afford to do that?” He walked on ahead of Malik, who was taken back by that question.
Meanwhile he could hear Ryou and Bakura laughing beyond Mariku. Malik wondered if Mariku was jealous of the relationship they seemed to have with each other. He felt slightly bad. Ryou really was willing to talk about anything with Bakura. That's what scared him.
“Here we are!” Bakura finally declared. They had stopped in a clearing.
`About time…' Malik thought. He looked around. “I don't see anything.”
“Sometimes it's better to try looking beyond what you see.” Mariku said, not looking up. He and Bakura were walking around the clearing, heads down like they were looking for something.
Malik smirked while Ryou looked puzzled.
“I always forget where the freakin' door is…” Bakura said to himself.
“Found it!” Mariku announced happily.
Ryou and Malik watched in fascination as he grasped a metal ring, which was apparently attached to a door. The door was wooden and was covered in grass. Mariku lifted the door and let it fall on its other side.
Malik and Ryou came over and peered inside. It was the entrance to a tunnel.
“So, who's getting in first?” Bakura asked.
The smaller teens clung to their look alikes, “What?!”
Bakura frowned(as a way to hide his grin), “What's wrong?”
Ryou looked at the hole. “Bakura, that leads to a tunnel that looks like it leads to no where. And its pitch black in there! Why didn't we bring a torch or something?”
And it's underground.” Malik chimed in.
Mariku looked at him oddly. “So?”
“I don't like being underground, ok?! Especially in a cave!”
Bakura rolled his eyes, “C'mon, you two, this is ridiculous. I promise nothing bad will happen. Please?”
Ryou slowly nodded. They all glanced at Malik, who eventually did the same.
Bakura let go of Ryou and hopped in the hole, “Your turn, Ryou!” he called out.
Ryou walked over, seeing Bakura standing there. At least it wasn't as deep as he thought it would be. Bakura held his hands up. Ryou took them and jumped down. It was about eight feet from the floor to the ceiling.
“Catch up with us!” Bakura yelled before he and Ryou began walking.
Mariku chuckled. “You can let go of me, Malik.”
Malik shook his head, not taking his eyes off the hole.
The other frowned, “Are you going to be ok?”
Malik nodded. “Yeah, just, hold my hand?”
“Alright.” They walked over to the doorway, Mariku not letting go of Malik's hand as he got in. Malik got in shortly after, and they began walking.
You could barely see in there, since the only light was coming from the door that they came in. Malik could faintly make out the silhouettes of Bakura and Ryou about ten yards ahead of them.
Once again, Malik could hear faint laughter coming from up ahead.
Mariku noticed Malik's grip tighten on his hand, “Something wrong?”
Malik shook his head. “No. I'm sorry.”
“For what?”
“You probably think I'm an idiot for being scared.”
“Of course not. I was thinking that you must've gone through something to make you dislike underground places.”
“Well, you're right.”
Silence ensued.
“Look, we're almost there.” Bakura said.
Ryou did look, and noticed a light at the end of the tunnel. “What are we headed for, Bakura?”
“You're so impatient. I told you to just wait. We'll get there in a few minutes, but I don't how long it'll take those morons behind us.”
Ryou giggled, “How can you say that about them? They're probably saying something like that about us right now.”
“Like I care.”
“I think you do care.”
“Well, as long as I can't here it, I'm fine. Oh! Ryou, you have to close your eyes now. Because I said so! Don't worry, I'll guild you.”
Ryou held on to Bakura. He heard a rushing sound that grew louder as they went on. Minutes later they stopped walking.
Bakura leaned over and whispered, “Open.”
Ryou did so, (dramatic, inspiring music plays) (just kidding) gasping.
There was an underground waterfall, pouring into a huge pool to go with it. The waterfall gave a soft glow to the entire room(well, not like a room), giving them just enough light. It made the water really pretty too, even though it was already clear.
It was still pretty dark, but that made it nicer. Around the pool was highly smooth rock where sand at a beach would usually be. Then there were rocks and such that filled the rest of the area, getting darker as you got farther away from the water.
Malik and Mariku came up behind them a few minutes afterwards, Malik marveling at it the same way Ryou was.
Bakura finally became bored and threw off his robe. “Last one in the water is a himar!”
They spent the next few hours playing in the pool, splashing, dunking, Ryou and Malik even taught them how to play Marco Polo. They had taken breaks from the water randomly so they wouldn't `prune'.
Mariku was finally the first one to get out and not get back in, drying off with a towel(he and Bakura had left them there from the last time they came) and sitting on a large rock.
Malik joined him minutes later. “Give me the towel.”
“Use Bakura's.”
“Uhhh, no.”
“I don't know where Bakura's towel has been!”
“Mine neither!”
“Fine. I'll just use your body heat.” Malik sat in front of Mariku, leaning against him.
Mariku frowned. “Malik, you got me wet all over again.”
“Fine. I'll just get up-“
“No!” Mariku grabbed Malik and wrapped his arms around him, “I don't mind.”
Malik watched Bakura and Ryou splash each other, “Why did you sit so far away from the water?”
“I felt like it.”
“So what's behind the waterfall, Kura?” Ryou asked.
Bakura shrugged, “Solid rock wall.”
“Well I want to see.” Ryou began walking toward the waterfall, “Catch me if you can!” He said, sticking his tongue out as he began running along the edge, where the water was only knee deep.
“You're going to regret those words!” Bakura ran after him. They didn't go very fast since they were in water after all, but it didn't take long for Ryou to get to the waterfall itself.
Smiling, he went under, the clear liquid pouring down on him for a moment before Ryou came behind it like he wanted. Bakura was right, there was only solid wall. But the wall sort of curved in so he could stand about five feet from the actual water fall.
Bakura came up to him moments later, “I told you.”
Ryou blushed as he realized he and Bakura weren't wearing their robes, so Bakura's entire upper body half was exposed. And it was very appealing.
“Thank you, Bakura.”
Bakura raised an eyebrow, “For what?”
“Everything. Teaching me Egyptian, bringing me to your home and this place, they're both beautiful.”
“Not as beautiful as you.”
Ryou, startled, blushed again and looked at Bakura with questioning eyes.
Bakura said nothing, only closing the space between their lips in a sweet and gentle kiss.
Ryou was in a state of shock. He felt like he had been waiting for this forever, and now he couldn't even return the gesture!
Bakura pulled away a moment later, confusion on his face, “I'm sorry, Ry-“
He didn't get to finish because Ryou had pulled him back for another kiss, only much fiercer than before. Bakura was more than willing to return it, holding the other close.
They tuned out the sound of the waterfall as both became lost in their own little world of bliss…
“Do you trust me?”
“Yes, Mariku, I do.”
“Do you trust Bakura?”
“To a certain extent. What's with the questions?”
“I don't know. Maybe I'm just trying to get inside your head.”
“Why on earth would you want to do that?”
“I want to know what you don't want to tell us.”
“Because I'm curious, and you're very interesting.”
Malik sighed, “Can't you think that I'm boring?”
He heard Mariku chuckle, “I'm afraid not. Why would you want someone thinking you're boring? If only you would tell me things…”
“I want to tell you…”
“Then tell me…”
“I can't tell you…”
“Then go on fighting that battle in your head. I'll be like your lover, waiting for you to win the war and come home.”
“Are you drunk?”
“No I am not drunk! That's Bakura's thing. Well, he doesn't usually get drunk since he can hold like ten glasses and stay sober.”
“That can't be healthy.”
“Neither can keeping everything inside.”
“I have to talk to Ryou first.”
Mariku tilted Malik's chin toward him. “You talk too much anyway.”
Malik blushed, “I do not.”
Mariku chuckled, “You know, you still owe me a kiss from this morning.”
“Like you're going to get it.”
“Who's going to stop me?”
Malik didn't answer as Mariku leaned in the second time that day, this time achieving his goal.
Malik felt his heart speed up as he softly kissed Mariku back. He hadn't expected himself to feel this shy, he had kissed before, why was now any different? Frustrated with himself, Malik accidentally bit Mariku's bottom lip rather hard, drawing blood.
Mariku pulled away, licking his lip slightly. He smirked. “I didn't really see you as being sadistic, Malik. I like it.”
Malik was expecting something like `you idiot, that hurt!', but he then remembered who he was dealing with. So he grinned and licked the blood off Mariku's chin, which he found he liked. “So do I.” He muttered before kissing Mariku again, thoughts of home leaving his head…
Atemu sat restlessly in his chair. `Where could he be?' He wondered. It had already been three days since Namu left to bring Ryou here. Should he be worried? Isis had said not to be. But shouldn't she be just as worried? She certainly talked to him enough.
Namu was coming back, right? He wouldn't have gone to Nubia or anything like that. `It's absurd that I'm this concerned…' he thought. He had an entire kingdom to run for Ra's sake! He couldn't fret over just one person.
“Still…” He got up from his throne, walking to the nearest servant. “Excuse me.”
The servant turned, bowing slightly when he saw who it was. “What can I do for you, sire?”
“You remember Namu, don't you? Aren't you the one who took him to his room?”
“Yes, of course, sire.”
“What's your name?”
“It is Nasab.”
“Nasab. Nasab, if Namu doesn't return within the next four days, I give you permission to leave this palace and find him for me. Can you do that?”
“Certainly, it would be an honor.”
“Thank you. And if he doesn't have a boy named Ryou with him, bring Namu here anyway, understand?”
“I leave you now. Oh, and don't tell anyone of this.”
“Yes, sire.”
Atemu nodded and walked away, not seeing the smirk his servant was giving behind him…
Wow! If you don't remember, Nasab secretly works for Mariku and Bakura -_- How could you forget? Anyway, Yay! They finally kissed! I guess it's kind of a weird place to leave off e___e but you guys still luv me, right? Of course you do >.>
Well, I just realized that I never made a disclaimer for this thing, and since I'm too lazy to go back and edit, I'll just do it right now. I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! However, the plot idea IS mine, but that's about it T_T
Oh yeah, and in the prologue, I told you that Malik was gonna be all kawaii, but that didn't really happen ^_^” I thought he would be, but…whatever…6_6…Anyway, you already know that I love reviews, so watcha waiting for? You know you want to…