Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Oh...Crap... ❯ Did I just say that out loud? ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey guys! I hope you've all been well since my last chapter :) If you haven't I'm terribly sorry, I hope my story brings a smile to your face! Let's see, now to answer reviewers!
Kagomegirl21: I never really put Malik/Mariku as `kawaii', not in my story anyway lol, thank you!
Tori-chan: Oh gosh I hate it when my desk is like that >.> lol, and I know I have some grammar mistakes, sometimes I just don't catch them ^_^” Oh, and I wasn't sure whether the story would have a lemon (OMG…lemon XD) I was going to ask everyone whether they wanted one or not…
Hells_gatekepper: Hey! ^^ You always say something good so I like hearing what you think lol!
Kayla Kaiba: Mucho thanks! I replied to your email, I guess you haven't read it yet
By the time the four got back to the house, it was around midnight. Malik had noticed Ryou and Bakura holding hands practically the entire way back. Something new was up. Unfortunately he was too tired to quiz Ryou on it just now. Right now he needed sleep.
Everyone said goodnight before heading to bed on a much better note than last night.
The next day flew by until it was early evening. The four had spent the day relaxing since their muscles were sore from swimming. Ryou had spent much time with Bakura again, while Malik stayed in his room, sleeping and thinking a lot. That left Mariku to read a random book he found in his room.
Malik was, however, in a much better mood when he came downstairs to find the other three in the kitchen.
“Ryou, where is your robe?” Bakura asked before biting into an apple.
Malik groaned, “Not everyone can withstand heat like you, master of the desert.”
“You wish I was your master, Malik. Do you realize how long you've been in your room?”
“I wish I had some chocolate. Or coffee. Whichever was invented first. And yes I know how long I've been in there.”
“Malik!” Ryou exclaimed with a worried glance to the thieves.
Malik just giggled. “Did I say that out loud?”
Mariku and Bakura exchanged quizzical looks.
“Loosen up, Ryou. They have no idea what it is, and if you won't tell them I won't!” Malik sang out, smiling sneakily. He took no notice of the `WTF?' looks he was being given.
“You're in a happy mood.” Bakura commented. He threw away the apple core.
“You know what would really put me in a happy mood?”
“What?” Mariku asked just to patronize him.
“If this place had a dance club! Remember that time I dragged you there, Ryou?”
Ryou was blushing. “Yes, I remember. How could I forget? We were almost raped thanks to you and your flirting!”
Mariku feigned being shocked. “Malik, flirting??”
“You almost got Ryou raped?!” Bakura yelled, really shocked.
“Oh please, I wasn't about to let anything happen, we had our 'you-know-whats'!”
“All the same, do you realize how scared I was?!”
“Ryou, darling, dearest, I've apologized a million times and I'm not about to make it a million and one.” Malik grinned and turned to Mariku, who was looking at him strangely, “What's wrong with you?”
“I was wondering the same thing.”
Ryou did the crazy sign with his hand, making both thieves grin. Malik turned around, only to see Ryou tucking a strand of hair behind his ear. He rolled his eyes, “Is it a crime for me to miss things at home?”
Ryou sighed. “I suppose not. If you still want to go home.”
“Of course I do.” Malik said stubbornly, crossing his arms. “I'm going to brush my hair now!” He skipped away to his room.
Bakura leaned against the wall, “After spending the entire day in his room, he's just going to brush his hair? What the hell is up with him?”
Ryou just smiled, “Well, I'm pretty sure Malik has always been crazy, but maybe being away from home is getting to him. It's either that or not having the rod…”
The thieves' ears perked up at that. Mariku gave a look that said `get whatever you can out of him' before casually walking out of the kitchen.
Bakura grinned to himself as he glanced over at Ryou, who looked like he had just let something slip.
This was going to be fun.
Malik sat on the edge of his bed, happily running his brush through his hair. Apparently Bakura had a thing about combing his hair. He had heard Mariku and Ryou tease him about it, anyway.
He grinned, yesterday was so weird. He was furious with Mariku for the stunt he had pulled that morning, and then they were making out that same night. He giggled. Great, what was he even giggling about? There was nothing funny.
Some of his rare hunters had said he was insane behind Malik's back; perhaps they were correct. Malik scowled, but he didn't really mind right now. This made him smirk, then grin, then giggle again. Shouldn't he be troubled by this behavior? Maybe he was high off life. Yeah, right, high off life…
“What in Ra's name is wrong with you?”
Malik looked up, his face like a child when caught stealing a sweet from the kitchen. “Uh, hey Mariku?”
Mariku just raised his platinum blond brows, taking a seat behind Malik. “I'm beginning to worry about you.” He took the brush from Malik's hands and gently ran it through Malik's golden locks.
A sigh was heard, “I'm starting to worry about me too.”
“Good. Because you just went through about four expressions under thirty seconds, with no one in the room. If you weren't so hot I wouldn't care as much - ow!”
Malik had taken the opportunity to jab Mariku with his elbow to show his disapproval.
Mariku frowned, “I was kidding. Must you always get defensive? Literally?”
“Well, maybe if you wouldn't be so dirty all the time…”
Mariku just laughed, “You didn't seem to mind yesterday, you sadistic little minx.”
A blush crept up on the younger teen. “Why did you stop brushing?”
“Your hair is already smooth enough. Why don't we talk?”
Malik turned around, a confused expression, “Talk?”
Nodding, Mariku eyed Malik wearily, “Are you sure you're ok?”
Malik rolled his eyes. “I'm fine. It's just, all you wanna do is talk?” This was certainly new. No groping, kissing, or seduction of any kind?
“Was there something else you wanted?” Mariku grinned.
“…No. What did you wanna talk about?”
Mariku shrugged, getting off the bed. “Whatever you wanted to. Since whatever I try talking about is more than like off limits.”
Malik laughed, “That's because we can't stay.”
“Well then what could possibly be bad about you speaking freely?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean why can't you just tell us? If you're going to leave then what's the point in keeping your life a secret?”
“Because,” Malik began, standing as well, “If you did know, you'd make us stay here.”
“You told me you wanted to tell us yesterday.”
“I don't remember saying that.”
“But Malik, I want to know soo much. Bakura and I both do.” Mariku said as he embraced the said person, wrapping his arms around Malik's waist.
Why? Why do you care so much? If we won't be here, why should you worry over our past?” Malik asked in a soft voice. He loosely rested his hands on Mariku's shoulders.
“Oh, Ryou?” Bakura asked slyly, moving closer to his pet.
Ryou turned around and began washing already clean dishes, “Yes, Bakura?”
The thief chuckled, “I was just wondering what you meant when you said `rod' a second ago.”
Nervous laughter was heard, “Did I say `rod'? I meant…God.”
“Yes, Malik feels like the Gods…have…forsaken him.”
“We'll have to work on your lying skills, Ryou.” Bakura said and gently turned Ryou around to face him. “Now why don't you tell me what you really meant?”
Ryou sighed in defeat; he knew Bakura knew he and Malik were hiding things. They just didn't realize how big they were. Or did they? “Malik would be horribly upset if I told you, Bakura.”
“But I would be horribly upset if you didn't.” Bakura whined, putting his hands on either side of Ryou against the counter.
Ryou had to get out of this. Malik would murder him if he told! Literally! He tried to think of all possibilities, and there weren't many. He decided on the one that would take the least amount of time to initiate.
Bakura couldn't help but smirk, there was no way Ryou was gonna get out of this. Especially since Malik was currently being distracted by his partner. Bakura would win because Ryou was trapped, Ryou was out of excuses, Ryou was…kissing him?
“Why do I care?” Mariku repeated, more to himself than Malik. “Because I care about you.”
Malik gave him a skeptical look, “You actually care?”
Mariku frowned, “Of course I care. Why would I want you here?”
The smaller one shrugged. “From your attitude I thought you would just want me as a fuck toy or something.”
Mariku's eyes widened slightly, before grinning, “I wanted you as more than just a toy, Malik, and you shouldn't use such words.”
Malik just gave him a look.
Biting his lip, Mariku rolled his eyes, “Ok, when I first met you that night I wanted to, eh,”
“Screw me senseless?” Malik finished for him. (screw me senseless…that's an odd phrase…)
“Yeah, but I care about you more than that now, Malik, I mean I still want you, so much, I just, I don't know.” Mariku sighed and walked to the window, staring out at nothing. What was wrong with him? Why did Malik always bring up the most difficult subjects?
What did he feel other than physical attraction? There was something, he just didn't know what. Friendship? Well of course they were friends, right? Brotherly love? Ew, no, if that was the case Mariku wouldn't want Malik in that way.
Malik came next to him. They stared out the window in silence, each too lost in their thoughts to break it.
Ryou had kissed Bakura as a way to distract him from his recent questioning. `C'mon, Kura, I know you can't resist…'
Bakura was dumbfounded. That little snake! Thinking he could just steal a kiss from Bakura! He would so be punished for this…right after Bakura stopped returning it. `Hell, I'll get him later.' He thought, wrapping his arms around Ryou and pulling them together.
`Yes! Thanks for being so sex-driven, Kura…' Ryou thought before losing himself in the lip lock as well.
The two Egyptians had been standing there at least fifteen minutes.
Finally Malik said something, though not looking at Mariku, “I care about you too.” He fought back the blush that came when Mariku looked at him again.
He continued staring out the window, “I never meant to, but I care about you and Nathifa and Bakura. Well, Bakura to a certain extent. I only wanted to find Ryou and take him back. Things are getting complicated. We both know that Ryou and Bakura love each other; they just haven't said it yet. If we tell you, I know we'll never get home. That's why I try keeping you both at arms length.”
Mariku registered all of this. He then tilted Malik's chin so he would finally look at him. “Malik, I think you should just tell us. Not just because we're dying to know, which we are, (Malik smiled) but because I think you would feel a lot less stressed too. I know Bakura loves Ryou. He told me early this morning while you two were still asleep.”
Malik was a little surprised, but said nothing.
Mariku went on, “Still, if you absolutely won't tell us, I want you to be happy the remaining time that you're here. Even if we don't become as close as I had hoped we would.”
Malik wasn't sure whether he should grin or frown. Instead he searched the other's eyes. He saw nothing but sincerity in those violet orbs that were so close to his. He finally smiled. “Thank you, Mariku.”
“For what?”
“Being so understanding. It really helps.” Malik couldn't take the eye contact anymore, so he looked away again.
Mariku felt so disappointed. He wasn't sure why, but he didn't like it. He forced himself to grin, “No problem, kid.” He ruffled Malik's hair.
Malik grinned too, “Idiot, get off!”
Mariku sighed, “It's getting late. We should get to bed.”
Malik nodded, “I guess. I'm not really tired though.”
“That's because you spent the whole day sleeping.” Mariku said smirking.
Malik stuck his tongue out, “Whatever!”
Mariku grinned, “Night Malik.”
He was about to leave when Malik grabbed his arm. He looked at him with a confused face.
Malik bit his bottom lip, “Will you stay in my room tonight? I just…need someone here.”
Mariku hesitated, but nodded.
Malik sighed, “Thanks.”
“Any time.” Mariku accented this statement with a wink. “But you should know that I sleep naked.” He didn't really sleep naked; he just wanted to see if Malik would allow it.
Malik smirked, “Not tonight you don't. Find something to wear.”
“I wanna wear you.”
Malik laughed, glad that everything was back to normal, “If you won't cooperate then I'll find you something.” He walked to the other side of the room and threw Mariku his crimson underwear.
Mariku made a face, “What is this?”
“Just put it on. They're stretchy so they should fit.”
Malik turned away while Mariku changed, though the latter had said he really didn't mind, thus getting a candle thrown at him.
Ryou's neck was being attacked by his look alike's lips. Bakura sent gentle licks and nips along his collar bone, loving the way Ryou seemed to submit to him without second thought. He brought his face next to the boy's ear.
“We could take this to my room…” He suggested wickedly.
Ryou grinned at the tone of Bakura's voice. “I didn't realize how sly you could be, Kura.”
The other simply chuckled, “I am the King of Thieves, boy, I can be anything you want from me…”
Ryou giggled airily, about to reply when what Bakura said actually clicked. “King of thieves?” he repeated aloud.
Bakura tensed up. What had he just done? He backed up so he could look at Ryou's face.
Ryou frowned, “What did you mean by that, Bakura?”
Bakura didn't reply, too shocked to do so.
What did you mean?” Ryou was more anxious now. What was wrong? Did Bakura not mean to say that? What was he hiding?
In a few minutes he finally gathered his bearing, “Listen to me, Ryou. What I just said, I will explain to you. But if you can, keep an open mind?”
His eyes looked so pleading. Ryou wondered what had Bakura so edgy suddenly. He nodded, “I'm listening, Bakura.”
Bakura laughed in relief, “I knew you would. But I don't want to tell you alone. Can we wait until morning when Malik and Mariku are with us?”
Ryou nodded again. “Of course. I think we should go to bed now.”
Bakura smiled to show his approval and kissed the other's forehead.
They headed up the stairs together, each headed to a different door. Ryou paused at his, “Good night, Bakura.”
The thief smirked by habit, “Night, pet.” He went inside his room and shut the door.
Ryou sighed, both in confusion and content, before doing the same.
Mariku lied there in bed, stroking Malik's hair. Malik had cuddled up to him and fallen asleep within a few minutes, but his look alike just couldn't seem to follow his lead. He wanted so much for Malik to think of him as more than a friend. He felt an aching in his chest, even though Malik was right here beside him.
Malik seemed to want nothing more than to go home, even with how much Ryou seemed to want the opposite. Would he leave without Ryou? Was he that desperate? Mariku hoped not. He really did.
Unconsciously, he held the boy closer. Was he falling for Malik like Bakura for Ryou? Malik had said he cared about them. Cared how? Not enough to stay, obviously. Yet, maybe in the next few days, if he worked hard enough, Malik would see just how much he was needed.
Malik made his home sound like the greatest place in the world. What was its name? They never said. He just knew that they spoke Japanese where he and Ryou came from. Maybe he did just want to get back to the pharaoh, despite denying it. A wave of jealousy soared through him. Like hell Atemu would be claiming what was his.
He looked at Malik's sleeping face. In Mariku's eyes, he was beautiful. Apparently the pharaoh thought so too. He grinned and mentally scolded himself. There was no way Malik could possibly share Atemu's feelings. Then again, he didn't seem to share Mariku's feelings, either.
He was making himself worn out with all this thinking. With a heavy sigh of fatigue, Mariku finally fell asleep.
Once again, Malik was the last one to wake up. He had noticed that Mariku wasn't there anymore, to his disappointment, and came down to investigate. He found everyone in the living room, “Why do you people get up so early?” He rubbed his eyes.
Bakura snorted from his seat on the couch, “We don't get up early; you just always get up late. How much beauty sleep can someone get?”
Malik only yawned, “What time is it?”
Ryou shrugged, “It would probably be around 10:00 am.” Malik noticed he was on the other side of the couch, away from Bakura. Malik would've thought they'd be cuddled together.
“Come here, Malik.” Mariku said, chuckling in his recliner.
The said person obeyed and sat in Mariku's lap, eyes half lidded.
Bakura took a deep breath, “We have something very important to tell you, so listen up because I'm not repeating myself.”
Malik grunted, not being fully awake and not caring enough to try to be.
Mariku shot a questioning look at his partner, “You didn't consult me. What are we telling them?”
Bakura smiled guiltily, “Heh heh. I might've let something slip last night instead of it being the other way around.”
Ignoring the intense glare, Bakura went on, “I told Ryou I'd explain everything here anyway, and it's about time we did. Mariku and I don't lead the most holy lives.”
Ryou listened intensely while Malik rolled his eyes, muttering something about figuring that out a while back.
“Mariku and I are each the King of Thieves.”
Sorry for making this chapter shorter than usual, I just wanted to leave you hangin ^_~ Not very much happened in this chapter, I'm afraid, unless you count building the relationships between yami/hikari as something major. The next chapter should be more entertaining though. ^_^
Also, this applies to everyone, I wanted to know, do you guys want this to go to a Y/X rating? In other words, sex (lol)? I said it might in the story summary, and it will if enough people say yes. It would most likely appear in one of the next 2 chapters. Although I'm not quite sure how Me + Writing Lemon would turn out just to warn you, it would probably be like o_O
Lol ^_^ so review please! Not just for the lemon, but I like hearing anything about my story, so if you would be so kind…*puppy eyes*…C'mon, it takes less than five minutes…depending on how fast you type, but I digress…