Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Oh...Crap... ❯ If you tell me your secret I'll tell you mine ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ok, I really don't wanna seem like the stuck up authoress who only cares about reviews, but could I at least have one per chapter? That would make me very happy.
Anyway, on a lighter note (I love that phrase), there will be a `lemon' *laughs at the term* in the next chapter. If anyone objects, I'll warn you before it comes. I'll probably do that anyway though. ^_^ So, without further ado, here is chapter nine…
“Mariku and I are each the King of Thieves.”
His partner looked at him with a face of dismay. Ryou remained listening, not wanting to interrupt. Malik seemed to finally wake up because he sat up in Mariku's lap and said, “Huh?”
Bakura smiled sadly. He elaborated for them. “We're the King of Thieves. We're partners. We've stolen from countless people, tombs, and graves. We've murdered and threatened hundreds. The pharaoh has been after our hide for a while now, but he has no idea what we look like. He somehow found out our names though, so that's why we use false ones.” He stopped, waiting for a reaction.
Ryou had begun backing away until he was practically about to fall off the arm rest of the couch. He gaped at Bakura, who avoided eye contact with him.
Malik had shut his eyes and was now thinking. “So that's where I've heard your names before…” He remembered a conversation he had shared with Isis in the garden before telling her everything…
----- Flash Back! -----
Isis laughed at a comment Namu made about the guards of the palace. Then she got down to business. “Listen, Namu, I wanted to warn you about going to the city in search of your half brother. There are many dangers that face you. Things like animals and psychos and such. Just be careful.”
Malik just grinned, Isis was always so protective. “Any psychos in particular?”
She nodded, “As a matter of fact, yes. Mariku and Bakura, the Kings of Thieves. They're partners. The pharaoh has not mentioned them to you so you wouldn't worry. But I thought you should know.”
The teen boy saluted her, “Mariku and Bakura. I'll look out for them.”
----- Back to Reality! -----
Malik opened his eyes and glared at the ground, “She could've told me that I look just like one of the most wanted men in all of Egypt!” He stood and whirled around, facing a nervous Mariku.
“No one knows what we look like. How do you think we walked around in the city?” Bakura commented, but was ignored.
“Why didn't you tell us sooner?”
Mariku sighed, “We were waiting for you to trust us enough to where you wouldn't be scared when we finally told you.”
Ryou looked to Malik for reassurance. Malik just stood there with his mouth open, not really knowing what to say or think.
“I…need to think.” He said before hurrying outside on the patio. Ryou went in the kitchen, feeling uncomfortable being alone with both thieves.
Malik paced around the four chairs, thinking to himself. Well, wasn't this a pretty piece of information?
Hell, he had murdered before, many people in fact. Well, more like sent them to the shadow realm, but if he had been really ticked off by one of his rare hunters he had been known to use the Rod's physical abilities instead of spiritual.
His men had dreaded both punishments, of course. Malik smirked and reached for where his loyal rod usually was, but found that it wasn't there again. He was being such a moron; he hadn't had his rod in almost two weeks! Why would it just magically appear again?! It was killing him, too. He missed it. It was the closest thing he had to a child. A demon child, but still a child.
A child? Malik chuckled. He now knew he was crazy.
But back to the matter at hand. Mariku and Bakura. They should've told them sooner, shouldn't they?
Malik kept pacing for a while; he estimated about twenty minutes or so. He suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder. Stopping and turning around he saw Ryou.
“So what do you think?” Malik asked.
Ryou looked slightly confused, “This is amazing.”
Malik frowned, “What is?”
His confused expression turned into more of a grin, “That they're living in this place with no one bothering them, that they have a little girl who worships them, that they've been able to live the way they do and none of Egypt even knows what they look like!”
Malik gave a small smile, “I didn't look at it quite that way. I meant are you angry with them?”
Ryou shook his head, “I was scared at first. I mean, they've done some pretty unlawful things, Malik. But then I realized that they haven't hurt us in any way. I know they wouldn't either.”
“Some of the stupid things Bakura says hurts my head.”
Ryou laughed, “Be nice. I also thought about you. A year ago you would've stopped at nothing to take Atemu's powers and become the new pharaoh. You know that you've done just as much destruction as them, Malik. Tell me I'm wrong.”
It was true. Malik had lied, murdered, stolen, was he really no better than two thieves?
Ryou noticed his troubled expression and quickly added, “But it wasn't your entire fault. Things had happened to you to make you hardened. But once you explored yourself during that duel, you realized you didn't want to cause that much pain anymore. You broke through that darkness and took control of your life, without being clouded by the past. We saw that you were a good person, Malik, and we gave you a second chance.”
Malik stared at Ryou a moment before hugging him nearly to death. Ryou smiled and returned the gesture.
The Egyptian finally pulled back. “So you're saying they deserve a second chance just like me?”
Ryou nodded, hoping Malik would agree.
To his relief, Malik nodded his head, too. “I can do that. But tell me something first.”
“Do you love Bakura?”
Ryou would've made a tomato jealous, before answering, “Yes. I love Bakura, Malik. I don't think I can leave him.”
Malik scowled, “I don't wanna talk about staying or leaving right now. Let's just go and tell the idiots what we've decided.” A mischievous gleam appeared in his eyes, a gleam Ryou hadn't seen since before they were sent here.
They walked back inside, through the kitchen, and into the living room. The thieves looked up. They had been talking before and turned to face their look alikes.
“Mariku, we-“ Malik started.
“Before you say anything,” Bakura interrupted him and ignored the glare he received, “We need to explain ourselves. Mariku and I have each gone through something in our past to make us, eh, take up this life. But we would never hurt either of you. I understand that what we've done is wrong, and we've been trying to gain your trust so we could tell you confidently without worrying what you thought. You're both special to us and we don't want to lose what we already had. So, uh, do you forgive us?”
Ryou and Malik shared a look for about two seconds before each laughing their asses off.
Bakura and Mariku exchanged glances. They both wondered what was so funny.
Malik had to lean on Mariku to prevent himself from falling over. Ryou just leaned against the wall. Every time they tried to start a sentence it just set off their laughter more. Bakura and Mariku couldn't help but grin, even chuckle a bit.
“Ok, what the hell was that about?” Bakura said once the laughter had died down to just giggles every few seconds.
Malik was the first to attempt an explanation, “We, well, first of all, that was the worst speech I've ever heard, Bakura, you himar.”
Bakura frowned, “I suggest you go on before I put my knife to good use.”
Malik rolled his eyes, “Fine. Ryou and I talked outside, and we had already decided to forgive you. I was going to tell you, but someone cut me off.”
Upon hearing this, Bakura immediately ran over and hugged Ryou. Malik was sure Ryou couldn't breathe, but he said nothing. He didn't want to ruin their moment.
He felt a tug on his arm. It was Mariku, who indicated with his head for Malik to follow. Malik did so without hesitation. Mariku led him upstairs to the end of the hall, past the bedrooms. Malik watched in amazement as he pulled yet another door, but this one was in the ceiling. It blended in with the ceiling so you wouldn't see it unless you already knew it was there.
A rope ladder fell down, and Mariku climbed it, disappearing within seconds. Malik sighed and followed him.
“Bakura…can't…breathe…” Ryou took in long gulps of air when Bakura finally let him go.
The thief king smiled sheepishly, “Sorry, Ryou. I'm just so happy. I saw the look on your face and thought you would hate me forever.”
Ryou smiled sweetly when he caught his breath again, “I could never hate you, Bakura. No matter how bad the circumstance.”
Bakura grinned and placed a chaste kiss on Ryou's lips. “And I would never hurt you, pet.”
They embraced yet again, deep emotions circling them even though neither knew of the other's feelings.
Bakura led Ryou to the couch. Ryou liked this couch, it was a rich, brown color and the exterior was leather. He was pulled into the older teen's lap (to where they faced each other), and he didn't mind one bit.
“You said you and Mariku went through things that hurt you in your past that made you choose to become thieves. What happened to you?”
Bakura sighed, “Do you really want to hear it?”
“Alright.” Bakura thought, the memories coming back to him.
Ryou's head fell on his shoulder. He sighed once more before beginning his story.
“I was born in a village that was once known as Kuru Eruna. It was somewhere between being a small village and being a small city. My father died when I was two, or so my mother told me. I don't really remember him at all. I can't even picture his face. But my mother told me he was an amazing man who loved his family.
“My mother and I loved each other so much. She was wonderful. I don't think I had any friends; my mother was the only one who mattered to me. Her and my sister, Amina. Amina was ten years older than me. I remember thinking how pretty she was. She used to tease me for getting in so much trouble.
“I was four years old when they were taken away. They had found a spy that lived in our home, so Atemu's father ordered that the entire town be destroyed and left with no survivors. It was his way of setting an example.
“The guards swarmed. Panic and chaos was everywhere. They set the homes on fire, including ours. Amina wasn't able to escape.”
Bakura paused. Ryou pecked his cheek, “Are you ok?”
He nodded and went on.
“Amina was killed by the flames. My mother carried me. I was holding my eyes shut from fear and from crying. She put me down when we reached a well we used to walk to. She told me to run; she didn't care where, as long as I was safe and far away. I told her I wouldn't leave her. I didn't want to go.
“She made me promise her that I would, though, and I finally gave in. Just then a guard came, and my mother pushed me away harshly. I did as I promised and ran without looking back.”
Bakura had to stop again. This time he had tears running silently down his face. Ryou wiped them away. Bakura kissed his hands and started again.
“I didn't know where I was going, but I kept on until my legs finally gave out. By then Kuru Eruna was a small speck. It looked more like a bon fire than a village- are you crying?”
Ryou had started sobbing softly into his shoulder. Bakura's story brought back painful memories of Ryou's own mom and sister. “I'm sorry, Kura…I just couldn't hold it in any longer…”
“Don't be sorry.”
In a few minutes his crying ceased, and Bakura finished up, “After that I found another village where a man found and trained me after hearing my story. He taught me how to fight and steal. I was even better than him at both by the time I was thirteen. One night while I was prowling around in some merchant's house, I ran into Mariku. That's how we met. We've been partners since then. So what's your story?”
“Well, first you need to know about our home.” Ryou was tired of keeping Japan a secret. He loved Bakura, and was staying with him, and if Malik wanted to waste this opportunity and go back, then he could go back by himself.
“Bakura, I'm going to tell you everything that you've been trying to find out about the past week and a half, so listen…”
When Malik finished climbing, he found himself to be on the roof of the home. He knew it was flat, but he didn't know there was a way to get up there.
The edge of the roof rose up, creating a sort of two foot tall fence around it. Mariku sat and leaned against it. Malik closed the door before going to him. He lied on his stomach in front of him and let his head rest in Mariku's lap.
Mariku looked down at his little infatuation, “Who said you could stay there?”
“I did.”
“Fine, be that way.”
“I will. Thanks.”
Minutes passed. Mariku noticed a few dark clouds slowly heading their way. “Why?”
“Why what?”
“Why are you giving us a second chance? It could've been your perfect excuse to get away from here and go home, because we're criminals.”
Malik grinned, “Because you're still the same person you were before you told us, and I would be a hypocrite for staying angry. But I really want to know why you became a thief.”
“No, you don't.”
“Yes, I do.”
Mariku chuckled, “Get up and I might tell you then.”
Malik pouted but sat up, only to be pulled down with a squeak on top of Mariku. Mariku waited for him to get comfortable. When they both were he started his tale.
“Until I was ten, I lived in a two story house, bigger than this one even though we didn't need it because I was an only child. My father was a bastard who gambled by playing poker with his friends while my mom worked all day six nights a week in the market. She owned a clothes stand, and could mend about any fabric when needed.
“My father was actually pretty…ok, behavior wise…until I was nine. Then he began drinking along with his gambling. My mom begged him to stop, but of course he never listened. It lasted a year, him and my mom arguing, until my tenth birthday. It all stopped that day.
“I woke up that morning to hear my parents yelling at each other again. By then it had become normal. But a few minutes later I heard a real scream from my mom. I jumped out of the bed and ran to their room. I saw my dad standing over my mom. Well, my mom's corpse. He had impaled her with a sword.
“He turned around and saw me. I tried to run but he caught me and dragged me back into the room. He threw me on the bed and asked me if my birthday was today. I was balling too much to answer out loud, so I nodded my head.
“He smirked and said he'd make it the most memorable birthday I'd ever have. I didn't know what he meant until he took off his clothes and ripped off mine. I struggled as much as I could, but in the end, he succeeded in raping me.”
Malik looked up at him in horror, but Mariku didn't notice him. He was too far gone in his own little world. He kept going.
“When he was done he put on some clothes and left the room like nothing happened. I ran to my room and stayed there, curled up on the bed, and cried all day. Later that night I heard laughter coming from downstairs. My father's friends were over playing poker again. Something inside me snapped, and I stopped crying. I knew what I was going to do.
“I waited until his friends were all gone. I snuck downstairs with the same sword that was used against my mom that morning. While my dad was counting his profits, I came up behind him. I killed my father that night. He didn't even have time to scream, let alone register what was happening.
“I ran away and started a new life, one that revolved around stealing. I picked up on street fighting so I wouldn't get raped again. I vowed I would never allow myself to be raped again. I met Bakura three years later while robbing a merchant's place. We eventually hit it off and became partners. I guess that's about it.”
Mariku slowly came back down to earth, seeing that Malik was giving him a sympathetic look. He tried hugging him even though they were lying down, “I'm so sorry, Mariku…no one should have to go through that, especially at such a young age.”
Mariku just sighed and hugged Malik also, “You shouldn't be apologizing. You had nothing to do with it.”
“I know, but I still feel horrible…”
Mariku laughed, “Malik, you're being ridiculous, I don't you feeling sad for me. I'm over it. I was over it when I decided to kill him.”
Malik gently kissed Mariku, who returned it just as gently.
They broke away for air minutes later, Mariku looking confused, “What was that for?”
Malik smiled sheepishly, “For comfort?”
“I didn't need any comfort.”
“Well, maybe I did.”
“It took a lot for us to tell you our usual life style, for me to tell you my personal past, could you please tell me yours?”
“You mean everything I said I wouldn't?”
Malik looked at the other, and suddenly wanted to tell him. He wanted to tell him two nights ago, but he didn't feel like their trust was strong enough then. Now he did. Mariku had told him the worst parts of his life, which meant he must trust Malik, and Malik trusted him with his whole heart and soul. Besides, Ryou had wanted to tell them since before he came.
Mariku looked surprised, “Really?”
“Keep asking stupid questions and I'll change my mind.”
Bakura's eyes were about to pop out of their sockets. He had never been more confused in his life. Ryou was from how far into the future? And all these contraptions he was talking about, like cars, and boats, and TV's. What did he expect of Bakura? To just say that he gets it and move on to the next subject?
“Are you following me so far?” Ryou asks.
Bakura slowly nods, “You're from a place called Japan, 5,000 years ahead of us. After that you lost me, pet.”
Ryou smiled, “Well, you don't have to know about all the technology since you'll never see it. So don't worry about it. Anyway, Malik and I possessed millennium items.”
Bakura was actually interested when he heard this, “Which ones?”
“I had the ring and Malik had the rod.”
“So that's what you meant last night.”
“Go on.”
Ryou went on to give a summary of Malik's past, how they met, Battle City (Bakura was most confused on this), and the year after that.
Bakura nodded to show he understood, “You've told me just about everything except for your own past, pet. Won't you tell me that?”
Ryou nodded, “Of course. You remember when I told you about cars?”
“That transportation that replaced horses?”
“Yes, well, they can be very dangerous. I had a mother and sister too, but my sister, Kathryn, was six years younger than me. Then there was my dad. We were all a really happy family in our city. I guess like the kind you'd only think you'd see on TV.
“I was twelve, so that made Kathryn only six. It was snowing outside, you remember snow?”
“The white stuff that falls down like rain?”
“Yes. Well, it was snowing. My mother and Kathryn wanted to go to the store, or market. They were driving back to the house when out if no where, a drunk driver hits them in the back with full speed. They crashed into a ditch and hit a tree. I missed them so much, my father had to keep telling me that it wasn't my fault for not stopping them.”
Ryou sniffled and Bakura held him, “I know it wasn't your fault, pet. What about your father?”
“He's still alive. He couldn't live with the memories of their death so we moved to Japan. That's where everything else comes in.”
Bakura nodded, rubbing Ryou's back soothingly. Their pasts weren't that different when you think about it. Family dying at the hands of someone else. Both lost their mother and sister, too. Maybe it was a sign that they were meant to be together.
Mariku had listened with fascination. This was incredible. Everything that Malik had told him about Japan and modern Egypt was amazing. But he was avoiding talking about his past. More specifically, Mariku wanted to know about his tattoos.
“Sit up for me, babe.”
Malik did so, blushing ever so slightly. They got up and happily stretched their legs. Malik was so happy that he told Mariku, and that Mariku believed him. It really was a weight off his shoulders. He stood about a foot away from the edge. The clouds were closer now; Malik heard a soft thunder in the distance.
They sat down once more, across from each other.
“Malik, I know you have more to tell me…” Mariku said, but Malik was avoiding eye contact.
He tilted his chin up, “Please tell me your past?”
Malik nodded, “Yeah, I guess. I don't think it's as bad as yours, though.”
When Mariku only shrugged he went on, staring at the ground all the while.
“Like I told you before, I'm really Egyptian. I just moved to Japan. I come from a long line of pure Egyptian heritage. My family was known as the tomb keepers. You see, in this time, Atemu locked his soul in the millennium puzzle before he died, and my ancestors volunteered to stand guard over his tomb until he returned.
“They lived underground for the next five thousand years, until I was born. I was the first born son, with an older sister, Isis, and an older brother, Rishid. My mother died in child birth. It was always the first born son's responsibility to carry on our way of life. That meant me.
“We were never allowed to go outside; I was always studying, or getting in trouble, my father didn't let us have much fun. I did sneak out once, though, and Rishid was in huge trouble for allowing it when my father found out. On my twelfth birthday, I was to be initiated. The marks on my back were the initiation.
“I didn't want it, though, I was scared. I heard that the pain was excruciating, and it lasted for a long time afterwards. They weren't exaggerating. Rishid asked-begged my father if he could take my place in the initiation. My father punished him for even thinking he could ever be a real Ishtar. So it went on as planned.
“I had to be tied down to a stone table because I was struggling so much. Father put a gag in my mouth to stifle my screaming. By the time it was all over I felt like I had been through hell and back. I hated Father. He looked like he was enjoying my pain while he carved into my back. I think he might've even held back laughter.
“I seemed to hate everyone after that day. Father, Rishid, Isis, the pharaoh. Especially the pharaoh. He was the cause of all of it. I vowed to get revenge, to take his thrown so I would be the new ruler. But there was the problem of being a tomb keeper. I was supposed to stay in that fucking dungeon for the rest of my life.
“So finally, one day while my father was yelling at Rishid over something he didn't even do, I asked for the Rod. He told me not until I was of age. I snapped; I'm not even sure what happened to me. I just grabbed the Rod and used all of the rage that I built up inside me against my Father. Father was dead when I was through with him.
“We ran away, my siblings and me, and started all over. I learned that Atemu had returned at last, and was in Japan, so that's why I went. I've already told you of my rare hunters and Battle City and everything else after that.”
Malik took a long sigh, and then grinned. “Looks like both of our dads were murdered.” He said shakily, putting his head down even more.
Mariku saw tear droplets falling down, making wet spots on the roof. His felt his heart melt and he embraced Malik, pulling him into his lap once more.
It decided then, with a large sound of thunder, to begin raining.
At the palace, Isis was worried about her brother. She had found the spell around dawn this morning. She had been looking almost nonstop since Malik left, so she hadn't gotten much sleep.
But now that she finally knew how to get them back, sleep seemed like the greatest luxury on earth right now. Grasping a book of spells in one hand while opening the door with the other, Isis tiredly came into her room.
She placed the book on the bedside table and shut the window on account of it raining, then stumbled to her bed. She allowed herself to collapse on it, falling asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow.
“Ryou, I have something important to tell you.”
Ryou looked at Bakura from the kitchen, “Yes?”
Bakura got up and was about to answer when he heard a noise. It sounded like laughter. What was it? His question was answered when two blonds came running past him, first Malik, and then Mariku.
Apparently the latter was trying to catch the first. Malik ran in the kitchen behind Ryou, Mariku on the other side. “Help me!” Malik said through giggles. Ryou grinned and obliged by not letting Mariku past him.
Finally Malik shot past Ryou and back into the living room behind Bakura. The white haired thief smirked, acting like he was going to help Malik, but stepped aside just as Mariku got to him.
The blonds went crashing onto the couch. Malik laughed insanely as Mariku tickled him to death. Then Bakura noticed that they were all wet, “You're tracking water into my house!”
His complaint went unacknowledged.
“Ma, Mariku, HAhaha, you win! You hahah win! Oh Ra, I GIVE IN!!!”
In a moment the tickling stopped, and Malik wiped away his tears of laughter. Mariku was grinning until he looked down. He had a slight problem. He quickly stood up. Thankfully Ryou and Bakura had left.
Malik looked at him strangely, “What's wrong?”
“Nothing! I just needed to stand up…”
Malik looked at him like he was crazy although Mariku had his back turned. Quietly, he stood up and came behind his look alike. Very cautiously, he leaned over Mariku's shoulder and looked down. He saw that Mariku was trying to will his erection down.
He couldn't help himself. He burst out laughing all over again.
Alright, the lemons will for sure be in the next chapter. I thought it was a rather amusing part to end the chapter on. Again, if you don't wanna read it, I guess I'll warn you right the lemon starts, savvy?
Isis found the way back!! But will they even need it now? Will Malik still leave? Will Atemu find out his real life? Stay tuned for the next chapter and maybe you'll find out! Reviews are always lovely, just like my readers lol ^.^