Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One and Only Love ❯ A Friendship Builds, Troubles In The Way ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: One and Only Love
Part: 3
Author: Himeno Xamosy
Warnings: Light spoiler in some parts, shounen-ai (yaoi?), might get very 'dark' in the middle.
Ratings: PG-13 (to be safe in future writings)
Genre: Romance, tragedy, a little dark in the later chapters, humor.
Pairings: Yami x Yugi
Sadly, I do not have the talent to think of such a wonderful manga like Yugioh, so I am obviously not the owner, therefore I don't own anything except this plot that I wrote.
It's about the reincarnated love of Atemu and Yuugi, how their deep love has allowed them to continue their love in this life. But Yugi knows nothing about the past, what will happen when their rival appears in this life too, claiming to get his love back?
Review on the last chapter:
Takurai Kudo has finally made his appearance!! What is he here for? Unknown feelings start to emerge! How will Yami react when he sees Takurai? Read on to know what will happen!

In this chapter, character's name,
Yami Yugi -Yami Mutou/Pharaoh Atemu
Yugi Mutou-Yugi Mutou/Yuugi
Jounochi Katsuya- Jou (short form)
Takurai Kudo (the new transfer-student)
Kaiba Seto
"yami talking to yugi and vice versa, same for normal people"
((Yugi's thoughts)), /Yugi's mind link/
(Yami's thoughts), 'Yami's mind link'
- (Author) which is me saying some nonsense-

Chapter 3: A Friendship Builds, Troubles In The Way
............ as long as you are safe............
"Good morning, my name is Kudo Takurai."

The girls started whispering and giggling on this 'new species' standing in front of them. Yugi looked at the new boy standing in front and thought, ((this guy seems very nice, maybe he could be my new friend.))

Takurai was as tall as Jou. Suddenly Takurai's eyes met Yugi's and he gave him a warm smile. Yugi blushed at the smile and found it very hard to turn his eyes away from Takurai's. Takurai had a pair of very alluring eyes, a pair of eyes that, once you looked straight into them, they would take away your soul and senses. At the other end of the room, bright crimson eyes were shining as Yami saw the whole scene unfolding in front of him. And of course, he was notvery pleased with it.

Yami did not like that guy at all from the moment he first laid his eyes on him. He felt that there was something wrong with this new guy and that he should be on his guard when he was around that new guy.

"Kudo- san, your seat will be..."

The teacher looked around the classroom for an empty seat. "Sir, can I sit next to Yugi?"

Takurai looked at the teacher and gave him a smile.


Yugi was shocked when Takurai said that he wanted to sit with him, and how in the world did he know his name? The teacher looked at the girl sitting next to Yugi and said, "But Kudo, there is no empty seat next to Mutou."

Takurai let out a sad expression and the girl sitting next to Yugi immediately stood up and said, "Kudo-san, you can have my seat."

Takurai smiled at her and said, "Thank you."

The girl blushed and moved to the empty seat at the end of the classroom. Takurai walked down the rows of tables and chairs, his eyes fixed on Yugi who had his eyes glued to Takurai. Takurai stood next to him and smiled, "Yugi, nice to meet you."

After finishing his sentence, he slowly grabbed Yugi's hand, lifted it near his mouth and gently placed a kiss on it.

Yugi stared at him with wide amethyst eyes and immediately turned tomato red when he realized what Takurai had just done. Takurai saw the class's reaction girls blushing at that sight to the kiss and Yugi turning tomato-red, he gave a smirk and said, "It's just my way of saying hi to you."

"I...I .... Hi ..."

Yugi looked at Takurai as he took his seat next to Yugi.

Yami was burning MAD with anger now!! (How dare he touch MY Yugi!!... Did I say MY Yugi? Oh forget it!!)

His eyes now darkening as he stared at Takurai dangerously. In order to calm the class down from the commotion and back to daily studies, the teacher started his lesson.

During lunch break...

"Yugi, can you give me a tour around the school? I am not very familiar with the environment yet."

Takurai gave Yugi a smile after he asked.

"Sure, why not?"

Yugi answered with a blush. "Jou, I will be leading Kudo-san around the school. Meet you at the canteen later, ok?"

Jou heard Yugi's voice and shouted back, "Ok, see you later!"

Yami wanted to call Yugi but when he saw him leaving with Takurai, he returned to his seat and started sulking.

Jou saw his sulking face and asked, "What's wrong, Yami? You look like you have just smelled a smelly shoe!"

Yami threw him a glare but Jou did not mind.

"Oh, I get it, you are jealous right?"

Jou nudged him at the shoulder. "Because Kudo kissed Yugi on his hand and now, he's pulling Yugi away."


Yami looked at Jou, somewhat in shock, crimson eyes widening at Jou's statement. "I'm not!"

"Then what's bothering you?"

Yami turned his head away and said, "Nothing."

At this point, Kaiba walked into the classroom and said, "So my pup is being a busybody again!"

Jou's eyes lit up at that voice and said, "Seto darling! He ran to Kaiba and hugged him. Why are you here?" Jou looked at Kaiba with his honey-coloured eyes.

"Don't tell me you have forgotten that it's lunch time?" Kaiba raised his eyebrow and smirked at Jou. "So the pup does not want his lunch? Then I will be leaving if this is so."

"No!" Jou hugged Kaiba tightly, "Thanks for coming, let's go.

Jou looked in the direction of Yami and asked, Yami, let's go to the canteen. Yugi will be there too."

Yami broke out from his bad mood when he heard Yugi's name, but he kept his cool. "Really? Let's go."

Yami walked faster than Kaiba and Jou, thinking happily as he could finally talk to Yugi again.

"What's wrong with him?" Kaiba asked Jou who is clinging to his arm.

"Who? Yami?" Kaiba nodded his head.

Jou whispered, "Oh, he is somehow jealous of a new kid who is transferred here today."

Kaiba looked at Jou with disbelief written in his eyes. "Why would he?"


Jou told Kaiba the whole incident that happened today while they walked towards the canteen.

"Yugi, call me Takurai, don't call me Kudo, it sounds weird to me when it is you who is calling me so."

Yugi blushed and said, "Ok."

((How come I'm so nervous around him? But why do I have a feeling that staying close to him is like having a long lost brother by my side? It is very comfortable by his side, like I have known him for a very long time.))

Takurai broke Yugi's thoughts when he asked, "What is that place?"

Yugi looked in the direction where Takurai was pointing at and said, "It is the biology lab and there is the home economics lab."

Suddenly, heavy footsteps were heard behind Yugi and Takurai as a rough voice spoke, "Hey shrimp, what are you doing here with the new kid? Teaching him how to be a coward like you?"

A roar of laughter was heard after the sentence was said.

Yugi turned around, and to his horror, he found it was Yadoka and his gang who were laughing. Yadoka was taller than Takurai by about 80cm. His gang dominated the east part of the school and the biology lab was unfortunately at the east part of the school. Normally he would have come here with Yami. ((Shit, what am I going to do now? Takurai might get beaten up because of me!!))

"Yadoka, wh...what a coincidence. We have something going on, so please excuse us."

Yugi quickly pulled Takurai away. Yadoka grabbed Yugi by his collar and said, "Do you think you can run away like that? I have not even had my fun yet!"

Yadoka smiled evilly at Yugi, but unknown to all, Takurai was not someone who you want to mess with when he was flared up.

"So Yadoka, bullying someone smaller than you is fun, is it?"

Takurai's eyes darkened and narrowed, a very evil smirk appeared on his face as he was veryvery angry. "Put him down before you regret that your hands ever touched him."

The expression Takurai had on his face and the tone he used warned of 'my patience is limited and it is running out, put him down before you die...slowly and painfully'

Yadoka said, "What if I don't want to?"

"No Takurai, run .... away!"

Yugi coughed out those words as he was nearly choking by the grip Yadoka had on his collar. Yadoka raised his fist to punch Yugi, but before he could hit the boy in the stomach, Takurai had dashed in front and had blocked the blow with his stomach. Before Yadoka could react, Takurai had already landed a fist straight into Yadoka's stomach. Yadoka screamed in pain, but Takurai stood there like nothing actually happened, looking down at Yadoka with disgust in his eyes. Yadoka's fist is actually twice the size of Takurai Yugi fell onto the floor when Yadoka released him. "Yugi, are you ok? Did he hurt you anywhere?"

Takurai asked with concern flashing in his eyes, the beautiful green eyes turning back to normal.

"I'm ok, what about you?

Yadoka hit you right in the stomach. It's all my fault!" Yugi started crying, tears streaming down his face.

The gang of Yadoka helped Yadoka up and screamed, "Watch out new kid, we will get you for this!!"

They ran off with the injured Yadoka.

Takurai wiped Yugi's tears away with his thumb and looked at him lovingly, "Yugi, it's not your fault, please don't cry. I am not injured, so it's ok. It's just a little painful, that's all."

Takurai's voice was so soothing that it calmed Yugi down immediately.

The bell rang, sounding the end of the lunch break. "I'm sorry Yugi, I made you miss your lunch."

Takurai looked at Yugi apologetically.

"No, no, don't say that, I'm the one who made you miss your lunch break and because of me you met those guys on your first day of school, I'm sorry."

Yugi looked down at the floor.

"It's ok, Yugi, as long as you are safe, this injury does not mean a lot."

Takurai smiled at him and said, "Let's go back to class."

Yugi smiled and said, "Thank you, Takurai." And together, they walked back to class.

You are not going to get away, new kid! You will pay for this!!


Next chapter:
The thugs are going to get Takurai!! What will happen? A mysterious lady appears. Who is she? And Yami has a dream, what does it mean? Find out in the next chapter!!

Author's nonsense:
Halo everyone!! Chapter 3's finally out! What do u guys think? Do give your comments!! Chapter 4 will be up soon, I love you guys!! Thanks for all those who reviewed, I'm sorry I can't review back, but if you want me to, do tell me ok?