Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Bond ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

*pants* Oi… He never quits.
Marik: *showing off his costume*
*rolls eyes* Just get into place!
Marik: Fine! *walks away*
Okay, now… *checks a few things* Lets get the show on the road!
Bakura: I'm still going to get you for this.
Like I never heard that one before.
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Chapter 2
“Three… two… one… Closing time!” Joey announced as he jumped over the desk. “Yo! Guys! Time to head to the club!”
Luna came out. “It's still going to take awhile to get everything set up for closing and for everyone to meet up.”
Joey's ears and tail dropped along with his expression. “But I wanna be there before traffic hits!”
Luna shrugged. “I'm not a god and summon everyone here at once.” Then went back in to check over once more on the cameras. “Ryou and Bakura are putting away their supplies… Marik and Malik are just heading this way… Alysia is just a few feet away… and Yugi…” She looked at all the other cameras until she found him just walking around in the upper floor.
Alysia popped her head in and looked over at the screens. “He's doing it again, isn't he?”
Luna nodded then pressed a button before leaning towards a speaker. “Yugi! Yugi its closing time!” She watched to see that he didn't acknowledge the announcement.
That got Yugi to jump and run to the nearest elevator.
Luna looked at the other and smiled. “Thanks Lisa.” She said, using the other girl's nickname.
Alysia smirked. “Always a help.” With that, they got out of the security room to meet up with everyone.
“Was he doing that again?” Malik asked.
The two girls nodded.
Malik sighed. “Seems like he's doing that more often then last year.”
Ryou nodded. “Yeah, I noticed it too. It's like he's in a different place in his mind.”
“Maybe its just stress from the whole college thing.” Joey said.
“I don't think so Mutt.” Bakura said, ignoring Joey when he mentioned that only Seto could call him that. “He's depressed.”
“By what?” Luna asked.
Bakura shrugged. “How should I know. I'm no psychologist.”
Then Yugi runs in. “Sorry to keep you waiting!” He said with a cheerful smile, only it didn't fool anyone.
“Yugi…” Luna said first. “Is there something bothering you?”
Yugi shook his head. “No, why?”
Everyone looked at each other and decided to drop it.
“Nothing…” Luna said. “We were just a bit worried about you.”
Yugi smiled once more. “Thanks you guys, but I'm really am fine.”
No one commented on that and Joey started to talk about the club they were going to celebrate.
Everyone was dancing on the dance floor with the song `Say It Right' in the background. Bakura and Marik were being over protective with their aibous and Alysia was the same way only everyone knows that they don't even want to go near her or Luna as they had fun. Though Luna doesn't notice that. Joey and Yugi were dancing as well and everyone was having a great time.
After dancing around for an hour, they settled down in a booth and had water, sake, or wine. Yugi finished up his water while everyone laughed about what Marik said as he did his impersonation of the drunken master as he gulped down his sake. Luna, had only a small glass of plum wine and water as she laughed along with Alysia with her small sake and water.
“I'm going to head out guys.” Yugi said as he checked his watch.
“Aw! Come on pal!” Joey said as he put down his small cup of sake. “What's ya hurry?”
Yugi smiled and laughed. “I just want to head home before my mom, you know how she is.”
“Alright!” Joey said. “Ya want me da walk ya home?”
Yugi shook his head. “Nah, I can get there fine on my own.”
“Well, alright bud.” Joey said, a slight bit worried. “Just be careful out dere.”
Yugi nodded as he got up from the booth that they were in.
“Where is he going?” Bakura asked.
“Home.” Joey said as he took another sip of his sake.
“Why?” Marik asked. “He's missing out all the fun.”
“His mom.”
The others made a groaning sound.
“That woman needs to chill!” Alysia said.
“No kidding!” Marik said. “Yesterday, she tried to attack me with a broom and was shrieking like I was some fucking mouse!”
“Well maybe she's one of those who don't warm up as quickly as others.” Luna said as she sipped her second glass of water.
Marik and Alysia rolled their eyes. “Bullshit!” They chorused.
“It's going to take a bloody miracle to get that stubborn ass bitch to lighten up.” Bakura said, listening to the conversation.
Everyone agreed on that, even Luna, Ryou and Malik.
That's when Luna looked as though she thought of something. “Maybe that's why Yugi's acting so down.” Everyone looked at her. “As long as his mother dislikes all Humanials and Aniumans, he won't be able to bring in his own because his mother would probably kick it out before it can settle in.” Everyone looked as shocked as she is.
“Damn.” Joey said while thinking about how it would feel if he were to be kicked out.
“And all of us are paired up and he's the one left out.” Luna continued as she looked at Alysia.
Ryou and Bakura looked at each other as well as Marik and Malik and Joey thought about Seto.
“Fuck!” Alysia said. “No wonder he's acting so damn depressed.”
Marik, for once looked like he had a great idea. “Hey! I know what we can do!”
Everyone looked at him as if waiting for a second head to grow out. “Nani?!”
“Hear me out!” Marik said. “I know what we could do to let Yugi keep his aibou without his bitch of a mother to know.”
Malik looked at everyone. “He maybe onto something here guys.”
Everyone looked at Luna, who looked a bit uncomfortable. “Nani?”
“You started this.” Bakura said.
She shrugged. “Wouldn't hurt to keep an open mind.”
“Alright!” Marik said. “Now here's the plan!”
Yugi walked out of the club and saw that there were rain clouds gathering. He sighed as he walked down the quiet street. He couldn't help but think about his savior. `What's the use,' He thought. `I'll probably never find him. Not now, not tomorrow, not ever.' He wiped away a tear that was coming down his face.
He was about to turn a corner when he heard something from a dark alley. Normally he would walk away to stay away from any dangers, but he felt something telling him to look what it is. As he walked down the dark alley, the sounds of laughing and crude remarks became louder. As soon as his eyes adjusted to the darkness he saw a group of five guys beating up someone. Despite his knowing of what the consequences are, he grabbed a piece of metal and threw it to the first guy.
The guy stopped, which made the other's stop as well, and looked over to see him standing there. “Wanna play hero kid?” He said as he sneered to a cruel smile. The others started to chuckle as they moved up towards him.
He started to step back a bit before running, but he didn't get far as he slipped onto something. At the same time it started to rain and thunder started to boom out. He looked back to see that he couldn't see through the rain but heard the guys getting closer to him. He tried to get up, but he was grabbed by the leg and was yanked back to the ground. “Let go!” He cried as he started to kick.
The guys laughed and started to mock him. “Let go he says!” Then one of them took out something.
At first Yugi couldn't see what it was until the thunder boomed again, giving him enough light to see that it was a knife.
“Say your prayers kid.” The guy said as he was about to strike him.
He closed his eyes only to hear a cry of pain.
“What the hell?” Said the guy as he looked at his companion, only to back up. “What the fuck!?” The man with the knife had his hand cut off. The second man was then knocked out followed by the next two. The man holding Yugi down was really freaked out and let Yugi go as he ran away from the ally. “Demon! He's a demon!” He cried.
Yugi looked at the man that ran before he looked over at the dark ally. He squinted his eyes and could only make out a faint figure.
The said figure was looking at him, but had a hard time seeing through the rain. That's when a huge thunder clash brought enough light for both to see who it is for only a few seconds.
`It's him!' Yugi thought as he got up. `I can't believe it! It's him!' He went up to the figure and held him.
The figure stiffen from the sudden embrace, then relaxed just before he felt weak and leaned towards the young man.
Yugi realized the change and braced himself as the other started to lean towards him. He kneeled down slowly and when he was on his knees, he hugged the unconscious figure in his arms. “I finally found you.” He whispered as he thought. `And here I was about to give up.'
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Yay! I finally got this chapter done! *winks* I bet all of you can tell what Yugi meant by finding the person, as well as who our mysterious person is.
Bakura: You're going to torment them again, aren't you?
I'm evil, I know, but that's what makes it so good!
Bakura: *rolls his eyes* Why must I put up with you?
Because the other's are out and Ryou has something planned for you, and I'm your only amusement until Ryou rings you up.
Bakura: I hate you.
I love you too Bun-Bun.
Bakura: *has a knife towards her throat* Never… Call… Me… That… Again…
Point taken. Well R&R please! And see you next time on `One Bond'