Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Bond ❯ Chapter 3

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Bakura: It's late.
I know.
Bakura: You're nuts.
I'm bored.
Bakura: There's something called sleep.
It's Saturday!
Bakura: Forget it.
See ya later.
Bakura: Fuck that.
… Why do I put up with moody guys? *sigh*
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Chapter 3
~Next Morning~
Yugi was fixing breakfast since his mother was home since three in the morning and his grandfather usually slept till eight. He looked up at the clock and saw that it was only seven. He smiled at his completed work: scrambled eggs with some cheese, two pieces of toast, and a bowl of cut up fruit. `I hope he likes this.' He thought as he picked up the tray and walked up to his room.
As he headed towards his room, he tipped toed quietly to not wake his mother before he poked his head in his room. He smiled at the site that laid on his bed. It was a young man that looked like him, but the man had tan skin while he was pale. He also noticed that there were some more blonde bangs going up the black and crimson tipped mane. The man also has a sharper figure while his were soft. But the biggest difference was the two huge black cat ears that struck out the sides of his head.
He placed the tray down on his desk and he sat down in his chair. He looked at all the bandages that he done the previous night, or was it the earlier morning. Well, anyway, he got here before his mother did. He could still remember it all from that fateful storm.
The thunder came with a bright light, enabling him to see who his savior was. The first thing he saw where red eyes just before the thunder dissipated back into dark. He ran up to his savior and held him. After the other passed out on him, he mounted him on his back and dragged up to the house.
The shop sign said it was closed and he saw that his grandfather left his bedroom light on, in case he got lost and could use that as a light house light, or so what his grandfather joked. He opened the shop door with a spare key and entered, locked it again, before he going up the steps, which was the tricky part since he didn't know if his mother was home or not.
When he made it to his room, he placed his `guest' on his bed and arranged him to a comfortable position. As he did, he got a good look at the other and was surprised of the resemblance they had. But that didn't stop him from seeing the bruises and cuts on the other and he quickly, yet quietly, got the first-aid from the bathroom and started to bandage the other. After he did that, he put the box on his desk to remind him of the supplies he needs to refill. He looked back on his savior and just stood there and stared at him.
The sound of thunder brought him from his stray thoughts and saw that it was one o' clock in the morning. He quickly turned off his lights and closed his door and locked it, in case if his mother was going to check on him when she comes in. He then took out some extra blankets and found that his polar fleece made a great pillow and made himself a makeshift bed next to his bed and then put a blanket over the young man before he slept as well.
He was brought out of his memories when he heard a groan. He saw that the other was stirring to wake and caught the hint of red when he started to open his eyes.
The young man slowly woke up and saw a white ceiling with a sky light, which the sun shone through. He looked a little lost until he remembered what happened. He sprung up from the bed into a sitting position, only to realize that that wasn't the best move one could make when you're recovering.
“Whoa! Take it easy!” Yugi said as he got up and grabbed the other's shoulders. “You're safe now, everything is going to be alright.”
The young man heard a soft voice, the voice he heard last night. He looked at him when the other held his shoulders. He blinked when the other said he was safe and looked at the area he was in. A bedroom, could it be the other's? Probably is, but why? If this is the other's room why did he let him have his bed. In fact, why did he bother saving him at all?
“Are you hungry?” Yugi asked and the other looked at him once more. He walked over to his desk and grabbed the tray with the other's breakfast. “I made you something in case you're hungry.” He said as he set the tray down on the other's lap.
The young man looked at the meal then to his host and back.
Yugi thought that the other didn't know if he could eat it or not and grabbed a fork. He got a part of the eggs and held the portion towards the other. “You must be hungry.” He said.
The young man was and he took the offered portion. He took his time as he chewed then swallowed. How long had he not eaten? The food, though slightly cold for being set out for a little while, it was like heaven. Before he realized, he finished his breakfast.
Yugi took the tray and started to head towards the door before he looked back at the other, who looked confused and a little scared. “Don't worry, I'm going to put these dishes away and prepare breakfast for my family, then I'll come back up to check on you, okay?” He said as the other nodded. “For now, you try to rest, okay?”
The young man nodded as he settled himself under the sheets once more.
Yugi smiled as he opened the door and closed it.
He jumped upon hearing his name, but relaxed when he saw that it was only his grandpa. “Morning Grandpa.” He said with a smile.
“Morning.” Grandpa said then looked at the tray. “Care to tell me what's going on?”
Yugi looked left and right to see if anyone was eavesdropping. “There's a Humanial in my room.”
His grandfather blinked. “Really? How?”
“I brought him in.”
“Brought him in?” The youth nodded. “How come?”
“While I was walking home from the club picked out for the party, I ran into a group of guys that were beating on him. I did the most stupid thing and got the guys attention, and when I was caught, one of the guys had a knife and was about to stab me. But then, for some reason, he came and beat those guys and save me.”
His grandfather was wide eyed from the whole thing. “Does your mother know?”
He shook his head. “I got home before she did.”
“You know she'll find out sooner or later.”
He sighed and nodded. “I know, but he's badly hurt and I don't want to leave him there.”
The old man patted his grandson's shoulder. “I know lad.” He said with a smile. “Now, tell me, what kind of Humanial is he?”
“He's the cat type.”
“What kind?”
“The black cat.”
“Hmm… Doesn't that represent bad luck?”
Yugi giggled. “Don't tell me you're superstitious.”
It was the old man's turn to chuckle. “No lad, I'm not.”
“And another thing…”
“Hmm…? What is it?”
Yugi looked at his grandfather with a calm but really happy smile. “He has red eyes.”
His grandfather looked surprised. “You're sure?”
Yugi nodded. “Just like the boy who saved me years ago.”
“Are you sure it's him?”
He sighed. “I don't know…” He closed his eyes. “I could barely remember his voice, but… Humanials, as I have experienced, can't speak for sometime because of something that happened in the years while they were sent free the first time.”
The old man nodded, knowing the conditions of the two species.
“But I'm really sure it's him. I asked Joey if he remembered seeing red eyes…” He looked at his grandfather. “And he said he only remembers one who has them, but he couldn't recall the face.”
“Was this when he and the other's were escaping when the lab was found out?”
Yugi nodded as he started to make breakfast for the second time that morning. “Yeah, he said everything was blurry, but he did recall seeing red eyes only once in the flames.”
His grandfather was silent when another presence came in.
“Good morning.” Mika said as she walked into the kitchen.
“Morning Mom!” Yugi said in his cheerful tone, which wasn't necessary when his mother was too worn out to notice anything. “How was work.”
“Like a nightmare.” She said as she helped herself with some orange juice. “One of my colleagues has a cold, and I think I'm starting to get it too.” She said as she gulped down her glass.
Yugi finished making breakfast for both his grandfather and mother, as well as getting some cold medicine for her. “Here Mom, these should help.” He said as he handed two pills for her.
“Thank you sweetie.” His mother said as she took the pills one at a time as she finished her breakfast. “I'm going to rest up if you don't mind.”
“Not at all.” Yugi said. “You deserved it, getting sick and working late isn't really good for your health without some proper sleep.”
Mika smiled. “Oh Yugi… If only other mothers are lucky to have a child like you.”
Yugi shrugged. “I guess that makes you one of the lucky ones, huh?”
She laughed as she set her plate away. “Going out today dear?”
Yugi nodded. “Uh huh, my friends and I are going to the mall, it's going to be Isizu's birthday soon and Malik doesn't have a gift for her yet.”
She laughed again. “I see, well, have fun.”
He nodded. “I will, get well soon.”
“I will.” She said as she climbed back up the stairs and into her room.
“Looks like you'll be doing more than shopping for a gift my boy.” Grandpa said.
“I know.” Yugi said as he started to clean the dishes. “But I wonder how my friends are going to react when they see him.”
“I'm sure they'll be thrilled.” Grandpa said.
“What do you mean Grandpa?”
“Well… lately you've been a bit down.”
Yugi looked at his grandfather as if he was an alien.
“But now you're really happy, and it's great to see you like this.”
Yugi nodded. “I do feel great after seeing… Oh my gosh! I don't know his name.”
“I'm sure he'll tell you in time my boy.”
He nodded as he finished with the dishes. “I'm going to check on him now.”
“Alright.” His grandfather said with a chuckle.
Yugi went upstairs to his room and saw that the other was still asleep.
The other's ears picked up his entrance and stirred awake. He got up slowly to look at the other.
“Oh, I'm sorry.” Yugi said. “I didn't mean to wake you up.” He thought he was quiet enough so he didn't bother the other, but he guess it was the ears that picked up the sound of his feet.
The other shook his head as he sat up right, leaning against the head board.
“How do you feel?” Yugi asked.
The other looked at the bandages he has and started to work his arms and other limbs to see if they were willing to cooperate. As it turns out that his muscles were only sore and the bruises didn't really bother him.
Yugi saw what he was doing and thought that maybe he was okay, but he wasn't completely sure. He took out a thermometer and sat beside the other. “Would you open your mouth?” The other complied. “Now close.” The other did so. He waited a couple of minutes until a beeping sound was heard. He took the device out and looked at the other's temperature. “It says you're healthy.” He said with a smile. “How about walking? Do you think you can walk?”
The other was slightly confused as to why the other was asking such questions
Yugi couldn't help but laugh at the confused sight. The other had a look of confusion as well as one of his ears raised. “I'm sorry.” He said as he calmed. “The reason I asked is because I promised my friends that I would meet them in the mall today. And I was wondering if you were okay to come with me.”
The other looked surprised that the other asked him to go with him in public.
“Don't worry, most of my friends are Humanials as well, so you won't feel like the odd one.” Yugi reassured. “Besides, you need some new clothes.”
The young man looked at his outfit and scowered at how it looked. He wore a dirty pair of jeans that have numerous of holes and had seen better days, and his shirt, which was on the floor, was a torn up jacket that was covered in sludge and what not. Needless to say, he looked like a bag of crap. He got up, and at first wobbled a bit, but got up again and started to walk around the room, his black tail going back and forth as he did.
“Okay!” Yugi said then realized something. “Hey I know!”
The other looked at him in confusion once again.
“Well, since my clothes can't fit you, I'll call up one of my friends and ask them to lend you a set of clothes to use.”
The other blinked as the young man reached for his cell.
/Hello?/ Ryou answered.
“Hey Ryou. It's just me.”
/Hey Yugi! Did you make it home alright?/
“Uh huh. Listen, do you think you could grab some of Bakura's stuff?”
/Huh? What for?/
“You'll see.”
/Well… okay… What do you need?/
“Just a shirt, one pair of pants, and sandals or some kind of shoe.”
/Okay… where do you want me to bring them?/
“Uh… the back of the shop.”
/Okay, when do you want me to be there?/
“ASAP if you please.”
/Okay, I'll see you in a few./
“Thanks Ryou! Bye!” He said as he hung up and looked up at the other. “Would you like a snack?”
The other was far beyond confused at the moment, but he was starved and nodded.
“Once we're down, you're going to meet Grandpa, he's a great guy.” Yugi said as they headed downstairs.
#Meanwhile: Ryou's and Bakura's place#
Ryou put down his phone.
“Who was that?” Bakura asked as he finished his last bite of his waffle.
“It was Yugi.” Ryou said. “He just asked me to bring some of your clothes to his place.”
Bakura looked at light double and gave him a `what the fuck' look. “Why?”
Ryou shrugged. “I don't know. When I asked him why, he said `You'll see.'. And he sounded really happy.” He and Bakura looked at each other. “You don't think…”
“There's only one way to find out Aibou.” Bakura said as he got up and put his plate away. “Okay! How much does Yugi want?”
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Yay! Finally got it done!
Bakura: *walks in* What the fu- ?! It's the morning! You're still up!?
I'm done! *falls and sleeps*
Bakura: *pinches the bridge of his nose* R&R people, she's working herself in exhaustion for you guys.