Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Bond ❯ Chapter 4

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

*wakes up* Ah! I slept for that long!
Marik: Is it really all that surprising? *puts his cards on the table* Full House, pay up.
Bakura: Ra damn it! *throws his cards* Fuck this game!
Marik: You took that from Dane Cook!
Bakura: I don't give a shit!
… Any mail while I was out?
Bakura: *throws mail* Here!
*dodges as mail hit the wall and stayed there* Thanks! *reads a few* Okay… My deal with Bakura and bunnies is that I like the idea of the tough, seemingly cold-hearted villain with something cute and innocent.
Bakura: *death glare* I still loathe you with all my being.
Ah! Get over it! *winks* That and its just fun to see him ticked off.
Marik: Now you're going to get it.
Shut up Marik.
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Chapter 4
#Moments later#
Ryou and Bakura arrived at the back part of the shop and knocked on the door. They waited until they heard someone coming up the door. The door opened to reveal a familiar and happy face of their friend.
“Hey guys!” Yugi said with a smile. “Come on in!” He stepped aside to let them through.
“Hello Yugi.” Ryou said as he held up the bag of the clothes the other requested. “Here are the clothes you asked.”
Yugi grabbed the bag. “Thanks a ton Ryou! And thanks Bakura for lending your clothes.”
Bakura shrugged. “So, are you going to tell us what you're going to do with them?”
“In a minute!” Yugi said. “So, would you mind waiting in the living room?”
Ryou shook his head. “Not at all!” With that Yugi ran up the stairs. He looked at the other and the other to him. But they waited in the living room with Grandpa.
“So,” Bakura started. “old man… Would you mind telling us what's going on here?”
Grandpa didn't have to answer when, not one, but two pairs of feet coming down the stairs.
Yugi came in first then came in the other.
Ryou and Bakura couldn't believe it as Bakura spitted out his water that he was drinking. “Yu-“ Ryou started but was cut off.
“Come on! We still have to meet up with the others in the mall!” Yugi said as he dragged the neko boy towards the door. “See ya later Grandpa!”
“Have fun lads!” Grandpa called as the other two ran out as well.
As they were half way to the mall, Ryou managed to ask Yugi a few questions. “Uh… Yugi, where on earth did you find-“
“He saved me from being stabbed by a bunch of guys that were beating him up.” Yugi answered.
Bakura looked at Yugi, to the neko and back. “Does that Humanial and Aniuman hater mother of yours knows?”
“No.” Yugi said. “And she doesn't-“
“I know! But she threw a damn pot at me last month, remember.”
Yugi sighed and tightened his grip on the neko boy.
“Wow! The whole gang is going to flip that you have a Humanial of your own.”
“But-“ Yugi started which caused Ryou and Bakura to look at him.
“Not the `b' word.” Bakura said. “Please do not say that.”
“I don't exactly own him, I just brought him into the house because I don't want to leave him on the streets.” Yugi said.
“But how-“ Ryou started.
“My mom was working late and I managed to beat her about two hours before she came home.”
Bakura looked at the neko boy and saw that his eyes were closed as if he was in deep concentration. “Yo!” He called, causing the three to look. “What's your name?”
The neko kept quiet and his ears went down slightly as if he was afraid.
“Kura!” Ryou said. “It took you awhile to speak as well!”
Bakura crossed his arms and glared the other way.
“Don't worry about him.” Ryou said to the neko. “He may act tough on the outside, but he's really nice once you get to know him.”
“Only to you and your friends, Aibou… everyone else would fuck off.” Bakura said.
When they reached the mall, they met up with Malik and Marik along with their two other friends, Tristan and Duke. Tristan is a monkey Humanial and Joey's best friend, and Duke is his aibou.
“Yo!” Tristan said as they walked up and then looked lost at the new member of the group. “Who's the new guy?”
The neko looked at everyone who was looking at him and didn't feel comfortable.
“He saved my life while I was walking home.” Yugi said with a smile.
“What happened?!” Duke said.
“He was about to be stabbed to death by saving the neko's ass but then the neko saved his life.” Bakura said.
“Wow!” Tristan said as he patted the neko on the back. “A life for a life deal, huh? Well then you're good in my book.”
“Would you stop scaring him you big ape!” Duke said.
“I'm not an ape and you know it!” Tristan said.
“Oh right, my mistake, I forgot that apes don't have curly-Q tails.”
“Say that again!”
“Guys!” Yugi said, but it was no use and they kept on arguing.
“They'll never change.” Malik said as he and Marik went up to the neko. “Hi, I'm Malik Istar, and this is my aibou, Marik.”
“What up.” Marik said.
“You already met Ryou and Bakura and the arguing duo, Tristan and Duke.”
The neko nodded as he looked at Marik and the other members of the group.
“Let's ditch these two aibou.” Marik said. “They're just going to get us in trouble.”
Malik sighed. “Yeah, let's go. They're giving me a headache.”
They went into a few shops and found a gift for Malik's sister as well as found some outfits for Yugi's savior. They then settled in the food court and had some lunch.
“Where's Joey?” Yugi asked.
“He's sick.” Marik said with a grin, which made everyone, except the neko, had blank faces.
Malik whacked his aibou in the head. “Thanks a lot you crazy sick fox! Now I got that image stuck in my head.”
“Ow.” Marik said. “Why do you have to be so cruel?”
“Why do you have to find pleasure in the sickest topics?”
And they continue to argue.
Yugi saw this and turned his attention to Ryou and Bakura, who were having their own argument with Ryou lecturing Bakura with something while Bakura chewed his fries. He took a bite of his burger and chewed it slowly when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked up to see the neko, who was pointing out something. “What is it?” He asked. “Is there something on my face?” The other nodded. “Where?” Yugi started to feel around his face, but was stopped when he felt a soft, wet tongue lick up from the corner of his mouth.
The neko watched as all the other couples argue and bicker and, even though it was amusing, it was annoying him. He looked at the young man biting into his meal and noticed that the ketchup was on the side of his mouth. He tapped the other and pointed out were the ketchup was, but then he remembered what he had been doing since they got here. He leaned in and licked up the ketchup, freezing the other from what he was doing.
Yugi was at a total lost when he felt that, but was snapped out of his reverie when he felt the other nuzzling his neck and cheek. He couldn't believe it, throughout the whole day, the neko didn't show signs about wanting him to be his aibou. Unless… now that the thought about it…
The first shop they went was a little stationary shop, which had a little sets of gifts. He was helping Malik looking at some cards, with the other next to him. He heard sniffing sounds and looked over to see that the other was over at the flowers, which was next to the card stands.
Another time was when they were looking at clothes for the neko. He was looking at some shirts as he felt like he was being watched. He looked over to see that the other looked around the area that they were in.
`He gave me the ritual after all!' He thought happily. But then noticed that it became dead quiet at the table that they were at. He looked at the gang, who were looking at him with goofy grins on their faces.
“Uh…” He started to say when Marik held up his cup.
“I propose a toast to Yugi Mouto and his new aibou!” He said when everyone else did the same.
“Here! Here!” They said.
“Now all we need is the name of Yugi's neko and then we would have to celebrate for a round of drinks, on me!” Bakura said.
“Kura!” Ryou said.
“Hell he's wearing my clothes!”
“Clothes you don't wear!”
“Here they go again.” Malik said as he took a sip of his soda. “So Yugi…”
Yugi and the neko looked over.
“What's his temporary name going to be?”
“Temporary name?” Yugi asked.
“Yeah, remember when I kept calling Marik `crazy ass fox'.”
“Yeah, but you still call him that now.”
“It's a nickname now. So? Thought about it?”
“Uh… not really, I thought I let him let me know what he likes to be called or wait until he can tell me.”
Malik shrugged. “Whatever works for you boss.”
“And I believe I told you to not call me that on any given day.”
“So? It's fun to see you react.” Malik laughed.
“But I am kinda worried though.” Yugi said as he looked at the neko, who looked confused.
“About what?” Malik asked.
Yugi sighed. “I would like to take him home, but my mom…”
Malik and Marik shared a smile of knowing. “Not a problem boss!” Marik said.
Yugi looked lost about this, but it brought the attention of the arguing two. “What do you mean?”
Ryou smiled. “After you left the club, Marik came up with a surprisingly good idea to help you out if you ever get a Humanial.”
Yugi looked at him. “You're kidding right?”
“Well… what is this `plan'?”
Marik smiled. “You'll find out, but we have to catch a bus to get there.”
“Are you curious?” Marik teased.
The neko had just enough and grabbed the other by the collar of his shirt.
“Okay, okay, I get it! I'll get to the point!” Marik said as he was released. “It's an old beach house about a couple of miles from here. It's not great, but it's not bad to live in. Just needs some work that's all.”
Everyone looked at the silver fox then at the neko. “How the hell did you do that?” Bakura asked.
The neko shrugged as he took a sip of his drink.
“Can we go over there now?” Yugi asked.
“Sure!” Malik said before Marik could say anything. “We got time!”
After putting their trash away, they headed out of the mall, but before they reached the doors, something caught the neko's interest. Yugi noticed that the other had suddenly stopped and looked back to see that the other was looking at a poster about an upcoming exhibit in the museum. He looked at the poster as well and saw that it was about Ancient Egyptian treasures. “Would you like to see it when it comes around?” He asked him and the neko looked at him before nodding.
“Hey!” Malik called. “What's the hold up?”
“Coming!” He called as he grabbed the neko's hand. “Come one Pharaoh…” He stopped when he said that. “Pharaoh… That sounds like a good nickname for you, don't you think?”
The neko smiled, making his ears perk up and his tail going back and forth.
“Telling by your expression, you like it.” The neko nodded. “Okay then, Pharaoh it is.”
“Yugi! What's going on back there!”
“Malik! I found a nickname for him!”
“Really!? What is it?”
Yugi giggles as he and Pharaoh ran towards them. “It's Pharaoh!”
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Oh my Ra! Three chapters in one weekend!
Bakura: You seriously need a life.
What do you do with life anyway?
Bakura: …
… Did I just get you on that?
Bakura: …
I did! Didn't I?!
Bakura: …
Oh my RA! I can't believe it! I stumped you I really did!
Bakura: *knocks her out* Now stay down.
Bakura: Now, R&R you dumb ass people, because she worked her fingers to the bone to entertain you. And I'm in a bad mood because I didn't have my coffee yet. See you fucking later in the next chapter.
*drools and seeing stars* Pretty….