Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Bond ❯ Chapter 5

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

*looks around* Is he here? … No… good… *sighs* Okay, I'm bored and no one is going to stop me. Okay! Here we go!
Ryou: Hi there!
Aah! … Oh it's just you. *sighs* I thought you were Bakura.
Ryou: *laughs* Well, here's your reviews.
Gracias! *opens them and reads them* Okay, to answer your question on why `Pharaoh' isn't talking now is because of what happened to all Humanials, if you didn't pay attention to Yugi's explanation on chapter three. If that's still isn't enough, feel free to ask again and I'll come up with a better answer.
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Chapter 5
Once they got off the bus, they walked a mile until they got to the beach house, which really need some work.
“Uh…” Yugi started. “Are you sure this is the place you talked about Marik?”
The house looked like a hundred years old with broken windows and looked as though it was going to fall apart. The color was bleached out as well as the wood work seemed to rot over the years.
“Maybe… it's not so bad on the inside.” Ryou said as he touched the doorknob, only for the door to fall to the floor. “Uh… That should be an easy fix, right?” Everyone wasn't convinced.
They entered the house to meet a musty smell and dust as well as cobwebs.
“I take back what I said back in the club.” Bakura said. “This is the most stupidest idea you had! And that's not counting all the other dumb ideas you had!”
Marik glared. “Well I did say it just needs work!”
“Just needs? This hell hole is practically screaming of work!” And thus started yet another argument.
“Again?” Malik said.
“Well, what did we expect when we're friends and each have a different perspective?” Ryou said.
“And you're being positive.” Malik said as he looked to find out that they're missing something. “Hey guys, where's Yugi and Pharaoh?”
The two stopped arguing and looked around to see that the two were missing.
“Yugi!?” Ryou called.
“Hey guys!” Yugi's voice called from the other room. “Come check this out!”
The gang came up to where the other two were at and they gasped at the site.
It was a living room with a huge window over looking the ocean.
“Whoa…” Malik said.
“Splendid view!” Ryou said.
“Hmm…” Bakura mused. “I guess this place isn't all that bad. Just need cleaning up, boarding up, some paint job here and there…” He kicked what looked like a dresser, which collapsed due to rotting, causing everyone to look. “And maybe some new furniture as well. But other then that, not bad.”
“Hell!” Marik said. “We could get all that crap in the Basement!”
“Hold on!” Malik said. “It's going to take more then paint and boards to fix up a place!”
Yugi just shook his head. “Might as well warn you now,” He said to the Pharaoh. “No matter what day, you're going to hear an argument sooner or later.”
Pharaoh smiled as he nodded then turned to look at the view through the broken glass.
“It may take awhile to fix this place up, no doubt about that.” Yugi said, gaining the neko's attention once again. “But I'm sure it'll be worth it once it's fixed and finished.”
Pharaoh smiled and nodded in agreement.
“And this place would make a great hang out too! So you'll always expect company.” Yugi laughed.
Ryou looked out at the view as well and noticed that the sun is going down a bit. “Hey guys, I think we should head home.”
The trio looked out and sighed. “Alright!” Bakura said as he looked at Pharaoh. “So? Pharaoh!”
The said neko looked back to the other.
“Would you like to live in a place like this? After it's fixed and all that crap?”
Pharaoh nodded and smiled.
“All right!” Marik said. “Now Yugi can keep his aibou!”
“But Marik,” Ryou said. “What about tonight? I doubt that there's something comfortable here to sleep in for the night.”
They all looked at Yugi.
“Well…” He said, knowing he as to decide. “My mother did come down with a cold, so I'll sneak him in and we'll work on this house tomorrow.”
“Sound's like a plan.” Malik said with smile. “But that's my opinion, what about you guys?”
“Hell yeah!” Marik and Bakura chorused.
“Sounds fun!” Ryou said. “We could even have a sleep over, depending on how the weather is like tomorrow night.”
“Now we're talking!” Malik said getting excited over the idea.
“You mean one of those girly sleepovers?” Marik said, earning a whack.
“You shut your trap now or you'll find yourself on the couch!” Malik said.
“NO! Anything but the couch! Not by myself!” Marik said as he grabbed hold of his aibou's legs.
Everyone sweat dropped at the sight.
Bakura sighed. “This is embarrassing.” He murmured.
“Well, we better head back and tell the others. Huh?” Ryou said.
“Yeah, we did leave Tristan and Duke without a warning.” Malik said as they started to head out of the door, followed by their aibous.
Yugi and Pharaoh were the last ones out and they took another good look at the house. “Well, now that we got a look at it, it doesn't seem so hopeless, doesn't it?”
Pharaoh looked a bit surprised by the other, which made the young man confused.
“What's wrong?”
Pharaoh shook his head and pointed to the others.
Yugi smiled. “Alright!”
~~Later: Gameshop~~
Yugi opened the door and looked around the kitchen area as he walked further and looked at it some more. He mentioned Pharaoh in and the other did as quietly as the other did. He then checked to make sure the living room was clear as well as the hallway to his room and went into his room. He breathed out a sigh of relief. “That went a lot better then I thought.” He said with a laugh.
Pharaoh got onto the bed and patted a spot for the other.
Yugi did sit down, only to be immediately nuzzled like crazy by the other. There were some parts that were ticklish and he laughed. “Cut it out!” He said between his laughs.
Pharaoh did and watched as the other calmed down and started to scratch his ears, which he enjoyed. He laid down onto the other's lap as the other continued to scratch the others ears.
But the moment was ruined when a knock on the door became known. “Yugi?” An elderly voice was heard behind the door. “May I come in?”
“Yes Grandpa!” Yugi said as the elder entered.
“How was your day?” Grandpa asked.
“It was great! We all had a great time in the mall and we even went to the beach.” Yugi said as Pharaoh sat up and examined the elder in the room. “Oh! Pharaoh, this is my grandpa. Grandpa, Pharaoh.”
The elder cocked his head to the side. “Pharaoh?”
“He was looking at one of those posters for the museums upcoming events on the Egyptian artifacts…” Yugi started to explain.
“Ah! Yes, I've seen that in the paper today.” Grandpa said with a smile. “So it's Pharaoh now, eh?”
Yugi slightly laughed. “Well, until he can talk and tell me his name, so it's just his nickname.”
The elder nodded. “I see.” He said as he went up and held out his hand to Pharaoh. “I'm Solomon, it's a pleasure to meet you and welcome to the part of our family.”
Pharaoh was surprised but shook the elders hand just before the elder started to walk out of the room.
“Oh, Yugi. You should check on your mother, she's been wondering when you're coming in.”
Yugi nodded. “Okay, and I'll make dinner.”
The elder laughed. “Don't worry about that, I'm going to be doing that this evening.”
Yugi laughed. “Okay, but if you need my help, call me okay? Wait… In fact, maybe you can teach Pharaoh some cooking while I'm talking to Mom.”
The elder laughed once more. “You come up with so many ideas my boy!” He calmed and mentioned Pharaoh to follow. “Come along, I promise I won't catch you on fire.”
Yugi shook his head and looked over at Pharaoh. “Don't worry, he's a bit strange at times, but he's really nice.”
Pharaoh nodded and got up to follow the elder with Yugi following before he turned towards his mother's room.
~~Sometime later~~
Grandpa and Pharaoh were setting the table when Yugi walked in.
“Hey there, something smells really good in here.” Yugi said.
The elder laughed. “Well you can thank Pharaoh, he helped me out a lot.”
Pharaoh blushed lightly from embarrassment, which caused his ears to fall a little and his tail going still.
“Well, let's eat up! I can't wait to taste how good it is.” Yugi said as he sat down and waited until his grandfather and Pharaoh to sit down as well. “Well, here goes.” He said as he took a bite of what looks like chicken.
The other two waited anxiously for their result as the `judge' finished chewing.
“Well, don't just sit there.” Yugi said playfully. “Dig in!”
And they did, and it turns out that they did an okay job.
After dinner, they gathered up the dishes and started to wash them. And once that was done, Yugi grabbed two cold pills and a glass of water before heading upstairs.
“Yugi is a very special lad.” Grandpa said to Pharaoh, who looked over to the elder. “He always cares about everyone and everything. Never once gives himself a thought until something happens.”
Pharaoh continued to look at the elder in confusion.
“But, sometimes that could cause a problem. I bet he could get killed by a car, just because he was trying to save another life.”
Pharaoh was shocked to hear this, but nodded when he thought it through.
“That's why he needs someone like you to make sure that doesn't happen.”
Pharaoh was once again confused.
The elder chuckled. “Oh come now, everyone needs a guardian angel, and you're lucky that you're Yugi's.”
Pharaoh thought back from back in the ally where he was being beaten up and how Yugi tried to save him, only to be in trouble as well. He also remembered the sudden strength he had to beat those guys. He nodded in agreement.
At that moment, Yugi came back down.
“How's your mother?” Grandpa asked.
“She's still under the weather, but she's getting better.” Yugi responded.
The elder sighed. “I don't know why she bother's being a detective.”
Pharaoh was confused.
Yugi giggled when he recognized the confused look. “My mom is a detective for the police station, so far she already solved a major case and now she's stuck with small cases, but they take a long time to solve.”
Pharaoh was completely shocked.
Yugi laughed. “I know, you couldn't tell by the lifestyle here.”
Pharaoh blinked and shrugged, somewhat agreeing.
Yugi changed into his pajamas and looked to see that the other has his on as well. `Black looks good on him.' He thought, which short of surprised him but pushed it aside and walked up to the bed. “Aren't you coming?” He asked the other, since he can't risk him sleeping on the couch where his mother may find him and he didn't like the idea of having the other sleeping on the floor.
Pharaoh blinked as he looked at the bed.
“It beats the floor.” Yugi said with a reassuring smile.
Pharaoh walked up into the bed and climbed in. He felt a bit awkward as he laid there. Though, he had been sleeping on the streets for some time and the bed did feel really good. He then started to stiffen when he felt the other wrap his arms around his neck, but he relaxed when he reminded himself that he was safe. He looked at the smaller of the two and smiled softly at the innocent sight of the other before closing his eyes, for once in his life since who knows when, in a peaceful slumber.
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Done! *smiles proudly* Now I have to wait until next weekend to get this finished. *sigh* Oh well. I need sleep anyway.