Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Bond ❯ Chapter 6

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

*dances around* Yay!
Marik: She's hyper again.
Bakura: Let her have her moment, I'm not in the arguing mood today.
Marik: That's a first.
Bakura: Shut up.
*hugs* I love you guys.
B/M: Eww!! Let go!
… Nope.
B/M: I hate you.
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Chapter 6
Early the next morning, Mika woke up feeling so much better and headed downstairs to the kitchen. When she did, she expected to see her son with her father, but didn't.
“Good morning Mika.” Her father said as he looked up from his newspaper. “How's your cold?”
“Morning Father.” She said. “And I believe it's down quite a lot.” She looked around the area. “Has Yugi gone to work?”
“Yes, he left quite early, something about a meeting.”
“Oh? For what ever for?”
“Something about remodeling one of the floors or something like that.”
“Oh…” She said with a sigh. “Well, I better head off as well.” She started to pack her bag with some small stuff, nothing big.
“You're going to work as well?”
“Yes, I've checked my cell and I've gotten at least ten messages from my partner.” She sighed. “I don't know why I have to be stuck with such an amateur.”
The elder laughed. “Just don't tire yourself with a cold.”
“I'll try not to.” She said as she walked out of the shop. `I wonder what's so special about remodeling a building for those things.' She asked herself before sighing. `I guess I'll never know.'
~~Earlier that day~~
Yugi woke up an hour earlier then usual and got out of bed, causing the other to wake up as well. “Oh sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up.” He said. “I'm just going to get dressed, maybe you should as well.” He said as he grabbed his clothes and headed to the bathroom.
When he got out, in his work uniform, that's when he remembered the cape. `Oh! I must've left it in that ally that night.' He sighed. `Oh well, I have Pharaoh now, and that's all that matters.' He thought as he quietly walked into his room to see that the other is dressed in one of his new outfits.
Pharaoh wore his black linen shirt with black jeans, along with some kind of collar around his neck. He heard the door opening and looked to see the young man.
“Wow! You look great Pharaoh!” Yugi said, making the neko slightly blush. “Come on.” He said. “We better meet the others in the center before Mom wakes up.” He held out his hand for the other, which the other accepted.
When they made it downstairs, they met the elder, who was helping himself with some coffee. “Why good morning.” The elder said. “You're up early today.”
“Yeah, there's a meeting we have today.”
Yugi nodded. “Promise not to tell?”
“Does it concern Pharaoh?”
The young man nodded.
“Okay, you know Marik? The crazy fox Humanial?” The elder nodded. “Well, the night I met Pharaoh, he came up with an idea for me to keep him and not let Mom know.”
“Really now?”
“I know, I was pretty shocked to hear it myself. But anyway, there's this old beach house that needs a lot of repairing, but it's going to be our hangout as well as his house.”
“Hmm… Sounds like a really good idea.”
“I know! And the view is fantastic! I don't know why anyone would let a house like that rot away, but I'm glad they did!” Yugi said happily.
The elder smiled at his grandson's happiness. “Alright then! I won't tell your mother where you're really up to.”
“Thanks Grandpa!” Yugi said as he gave his grandfather a hug. “I owe you big time!”
The elder laughed. “Seeing you happy is all I need my boy!”
With one last hug, Yugi grabbed the other by the hand and they ran out towards the center.
~`Halfway there'~
Yugi explained about the building to his aibou. “And once we're inside the building, I'm going to give you your I.D. so that you come in at anytime.”
Pharaoh nodded, a small smile on his face as he watched the other talked.
When they got there, Yugi stood on the platform as the machines did their thing. “With guest.” He said as he noticed that the machine picked up the other and was getting the shock gun ready.
Pharaoh saw the gun just about to get out, but relaxed when the gun backed off. He then felt the other's hand wrapped around his as well as felt like he was dragged into the second room. That's when he saw the red lights going around like it has with his aibou as well as felt air pressing against him all around. When that was done, they walked out of the room and into the main room.
“Welcome to `Second Chances'.” Yugi said as he pointed out many of the objects. “Now, Joey should be here any moment.” As if to answer his call, a beep was heard from the door that they just walked in. “Not a moment too soon.” He said with a laugh.
Joey walked up and was about to do his usual greeting when he noticed the neko. “Ya must be da Pharaoh dat Malik was a talk'n about.”
The mentioned neko nodded before he was strangled into a bear hug.
“All right! Congratulations to ya both!” Joey said with a wide smile and was spinning the neko around.
“Joey!” Yugi said. “Put him down!”
Joey did as well as ruffles the neko's head. “Sorry about dat, it's just that we never thought Yuge would ever get an Aibou.”
Pharaoh smiled and nodded.
“Man, I can't wait to tell Seto about this, he's going to be so shocked to hear dis!”
Yugi shook his head. “I'm sure he will, since he tried so hard to find him…”
“Only to fall onto ya lap!” Joey said while patting the other's shoulder.
Another beeping sound came on and the door opened to reveal the four from yesterday.
“Hey!” Joey said.
“Where's your master?” Bakura said. “I thought he would like to see the new arrival.”
Joey looked ticked. “He's on a business meeting at da moment! I just got the info when he left ten minutes ago.”
“And you haven't called him yet.” Bakura said.
“No! I did call `im! But he put `is cell on silent as usual.”
“Would you guys not bicker for one minute?” Malik said. “I swear, when we get together it's like we won't survive without having a pointless argument.”
“You just now notice that?” Marik said, earning him a whack.
“And don't you dare start that with me.”
“That hurt aibou!”
Malik sticked out his tongue.
Then another beep came one and the next two came in.
“Morning Alysia! Morning Luna!” Joey said. “Guess who this is?!” He lifted the neko, causing to look confused.
“Joey! Put Pharaoh down!” Yugi called out, looking like a hissing kitten.
Luna and Alysia looked at one another then at the newcomer. “Pharaoh?” Luna said questionably.
Yugi looked at the two girls and nodded. “Yeah, he's my aibou.” He said, earning a shrill from both of them.
“OH MY GODS!” Luna said happily.
“ABOUT FUCKING TIME!” Alysia called out.
“Congratulations to both of you!” Luna said as she went up to Pharaoh and sticked out you hand. “Hi, I'm Luna, I run the security monitors in the center.
The neko-mix came up besides her aibou. “And I'm Alysia, the tough-ass guard of this joint!”
Pharaoh shook Luna's hand as well as Alysia's.
“Damn Yugi! You got yourself a hot-ass one!” Alysia said, causing Yugi to blush.
“Oh Lisa, don't embarrass him.” Luna said.
“I can't help it! He's so damn cute when he does, doesn't he?” She said as she lightly elbowed the neko, as if waiting for some approval from the other.
Pharaoh looked at the young man and slightly blushed as well.
“See! Even Pharaoh agrees!” Alysia said.
Luna just smiled at her crazy aibou before noticing something. “Hey, is Tristan and Duke going to come in?” She asked.
As if to answer her, there was another beep from the door then the mentioned two came walking in.
“Never mind.” Luna said.
“Yo, what up?” Duke said.
“Ceiling!” Alysia said.
“Huh?” Duke said.
The others shook their heads. “It's a joke Duke.” Tristan said.
Duke just looked at his aibou and glared.
“Oh what!?” Tristan said as if he read the other's mind. “You think it's my fault that you didn't know about it!?”
Luna sighed. “Oh boy…”
Yugi, on the other hand, just about had it and took out a hidden whistle and blew on it, which stopped the argument. “Now then, shall I explain the plan for today?”
“Plan??” Luna asked.
~~Few minutes later~~
“Alright!” Joey said. “Let's do this!”
“Do you even know how to rebuild a building?” Alysia asked.
“I build a birdhouse once.”
“Good enough.”
“Is it really that bad?” Luna asked.
“It looks like a hell hole.” Bakura said. “But it's something that we can't fix up.”
“I don't know.” Tristan said. “I mean, just thinking that Bakura, Marik, Malik and Alysia fixing something is a bad idea.”
The mentioned four glared at him. “And why not?” Alysia asked, looks as though she's ready to kill.
“Well… You guys are the more destructive then creative.” Tristan said as he ducked in time before Alysia could scratched him.
“Alysia! Calm down! I'm sure he didn't mean it to be mean, right?”
“Y-Yeah! Just stating the facts.” Tristan said.
“Then state this you asshole!” Alysia said as she pounced on him.
“Oh boy…” Luna said as she and Duke tried to separate their aibous.
“The day is still young, yet here we are watching yet another argument.” Malik said.
“Might as well accept the fact that no matter what we do or say that there is going to be an argument somewhere.” Ryou said.
“Well, I don't know about ya guys…” Joey started. “But I'm gonna get does boards.”
“I'll get the paint.” Bakura said.
“And I'll get whatever they can't carry.” Marik said as they headed towards the basement.
Yugi sighed. `Wow, it's only been fifteen minutes and already there's tension going on.' He thought when he felt two strong arms wrapped around him. He looked up to see his aibou and smiled. “I bet you think everyone here is absolutely out of their minds.”
Pharaoh grinned but nuzzled the other's cheek.
~`Beach `Hell' House'~
“OW! Fuck!” Marik cursed as he held his hand.
“What's wrong now?” Bakura said as he stopped hammering.
“Stupid fucking hammer!” Marik said as he threw his to the ground.
“You're fault for having such poor aim!” Bakura said as he continued to hammer away.
“Oh shut the hell up you stupid rabbit!”
“I dare you to say that to my face, you lousy stinking fox!” And so the argument continues.
Malik and Ryou, who could hear their aibous from the other room, sighed. “The only thing they'll be done with is arguing their ears off.”
On the roof top, Duke and Tristan were working really hard on replacing the roof tiles. On the porch, Joey worked carefully on the wood work. While in the kitchen, Luna and Alysia tried to figure out how to get the water working again. While Yugi and Pharaoh worked on the living room.
Luna walked into the living room. “Hey guys.” She said.
“Hey Luna.” Yugi said. “What's going on?”
“Oh, Bakura and Marik are at it again, Malik and Ryou are calming them down as we speak, Tristan and Duke are amazingly getting the roof done, Joey is working on the wood, and Alysia and I were just trying to figure out how to work with the water pipes.”
“Sounds like everyone is enjoying their time.” Yugi said.
“Yeah, but I'm concerned about something.”
“What's that?”
“Well, since this house is so old and some of the wood is rotten, I don't think that putting new wood in will help.”
“You're thinking that we should tear the whole house down?”
“Well, we don't know what's in the wood, there could be bacteria and what not, defiantly not healthy.”
Yugi thought about this and agreed. “You're right, but I don't think the guys are going to take the news lightly.”
Just then the house looked as though it's going to collapse.
“Guys!” Joey shouted. “The house is gonna fall! Get out of dere!”
Tristan grabbed Duke and jumped off the roof. Bakura and Marik grabbed their aibous and ran out. Alysia did the same and barely made it out.
“YUGI! PHARAOH!” They all shouted as they noticed that the other two were still in there.
“Guys!” They heard the familiar voice and looked up. To their amazement, Pharaoh and Yugi were in the air and coming down. Since Pharaoh is a cat Humanial, he landed on his hands and feet.
“Yugi! Pharaoh!” Luna and Alysia went up.
“Are you two alright?”
“Yeah! You nearly gave us a goddamn heart attack!”
Yugi took a deep breath before looking at them. “I'm not exactly sure what happened.” He admitted. “But as soon as Joey shouted that the house was going to fall, I thought we were goners.”
*-Flashback: Yugi's POV-*
“Guys! The house is gonna fall! Get out of dere!” I heard Joey shout. As Luna ran to Alysia then dragged out of there, I went back to get Pharaoh. As I did, the only way out was blocked and the ceiling was about to drop on me. I shut my eyes for the worse when I felt someone grab me. The next thing I knew, I was held by Pharaoh and in mid-air above the gang.
*-End of Flashback-*
Everyone sighed in relief.
“Damn, that scared the shit out of me!” Marik said.
Bakura turned to look at the now destroyed beach house. “So what now?”
“I don't know…” Ryou said as well as everyone.
At that moment, Joey's cell went off and he answered. “Yo, Joey speaking.” He said as his eyes lit up as well as his tail wagging like crazy. “SETO! How are ya!”
Everyone looked at the blonde as he continued to talk.
“What `ave I told ya about da-…. Huh?.... Yeah, Yuge's finally got `imself an aibou!.... Sure, hold on!” Joey switched to camera. “Yo Pharaoh! Smile!” He caught the picture of Pharaoh and sent it. “So? What cha think?... Yeah I know!... Oh! Hey listen!... We have a bit of a situation… Yeah, ya know Yuge's mom?... Yeah, we kinda need da find a place he could hang. … Well, Marik found this old beach house dat he could hang out in… Yeah, but da thing is, hold on…” He switched to camera again and took a picture of the now destroyed beach house. “So, ya think ya could think of any alternatives? … Really!? … No, no that's great! Dat'll be perfect!... Danks a lot Seto!... Oh, Mokie and Noah are at the amusement park today… Alright, see ya soon… Bye!” He hung up his cell and jumped. “I love that man!”
Everyone was slightly confused by this little outburst.
“What the hell is going on?” Duke said.
Joey smiled widely. “Seto said dat he'll let Pharaoh stay wit us until we can fix up da place!”
“Really?” Yugi said.
“Why not let him stay there?” Bakura said. “Better yet, why didn't he hire some crew members to do this?”
“Most of them are working on bigger things.” Marik said. “Why would they bother with something this small if it doesn't cost a lot of money.”
“He has a point.” Malik said.
“So, we just have to find some blueprints and recreate the house then?” Luna asked.
“That's what it sounds like.” Tristan said.
“Whatever we're doing, it's going to take all summer.” Alysia said.
“That's good though, right?” Luna said. “It will give us something to do, and we can do it all together before…” She stopped.
Everyone knew what she was about to say, but they didn't want to think that right now.
“So, what are we waiting around for?” Marik said. “Let's get to a department store and get the things we need.”
“The damn supplies we need are around the thousands you crazy fox!” Bakura pointed out.
“No sweat.” Joey said. “Seto said that he can handle the payments.”
With that settled, they headed back to the center and started to look on the internet on blueprints on old beach houses and made a list of supplies they need.
-Yugi's POV-
This summer has started out really interesting and now it's starting to become memorable. Even though we would have to go our separate ways soon, working on this house will bring us together until the autumn wind comes and drifts us away to college. But at least I won't be so alone when I do go, I have Pharaoh by my side and I don't think anyone or anything will try to tear us apart.
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Alrighty! One more chapter down!
Bakura: No more sugar for you.
Bakura: R&R.