Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Bond ❯ Chapter 8

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

*grins evilly* Now stay!
Bakura: *tied and gagged* (You're going to pay for this you bitch!)
Huh? I'm sorry I can't understand you.
Bakura: *looks pissed* (When I get out of these binds, I swear I'm going to kill you!)
*shrugs* Oh well, on with the story.
Bakura: *sigh* (I must be bored out of my mind to talk to her every single damn chapter.)
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Chapter 8
~Next Day~
A limo droved up the curb in front of the game shop and waited until Yugi ran out. “See ya Grandpa! Tell Mom hi for me!”
“Alright Yugi!” Grandpa said as he waved as the limo drove off.
~`Kaiba Mansion'~
Seto woke up with a stretch and looked around to see his puppy in boxers with dog prints on them. “You still have that?”
Joey turned from brushing his teeth and spit out the contents before speaking. “What's it to ya?” He said as he grabbed some mouth wash and started to swish the stinging liquid in his mouth before he spat that out as well, only to see in the mirror that his aibou is standing behind him.
“I was only asking Joey Pup, don't be mad at me.” Seto said as he breathed the blonde's neck, which sent a shiver down the other's spine.
“Seto…” Joey started to speak as he lead by the other to turn to face the brunette and they were about to share a kiss when there was a rapid knocking on the door.
Seto sighed. “Looks like we have to continue this later, once again.” He said as he brushed away the other's bangs from the honey-amber eyes the Humanial possessed.
The other blushed and nodded before picking an outfit while his aibou grabbed a robe and opened the door to see the two boys. “Good morning.” He said.
“Hey bro.” Moukaba said cheerfully. “Yugi's here, so you know.”
“Yeah.” Noah said. “He asked about this Pharaoh character.”
“Yeah, he's Yugi's Humanial.”
“REALLY?!” The two boys exclaimed.
“Do you have to be loud?” He said as Joey tapped him on the shoulder.
“I'll take over.” Joey said, which earned a kiss on the forehead from the other.
“See you in a few minutes.” Seto said as he walked into his closet.
Joey walked with the two boys to the room where Pharaoh was in. “Yo!” He said as he knocked. “Ya awake?” They waited for a minute before the other opened the door.
Pharaoh rubbed his eyes as he opened the door and looked up lazily at the blonde.
Joey smiled. “Good morn' Pharaoh, Yug's here, so if ya-“ He said when he was cut off by the neko running down the hall.
“He's Yugi's aibou alright.” Noah said. “Other wise he would just stand there and listen to Joey babble for the next thirty sec-“ He was stopped by a whack on the head. “Ow! What was that for?!”
“For being a smart-mouthed brat.” Joey said.
~`Main Room'~
Yugi looked around at the massive area when he heard a pair of running feet, since it was silent as death in the whole mansion. He looked up at the stair case and saw the neko running down the steps. He smiled as the other charged at him and hugged him as well as nuzzles like crazy. “Okay! Pharaoh!” He said as he managed to clam the other. “I really missed you too.” He said as he petted the other's head until he scratched one of his ears, which the other seemed to like a lot.
“Hey!” Joey said as he, along with the two boys, came up as well. “I see ya got ya morning greeting.”
“Wow Yugi!” Moukaba said. “You finally found an aibou, after so long!”
“Yeah.” Noah agreed. “I was starting to get a little worried there for a while.”
“I've been hearing that a lot lately.” Yugi said as he stopped scratching the other's ears and the other got up to his original height.
“Well it's true.” Noah said as he saw that he earned a glare from his aibou.
Yugi smiled. “Well it doesn't matter now.” He hugged the neko. “Pharaoh's here, and I've never been so happy.”
Pharaoh blushed and smiled that he could make the other smile.
“Well, since we're all here,” Seto said as he walked down the steps. “How about we have breakfast.”
“Yeah!” Joey and Moukaba called.
“Oh brother.” Noah said.
As they finished their breakfast, a butler came up to Joey. “Master Joey, I'm sorry to interrupt, but you have a message from a Miss Serenity.”
Joey stopped eating and took the piece of paper from the butler. “Thanks Jones.” He said as he looked over the faxed letter.
“Well, this is new.” Noah said. “When he eats, he causes world hunger, but when his sister gives him a message he completely stops what he's doing and-“ He had scrambled eggs thrown at him. “Who threw that?!”
Seto glared at him. “Say one more word and it's the `dog house' for you.”
Noah stayed quiet after that.
“WHA!?!” Joey exclaimed as he jumped out of his chair.
“What is it Joey?” Yugi said.
“My lil' sis is getting married!”
“Huh?” Yugi said, knowing that Joey's sister isn't old enough to even be married. “To whom?”
“Wit Mai! Her aibou from America, remember?”
“Oh yeah! I remember!” Yugi said as the neko became confused. “But wait, Mai knows that there's an age policy when it comes to marriage.”
“Yeah, but `ear dis.” Joey said as he quoted. “Dear Brother, you won't believe this but I'm going to be married to Mai! Well, it's not an official wedding, but it's close to a wedding. Well, anyway, I would still like you to come, along with Seto and Yugi and anyone that's a friend. My `sort-of-wedding' will be in the Sakura Temple. That's right, we're coming to Domino! Mai said that we may live there as well, since she liked the area and would love to stick around until I am in age where I can be legally married. Well, that's all I have to let you know, and I can't wait to see you again, big brother. Love, Serenity.”
Yugi smiled. “That sounds great! It's been years since I saw Serenity.”
“I know!” Joey said.
“Sakura Temple huh?” Seto said. “That's a very special place, but it's beautiful in the spring.”
“Maybe she plans to be married in the spring when Serenity makes it to that age.”
“That makes sense.” Seto said. “It could also explain why she would like to stick around Domino for sometime. And my Pup would see his little sister anytime he wants now.”
“Speaking of which.” Noah said. “Just when are you going to ask Joey for his hand?”
The two became frozen at the mention of that.
“We're waiting until I graduate from college.” Joey said.
“Hey, I'm just asking.” Noah said as he bit into his sausage while he was death glared by Seto.
Yugi laughed nervously then decided to change the subject. “So, it looks like it's going to be another great day. Maybe we can at least finish the outer part of the house as well as work out the pluming thing today.”
“Yeah, Luna n' Alysia were suppose da do dat.”
Noah made a sound. “Like they know anything about putting together a toilet.”
Joey looked as though he was about to kill him, but then had an idea.
“Noah! Would you stop acting like a jerk for once?” Moukaba asked.
“Not now, not tomorrow, not ever.” Noah said.
“Well, Noah.” Joey said. “I might as well take ya along wit us.”
Noah nearly choked on a sausage piece. “What?!”
“Ya heard me.” Joey said with a grin. “Ya gotta come wit us n' work until da sun is about da come down.”
“You're joking, right?”
Noah looked at Moukaba, who continued eating like nothing was going on. “Aren't you going to do something?”
“Why not?!”
“Because as long as you keep acting like a jerk, I might as well let you be forced into something that would teach you how to be a bit more considerate towards others.”
“Well put Mokie.” Seto said.
“But-“ Noah continued, only to be grabbed by Joey.
“See ya in a few hours!” Joey said with a complaining Noah on his shoulders, followed by Yugi and Pharaoh.
“Thank you for breakfast Seto!” Yugi said with a quick bow, which Pharaoh mimicked, and ran after Joey.
Seto drank up his coffee and sighed. “Some silence for a few hours.” He said.
Moukaba got up from his chair. “I'm going to work on my summer project.”
“A summer project?”
“School required thing.”
“Dammit!” Noah said. “You all got the wrong pipes for this! How am I going to work on this stupid shit if I don't have the right goddamn pieces!”
“May I please push him off the cliff!” Marik said.
“No.” Joey said. “And you know why so don't ask.”
Marik groaned.
Luna flinched when she heard this. `This is not going to end well.' She thought.
“Luna!” Alysia called. “Come on! We're going to the fucking store!”
“Coming!” Luna said as she came down from the roof, which wasn't that far up. “Hey Bakura! Would you mind taking over!”
“Not a problem!” Bakura called. “Just get that brat away before I beat him to death!”
Luna sighed as she ran to catch up with the other two.
“Finally!” Duke said as he glared at Joey. “I can't believe you brought him here!”
“What!” Joey responded. “He knows about pipes! And unless you want Pharaoh to go to the bushes to take a dump and take a bath in the freezing cold ocean as well as drink salt water, that's fine by me!”
“Dammit!” Tristan said. “What's with him anyway?”
“How the hell should I know?” Joey said.
“You fucking live with them!” Marik said.
“Yeah, but dat doesn't mean I know every damn thing about `im!”
Yugi sighed at the argument over Noah. “It's awful.” He said.
Pharaoh looked up at the other and looked concerned.
“Noah wasn't always like this, but he was still a problem then as it is now.” Yugi explained. “You see, he was found by a couple of old ladies who were just passing by the park when they witnessed a man beating him. They cared for him for a couple of days and then contacted us. And since then, he's just a smart-mouth, sharp-tongue kid who didn't like anyone at the time. That is until Moukaba came by to see how Joey was doing and ended up looking around the area. But even if he had gotten better when it comes to talking to others, he's still has a sharp-tongue that doesn't seem to go away.” He sighed. “I'm worried about him when he continues this way. He could get himself, as well as Moukaba, hurt.”
Pharaoh nodded agreeing.
~Sometime later~
Noah was working on the pipes by himself when Luna came by.
“Hey, do you need help?” She asked.
“Why would I want an airhead to help me? Go away!”
That did sting for her, but she continued to stand there before telling him that if he needs help then he should let her know, and then walked away.
Pharaoh tapped Yugi's shoulder, which caught the young man's attention.
“What's up Pharaoh?”
Pharaoh pointed to Noah and used his hands to make like they were `talking' to each other.
“Talk to him?”
Pharaoh nodded then pointed to the young man, then to the young Humanial, then to him.
“You want me to tell him what I told you?”
Pharaoh nodded then did a light shove towards Noah.
Yugi looked back only to have an encouraging look from the other. He took a deep breath and walked up to Noah. “Hey Noah.”
Noah looked up. “Oh, hey Yugi, what brings you here?”
“Just thought I could help you out a bit.”
“I'm fine.”
Yugi looked back only to see the other is signaling him to continue. “Well, how about we talk then? Is that okay with you?”
Noah shrugged. “I don't care what you do.”
Yugi sat down next to the other. “Do you care about Moukaba?”
“Of course I do!”
“Then why are you still being cold towards everyone else?”
Noah `humped'. “Because I don't like them! And they're nothing but a bunch of morons! I'm surprised you even hang with a group that just smells of mental disfunction.”
The group heard that and were about to attack if it wasn't for the death glare that Pharaoh gave them as well as holding out a hammer, as if telling them to stay where they are or be beaten.
“Well…, don't you think that by doing that to everyone, you're hurting Moukaba?”
Noah looked at the other like he lost his mind. “What?”
“Well, you see, I know you don't like to trust others like I or Moukaba does, but that doesn't mean you have to speak with a sharp tongue and walk away thinking everything is okay. I think Moukaba would appreciate if you could open up to others like you do with him every once in awhile. Who knows, maybe my `mental disfuntional' friends wouldn't seem pointless to you.” He smiled at the other. “What do you say Noah?”
Noah didn't know what to say.
“I'll let you think about it.” Yugi said as he got up. “You know, you kinda hurt Luna a moment ago, maybe you should apologize when you have time.”
As he left, Noah continued to work with the pipes but this time he thought about what Yugi said.
As everyone parted for the day on the bus stop, Luna and Alysia were just about to head back to their apartment when Noah called out. “Luna! Wait!” Luna stopped and looked at the boy curiously.
Noah stood there as he took a deep breath as he tried to explain. “Listen… I… ah… wanted to tell you… that I… that I'm s- … I'm sor… I'm sor-r-r-y… f-fo-for… be-being a… an ass today!” He said.
Luna and Alysia blinked in confusion, knowing that he never once apologized unless it was Moukaba. Luna smiled. “You're forgiven Noah.” She said as she was about to turn when Noah spoke up once more.
“I may need help tomorrow…”
The two girls were shocked to hear this.
“It's my way of saying thanks for putting up with me and not try to kill me back at the department store.” He said as he ran up to the tan/gold car, where Joey and the tri-colored duo were waiting.
“Is it me…” Alysia said. “Or did that smart-ass brat said sorry to you?”
“He did.” Luna said with a smile. “Maybe he isn't that bad of a guy, huh?”
“You're too fucking positive.”
Luna giggled at that comment.
Noah entered the car and took a seat. He didn't bother taking any eye contact from the others.
Yugi seemed very proud of Noah and Pharaoh seemed to be proud as well. Joey smiled, knowing that maybe, even just a little bit, Noah might be able to open up and just have fun with everyone instead of just putting them down.
When they reached to the game shop, Yugi hugged Pharaoh as well as Noah, who was slightly shocked and got out. “See ya tomorrow!” He said as he closed the door. He waved as the car drove away, seeing Pharaoh doing the same until he couldn't see them anymore.
He entered to see his mother in the kitchen. “Hi Mom!” He said as he sniffed the air. “That smells good. What is it?”
Mika turned from her cooking and smiled. “Just a little something for dinner.”
“Translation: It's a surprise.” Yugi joked, but his mother laughed.
“Why don't you get cleaned up and come down?” Mika said, which Yugi nodded and went up to take his shower. She shook his head when her phone went off. “Mouto residents, may I help you?”
“Hey Detective Mouto!” Luke said from the other line.
“What is it Luke?” Mika said, slightly annoyed.
“I'm sorry to bug you, but we recived a new case.”
“Don't bother me unless it's important.”
“Well, I know you don't like Humanials and Aniumans, but you know Mikey?”
“Well, he's missing.”
“WHAT!?” Mika said with wide eyes. “How can that be?!”
“Well, apparently, he and his Humanial, Crystal, were coming back from their anniversary dinner when they were stopped by a huge black van.”
“There were witnesses?”
“Yes, a young couple who hid in the alley's fearing that they were going to be next or killed.”
Mika looked serious. “Was there any other reports related to this?”
“Not as of yet, but if it happens, we might have a lead, but I'm not sure if there's going to be any guarantees.”
“Very well, thank you Luke for informing me.”
“Uh, you're welcome, but Mrs. Mouto.”
“I thought you hated Humanials and Aniumans, so why…”
“My concern is Mikey.” She snapped. “Crystal is just a victim in this.”
“Oh… Well, good night.”
“Bye.” Mika said as she hung up.
“Mom?” Yugi said as he came down. “What was that?”
She smiled. “Oh nothing, just telling Luke not to bother me again tonight and wait until tomorrow where I'm too tired to kill him.”
Yugi laughed nervously then looked confused. “Hey, where's Grandpa?”
“He went out with a colleague of his.” She said as she placed what looked like a chicken casserole on the table.
“Wow! That looks really good!” Yugi said. “Grandpa is missing out on this, he loves your casseroles.”
“I know, this is payback for that time last week.”
“When he invited Jean in?”
Yugi looked concerned. “But Mom… She didn't mean any harm, she was just curious and didn't know any better.”
Mika looked a bit shocked, but sat down and ate her piece.
There was an uncomfortable silence that night.
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That's it folks! For now at least. R&R!