Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Bond ❯ Chapter 10

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

*walks in* Hello everyone.
Ryou: Hello Cupid, how are you?
I'm good, just watched `The Secret'.
Ryou: `The Secret'? What's that?
It's something about how our lives and futures are run by our feelings and thoughts. Did you know, that the human mind is so powerful that it could let the whole world know?
Ryou: How so?
Let's see, for example, say you got bills or debts, right? And everyday you expect the bills to come in. That's negative thinking and you feel awful about it, thus letting the universe know that that's what you wanted, because that's how the universe works, like a genie.
Ryou: I don't understand.
Well… how about you go to `thesecret.tv', I'm sure they'll explain it more then I could. But it's some really amazing and mind blowing stuff.
Ryou: I'll take your word for it, you do seem a little happier then last time.
I know! And I don't know how to explain it, but my whole right arm started to shake when I do think about that.
Ryou: *shrugs* I'm not a doctor.
Well, anyway, enough about that, let's go to the next chapter, shall we?
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Chapter 10
Next day was a bright sunny day and everyone was at the making of the beach house. Noah, Luna and Alysia were working on the pipes to the bathroom. Joey and Bakura were on the roof, hoping to give at least some relief to the others below them and themselves when they're done with it. Tristan and Duke worked on the walls, while reading from the `how-to' guide so they could do it properly. Ryou and Malik worked with the balcony/patio with Yugi and Pharaoh. And Marik, surprisingly, went to get more supplies for the house-to-be.
“Hey!” Noah called to Tristan and Duke. “Leave some of the walls unboarded for the electricity wires!”
“Got it Handy Noah!” Tristan said.
“That's not funny!” Noah said as he went back to work with Luna and Alysia, who were doing a good job putting things together. He started to be a little more opened then he did and started to be less annoyed about everyone, though it's still a working process.
Ryou wiped away some sweat from his brow. “I'd say that ought to do it.”
The group of four went back to look at the new patio/balcony.
“Wow!” Yugi said. “Now you could have a really good view of the sunset right here.”
Pharaoh nodded.
“It sure doesn't suck, that's for sure.” Malik said as he wiped away some sweat. “Yo, Ryou, what time is it?”
Ryou checked his watch. “Almost twelve.” He said. “Marik is sure gone a long time.”
“Well, you know how long those lines can take and he could have missed the bus and has to wait until the next one comes around.” Malik said, though he was slightly worried.
“Yo!” Joey called. “Is it time for lunch yet?!”
“Just wait one more hour!” Ryou called.
“Aw! But I'm starving!”
“You're always hungry!” Bakura said. “I'm surprised that your aibou can afford your eating.”
“Keep Seto out of dis!” Joey said, making everyone sigh.
“Never ends, does it?” Malik said.
“Nope.” Yugi and Ryou said in unison as Pharaoh shook his head.
“HEY!” They heard a voice and looked over to see Marik and gapped at what they saw.
Marik, who was supposed to buy some small stuff, was carrying huge boards, a couple pails of paint, and a huge bag.
“You crazy fox!” Malik said. “We told you to only bring in some small supplies otherwise you're attracting attention!”
Marik waved him off. “Don't worry, I didn't take the bus anyway.”
Malik looked dumbfounded. “What?”
“I walked all the way here.”
“WALKED!?” Malik exclaimed.
“Oh boy.” Ryou said with a sigh. “I'm just glad they're still together after all this time.”
Yugi agreed. “Yeah, it's not everyday that you have to deal with someone that you have to have arguments with everyday, but in the end you love them just as much.” He said with a smile.
Pharaoh smiled upon hearing that then looked over at the arguing couple then looked to see a car, hidden from view from the others. It was the same car from yesterday. He glared at the spot and inwardly vowed that that person wouldn't go near him and his group.
“Pharaoh?” Yugi asked. “Is everything alright?”
Pharaoh quickly thought up a lying act and held his stomach.
“Are you hungry?” Yugi asked then looked at the time. “We have been at it for sometime and the sun is getting at its hottest hour.” He looked at Ryou. “I think it's time for a break, I don't like seeing Pharaoh like this.”
Ryou nodded. “Okay, I think Bakura had enough of it as well, he doesn't do well with the heat for very long.” He then called to everyone that it was time for a break, which caused Joey to cheer.
Pharaoh looked at the spot again only to see that the car has disappeared. He looked at Marik, who was walking up with Malik, and could only guess that the person followed him to this place that was suppose to be a secret. But he could worry about that later, what he needs to know is why the guy was pursuing him again, after all this time? Unless he was after something else and he was just in the picture. He hoped that wasn't the case.
~`Later: Bus stop'~
Everyone went their separate ways and Noah headed to the car. “Aren't you guys coming?” He asked to Yugi and Pharaoh.
“Oh, I was thinking that Pharaoh and I would walk around downtown for awhile.” Yugi said.
Noah nodded. “Just be careful. Well, see you later then!” He said as he entered the car as Joey stuck his head out of the driver's side window.
“N' if ya want da be picked up, just give me a ring, okay?”
“Will do Joey!” Yugi said as he waved the car out. “Now then, let's see what kind of furniture you would like in your new house.” He led Pharaoh to the nearest furniture store that wasn't too far.
After about two hours of looking at so many different furniture, they decided to go to a café for some dinner. As Yugi went up to order, Pharaoh looked around the area and found the guy again. He was really annoyed now but then noticed the guy wasn't looking at him. He followed the guys gaze and it landed on the last person he wanted to get involved, Yugi. He found a knife on the ground and became quick about it. He picked up and quickly threw the knife to the guy's leg, who flinched and howled in pain. By the time Yugi came by, who became concerned for the man, he grabbed his food and managed to convince the other to come with him.
“I hope the guy is okay,” Yugi said. “But what would we do? Right? And it's just the leg and not the heart or any other organ.”
Pharaoh nodded, wishing he did hit in the spot, but he didn't want to hurt the guy… yet.
“Well, now that we got the furniture out of the way, I think we should head over to Kaiba's Mansion.” Yugi said.
Pharaoh, feeling concerned that his aibou was being stalked by the guy, held the other's hand tightly.
Yugi looked at his hand then at the other. “What's wrong Pharaoh?”
Pharaoh didn't know how to express this worry and he doubt's that if he tried hiding it, the other will know and try to understand. He bent down to the other's level and nuzzled slowly against the others neck.
Yugi, seeing that the other was worried on something, rested his head on the others. “Would you feel better if I stayed over at the Kaiba Mansion with you?”
Pharaoh looked at him with a surprised yet hopeful look. For if the guy was following the young man, he would need to keep an eye on him. So this was perfect, but then there was… He mentioned a female figure.
“My mom?”
He nodded.
“She working on a hard case, and when that happens, she usually stays at the station until she can figure out a case.”
Pharaoh looked completely surprised. Just knowing that his mother was working so hard and was only able to be with her child for only a few days. But, in the case they were in, it was a good thing. He needed to know why the guy is after Yugi, and stop him.
“I'm just going to let Grandpa know, okay?” Yugi said as he took out his cell.
Pharaoh was relieved about this. He slightly looked back and kept his ears perked up incase he heard anyone following. He didn't see the guy, and hoped he wasn't following.
~`Kaiba Mansion'~
“So ya stay'n `ere for da night?” Joey said.
“Well, actually, Grandpa said that I should stay here for a week.” Yugi said. “Because he's going to see a friend of his in Ireland and my mom is in America at the moment looking at a tight knit case.”
“A case?” Joey said with a confused look.
“In New York there were some reports on the kidnapping on Humanials and their aibous.” Seto explained as he came down the steps.
Joey looked worried. “New York?! Dere's about ten dere, n' all of dem were adopted from our center!”
Seto nodded. “Yes, I managed to hack into the detective's security database and as it turns out, this case started only a few days ago in our area.”
Yugi looked shocked. “So it was Detective Luke that called. Mom looked really ticked about something but she wouldn't tell me.”
“Who was it?” Joey asked.
“Detective Mike and his Humanial/fiancé Crystal.” Seto responded.
“Crystal?!” Joey said looking shocked. “The swan Humanial?”
Seto nodded. “Afraid so, but it's not just Humanials, it's also Aniumans, but it seems the big target is just Humanials.”
Yugi felt nervous. `Oh no! I only had Pharaoh for a few days and then there's this kidnapping happening.'
Pharaoh could sense the worry from his aibou and held him in an embrace in an attempt to comfort the other.
“Does Moukaba know?” Joey asked, which was responded with his aibou shaking his head.
“Didn't have the heart to tell him.”
“Well…” Yugi started. “At least the center is pretty safe from something like that.”
“I hope so.” Joey said. “As long as we can stay together and make sure they don't have the access code, we'll be fine n' we'll find does bastards before anyone else could get dere hands on us or da people around us!”
Seto came up to his aibou and held him close. “I know how you feel, but before we could think about others, we have to worry about ourselves first before taking any action. I don't want to lose you again.”
Joey nodded in agreement as he and everyone else went up to their rooms.
Yugi changed into a large night shirt he borrowed from Joey, since he forgot to bring his own and he didn't want to go out alone to get his own clothes. He set his dirty clothes out of the room like Seto told him and went back to see that the other was waiting in the bed. He climbed in and settled into the sheets. Not long after he settled in, he felt an arm around him and was held closely by the other. “You're worried, aren't you?”
Pharaoh nodded, as he thought about the guy that was stalking the other.
“Don't worry Pharaoh, I won't let anyone take you away. I don't know how, but I'll do whatever I can to protect you.” Yugi said as he embraced the other.
Pharaoh was both surprised and grateful for what the other said, but the kidnapping event was only the second thought that's troubling him.
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Ryou: Well, how's it going?
I think it's going well.
Ryou: Well, when are you going to work on the next one?
Probably after putting this up, but first a break. *yawn* I'm going to take a nap.