Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Bond ❯ Chapter 11

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

*clicks tongue* Okay… What to do next? … *reads review* I'm sorry to disappoint you, but Akhenaden won't be in here, but nice guess though. But, who knows maybe I can fit him in somehow. *eyes brightened* That's it! This just saves me thinking the next part!
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Chapter 11
A week has gone by and the house is in near completion, just a few more things to go through.
“Switch the lights!” Noah called as Luna, Alysia and Joey, in different rooms switched the lights to on and they went on.
“Alright!” Luna said from the kitchen.
“Hell ya!” Alysia said from the living room.
“What ya gals said!” Joey said from the bedroom.
Noah looked proud about the outcome. “Nice!” He said.
“What about the plumbing though?” Luna asked as she turned the lights off of the kitchen.
They heard a flush from the bathroom and Marik walked out. “Bathrooms all good!” He said as he switched the lights off.
Noah nodded. “This place is declared livable.” He said as cheers came from the living room.
“Now we just need to decorate it!” Ryou said.
“Not to mention furniture!” Malik said.
“Got it handled!” Yugi said as he explained that he and Pharaoh went furniture shopping and then they went to find out what colors the neko liked.
Pharaoh, on the other hand, though happy that the house is completed, he still has an eye on the stalker, who didn't bother to show up in the past week. He was thankful on that, but at the same he wanted to beat the living shit of the guy while he was close enough to grasp him. He was brought out of his thoughts when Marik and Bakura were dragging him with the others for the celebration.
Everyone headed to the Kaiba Mansion for the party as well as ask him to lend them a few things if he can.
“Hell…” Seto said as he saw the list Yugi gave him. “I have most of this stuff right here that I don't use.”
“Really?” Yugi said, a bit bewildered.
Seto nodded. “I'll donate to you, it saves us both financially.”
Moukaba was really happy to see that Noah had changed a lot since he started helping out. “Wow Noah, you actually stopped being a jerk.”
Noah shrugged. “It's either that or make your life a living hellhole as Yugi pointed out.”
“I did not say that!”
“Well it's somewhere along those lines.”
Everyone laughed while Yugi pouted.
Pharaoh placed an arm around his aibou, which seemed erase the pout and replaced with a smile.
Luna then looked shocked. “Hey Yugi! Isn't your mom coming in today from America?”
Yugi frozed. “Oh no! I completely forgot about that!” He said.
“Calm down Yugi!” Luna said. “Just call your place and see if anyone is there.”
Everyone was silent as Yugi found his number in his cell and waited for an answer.
/Hello? Mouto residents./ An elderly voice answered.
“Hello Grandpa!” Yugi said, a bit relieved.
/Why hello Yugi, how was your week?/
“It was great! We got the house completed. We just need the furniture and paint the walls.”
/That's great my boy! And how's Pharaoh?/
“He's doing fine.” He said as he looked at the neko, who smiled back at him. “Hey Grandpa, is Mom there?”
/No, I'm afraid not. But I did get a message saying she'll be here around in the late afternoon./
“Okay Grandpa, I just needed to know.”
/I know, but I do have to tell you one thing though./
“What is it?”
/The message your mother left, she sounded very depressed and lost. I think you should try to be here before she does, you always have a talent to figure out how your mother feels./
He nodded. “Okay Grandpa, I'll try to be home as soon as possible.”
/Don't rush my boy, that will just lead you into trouble./
He nodded once again. “I know. Bye.”
/Bye./ They both hung up.
“And…” Bakura said.
“My mom won't come in until later in the afternoon, but Grandpa said that she sounded depressed and lost.”
Everyone was confused.
“That's not like her.” Marik said. “And I should know, she's too tough a woman to let anything get her down.”
Yugi could agree with Marik, but he knows that there are some things that are hard to explain. Like his mother, he only knows some things about her that only she was able to tell him herself.
Pharaoh knows that the other was having troubling thoughts about his mother. And he wanted to help, even if it means having a grill to the head. He mentioned this to his aibou, who looked shocked.
“Are you sure Pharaoh?” Yugi said. “I mean, I know I told you I care for my mom, but you don't-“
Pharaoh stopped him by placing a finger on his lips and winked at him.
“What's going on?” Bakura said, obviously not getting the whole conversation between the two.
Yugi took a deep breath and started to explain. “Pharaoh wants to meet my mom.”
Everyone stared at the neko.
“Are you out of your mind!?” Marik said. “That woman is evil!
“Do you have a death wish or something!?” Bakura said. “Because there are other ways to do that you know!”
Pharaoh gave them a death glare and, with only a blink of an eye, went up to them and managed to flip them both over in a front flip and the two laid there on the floor.
“Okay…” Bakura said. “You proved your point.”
“Damn…” Marik said. “I didn't see that one coming.”
Everyone had their mouths hanging open with pure amazement.
“Damn…” Alysia said. “That's some kick ass move there!”
Pharaoh dusted his hands off as he mentioned Yugi to the door with a smile on, as if nothing had happened.
Yugi shook off his shock and followed. “See you guys tomorrow!” He called.
“Don't get into trouble!” Luna called.
“We won't!” Yugi called back as he and the neko left the mansion.
Mika looked out of her window in the plane she was in as it started to descend. She looked troubled as well as sad. She sighed as she placed her hand over her eyes. `What is going on?' She thought as she thought back on what happened in New York.
She went into the office to find numerous files, all of which are the same as the first from Domino. “Detective Luke…”
“Yes.” Luke said.
“I want you to find me these witnesses and any of the victim's family members.”
“Yes ma'am.” He said as he went on it.
She looked through the files and found one that reported that one of the victims was in the hospital from being nearly beaten to death.
She went over to the hospital and asked the doctor about the victim's condition.
“Well detective…” The doctor said. “Judging from the huge gashes he received when he was founded by one of the witnesses, he could take up for about a couple of days. But, with plenty of rest and the right nutrition, he'll be able to speak and answer your questions within five days.”
She nodded as she got up. “Thank you doctor, I'll be back in five days.” She said as she walked out of the door.
For the pass five days, she looked through the files and noticed a pattern. The victims all had a Humanial or an Aniuman. “These people are after those creatures.” She said. “But why take the people as well?” She questioned herself.
“Detective!” Luke said as he rushed in. “There's another kidnapping! And the witness has it on camera!”
She looked up and rushed to see the tape herself. What she saw was something she didn't expect. The tape was taken by a couple who wanted to spend a full day in the Central Park. That's when a young boy and a Humanial of a squirrel, who was a female and looked to be around fifteen, were walking down the sidewalk when a huge black van came up. The couple hid behind the bushes as men with rifles and their faces covered in masks surrounded the girl and boy. The girl put up a fight as she kicked and bite all the while protecting the small boy. The couple wanted to do something, but the female said that they can't do anything alive or dead. Then one of the men knocked the girl out with the butt of the gun. They dragged her into the van and the boy struggled to get out and shouted to the men, something that surprised the female detective. “You better not hurt her! Because I will protect her like she protected me and my family!” With that, the men threw him into the van with the girl and drove off.
She was speechless after watching that tape. `That little boy wanted to protect that girl, even though he knows he was in a situation where he could have been killed. But that still doesn't explain why they would kidnap those things and the person they were with.'
Five days passed and she returned to the hospital. She went into the room where the victim, a mid-age man, laid silently looking at the ceiling. “Hello Mr. Mist.” She said as she sat down next to the cot he occupied. “Mind if I ask you a few questions?”
He looked at her with an empty expression. “They took her…” He said. “They took Sophie… my little girl…” He said as tears came down.
She looked surprised by this. `His little girl…?' She thought.
“I tried to fend them off…” He started to cry. “Oh Sophie… I remember the day I saw her…” He sniffled. “She could barely walk at the time on the video clip on the site. And I wanted to see her myself. I flew out to the center and met the kindest young men I've ever met.”
`Is he talking about Yugi?' She thought as she took notes down.
“He told me the requirements and explained why they were so strict. Then I saw her, just trying to stand on her own.” He let the tears run down. “Her mother was a victim of rape and just died after she was born… The young man said. But he also said that she will be able to live a healthy and happy life with a really good role model.” He siffleled. “I cried… I cried in front of him as I heard this… I lost my wife and daughter in an accident, but she never saw her mother die or even knew who her mother was.”
She looked shocked and sad as she listened to this.
“Some people would say that Humanials and Aniumans are just creatures created by science and are not considered human.” He said as he wiped his eyes. “But they're wrong, like normal animals, they deserve respect and responsibility. And Sophie wasn't different from any normal human child. She was happy and when I heard that I was able to adopt her, I couldn't hold my gratitude to the center. And when I came to pick her up, they had her waiting at one end of the center while I at the other side. The young man set her down and she started to head towards me. That was her first time walking without falling, and I cried when she went up to me and smiled that beautiful smile.” He broke down right there.
She felt like she was going to cry as well when she noticed a picture on the table next to her. It was bent and looked as though it was wet at one time, but the image was clear. The picture was a little Humanial female white dove. Her hair was white feathers with some strands of human-like hair and she wore a pretty pale blue summer dress with small lace ruffles at the bottom of her dress.
“Then they came!” The man started to shout angrily. “They took her from me and tried to kill me because I was an adult! If I was her age or around my teenage years like some folks have, then I would have gone with her! But she was too young and was an easy target to be brainwashed!” He cried in anger.
That was the final puzzle piece that she needed. `It makes sense now…' She thought. `Since Humanials don't get their sixth sense by the time they reach to age of eight or ten. But she's only about seven now…' She felt sorry for the man who not only lost his family in the past, but now he lost his daughter, another part of his family. And now he's alone until she's found.
@End of Flashback@
She hid the tears until they landed. `Now I'm beginning to understand a little about these creatures… This whole new species, whose life started out as nothing but creations of science but then became a part of a person's life.' She then thought about her son, the owner of the center. `And Yugi knows this better then anyone.' She sighed as she gathered her bags. `I have to apologize to the Humanials that I gave a hard time too.' She went into her car and drove towards the game shop.
~`Close to the Game shop'~
Yugi and Pharaoh walked in complete silence as the sun was about to set. “I like it when the sun is about to go down.” He said. “It's not fall, but all the colors on the trees looked as though they changed.” He looked at the neko. “Doesn't it?”
Pharaoh looked at the trees as well as the surrounding area and nodded.
Yugi smiled when he and the other heard something. They looked back to see the same car that tried to run them both over only a week ago. “What does he want now?” He said as he noticed that the guy had a camera. “Is he stalking us?!”
Pharaoh was really pissed at this point but needed to get Yugi out of the way. He grabbed the other by the hand and they started to run. He looked back to see that the car was catching up to them. He knew the shop was close by and used this opportunity to push the other into the bushes and then charged up towards the car himself.
“Pharaoh!” Yugi called as he tried to get out of the bushes he was thrown too.
At that moment, Mika was on her way when a speeding car went pass her. The only thing she saw was a huge hole in the window with some trails of blood on it. “What on earth?” She said as she stopped the car and tried to read the license plate, only for the car to disappear. “What the hell was that!?” She said as she noticed someone running up. “Yugi?”
When he heard his name, he stopped dead. “M-Mom…” He said.
“Honey, what's going on?” She asked. “Why do you look so pale and sweaty?”
He didn't know what to say to her. Hell! He didn't want to explain to her about his aibou at a time like this. “A real close friend of mine was in a speeding car with a guy that was stalking us for the pass couple of weeks! We have to help him Mom! He could be really hurt!”
Mika remembered the speeding car with the huge hold and the trail of blood. She nodded as she called up the police. “Yugi, tell me what your friend looks like.”
Yugi was hesitant, but he took a deep breath. “He looks like me, except he has a dark tan, red narrow eyes… and has black cat ears and a tail.”
Mika looked at him as he looked away, but she described the identity to the police before mentioning Yugi into her car. “I think you've got a lot of explaining to do.”
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*phew* That's full of action right there. Well, R&R please!