Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Bond ❯ Chapter 12

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

*smiles* Hello everyone, the guys decided to go to the beach today so I'm here to entertain you. Some of you are worried about Pharaoh from the last chapter. Well, I'm here to tell you he's going to be fine, but that is just the stepping stone for the more action that's going to be taking place in this chapter. Well, enough said and let's get this thing rolling, huh?
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Chapter 12
The once peaceful setting rainbow sky turned black with rain clouds as heavy drops came down on one particular game shop. Yugi was in his room looking at the sky light as the rain became harder. He had told his mother everything just an hour ago. He locked himself in his room after telling her, he didn't even give her a chance to let her speak, fearing what was going to happen next. And he has also been crying since he locked himself in his room. With Pharaoh missing and his mother knowing his secret, it was hard for him to keep his emotions in.
He managed to look up at this alarm clock, which read a quarter to midnight, and decided to come out of his room. He went out only to see a dark hallway but he went out anyway and went downstairs. He saw that the shop light was still on and his mother reading some files. “Hi Mom…” He managed to say.
Mika looked from her file on the boy and girl from the tape and saw her son, red-eyed from crying, and smiled softly. “Hello Yugi… Would you like to come down?”
He did without any response. “I'm sorry…” He started. “For not telling you… but-“
“You don't need to apologize dear.” She said as she looked at the family portrait of one family that just lost a little girl and her guardian, a dog-like Aniuman named Gabriele. “I think I can understand where you're coming from all this.” She said.
Yugi was shocked to hear this. “How?”
Mika smiled sadly. “Let's just say that while I was in New York, I met someone who adopted a young girl from your center a few years back and told me how that little girl means so much to him.”
“A little girl? Wait, do you mean Sophie?!”
She nodded. “She was taken away by force and the man she was adopted to… I should say her father now… was nearly beaten to death.”
He was shocked to hear this. “Is he alright? Did he mention what they did to Sophie?”
Mika looked at him with unshed tears in her eyes. “He's going to be fine, but the thing about Sophie is a complete mystery.” She sighed. “The first time I looked at these reports, I noticed that the kidnappings were the owners of either Humanials and Aniumans, and I thought `why do these people take the owners as well instead of killing them?' That's when I saw the tape of a fifteen year old Humanial and her little brother walking in Central Park. Once the Humanial or Aniumans reach over the age of eight, they are attached to the person that cares for them, therefore abducting them easier with someone to dangle to do whatever these people want. But Sophie is only a year away from being eight, so when someone is that young they don't have that ability, making an easy target for brainwashing.” She let her tears fall. “After hearing him say those things made me think about you if you were in that situation.” She started to break down.
Yugi could only stay by her side and rub her back until she calmed down.
When she got a hold of herself, she took a deep breath, as well as blow her nose, she looked at her son with understanding eyes. “So, this Pharaoh of yours is a `neko', slang for a cat Humanial.”
He nodded. “Yes, he's a black one.”
She nodded. “I've never told you this, but I always wanted a black cat.”
“You do?”
She nodded. “Ever since I was your age, I loved witchcraft.” Her son's response was him with huge wide eyes of shock. “Hey, we all go through stages.” She pointed out as she continued. “And I wanted a black cat, because cats happened to take care of themselves and your grandfather is a volunteer Egyptologist, I was in love with the cat goddess Baset. But your grandfather was allergic at the time and I couldn't have one, so I moved on feeling a bit disappointed.” She smiled at him. “But you, my dear, have a friend for life. So, I can't stop you when this Pharaoh chose you over everyone else to be your aibou.” She was rewarded with a hug.
“Thank you so much Mom!” He said as tears of happiness came down.
She smiled and shook her head. “Thank me when we find Pharaoh.” She said as he nodded. “But the rules of not letting those friends of yours are still up, unless they are invited in by yours truly.”
He nodded. “Alright, and it's the same for you to not throw anything at them, alright.”
“Deal.” She said as she looked out at the glass doors. “I'm going to get us something to eat, okay?”
Yugi nodded and she left into the kitchen. He sighed as he went up to the glass doors. `I really hope Pharaoh is alright. That impact with the car looked so painful.' He thought as he remembered what he saw just hours ago.
He was thrown into the bushes, which didn't hurt him, but he had a hard time getting out. He watched in horror when Pharaoh started to charge towards the car. “Pharaoh!” He called only to see the neko jump and crash headfirst into the window of the car. The car was heading towards him but then steered away and headed down the street to where he lived. He managed to get out and run to where the car sped ahead, only to meet face to face with his mother.
@End of Flashback@
`She said she saw a ring of blood on the window.' He thought with a sigh. `I hope he's okay.' He looked at the street lamps that went down the road from where he was and saw a figure under one of the lamp lights. “Pharaoh?” He said quietly as he waited until the figure went up to the next light only to recognize the form and shape of the neko. “Pharaoh!” He cried out as soon as his mother came out with some soup she heated in the microwave. He opened the door and ran out in the rain. “Pharaoh!” He called out to see that the neko looked up to see him. He held onto the neko when he finally reached up to him. “Pharaoh! You're alright! Thank god!” He said as his tears mended with the rain. He then smelled blood and he stepped back to see that the other had cuts up long his body as well as the side of the other's temple looked as though it was starting to stop bleeding. “What happened to you?” He said worriedly.
“Yugi!” Mika called as she followed her son up towards the street lamp where another figure was standing. She couldn't believe her eyes when she saw the slight resemblance, but then focused on her attention at the amount of blood he has. “You must be Pharaoh. Are you alright?” She asked when she went closer, only to see the amount of blood on his hands. `Those are definitely not his!' She thought as sirens were heard and five police cars went up.
One police man went out and held the gun towards the neko. “Alright you! Just lay down on the ground and put your hands behind your back!” He called.
“What's going on!?” Yugi asked as the neko complied. “Pharaoh…” He said as the police went up and started to handcuff him. “NO! Stop it!” He cried but was held back by a couple of police men. “Why are you doing this?!”
Mika couldn't stand to see her son like this, and she knows that whatever happened between the stalker and the neko must of happened before he came here. “Excuse me! Officer!” She called out to the nearest officer. “Detective Mika Mouto, I want to know what exactly are you charging that Humanial for.” She demanded, not wanting to get the name out so that she sounded like she was attached to the neko like her son is.
“He's been charged with the murder of Mr. Akhenaden ma'am.” The officer said.
“Were there any witnesses?”
“There was a phone call from some bum who said he saw a young man with cat ears and tail coming out of the building covered in blood.” The officer said.
“Can you tell me where exactly is this building?” Mika asked, knowing that there's more to the puzzle and knew that this will lead to a trial unless she could prove other wise. `Might as well get the evidence right away.' She thought.
“Ma'am, you just have to wait until the trial is up before you can investigate.” The officer said, obviously very tired and very moody at this point as he went back into the police car and drove away with the others.
Yugi watched brokenheartedly as Pharaoh was taken away down the dark streets. He pounded on the wet cement. “Damn it!” He cried. “Why!?”
Mika looked at her son with a sad expression and went up to him. “We'll get him back.” She said. “I promise, that if this leads to a trial, I swear I'm going to find enough evidence to get him out of it.”
He looked up with sad, yet hopeful eyes and nodded. “I trust you.” He said.
She went down and hugged him as he cried on her shoulder.
~`Next day'~
Yugi woke up feeling emotionally weak and physically worn out.
“Yugi?” His grandfather said, making him turn to look at him from the bed. “How do you feel?”
Yugi didn't have to answer as he held onto his sheets.
“Would you like something small to eat?”
He didn't feel like it and shook his head.
The elder sighed worriedly. After what his daughter had told him from earlier, he was really worried about his grandson. “You're mother is with Luke right now and trying to get the information on the location of where Pharaoh might have been last night.”
Yugi nodded as he looked at the skylight, which was a dark grey sky, which matched his mood.
“Well, I'm going to make you something, just in case.” His grandfather said as he left the room. `Poor boy…' He thought. `He doesn't deserve this, neither does Pharaoh.' He sighed. `I hope Mika and Luke could find out in time.'
~`Second Chances'~
“WHAT THE FUCK!?!” Luna yelled as she looked at the front page of the newspaper.
“What is it!?” Alysia said. “When you start cussing it's something!”
“Look at this!” Luna said as her aibou and the rest of the gang that heard her went up and were just as surprised when they saw what was on the front page.
“A Humanial called Pharaoh was witnessed a murderer to Mr. Akhenaden, a fifty year old man who works as a photographer. Reasons to this event is a mystery. A trial will be held in a week after the neko, who also suffered minor injuries, recovers.”
“What the hell?” Joey said. “Pharaoh? A murderer? Can't be!” He looked at the picture the media was able to get and saw a distant neko covered in blood.
“He must have a reason!” Luna said, not able to believe in the media. Well, who does anyway?
“I know!” Alysia cried. “This is a load of bullshit. There's no way in fucking hell that he will do this for pointless crap!”
Bakura and Marik agreed. “Yeah.” Bakura started to say. “If I were him, I'd say that guy was doing something other than just taking pictures…”
“You mean he could be a stalker?” Ryou said.
“That's exactly what I'm saying!”
Marik nodded. “Makes sense. I mean, have you guys noticed that while we were building the house, he always seemed to be glaring at a certain spot.”
Everyone looked at each other.
“Yes, on Ryou's part on the stalker, but why kill a stalker and not turn him in to the police?” Luna said logically.
Everyone thought about this.
“Why would you want a stalker to live?” Alysia said.
“He could be some underground groupie working for an even bigger stalker. And the police would need that information to root them out.” Luna said.
Bakura sighed. “Looks like we're going to that damn trial and be his defense in the matter.” He said. “I mean, we're Humanials and as such our impulses to protect our aibous become twice as much as a parent protecting a child.”
Everyone looked at him.
“Are you going to say that on the trial?” Ryou said, completely surprised on how deep the other is.
“Hell yeah, what did you think? That I didn't give a crap about him? Shit, he's like a brother. Just like Marik and Joey and Alysia as a sister. I was raised by myself for a long time until I came here and hanged with you guys. You're practically family.”
Marik wrapped an arm around the rabbit Humanial. “Aw Kura-Bun, I had no idea you're so sensitive!”
“Get your arm off me now or I'll bite it clear off it's socket.”
“You just killed it.”
“That's how I am and you have to deal with it.”
They all heard a beep and looked over to see Tristan and Duke. “Did you guys see the news?!” Tristan said.
“Yeah.” Joey said. “I don't think he'd kill anyone, at least without a good reason.”
“Yeah…” Duke said. “He does have that killer instinct, but I doubt he'd do something like this.”
“What about Yugi?” Malik said. “Does he know?”
“Yeah, where is he?” Luna said, starting to worry.
“Maybe he heard it as well.” Ryou said.
“Should we do something?” Luna said.
“That won't be necessary.” Said a woman's voice and they turned to see Mika.
“The mother from hell!” Bakura, Marik, Alysia, Joey, and Tristan said in unison.
Mika sighed. “I guess I deserve that.”
That just lost the Humanials in the room. “Guys, is it me or did she just say what I thought she said.” Marik said as he pointed to the female detective.
Luna shook her head and went up to Mika. “Hello Mrs. Mouto, what brings you here?”
Mika smiled. “I'm here to clear Pharaoh's name.”
“WHAT?!?” The whole group said in unison.
“You heard me.” She said with a wink. “And I'm going to need your help.”
Everyone looked at one another. “Count us in!” Malik said, making it sound final.
Mika smiled. “Thank you and I apologize for my behavior in the past.” She bowed. “I hope one day you can forgive me.”
The Humanials looked at each other and smiled. “Get Pharaoh out of this mess then we can forgive you.” Bakura said.
Mika straightened and nodded. “I planned to do that… for Yugi's sake.”
“How is he?” Ryou asked.
“He hasn't gotten out of bed since last night.” She sighed. “I've never seen him so torn before, and I'm not going to stand by to watch it through.”
“Man, I'm starting to like ya even more.” Joey said.
Mika smiled. “My first plan is to find the area where the murder took place.” She held up her hand, which had dried blood on it. “How good is your sense of smell?”
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Alright! Some detective work going on here! *wink* Don't worry, I'll try not to keep you hanging too long. Well, R&R please and have a great day!