Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Bond ❯ Chapter 13

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Okay! Like I promised! Here's the next chapter.
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Chapter 13
Pharaoh looked through the window of the jail infirmary. He was bandaged and he was cuffed to the cot. He didn't feel like escaping, even if he did, there were police guards that are waiting to bring him down. He sighed silently and looked up at the ceiling. He thought about last night, when he walked towards the game shop to see Yugi once more before he was going to be taken away. Yes, he knew he was going to be arrested, but he needed to see Yugi.
“Hey…” Said a police officer. “You got a visitor.” He moved aside and let Luke in.
“Thank you officer.” Luke said as the door closed, giving him and Pharaoh some privacy. “Friendly fella, isn't he?”
Pharaoh didn't respond, he didn't even bother to look.
“So… Pharaoh is it? I'm Detective Luke, Detective Mouto's partner, I'm here to ask some questions.”
Pharaoh slowly looked at the man and gave a look that said `you're kidding, right?'.
“I'm aware of your mute situation, and I've got a solution to that in your case.” He brought out a board with all the letters of the alphabet. “All you have to do is blink at the letter that I'm pointing and I'll write the letter down.” He smiled. “Sound good?”
Pharaoh nodded. Sure why not, he had nothing to do.
Joey sniffed on the ground and sneezed. “Aw! I can't figure dis shit out!” He said. “Can't ya hire a bloodhound for dis?”
“I would, but I have to wait until the trial happens, and I fear if we wait that long and started on that, they would find him guilty.” Mika said. “Keep trying.” She held out her bloodied hand once more.
“Again?” Joey whined.
“How else are we going to find him?”
He sighed and sniffed her hand. He then sniffed the air in all directions before he moved to where he thought he caught the scent.
Mika held up her cell and called Luna and Alysia. “Hello girls, have any luck?”
/No, but we let Seto know, but he's in a meeting right now so it may take awhile before he could get the message./
/Shit! Just when we need him the most too!/
“How's the search going?”
/We're checking our third photo shop place right now, but they never even heard of him./
“Well, keep trying, I'm sure you two will find something.”
/Okay, what about you? Did you find the place?/
“Not by a long shot.”
/Well Joey isn't used to this, but you have to give him credit for doing this./
She nodded. “Yes. Well, I'm off, talk to you later.”
/Same. Jaa-ne!/ They hung up.
“Ey!” Joey called. “I dink I caught it!”
“You did?!” She went up to the blonde.
“It's dis way, I also could hit out some of Pharaoh's blood n' tire tracks.”
“Splendid job Joey!” Mika said as she found the shard of glass. “Is this the one you found Pharaoh's blood on?”
He sniffed at it and nodded. “Yeah, dat's `is blood alright!”
She smiled. “Lead the way Joey.”
~`Kaiba Corp.'~
Seto finally finished his meeting with the corporates and checked his cell to find a message from Luna. He turned on the voice mail and listened to the message.
/Seto! Have you seen the newspaper today? If not then check on it when you have the time! And we need you to do a huge favor! See if you can find anything on Mr. Akhenaden, is that how you pronounce it?... Yeah, just help us out! Bye!/
He looked lost as the message ended. `I did pick up a paper today, but I didn't get a chance to see it.' He thought as he picked up his brief case and brought out the paper and opened it up to see the front cover. “What the hell?!” He saw the picture of Pharaoh, covered in blood and read the head lines. `Mysterious Murder!' He read the small caption before getting his laptop and started to work on researching this Akhenaden person. `If Pharaoh really did murder that guy then there must be a reason.' He thought.
“Okay Detective, times up!”
“What?! Don't I have a permit to stay here longer then some visitors?!” Luke said.
“I'm sorry, if it was something else then yes, but not in this case.”
Luke couldn't believe what he was hearing. “Now listen here! I have the proper authority to stay here in this room for more then two hours questioning Pharaoh about the incident!”
“I'm sorry sir, but those are the rules.”
Luke wasn't going to give up. He took out his cell and dialed his boss's number. “Sir! I grant permission to stay at the Domino jail to further question of the event of last evening… Yes sir that's what I told the officer here… Very well, I'll wait.” He hung up his cell and sat back down. “If I were you I'd leave this room right now.”
The officer was about to question when his speaker radio went on with his boss telling him to back off when a detective is on duty. He sighed and left.
Luke smiled triumphly. “Now, where were we? Oh yes…” He placed his finger on the letter `H' and Pharaoh didn't make a move. He moved to `I' and Pharaoh blinked. He wrote it down and looked at the message. `How is Yugi?' He smiled. “He misses you.” Luke answered. “Don't worry we're going to get you out of this mess. Now, can you `tell' me why you killed, if you did kill, Akhenaden.”
~`To Mika and Joey'~
They were walking in a shady part of the city and Mika just called Bakura and Marik to come in, knowing that they are the muscle for the job in case they were jumped. As they waited, her cell went off again. “Hello?”
/Mrs. Mouto! We have a lead!/ Luna said.
“Really, what is it?”
/Seto just called while we were on our way from checking our fifth photo shop, and he said what he found out./
“What did he find?”
/This guy, he was actually in jail for abduction and using them to use for pornography uses./
“Porn?” She said questionably.
/Yeah, he also said that he was questioned for the abduction of some girl from five years ago, the same year when the Humanials and Aniumans were sent free./
Mika then thought about what her son told her about the conditions. `Most of the cases involving them are usually drug abuse, rape, physical abuse, and other illegal happenings. What if Pharaoh was one of the victims that were overlooked?'
/Mrs. Mouto?/
“I'm sorry, just trying to put the pieces together.”
/Oh, okay. Did you have any luck finding the place?/
“We did actually, but it's in the shady part of the neighborhood, so we're waiting for Marik and Bakura to come from the center.”
/Okay, and we'll keep searching to see if he even submitted pictures in the pass few days./ They hanged up.
By that time, Bakura and Marik went up to them. “Okay.” Bakura said. “Let's get this shit over with.”
Mika smiled. “I like your personality, despite you being a cute bunny.”
“Watch it, you're starting to get onto my good side list.” Bakura pointed out as they entered the area.
“Jeez, dis place is givin' me da creeps.” Joey said as he looked at the area.
“Doesn't this place seem familiar to you.” Marik said as he paused to look at the area.
“What do you mean?” Bakura said as he looked at one spot that made him froze.
“Bakura?” Mika said as she saw that the mentioned person grew pale.
“This place…” He started to say. “This is where I spent my first three hellhole years in.”
Mika looked shocked to hear this.
“Yeah…” Joey started to say. “It wasn't in dis part, but it was da same scene.” He started to pale at the memory before Seto saved him.
“We were dropped here because the government didn't want us to mix in their `perfect' society.” Marik said as he tightened his fists. “I was constantly drugged in this place!”
Mika couldn't believe what she was hearing. `So, all the Humanials and Aniumans were all sent here because the government feared of what would happen if they mixed into the `safe' areas of the city. Since they were used for military purpose, they failed to see that most of them didn't even know what they were being created for.' She thought.
They continued to walk through the dark street, which looked like they were not used in years. Joey stopped at one ally.
“Joey?” Mika said.
“Amazing…” Joey said. “Through this ally is where the club is, I can smell the cheap sake from here.” He chuckled dryly. “Yuge musta taken dis way by mistake when he found Pharaoh… As well as Seto…” He looked at the alley across from the group. “I remember it clearly as day…”
@Flashback: Joey's POV@
I was being beaten by this guy in that ally. I hadn't eaten in weeks and I was getting the toll of it.
“Hungry?” The bastard said as he unzipped his pants. “Be a good boy and I'll feed ya.”
I was too weak and too starved to do anything, I couldn't fight back to save my life. I closed my eyes not wanting to look when it happens. But I heard a grunt and then I heard the bastard crash into a bunch of trash cans that have been there since forever. I opened my eyes to see Seto. He bent down and looked to see if I was alright.
“Would you like to come home with me Mutt?” He said.
“I'm no Mutt.” I said weakly.
“What? No thanks for saving you and offering you a home?” He said.
I was way too tire to even answer and passed out.
@End of Flashback: Normal POV@
“Afta dat, I woke up in a nice bed wit a buffet table waiting for me!” He said with an awkward smile.
Mika nearly cried from the story.
“You think you had it bad?” Bakura said. “You were just lucky to be found before something happened.” He sighed. “I won't forget what happened in this hellhole.”
@Flashback: Bakura's POV@
I was always by myself. No family, no friends, not even a shoulder or a trusted person to cry on. It was me and no one else. I practically have to fight to survive. But when I'm out numbered, they will beat me until I'm out cold. And when I wake up, I'm usually in the nude and with all the bruises and open cuts, it's hard to tell if they did anything to me. But likely chance that I was used.
@Endo of Flashback: Normal POV@
“After they sent a gathering of everyone, I was sent back on the streets then to the center where I met Ryou.” He sighed. “I was in hell once and then I met an angel. That day was the best day of my life, was seeing someone so wonderful it hurts.”
“Well, unlike you two, I temporarily enjoyed my time here, but I still have my hell days.” Marik said with a sad sigh.
@Flashback: Marik's POV@
I was in a druggist house, where I was always doped up. Cocaine, meth, skittles, you name it. I had it all, and I was high all the time. I was probably used many times, but I couldn't remember. And when the druggist died from his own experiments, I ran to find anything that could relate to a drug ingredient. In the end, I searched for used cig butts and any used needles.
@End of Flashback: Normal POV@
Marik started to cry. “I was addicted to everything and I was too stupid! It was only after the damn government decided to gather us up and I was in the center was when I started to feel my addiction become into nothing.” He smiled. “Then I met my new addiction, Malik. He's addicting yet makes sure I don't get too high!” He laughs.
`Amazing…' Mika thought. `These three young men have been through so much yet have found a way to make it right, start over while still reminded by how life for them used to be.' She started to cry. `And here I was so cruel to them, practically scared of them.'
“Mrs. Mouto?” Joey said. “Ya okay?”
“I had no idea…” She said. “I had no idea how life for all of you must've been, and I was scared of you!”
The three had understanding smiles on their faces.
“Don't beat yourself over this.” Bakura said. “What matters right now is to get Pharaoh out of the slammer and get him back with Yugi where he belongs.”
“Yeah.” Marik said. “I mean, what's the point in moping over the past when you got a friend in need?”
Mika nodded and continued to search. `It's still amazing how they could cope with something like this.' She smiled softly. `Looks like, I've overcome my fear of these people and hell! If they could cope with their pasts then I should too!' She thought as her cell went off. “Hello?”
/We found it!/ Luna said.
“Found what?”
/Where Akhenaden works!/
“Really?! Did you speak with the workers?”
/Yes, and they all seemed happy that Pharaoh killed the guy, they said that he was really scaring them./
“Perfect, write down the shop and meet us at the game shop.”
/Alright! See ya!/
“We got a job lead!” She said to the three. “It seems he isn't really popular with the group.”
“Well he is old.” Marik said.
“That doesn't count.” Bakura said.
Joey then started to sniff. “Whoa!” He held his nose.
“What's wrong Mutt?” Bakura said.
“Okay first of all, don't ever call me Mutt! Only my aibou can call me that! And second, I could smell the guys and Pharaoh's blood as well as something awful!”
“Like how awful?” Mika asked.
“I don't know, but whatever it is, it's burning my nostrils!”
“Can you at least point out where it is?” Marik asked.
Joey pointed to the old rundown building that had seen better days.
They went into the building and found blood trails as well as `police crossing, do not cross' ribbon signs.
“Damn…” Marik said. “This looks like it was serious.”
“No shit…” Bakura said. “The blood even got onto the ceiling.”
Joey was holding his nose. “It's not the blood that's reeks.” He said. “It's definitely in here dough!”
Bakura started to stamp the floor.
“What are you going?” Mika asked.
“I've seen this in a movie once.”
Mika was completely confused and was about to say something when they heard a change of the boards.
“Hello.” Bakura said in a British accent that he picked up from his aibou. “What we have here?”
They all bent down, after Mika handed our rubber gloves, and lifted the boards up to see files in plastic bag.
“And Joey was his name-o.” Bakura joked.
“Ey! Dat isn't what I smelled!” Joey said.
“We'll worry about that later.” Mika said. “Right now, we know where this place is and we could come back in another time, but right now, these files could be enough to prove Pharaoh's reason.”
“How can you be sure?” Marik said.
“This Akhenaden person has been charged with pornography and I believe this is the pictures of who and when the person was taken, we may uncover some of the missing person case.” She said as she got up. “We better leave, before the police catch onto us.”
“The police?” Bakura said.
“Rules say that I could start searching while the trail is going. They'll show the evidence that they could find, which in this case isn't enough, then we search for a certain amount of time to find more clues while Pharaoh is being held into custody.”
“So what we just did is just a jump start.” Marik said.
“Yes. And with that, I could look into this and organize a speech for Pharaoh's defense.”
“Alright! Let's get this stuff looked at!” Marik said.
With that they left the building as fast as they could.
~`Yugi's Room'~
Yugi sat on his desk, slowly eating the sandwich that his grandfather made just hours ago. He was sitting there with a sketch book drawing Pharaoh. He took a shaky breath and he wiped away the tears that tried to come down. He looked up into the sky light to see the thin crescent moon. `Pharaoh, my mom will help you out, I know she will. And I know she's not alone in this.'
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Alrighty then! Here's the next chapter for all of you. R&R please!