Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Bond ❯ Chapter 15

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I'm bored and I hate it when I feel that way. So here ya go and I hope you enjoy it, because it's not easy doing this ya know.
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Chapter 15
~`Outside the jail'~
“Boy, your son sure likes to spend his time with Pharaoh, doesn't he?” Luke said as he checked his watch.
“It will be the only time alone with him until tomorrow.” She sighed. “I just hope I can convince him to stay home tomorrow.” She looked sad as well as pale.
“You're going to present the photographs?” He said in a serious tone.
She nodded. “I'll let the prosecutor fling out whatever crap he has and use the pictures as a comeback.” She said.
He nodded. “And, what will I do?”
She smiled at him. “I have a team for you to check that building. I have to warn you, they're not the C.S.I. material.”
He nodded. “Got cha.” He looked at his watch again. “Damn, she's going to kill me.”
“Blind date.”
“You actually go for those?”
“No, but my mother wouldn't leave me alone until I'm settled down.” He chuckled. “She's just one of those mothers I suppose.”
That made her giggle until her cell went off. “Detective Mouto speaking.” She said in a formal tone.
/This is Kaiba./ He said from the other line. /I got the information about this Pete guy./
She looked to see that Yugi was starting to walk out of the jail building. “I'm sorry Kaiba, but we have to discuss this another time. Yugi's here and I don't want him involved in this.”
/I understand, but… Once you have someone you're deeply attached to, you can't just wait on the side lines for too long./
“I understand.” She said. “Mind if you call me back in an hour?”
/No problem./ With that they hung up.
“Who were you talking to?” Yugi asked innocently.
“Oh, some telemarketer.” She lied. “So, how was your visit?” She asked, trying to steer the conversation in a different direction.
Yugi smiled brightly. “It went great! He was so happy when I came in and I told him about how you're helping him and that you already had some information that could help him.”
Mika and Luke slightly froze, but they tried not to let it show to the young man. “And, what was his reaction?” She asked.
Yugi thought about it. “He did look surprised and… almost… fearful… But I told him that you weren't going to tell me and that I wanted to hear it from him. Which he seemed to relax a little, though I don't know why…”
Mika and Luke exchanged pity glances before turning back to normal when the young man was looking at them.
“Oh! I also heard that Pharaoh's trial is going to be tomorrow…”
Mika was afraid of this.
“Is it alright for me to come? Or are you going to be using the evidence that you didn't want to tell me about?”
Mika sighed. `Thank god I have a thoughtful child.' She thought. “Yugi, I would like it if you stayed home tomorrow.”
Yugi looked saddened, but nodded never the less. “Okay… Just seeing a trial makes me feel awful anyway.” He said as he turned away.
“Will you be okay getting home by yourself?”
Yugi smiled. “Of course! The center is not that far from here.” He said as he ran off. “See you later! And thanks for giving us a lift Luke!”
“You're welcome!” Luke called back as he looked at his partner. “So now what?”
“Well we can't go into the building right now.” She said when she remembered something. “Don't you have that date to go to?”
Luke sighed. “Right, right…” He said. “Well, see ya later.”
She waved. “See ya tomorrow.” When she saw that Luke was gone from sight, she headed to a deserted area in the park and waited for a call from Seto.
~`Hour later'~
She was eating an ice cream sandwich when her cell buzzed. “Hello?”
/Me again./ Kaiba said.
“Alright, tell me what you know.”
/First of all, this Pete Whit is Norwegian and has been dead for fifty some years./
“What?” She said.
/That's just my thought when I checked on it, then I went deeper regarding your officer. It turns out that he's a relative of one of the scientists that were working on `The Super-Human' case./
“The creation of the Humanials and Aniumans.”
/Bingo. So if I were you, I would stay on my guard on this one, it looks like he's a bad apple from the family tree./
She nodded. “That's what it sounds like to me.”
/Anything else I could help you with?/
“There is. Would you mind if my partner, Detective Luke, could borrow Joey tomorrow?”
/You're going to make him check the building, aren't you./
“I suspect that there may be dead bodies of the victims that were unfortunate to be caught by Akhenaden.”
/Very well, but I should tell you now. After yesterday, he's been sniffing tomato juice for nearly an hour before he could get rid of the smell from his nose./
“I'm sorry about that, I had no idea how sensitive his sense of smell is.”
/He is part golden retriever./
“That's true.”
/Alright, I'll let you borrow him tomorrow, but I want him back before five o' clock on the dot. Agreed?/
“Agreed.” With that, they hung up. She sighed as she took a huge hunk of her ice cream sandwich. `It's going to take a dozen of these to make my head stop hurting.' She thought.
~`The Next Day: Court room'~
Mika sighed as she checked her watch. `Damn it. No more rocky road for me before bed.' She thought as she just barely made it to the room with the files tucked safely in her brief case. She caught sight of Pharaoh from the other side of the room and nearly growled. `What the hell are they chaining him down for?'
Pharaoh was wearing one of those ugly orange jumpsuits as well as being cuffed and had some kind of restraint on his head that covered half of his head, meaning the mouth was covered. And there was no doubt that he was also cuffed by the ankles as well.
`For God's sake!' She thought as people began to fill up the room. She caught sight of Ryou and Malik as well as Luna and Alysia. And, to her surprise, Seto Kaiba himself was in. She went up to the small group and started to whisper. “What are you doing here?”
Luna smiled. “We're here for Pharaoh.” She said. “Since Yugi can't come, we're filling in for him.”
Mika looked shocked.
“What ever is said in the court room…” Seto said. “Stays in the court room. That's what all of us agreed on.”
The rest of the gang nodded.
“Where's Tristan and Duke?” Luna asked.
“They said they'll be here.” Ryou said.
“Probably caught traffic.” Malik said. “I heard there's a major accident in one of the streets near the game store that Duke owns.”
“Well that just sucks.” Alysia said.
Soon the jury came in. And one of them they recognize as a school teacher who recently adopted an Aniuman of an Irish Settler.
“At least someone will have the upper hand in this.” Seto said as the court was about to start.
~`Second Chances'~
Yugi made sure that all the security systems were on auto as he walked around the building. He just got the note from his friends that they'll be there to represent him as well as Pharaoh. He was happy to know that his friends were doing this for him, but also felt a little left out. `But Mom said that the evidence that she found ahead of time was something about his past.' He thought. `And I want to know the story from him and no one else.'
~`The Building'~
Joey held his nose. “Ah!! I hate dis!” He whined.
“Can you locate the scent?” Luke asked.
“Hell no!” Joey said. “It's like its all ova da place!”
Bakura, as well as Marik, went around the building and started to carefully check the rooms.
“I may not be a dog, but I think I'm starting to smell it too.” Marik said. “Man does it smell bad.”
Bakura went over to the silver fox. “Where do you think it's coming from?” He asked.
“Why not Joey?” Luke asked as he looked over at the blonde.
“His nose is sensitive up to a point, now, and with some not as gifted as others, will have to track done some of the recent events.” Bakura explained.
“Does dat mean I can go outside?” Joey said.
“If this stench is bothering you, then take a moment.” Luke said.
“Danks!” Joey said as he ran, trying to get out as fast as possible, but then he stepped on the floor board too hard and fell right through.
“Joey!” Everyone said as they went towards where he fell.
Joey shook his head only to smell the awful stench at full power.
“Joey are you-“ Luke was about to say as he shined his flashlight down the hole, only to see the most frightening thing he'd ever seen.
“Joey!” Bakura called. “What ever you do don't look around!”
“What?!” Joey said, since he was too occupied with the stench to listen. But as soon as he looked up, he screamed.
There was a skeleton right beside him. He jumped back only to step on something. He looked down and screamed again when he saw he just stepped on a corpse that looked like it was only three months dead.
GET ME DA FUCK OUTTA `ERE!!” He screamed.
“YOUR HONOR!!” Mika shouted. “I object to this testimony!” She had just about enough with the prosecutor. He was only going for the minor details of what the police could find as well as bring up the subject on how the Humanials and Aniumans were acting from the very first day.
“Do you have a testimony to present? Detective?” The judge said.
“As a matter of fact, I do!” She said as she brought out the files, that were still in the bag, as well as a few notes. “Before I could present my evidence, I would like to bring up some co-workers from the photo-shop that Akhenaden was working at the time. I call Katie Adam up to the stand please.”
A woman, no older then her thirties, walked up to the stand. She had dark brown hair and it looks as though she has some grey streaks. After doing the vow ritual, she sat down, readied to be questioned.
“Mrs. Adam, how long have you worked in the photo shop?” Mika asked.
“Nearly eighteen years now.” Mrs. Adam answered.
“And how long have you known Mr. Akhenaden?”
“Around the same time.”
“What would you consider him?”
“To put bluntly, a creep.”
“How so?”
“Well, every time I walk into that shop, he's always seems to be muttering something under his breath. And when I asked him if he's alright, he gives me this mad look on his face, like he escaped from some psycho clinic.”
“Did he show any, obsession, while he was working?”
“Well, he does collect pictures of pretty girls and boys.”
“Are they his kids?”
“He's never married.”
“So why does he keep them?”
“I asked the same question to him and he said. `That's none of your concern if these pictures are bothering you. Now go and stay away from my face you bitch!'.”
“Haven't you told your boss of his behavior.”
“Yes, many a time.”
“And he did nothing?”
“He told me of his current arrest case and I decided not to talk to him ever since.”
“Is there anything more you know about him that the jury would like to hear?”
“Well, the last picture on his desk did look a lot like the woman that has been missing for a few months, but I couldn't be sure. He threw a tantrum before I had a chance to have a closer look.”
“Thank you, that will be all.”
With that, Mrs. Adam went off the stand and headed over to Pharaoh. “Thank you so much for getting rid of him.” She said before she was shoved away from the police.
Pharaoh didn't look too happy about that, but nodded anyway as the court progressed.
The trio finally found the door to the basement area, which happened to be a hidden door that mended with the walls.
“The corpses…” Joey said. “The skeletons… The cold black blood…” He was really out of it.
“We better get him out of here.” Marik said.
“Yeah.” Bakura agreed.
“You do that and get him cleaned up.” Luke said. “I'll stay and get pictures for the trial.”
The two nodded as they helped the blonde outside.
Luke went down and took out his camera. “Fuck, there's so many bodies…” He said as he started to take pictures. He stopped when he saw one body that made him froze. “My god… That can't be…”
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I'm evil, I'm sorry. But give me a break! I'm not a lawyer, so I don't know how these things go okay?! Good, now that we got that taken care of. R&R please!