Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Bond ❯ Chapter 16

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Marik: Here she comes.
Bakura: Well she did put everyone on a cliff hanger.
*runs in* Sorry I'm late! I have to help my step-mother with the twins!
Bakura: You're such a sweet older sister.
… You scare me.
Bakura: *evil grin* Good.
Okay! Let's get this party started right!
Marik: She scares me.
Bakura: We all have our moments.
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Chapter 16
“Thank you Mr. Mist. You may step off the stand.” Mika said as she went over her eight co-worker. And just like Mrs. Adam and all other co-workers, Mr. Mist went up to thank Pharaoh for getting rid of Akhenaden.
Mika then looked at the jury. “Ladies and gentlemen,” She began. “I ask you if our murder victim doesn't deserve this? The mysterious pictures on his desk could have been the victims before he takes them away. The way he acts towards his co-workers should have been enough for him to see a psychologist, but even that wasn't enough, was it? These workers also mentioned that he would take long days off. What would he be doing those long days? Stalking innocent people that could be you, your loved ones, even your children! And if that isn't enough, I have photographs of the people who were unfortunate to come to that fate.” She went over to her brief case and took the files, well, she left the one with Pharaoh in and brought in the two towards the jury.
When they looked at the pictures, only one vomited the moment she saw the picture.
Mika looked like a statue, her features devoid of any emotion as she looked at the jury having the desired effect.
After that, the evidence was once again in the folders and they had a recess, due to the vomiting incident.
She met up with the group, who looked frustrated. “What's wrong?”
“We couldn't talk to Pharaoh! Those damn fucking guards won't even let us get close! Damn those bastards!” Alysia ranted. “Damn them all too fucking hell!!!”
Luna placed a hand on her aibou's shoulder. “Please clam down. I know you're made, but cursing people isn't going to help him.”
“Fuck!” Alysia said as she punched the wall, which created a small crater.
Mika picked up her cell and saw that she had a message from Luke. She pressed on the voice mail and listened.
/Detective! We've found the bodies, but there's one body that may shake the whole court to its knees! And you won't believe who it is! Plus, we've found the photo lab where he does his own pictures and you won't believe who the next victim was about to be!/
She was confused.
“What's wrong Mrs. Mouto?” Ryou asked.
“My partner just told me about the bodies as well as a photo lab. But he mentioned about one particular body as well as the mention of a victim-to-be.”
“Well I don't really care about the interesting `body'.” Malik said. “But I wonder who this person that was about to be the next victim is?”
“I guess we'll figure out in the next trial.” Luna said then looked pale.
“Luna? What's wrong?” Alysia said as she sniffed. “Okay! Who fucking let out some ass!” She said as she looked to see Joey, Bakura, and Marik walking down the rows of people, who made a way for them.
“Joey!” Seto said as he saw the look on his aibou's face, as well as the black blood.
“Seto?” Joey said as he looked as though he was slightly out of his shocked daze.
“Told you it would work.” Marik said.
“One more word out of you and I'm going to rip that tail clean off from your ass.” Bakura threatened.
“What the fuck happened?!” Alysia said. “And what the fucking hell is that smell!”
“Blood from a corpse.” Marik said.
Seto went up to Joey with a handkerchief and wiped off some of the blood from the other's face. “Are you alright?”
Joey shook his head, not trusting his voice at the moment.
Seto bent down and placed a kiss on the other's forehead. “Everything will be alright.” He said.
“I don't know how he can ignore that stench.” Bakura said as he held his nose.
“I guess when someone you care for so much is in need, everything else seems to not exist.” Ryou said.
“Well put Ryou.” Luna said.
“Where's Luke?” Mika asked.
Bakura and Marik looked at each other. “You think he's still in the building?” Marik said.
“Where else can he go?” Bakura said.
“YOU LEFT HIM THERE!?” Mika shouted.
“Yeah,” Bakura said coolly. “We tried everything to get Joey out of the state he was in. Then Marik figured that if we find Seto, he could get his puppy out of it. And as you can see it clearly worked.”
Mika's fists were started to shake. “That's very thoughtful of you…” She glared at the two. “BUT YOU LEFT LUKE THERE! BY HIMSELF WITH CORPSES!!” She grabbed Bakura by the ears and Marik by the collar of his shirt. “Either you go back there and get him here or so help me I'll mangle you until you can't move a finger! Any thing you would like to say?”
“I do.” Marik said. “Are you sure you're Yugi's mom?”
“GO!!” She shouted as she shoved them towards the other way.
“Damn it!” Bakura said. “A simple sorry would've been good for you!”
“Are you sure that's the same bitch that we helped out the other day?” Marik said as they ran out the exit.
“Women!” Bakura said. “I'll never get them!”
Luke stood at the front porch, or what it suppose to look like, with a sigh. “Just great…” He said. “I'm by myself in a creepy house filled with a basement filled of corpses and skeletons, in the shady part of the city… Just my luck…” He sighed. “Would've been nice to have a cigarette right now, but I don't have any.” He looked grim. “And Mika will kill me if she smelled nicotine on me.” He checked his watch and saw that the trial must've ended for now. “Part one must've been a success, knowing her.” He shook his head. `Who would've thought that she also has a degree in being a lawyer.' He thought with a chuckle.
He looked over to see the two running. “Hello there!” He called back. “Where's Joey?”
“He's with his aibou.” Bakura said as he took a breather.
“Oh, is he alright?”
“Oh yeah, much.” Marik said doing the same.
“Well, just so you know, you don't have to come back here tomorrow. Mika and I can wrap things up from here.”
“Okay,” Marik said. “This place gives me the creeps.”
“Same.” Bakura said. “That, and it's mine and Ryou's anniversary today, and I don't want to miss it because of a bunch of corpses.”
“You mean you keep track of that?” Marik asked.
Bakura looked at the other. “Yeah, don't you?”
“No comment.”
“No wonder why Malik is getting so fed up.”
“Say what?!”
“You don't keep track on the important dates, therefore when Malik expects you to remember something, he will be very disappointed that you completely forgotten.”
“He's right.” Luke said. “It's the same for normal couples or married couples. Every important date is very important to one person, because it's the only day where it's just you and that person.”
Marik smacked himself. “Shit! I'm the worst aibou in the world!”
Bakura sighed. “You better make it up soon, otherwise you'll find yourself outside on the cold hard ground.”
Marik looked fearful. “Oh Bakura! Help me!” He clinged onto the rabbit Humanial.
“Get the fuck off you crazy ass fox!”
Luke only sweat dropped at the sight. `I'll never get them…' He thought.
~`Game shop'~
Yugi came home early to be greeted by his grandfather.
“Welcome back Yugi. You're home early.”
He smiled. “Yeah, it was just too quiet without everyone there.”
“They went to the trial?”
He nodded. “To represent me and Pharaoh.” He laughed dryly. “They didn't have to, but hey, what can I do.” He put on a smile. “I'm going to get cleaned up, okay?” He said as he went up the stairs to his room.
The elder sighed as he looked at his paper.
At that moment Mika came in and collapsed on the small living room that was behind the shop.
“Mika? Is that you?”
“Yes Dad.” She said.
The elder went in and cocked his head to the side. “How did the trial go?”
“Long…” She said as she looked at him with a tired smile. “But we survived part one of the court tango.”
He laughed. “Is that so? I hope it went well then?”
She nodded.
“Well, Yugi's home right now and I bet he'll want to know the good news.”
She nodded. “Not like I have a choice.”
They both laughed at that.
~`Next day: Game shop'~
Yugi decided to stay home today, since Seto called to tell him that he upgraded the auto security in the center, so he could only report there when there was a problem. `Today's the day…' He thought as he brought his knees close to his chest and sighed.
Mika was really pissed at this point, and the jury hasn't gotten in yet. She just saw the picture of the next victim and wanted to strangle Akhenaden's corpse right now.
“Now Mika!” Luke tried to calm her down. “We have to help Pharaoh out…”
“Mi-Mika, you're making a scene…”
“Of course! If you had children and you realize something like this, you would want to clone that bastard and kill all his clones!”
He sighed, knowing that he just sparked the fire into an inferno. “At least calm down a little before the trial…”
She took a long, deep breath then looked calm. “Okay, I'm ready.” She said as she walked out into the court room. She noticed that the officer, Pete, was in as well. `Perfect, I can drag him into this.' She took her seat and the court began.
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Bakura: Another cliff!?
I know, I'm sorry about that, but I need time to think about what they do in courts!
Marik: I think you're the first to do a court case this intense.
Thanks… Wait… Did you just give me a comment?
Marik: Oh shit…
… Any way… R&R please! And see you next time in this intense filled court case!
Bakura: One of these days I'm going to kill you.
Suck it up!