Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Bond ❯ Chapter 18

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Yugi: Hello readers! Cupid isn't here at the moment, so I'm here to fill in. She apologizes for not updating her fic `Shadows of the Past; Light of the Future'. But she has a really hard time getting it together and since she's using the help of the Shoujen Jump to make the fic, she's waiting for the next month's issue and hope it's enough to make at least one chapter. Again, she's really sorry for the delay. But at least you can enjoy this fic while you're waiting.
Malik: Come on Yugi! It's almost time!
Yugi: Okay! Well, I better put in the fic now. See you all next time!
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Chapter 18
“It's Atemu.” Pharaoh, or now Atemu, said.
Yugi blinked. “Atemu.” He tested the name out and smiled. “That's a great name!”
Atemu smiled then became saddened again. He took a deep breath as he started to tell his life.
@Flashback: Atemu's POV@
I was born like the rest of the others in that lab. And when I was around ten, I was put to hardcore training. Eventually I became the best out of everyone who had gone through the training, but I hated it, I only did that so that they could leave me alone.
One day I found an exit to the cove. I enjoyed the cool salty air from the cove. So, I would find a clock of some kind and go out for only a few minutes to clear my head. But I had to be careful about the time I had when I was out there, because if I stayed too long, people would come in and see me or the scientists will extend my training.
I've kept my secret hideaway for about three years and had never encountered another living soul. That is, until I saw Yugi.
Yugi was only standing there, looking at the waves below.
I stood there quietly, observing him since I never seen an actual person in my life, besides the scientists. He looks like me, only with a few slight differences. That's when I heard thunder as well as a woman's and an elder's voice. He started to run, only to slip over the edge. He grabbed hold of the edge, but I stood there, trying to figure out if I should do what's right or stay back and witnessed his death? If I go and save him, he'll see me and the whole thing will spread out to the city, but if I let him die, I'll be safe as well as everyone else in the lab, but then I would feel guilty for the rest of my life.
“Help!” He cried and I ran and took hold of his hand.
The rain was very heavy, soaking me to the bone, but I was well hidden. I brought him up and carried him away from the cove. The rain became a little lighter but the storm was loud with its thunder and the lightening danced. But I could still hear the voices calling out to the child.
“Yugi! Yugi where are you?!”
“Mommy! Jii-chan!” The child called Yugi called as he held onto my shirt as I found some rocks that can reduce some of the wind that picked up. As I set him down, he asked me a question. “What's your name?”
I ignored the question for a moment and took the cape off me and wrapped it around him. Thank goodness for hooded shirts. I checked to see if he was hurt in any way before looking over the rocks to see if I could find anyone in the wall of water.
“Mister?” He said as he tugged my pants.
I couldn't help but chuckle at this. “First of all, don't call me mister.” I said. “And I won't give out my name; to answer your first question.” I continued to look out over the rocks.
“My name's Yugi.” He said as the heavy rain turned into a drizzle, which looks like you're looking through a snow storm, a wet one.
“I kinda guessed that.” I said as I still looked out through the tough drizzle. Man how I hate wet weather.
“Yugi!” I heard a woman's voice along with a determined elder voice. “Yugi!”
As crazy as it sounded, I was going to get their attention. “I'll get their attention, you stay put.” I said as I was about to move out but he grabbed me by the leg. “What's with you kid?”
He looked up and he told me with some forced courage. “If you can't give me your name, then at least give me some form that I could call you by.”
I didn't know what to think about this, if I give out my name, he'll probably tell his folks and they'll search for me then the lab will be revealed, and who knows what will happen after that. I looked at him, and he looked so hopeful. “Sorry kid.” I said. “I can't do that.” I bent down to get him off of my leg.
“Why?” He asked.
I sighed. “Reason's that are hard to explain.”
Now it was starting to be funny, though I don't know why. “You ask a lot of questions kid.” I said as I ruffled his hair like he was my little brother or something.
“Yugi!” The woman's voice called, a lot closer now.
I knew I had to leave now so I wouldn't be seen. “Sorry to leave you like this kid.” I said as I stood up. “But I'm not suppose to be out here and the longer I'm out here, the deeper trouble I'm going to be. Okay?” I hoped he understood.
He nodded. “Thanks for saving my life.” He said.
I shrugged and ruffled his head again. “You looked like you needed a hand. Well, good-bye.” I said as I quickly got out of there. I looked back to see the reunion and, for the first time, I felt torn… like I should've stayed with him, but I knew it was going to take a miracle for me to stay with him. And with that I left feeling completely alone.
Some years later, I was training for the hundredth time that day and was getting sick and tired of it. By the time I had my break, I went into my room, which was isolated from the others. That's right. I've seen other Humanials and Aniumans, but they never seen me. That's because I was, in the eyes of the scientists, the perfect creation and should not feel things like companionship and knowing what having friends is like. But unknown to them, I've already felt what it's like to be with someone who wanted to know you… be a friend. And I ruined that opportunity for the fear of having this hell found, but I guess my greatest fear was having him get involved. I laid down on my bed, or what it was suppose to be, and thought about that day.
But that was short lived when I heard screams and shouts. I got out of bed and looked to see that the lab was in flames and everyone was running around. Instinct told me to run, run towards the exit! And that's what I did. I ran to the cove and hid somewhere in the sharp rocks.
When I heard trucks coming in, I witnessed all the Humanials and Aniumans being gathered into them. It wasn't long until they spotted me, but they were out of room for me, so I went with one of the military men in their vehicle.
After sometime, they dumped us off in this place that was part of the city. I wondered if anyone knew a Yugi around the place, and so I searched. After months of searching, I've begun to realize that this place was defiantly not what you call friendly. In fact I witnessed horrible things in that place. I tried to escape, only to be caught by Akhenaden, who set traps for any unfortunate soul who came across the path of darkness and freedom.
For years I was drugged and posed for his sick photos when he didn't get any catches or they were starting to rot. But one night, he was completely drunk and… He liked how I looked after what happened and took that picture. I couldn't take it anymore, and I wasn't going to wait around for him to have what he wants the next time. I was handcuffed in four places, each hard to reach, but I managed to get out along with a few cuts and splitters, but I was away from the man. But, even after getting my restraints off of me, I didn't know where to turn or where to go. The streets became my home, as much as I hate it, but what can I do? Seeing Yugi again was like a dream that I was awaken from, only to meet dirty streets. You could say I nearly given up, but then came that faithful stormy night.
I didn't even know it was him until I woke up and saw that I wasn't greeted by dirt or trash, but a soft bed. Then I saw Yugi, I thought I've died and gone to heaven, if it wasn't for the pain to remind me that I was still alive. But I was truly and completely happy that time I woke up that morning.
@End of Flashback: Normal POV@
“And the rest you can guess.” Atemu said as he stared at the floor.
Yugi wrapped his arms around the other and held him in a light embrace. “Thank you for telling me this, Atemu.” He said.
Atemu was a bit surprised that the other would accept him like this, but remembered what Mika said and leaned into the embrace. “You're welcome.” He said.
~`An hour later'~
Grandpa walked in after visiting a friend over at the university and also managed to get a couple free admission tickets to the upcoming event over in the museum. He went upstairs to check on his grandson, only to see that the door was opened. He checked and had to smile.
On the bed, there were the two resting on the bed.
`Must've been an emotional day.' He thought as he closed the door and let the two rest. `I think I'll make something for dinner.' He thought as he went downstairs.
~`Three hours later'~
Yugi and Atemu slowly woke up and looked to see that the sky has only a bit of light left. They even caught the scent of dinner being close to being ready.
“Grandpa must be home.” Yugi said.
Atemu smiled. “Well we shouldn't let dinner get cold.” He said.
Yugi smiled. “I'm glad you're talking. I completely forgot what you sounded like the last time we met.”
The neko laughed, which put the young man into a trance.
`Wow…' Yugi thought when the other laughed in a pure amused manner.
At that moment, Grandpa came in. “Oh ho! I thought I heard something.” He said with a smile. “So, you can finally speak after all this time?”
Atemu nodded. “Yes, it feels nice to talk to others, though Yugi has done a great job understanding me.”
Yugi blushed. “Well I deal with a lot of worse cases back in the center, so I have to rely on body language to know what they want.”
Grandpa laughed. “You two almost sound like a couple!”
The two blushed on that.
“Grandpa!!” Yugi whined.
“Come now, dinner's ready.” The elder said as he walked down towards the hall with the two following suite.
~`After dinner'~
The limo pulled up towards the curb in front of the game shop and Yugi and Atemu came out.
“So, I'll see you tomorrow?” Yugi said.
“Of course!” Atemu said when he remembered something. “Tomorrow!”
“What's wrong?”
Atemu looked at the other with a sheepish smile. “Uh… your mother wants to see the beach house tomorrow…”
Yugi cocked his head to the side. “That's all?”
Atemu had a look of confusion.
Yugi giggled. “It's okay, she accepted you to the family, right?”
Atemu smiled and nodded. “Yes, I guess I kept thinking that the beach house is still a secret base.”
Yugi laughed. “I know, but it can still be.” He winked. “How many people come by the area anyway?”
Atemu thought about that for a moment. “Only the group, I don't remember seeing any cars coming around were we were building.”
“Exactly!” Yugi said with a knowing smile.
Atemu chuckled. “Well, see you tomorrow then.”
“Okay!” Yugi said. “Say hi to Joey and Seto for me!”
“Will do!” Atemu said as the limo drove off. Atemu did his usual routine of looking at the back window to look at Yugi before he couldn't see him anymore. He felt so happy then he had been in a long time. `No more Akhenaden, no more pain, and definitely no more loneliness.' He thought as he felt like he was floating. `This is my new beginning! And nothing is going to ruin it for me!' He sighed happily as he looked at his ring. He declared the ring a symbol of his new life, a new beginning for him as well as for all Humanials and Aniumans in the world.
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Okay folks! Now that we got the trial out of the way, we still have one mystery to solve and with that more action and intense moments.
Yugi: I'm afraid to ask what it is.
Don't worry, you'll see. Oh, thanks for filling in for the opening chat.
Yugi: You're welcome.
Would you help me with one more thing?
Yugi: I could guess what you mean by that.
Me/Yugi: R&R please! Jaa-ne! *laughs*