Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Bond ❯ Chapter 19

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

And welcome to the beginning chat! Where we start off with pointless babble before reading the fic. Feel free to skip this and read the fic!
Bakura: Dear gods what's she doing now?
Marik: I think we're in the Twilight Zone…
B/M: *screams* Get us outta here!
*confused* Okay… Well, enjoy!
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Chapter 19
~`Next Morning'~
Mika stared in disbelief at the beach house. “You created this from the ground up?”
“Every piece.” Yugi said. “With the help from the gang. We recently test the electricity and pluming, so we just need to paint and place furniture in.”
“You're planning to move in here when you get to college?”
Yugi looked lost. “I hadn't thought about it. It was built for Atemu so he could have a place to stay and you wouldn't know, but now that you do, he could still live in it.”
She looked at Atemu. “How many rooms do you have?”
Atemu smiled. “How about we look inside it, shall we?” He said as he led the way with the two following.
“This is going to be the kitchen, as you can see…” Atemu started to explain. “This large room here is the living or family room, personally I can't tell the difference. And this is the bathroom, which leads to these two mysterious rooms. I don't know which one will be my room.” He admitted.
“So, it's a one bath, two bedroom place.” Mika said.
“Would you like to see the patio?” Yugi said. “It's practically the main feature of the house.”
They went out to the back patio and she was breathless. “I'm so envious of you two.”
Yugi laughed nervously while Atemu smiled. “So?” The neko started. “What do you think?”
“I'm amazed that the place isn't falling apart.” She said, which made him laugh.
“We did make sure we didn't want the house coming down on us.” Yugi said.
She smiled then held her arms up in the air. “Then by the motherly powers bestowed upon me! I bless this house with my blessing!” She said.
Atemu had to chuckle at this. “You have one of a kind mother Yugi.” He said.
“Yeah, I guess I'm just lucky.” Yugi said.
“Well, I'm off to work.” She said as she took the bridge from the patio to the solid cliff side, where her car was parked. She looked at them when she was in the middle of the bridge. “Was this in one of your how-to books?”
“That was actually from a gardening magazine, just super sized.” Yugi said.
She shook her head. “Unbelievable! My son gets a better house then I do!”
Yugi laughed nervously.
“If you feel any better,” Atemu called. “This house will be yours if Yugi and I decided to move somewhere!”
Yugi looked at him as if he grew another head.
“That would be nice!” Mika said with a laugh as she waved to them before entering her car and driving off.
“That was nice of you to put that in.” Yugi said.
“About this house being hers one day?”
The young man nodded.
“Of course, she can also use it as a summer get away when we have our own vacations.”
Yugi laughed. “You just think of everything don't you?”
Atemu smiled a kind and calm smile. “Not everything, but close.”
Yugi leaned on the rail of the patio and looked out at the ocean. “It's peaceful here.”
Atemu nodded as he looked out into the ocean as well. “Marik did a nice job picking a spot.”
Yugi nodded.
“Speaking of which I think they hadn't heard me yet, besides Joey and Seto, and Moukaba and Noah.”
“Yeah, they're going to be so surprised!”
Atemu nodded. “I know, so we both have to be prepared for anything that comes our way.”
“I've been doing that since I started being the boss of the center!”
Atemu laughed.
Everyone gathered to cheer for Yugi and Atemu as Marik wrapped an arm around the neko's neck.
“So Pharaoh? How does it feel to be free walking around the streets without any chains to keep you back?” The silver fox asked.
“Now Marik!” Malik started to say. “You know he can't speak!”
“Actually Malik, I can speak just fine.” Atemu said, causing gasps everywhere.
“Praise the Lord and pass around the sake!” Alysia said. “He can speak! And about time damn it!”
“You just can't survive without saying a cuss word, can you?” Bakura said.
“Want to take this outside Bun-bun?”
“Are you asking for a fight?”
“Maybe I am.”
“Now now.” Luna said as she went in-between the two. “There's no reason to fight!”
“So, what should we call you by now?” Ryou asked.
“My name's Atemu, but I wouldn't mind being called Pharaoh.”
“You know what this means?” Marik said. “Drinks on Bakura!”
“What's that suppose to mean?” Bakura said.
“Don't you remember? You said that once Pharaoh, or Atemu I should say, says his name is when you pay all the drinks to celebrate!”
“You did say that Kura-Bun.” Ryou said.
Bakura looked defeated. “Okay, okay.”
Marik cheered. “Oh yeah! Bring on the sake!”
Malik rolled his eyes and shook his head. “What am I going to do with you?”
Alysia and Luna giggled. “Well it's going to be a cheap bill then, considering that some of us only drink water.” Luna said.
“Thank gods for you hydros.” Bakura said.
“Hey… Where's Tristan and Duke?” Yugi asked.
“They went on a trip to America.” Ryou said. “Up to Washington D.C. I do believe.”
“Why are they doing there?” Malik asked.
“Business.” Alysia and Luna said, knowing those two well enough to know.
“Well they're missing out on the greatest party of this present time.” Marik said with a laugh.
“Usual place then?” Yugi said. “I didn't really like the one Joey picked out.”
“Hell yeah!” Alysia said. “They always boil the carrots!”
Yugi leaned towards Atemu and whispered. “Alysia doesn't like to eat carrots unless they're boiled.”
“How come?”
“She has this thought that raw carrots are the devil's dick.”
The neko raised an eyebrow. “Seriously?”
“I don't lie.”
“So it's settled.” Luna said. “We go to the usual place.”
“What's the `usual place'?” Atemu asked.
“It's a bar called Chance Eyes.” Bakura filled him in. “It's not fancy, but the service is good and the food isn't that bad.”
Atemu smiled. “Sounds good.”
“So, after work?” Luna said.
“Like we have a choice?” Malik said.
Some laughed at that, but all agreed to do so after work.
~`Chance Eyes'~
Everyone laughed as everyone had a small cup of sake and a glass of water as well as a serving of bread rolls.
“Come on Yugi!” Marik pleaded.
“No! I'm not going to do that stupid challenge!” Yugi said.
“Just three cups of sake is all I ask for!”
“I'll be drunk by then! I can't hold my alcohol like you!”
“Would you stop pestering Yugi into one of your fucked up challenges?” Alysia said as she took a sip of her sake. “I mean seriously, does Yugi look like the type?”
“Exactly! That's why I want to challenge him! He needs to be out of the box once in a while!”
“You could be so immature sometimes Marik.” Malik said.
Marik was hurt by this. `Damn, I just can't seem to get anything right.' He thought.
At that moment, a dyed blonde girl came over to the table and started to hit on Atemu.
“Excuse me,” Yugi said. “But he happens to be with me.”
Everyone looked at him, never seeing this side of him.
“How about this?” The girl said. “I challenge you to a sake chug, who ever passes out first looses.”
“And if I refuse?” Yugi said with a glare when a clicking sound was heard.
“Then he's going to be my date.” She lifted the hand cuffs up. Her wrist had one while Atemu's was prisoned with the other.
Yugi looked as though he had enough. “You're on!”
“Don't I have a say in this?” Atemu said.
“You would if you weren't held against your will.” Luna pointed out.
“She has a point.” Marik said, but all of them didn't like how this girl was challenging Yugi for Atemu.
They were at this table and a group started to gather around them. In the middle of the table were three sake bottles and a small glass in front of them. “Start!” Someone called and the girl went first with the first sake bottle.
~`An hour later'~
Yugi, amazingly held out longer then anyone expected. But the girl was starting to show signs of passing out. Before the girl could lift up her glass, it slipped out of her hand and she collapsed on the table.
“Winner, Yugi Mouto!” The group as well as the gang cheered.
Atemu found the key and unlocked himself. “I think we should leave.” He said to Bakura.
Bakura nodded as he asked for the bill. When he looked at it he nearly went wide eyed. “Put it on her tab.” He said as he pointed to the passed out girl.
They all went their separate ways after leaving the bar and Atemu was helping a drunken Yugi.
“Yugi, are you alright?” He asked.
“Huh?” Yugi responded.
“How many eyes do you see?” He moved the other's head to look at him.
“Pretty eyes.” Yugi said with a smile and a hiccup. “I've always liked your eyes.”
“Okay, you're pretty drunk, but not too badly.” Atemu said as he helped keep the other on his feet and balanced.
“You know…” Yugi started to say. “Many would say your eyes are completely red.”
Atemu rolled his eyes. “Yeah, they are.”
The neko was confused.
“I could see some violet, it's just hard to see because there's so much red.” Yugi hiccupped. “It's really pretty.”
Atemu blinked and told himself that it was only the alcohol talking.
“I've used to have a crush on you.” Yugi said as he lost balanced and leaned against the other, which he started to laugh. “Back in the rocks, eight years ago, you know? I liked you.”
Atemu kept telling himself that it was only the alcohol that was speaking.
“I've always wondered if I was ever to see you again. And here you are!” Yugi then somehow threw the other off balance to the wall.
Atemu looked at the other in confusion while his back was press up against the wall.
“Atemu… I… I…” Yugi was about to say when he went to the side and threw up.
The neko supported the other while he emptied the contents before cleaning him up and carrying him the rest of the way home.
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Hmm… I wonder what Yugi was about to say.
Atemu: I'm going to kill you if you ever do that again with my aibou.
I know, that's why I'm only doing it once.
Atemu: Good, because the last thing I need is to keep control of a drunken aibou then a sugar high one.
Uh… Yeah… sugar…
Atemu: … What did you do?
Uh… I was making cupcakes and I allowed Yugi to eat the access batter in the bowl and…
Atemu: I'm going to see my aibou now.
I wouldn't do- *hears the door opened then shut closed*
Atemu: *nose bleed* …
Well… R&R everyone!