Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Bond ❯ Chapter 22

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Okay, time to start writing and try to relax.
Bakura: Until me and Marik destroy what little sanity you have.
Don't push it Bakura.
Marik: I love it when you two bicker.
Me/B: Can it Marik!
Marik: What?
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Chapter 22
~~Next Day: Beach house~~
After stopping by the paint store once more and got the colors they needed, they started to paint in groups of two. Luna and Alysia worked on the kitchen, which was going to be painted green in different shades from pale to emerald. Bakura and Ryou were working in the bathroom and painted the room in a pale blue color with some green and violets. Marik and Malik worked on the living room where the room was going to be neutral with tans and a dark shade of dark blue with some green in it. Joey was content at painting the protective seal on the patio. Yugi and Atemu Pharaoh, as many seem to refer his nickname as his last name, worked on the rooms.
“So, after we fixed the rooms, we'll have to look up on flooring and find out some arrangements for the furniture.” Yugi said, making the other chuckle. “What?”
“You almost sound like a woman.” He admitted, which was earned a playful whack. “Just speaking the truth Aibou.”
Yugi rolled his eyes and continued working, only to giggle about it a few minutes later.
Atemu smiled when he heard the giggle and started to hum `Iris', his favorite song. He painted the walls black, and once that dried, he would use a small brush and use the violet to out line some hieroglyphics before filling it with some gold paint.
In the next room they were going to work on is going to be Yugi's suppose room and planned to look like a pharaoh's room. Yugi didn't want it to look like it as first, but Atemu reassured that it was going to be in lighter shades. So, instead of black walls, it was going to be light violet and the lettering was going to be silver.
After the painting was done, they all went outside in the front porch, since the back patio was drying.
Marik sighed as he leaned back onto the porch. “This is the life.” He said.
Malik shook his head. “And why is that?”
Marik shrugged. “Seems like the right phrase to say in a moment like this.”
Some chuckled at that as they have to agree with him.
Atemu then felt like something is wrong, and he noticed he wasn't the only one who felt it. Marik and Bakura had a look that looked that there was some alarm that went off and Joey's ears started to perk up. And Alysia started to shiver.
“What's wrong Lisa?” Luna asked.
Ryou, Malik and Yugi also noticed the sudden change.
Before anyone could answer, a car drove up towards them.
“Mom?” Yugi said, recognizing the car.
Mika got out and looked at everyone with a shocked expression.
“Mom? What's wrong?”
“Honey…” Mika didn't know what to say.
“What is it?”
“Your friends, Tristan and Duke…”
Yugi hoped nothing happened to them, only for his wishes to backfire.
“They were kidnapped along with a mid-age man and his daughter, a raccoon Humanial.”
Everyone got up. “WHAT!?!”
Duke looked at all the other kidnapped victims and then looked up at the small skylight fifty feet above him. He could remember it clearly. The night before when he and Tristan were ambushed on their way back from the airport.
He and Tristan were waiting for the other people to get off of the plane when the monkey Humanial mentioned something.
“Duke…” Tristan said, getting the other's attention. “I've got a bad feeling about going home.”
He was a bit lost, but did his best to reassure the other. “You've got that chip in the back of your skull, if something does happen, our pals will find us and get everyone out.”
Tristan nodded, but he still had that feeling, and this started to make him worry for his aibou.
Once out of the plane and getting their luggage, they headed to his car and drove onto his game store. He couldn't get what Tristan mentioned earlier out of his mind. And when he stopped at a red light, it was then he noticed that there was a black van behind him. `Shit! Maybe I shouldn't use the short cut after all.' He thought as the light turned green. He put the pedal to the metal and sped through, scaring his aibou at the same time.
“What the fuck Duke!?”
“We're being followed!” He said as he took a sharp turn.
Tristan looked back and sure enough there was the black van. “Oh shit!” He said as he braced himself for one crazy ride.
But when he took one turn, it was the one turn that doomed them. His tire had a flat and it burst and he had a hard time controlling as the car starting to skid. He tried to get it back into control, but it was no use as the car it the side walk and flipped to the side and did only one roll, but it was enough to knock him out when he hit his head on the steering wheel. He could only remember hearing Tristan's voice calling out to him before seeing nothing but black.
He woke up with people surrounding him and he groaned as he got up.
“Are you alright young man?” Said a mid-age man.
He took a moment to look around when he noticed that his aibou wasn't around. “Where is he?” He jumped up. “Tristan! Tristan!”
“Young man! Calm down!” Said the man as he held his shoulders.
“Get off of me!” He said as he wildly looked for his aibou. “Tristan! Stop kidding around!”
“He's with the others!” Said a young teenage girl.
He looked at her. “What? What others?”
“Haven't you heard the news?” She said. “These freaks were kidnapping Humanials and Aniumans along with their owners for sometime.”
“I know that, but… Where are they? Where did they take Tristan?”
“That's what we all like to know.” Said the man from earlier. “But all we know is that they knock us out and put us in this cell. We haven't heard from them since.”
“You're saying that he could be anywhere?!”
“What else did you expect?” Said the girl. “It's obvious that these guys are keeping us in here, so if our aibous would try to do something, they only have to mention us and they would get them to do whatever they're doing to them!” She then started to tear up. “I hate them! Who knows what they're doing to them right now!”
He couldn't believe it. He backed up into a corner, where he stayed and watched the people doing the same as well as trying to comfort one another. But he didn't need to be comforted, he wanted to know what's going on.
~`Kaiba Mansion'~
“DAMN IT!!” Seto yelled as he pounded on the keyboard of his super computer. “He had the goddamn chip for crying out loud!” He growled. “So why wouldn't it show on here!?” You could say he's pissed, but that would be an insult to what he really feels right now.
After hearing the news, he instantly went to his super computer and tried to track Tristan down. But for some reason, he couldn't get the information he desired to get. The computer kept getting fuzzy and he constantly had to reboot the computer.
He stormed out of the room, where Joey was playing with Moukaba and Noah. He stood there watching the blonde and was worried about his aibou now more then ever. `If the chips don't work in a magnetic jamming area, then the chips are useless.' He thought as Joey noticed him and went up to him.
“Didja find `em?” Joey asked.
Seto didn't have the heart to say to the other, but also knew that the silence was enough to tell the other that there was something wrong.
“What happen?” Joey asked, he needed to know so he could warn the others.
“The area that they could possibly be has some jamming system using magnetic fields.”
“Can't ya tract that?”
“Tried Pup, but my computer kept crashing down on me and I think the data is fried from so many reboots I had to do.”
Joey was more then scared at the moment.
Seto embraced the other and whispered a promise to the other.
Unknown to the two, Moukaba and Noah overheard the conversation and were also worried about being separated from each other.
~`Ryou and Bakura's Apartment'~
Ryou kept his eye on Bakura after hearing about the abduction of one of their friends. It scared him that some group would try to take the only thing that means more to him then anyone.
Bakura was worried about Ryou's safety as well as the other's well being. `If those bastards try to hurt him, I'll kill them.' He thought. He also thought that maybe he should buy a ticket for London for Ryou and ship him off there where he could be safe. `But what if there were some over there too?' He thought. `Damn it! Is there any place on this earth that would be a safe place for him?' He then felt two arms embracing him. He knew the other would never agree on going without him, but he didn't know what else to do. Who knows what those men would have to harm the other. What did they do to the other humans? He just couldn't take that risk, but for now, he'll comfort his aibou as much as he can.
~`Luna's and Alysia's Apartment'~
Luna was worried to the point of having white hair coming up.
“Girl! Would you chill? Damn.” Alysia said, trying to be assuring.
“I can't help it!” Luna said as she thought about the kidnapping. “It's just too scary to think and even scarier to not know when something like that happens to you!”
Alysia held her in place by her shoulders and looked at her straight in the eye. “Okay, Luna, I want you to repeat what I say. Okay?”
Luna blinked, not knowing what the other was going to do.
“My aibou is the tough ass Humanial around.”
Luna repeated what the other said.
“If something happens to her, she will bring out a can of woopass on anyone who tries to fuck with her.”
Luna couldn't help but giggle while she repeated.
“And if those mother truckers do happen to catch her, she'll bring hell to the hideout and possibly kill them off by deknacker their dicks.”
Luna was in an all out laughing fit when she was repeating that last one.
Alysia smiled, having the desired effect. “Now that's done with, let's go get some Mexican food? I'm starving, and I'm not going to eat anymore of that crap we had the other night.”
Luna stopped laughing. “What did we have that night?”
“Hell if I know!”
~`Malik's and Marik's Dorms'~
They sat in silence, watching some soap opera.
Marik wasn't paying attention to the show and he held his aibou closer to him.
Malik only stared at the moving colors as he held the other as close to him as possible, fearing that the other would disappear before he could say anything.
~`Game Shop'~
Yugi held onto Atemu as he slept.
Atemu was still wide awake as his mind kept wondering over and over about the possibilities that it could happen to him or the others. He knew that there's a wide variety around in this city, but he knew they were after bigger fish. And he was one of them.
He sighed, knowing that in order to not get the other involved was to be as far away from the other as possible, but this would be very difficult, considering that the young man has made it clear that leaving his side was the last thing he would ever do. `When will this nightmare end?' He thought, wishing that he could go back to the time when it was just him and Yugi the first morning he woke up in this room and let that time of peace stay. But he knew that it wasn't possible and had to keep moving forward.
He felt the other move around from a nightmare and he rubbed the other's back, which seemed to get rid of the up coming nightmare. `What should I do?' He thought as he looked at the sky light.
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R&R everyone!