Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Bond ❯ Chapter 23

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Okay! I'm sorry everyone that I leave you hanging in the last chapter!
Bakura: Again.
Zip it Kura! Anyway, my excuse this time is that I was 1) Addicted to Flyff, thanks to my stupid little brother. 2) I was working on my other fic, as you all well know by now. And 3) I have summer school.
Marik: How's that going along?
Really well actually. So far I got a `B' in the class.
Bakura: It's a miracle!
Zip it! Any way, I know how much you hate to be set up like this.
Marik: Like a date gone bad.
Can it Marik. *clears throat* Well, I've looked over the last couple of chapters and thought about what I'm going to do in this chapter. And I think I've got a good idea on it.
Bakura: Can't wait to hear it.
… Where's the sane yami when you need him?
Marik: Over at the hot springs with his lover.
*has an image* MARIK!!!
Marik: What? What did I do now?
Bakura: You gave her an image of what those two are probably doing in a hot spring.
Marik: And she still overreacts to that? Jeez! She writes porn for crying out!
*whacks him* I don't write porn! I write intense male on male intercourse!
Marik: *rubs sore area* Yeah… what ever.
*pouts* Well, if you excuse me! I'm going to work on my fic now! *stomps off*
Bakura: She's bashing on you for once.
Marik: Shut up!
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Chapter 23
~~Next Day: Center~~
Luna and Alysia walked into the center to check on the for-now-holding-off-on-adopting adoptives. Luna sighed as she checked out on the security cameras. Alysia leaned against the door frame and watched.
“All systems are good.” Luna said as she double checked the cameras.
“Okay.” Alysia said. “Let's go to Seto's place and see what the hell is going on up there.”
Luna nodded as she set up the advance security system. “I don't get it.”
“Don't get what?”
“About the chips.” Luna looked up. “I mean… Seto has been always very good with this, techno-stuff. And he has all the money in the world! He bought a very good chip straight off only for it to be jammed. Doesn't that seem odd?”
Alysia nodded. “Yeah… I mean, I got a fucking tattoo shot in the head! He better had found those two! Other wise I'll-”
“Beat the living shit out of him.” Luna finished.
“Yeah. Don't cuss, okay? That's my job.”
-`Kaiba Mansion'-
Seto in the meantime worked on a different approach on finding the area. He went into his workshop, which looked like a lab room with, what looks like a virtual pod, in the middle. `This should work.' He thought as he looked over the data one last time to make sure everything is in order.
Joey walked in and looked around the area. “Seto?” He said as he rubbed his eyes. “ `Ave ya been at dis all night?”
Seto looked over and nodded. “Yes Pup, and I think I have the solution to finding our hideout area.”
Joey looked more awake. “Really?!”
“Do I lie?” He said sarcastically as he typed up something and the screen behind him came on. “Okay then.”
Joey looked a bit lost and started to say something when the other responded.
“I'm going into the data stream through the virtual world and see if I can't get any lead on the coordinates of the hideout as well as to how they could block the chip's signal.” He looked up at the screen. “Once I manage to find coordinate, I want you to write down the location and once I come out, we'll get the best team there is and get them out.” He walked up with a notepad and pen in hand and handed to the blond retriever Humanial. “You could do that, right?”
Joey pouted but grabbed the items, only to feel like something was going to happen. “Ya sure dis is safe?” He asked as the other started up the pod.
Seto took a deep breath as he looked at the other. He gave a small, rare smile as he went up to the other and gave him a kiss. Once they broke apart, he looked into the honeyed hazel eyes. “I don't know, Pup.” He admitted as he stroked the other's face. “To be honest, I'm not sure what will happen once I'm there. If something does happen, take care of Moukaba and Noah and everyone else.”
Joey was in the verge of tears as he held onto the other in a tight embrace.
Seto let him stay there for a moment before gently prying him off to give him one more kiss. Once apart, he immediately went up to the pod and took a deep breath. As he settled in the chair and the helmet came down, he looked at the other as he gave him a nod to start up the power.
Joey hesitantly nodded back as he pressed the red button and watched as a blinding light came on for a moment, then died down to see that the other looked asleep. “Be careful Seto.” He said as he looked up at the screen.
-`Virtual World'-
Seto looked around and saw that the area was mostly grids with windows of information. `This will take more time then expected.' He thought, but seemed to float across the area like a ghost. `But that won't stop me!'
As he looked around the many windows of information, he finally found the one he's looking for. It was a door that looked like it was made of metal and had chains all around it. He pressed his hand on the huge lock in the center of the door and it made an unlocked sound. The chains then began to crumble and fall, leaving the door bare. He opened the door and looked to see a dark room. “I thought I never had to use this.” He said to himself as he entered the room.
Once in, the door slammed shut and the room began to light up. It made like an inner sphere room with a bridge leading to a center platform. He walked up to the platform and it started to glow, soon he was floating up a few feet before stopping and a glowing crystal appeared before him. “Get me information on the magnetic field in Domino.” He said as the glowing crystal zoomed off from screen to screen in the room.
After moments of zooming, the crystal came up and pulled out the screen, but it had a `do not access' sign on it. He grinned at it and put his hand over the screen. `You can't hide from me.' He thought. As he set onto work on cracking the code, there was a dark presence that watched him.
“Got it!” He said as the data came down in 1's and 0's like a water fall. As he watched the numbers the dark presence came up only inches from him. “Now, for the final touch…” He said as he was about to hit the send button, he was jumped.
-`Back to the Real World'-
Seto's scream could be heard from the pod as electric streams surrounded the device.
“Seto!” Joey cried as he looked over at the pod. He then heard a sound on the screen. He looked up and saw the coordinate come up and started to write down the first one when the screen exploded. “Shit!” He called out when he looked at the pod. “Oh my god!” He jumped into the electric area and tried to break the glass of the pod.
Seto's screams kept continuing as the other continued banging onto the tough glass cover while shock streams come out ever five seconds. Then the glass started to crack and the blonde continued to bang until the glass shattered. By then Seto stopped screaming and became limp.
“Seto…” Joey said, obvious to his hands bleeding and the machines completely shut down.
Seto managed to open his eyes half way and attempted to reach out to the other, only to close his eyes once more and became still.
“Seto!” Joey called as he started shaking the other. “Seto! Seto wake up! SETO!” He screamed as tears rolled down his face as he ceased his shaking and cried on the other's chest.
At that moment, Luna and Alysia, seeing the light show from the outside for a moment ago, ran in and stopped at the sight.
“Luna, call 9-1-1.” Alysia said, being uncharacteristic and shocked.
Luna nodded as she did so.
-`Later: Kaiba Mansion'-
Everyone waited out into the hall as Joey stood in front of the door. After calling the ambulance, Luna called the whole gang and here they are now… waiting…
Soon the door opened and the doctor went out with a grim look on his face.
“Well?” Moukaba asked.
“He's all right, for as far as I could tell…” The doctor said then took a deep breath. “But I'm afraid…”
Joey was holding his breath and tried to steady his heart beat.
“I'm afraid he's going to be in a coma for sometime.”
Everyone looked shocked while Joey looked like he had his soul taken out as he fell to the ground.
“No…” Joey whispered.
Everyone looked at the blonde and Luna took a step to comfort her friend, but took that step back when realizing that there was nothing for her to do. Absolutely nothing.
“NO!” He said angrily as he got up on his two feet. “When will he get up?!”
The doctor was at a lost for words.
Joey didn't wait as he pushed the doctor to the side and entered the room to find his lover in the bed, with tubes around his head and stuck up his arm. He went up to the comatose individual and fell to his knees and cried.
Everyone else just watched from where they were and listened to the other's sobs.
Luna looked at the ground as she looked over to notice something in her aibou's hand. “Lisa… What do you have there?”
Alysia looked at her aibou then at her hand, which was holding a notepad. “Found it at the room near the pod.” She responded.
“A notepad?” Luna questioned. “May I see?”
Alysia shrugged and handed it to her.
Luna looked at it for a moment then looked confused. “Odd.”
“What?” Alysia said.
By this time, the rest of the group looked over at the two.
“Looks like some kind of coordinates for some place or something.” Luna said as she looked at the notepad.
“Let me see that.” Atemu said finally as he walked up and Luna complied. He looked over at the coordinates and his eyes went wide.
“What is it?” Luna asked, seeing the look.
“This is a coordinate, but…”
“What?” Alysia said.
“There's only one coordinate written, there should be two.”
Alysia groaned. “What the hell are you talking about?”
“I'm saying that, whatever happened to Seto back in the virtual world, it had to do something with the location of the hideout of which our friends, as well as innocent citizens, are being kept.”
“Seto used the virtual world to find the location?” Yugi asked as his aibou nodded.
“That's risky.” Bakura said.
“Especially that last time we were in there.” Moukaba said.
Everyone became still and silent when Joey walked out of the room.
He looked at the notepad and slowly walked up to Atemu. “May I have that please?”
Atemu nodded as he gave the other the notepad.
Joey turned and walked down the hall.
“Joey!” Yugi called out.
The said individual stopped and turned. “I'll be okay.” He said. “Once I get this coordinate down, I'll let you guys know, alright?”
Everyone nodded as the blonde continued to walk down towards the computer room.
`I'll get the bastard that did this to Seto!' He thought as everything seemed to tighten up his muscles. `Once I do! I'll kill him! I'll fucking murder him for doing this to my koi!' With that thought in mind, he opened the computer room and slammed it behind him. “Now…” He said as he looked at the computer. “Now it's personal…”
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Wow… I can't believe I did that.
Bakura: Part of the plot, get over it.
Well, yeah… but…
Bakura: Listen, if you don't like to write this kind of thing then drop the story and-
Drop the whole thing! ARE YOU NUTS!?!
Bakura: No, that's Marik.
Marik: Who call?
Marik: *looks droopy then slumps down* Zzzz….
Anyway… R&R!