Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Bond ❯ Chapter 24

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Bakura: …
Marik: …
Bakura: …
You owe me one hundred bucks Robber.
Bakura: Damn it Marik!
Marik: What?!
We betted to see if you could stay silent for no more then ten minutes. Bakura didn't think you would last for five seconds.
Marik: You were betting on me!?
Bakura: Yeah, and now you owe me one hundred bucks.
Marik: What the fuck man!?
*sigh* Another boring day… Story time!
B/M: *groans* Here we go!
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Chapter 24
Joey worked endlessly on the computer and only to, once again, have that confused and frustrated look. “What the fucking hell?” He murmured as he typed on the keys once again. “Damn it!” He cried. “Damn it all!” He then took a deep breath and rubbed his eyes when his head snapped up. “Wait a sec…” He looked at the screen again and started to type away once again. “It could be possible…”
-`Next day'-
The gang all went up to the Kaiba mansion and were lead to one of the conference rooms that was in the building, far away from the rooms that are reserved for `family-time'.
When everyone was a counted for, the door opened to reveal Joey. He looked worse for wear, but at the moment, he didn't care nor did he care about the concerned looks he was getting from everyone else. He went up to the front, where the projector was, and slipped a disc in. He then looked at everyone, which revealed the lines on his face that quickly formed on his face and the messy hair probably caused by stress itself, as well as the hint of red around his eyes showing that he had been crying.
“You're probably wondering why you're here.” He started, sounding almost like Kaiba. When there was no response, he continued. “As you well know from yesterday what happened to Seto…” He paused for a moment as he gathered back his posture. “Well, just before he went in, he gave me clear directions to write down the coordinates to the hideout where the fellow Humanials and Aniumans and humans alike are being held. Unfortunately, I could only get one before the screen exploded. And this is the result…” The lights went off and the projector when on and showed a map of the Domino area. Then a red line came down in one part of the area of the map. “As you could see there is only one line here. That's the only coordinate I could get my hands on at the moment. But if you look closely…” He used a mouse to make a box in one certain area of the map. “Does anyone know what this area is…?”
Everyone looked at the map, which showed the location of the beach and the bridge of rock that held the cove.
`Wait a minute!' Yugi thought as he recognized the location. `That's the same beach that I saw…' He looked at Atemu, who had the same look he has. The other's soon caught on the location.
Joey then pointed to the location once again. “And if you could see… the red line is exactly on top of that cursed area!”
The red line was no doubt on top of the area.
“But Joey…” Moukaba started to say. “Seto had a hard time getting a proper reading because the area is probably surrounded by magnetics or something.”
“As the saying goes, there's more then one way to skin a cat, no offense Atemu.”
“None taken.”
“As I was saying, there was probably some jamming system that could probably temporary fry any computer if attempted to crack their codes.”
“That's true, but…” Noah started. “Joey… that cove… it was blown up from the inside, with everything in it. It can't be possibly there!”
“A lab like that has to have a back up lab!” Joey pointed out.
“Then where is the back up lab?”
“Uh… Can I say something?” Luna boldly asked. But it was no louder then a whisper.
Alysia rolled her eyes as she slammed her hands on the table. “HEY! LUNA HAS SOMETHING TO SAY YOU SONS OF A BITCH!!”
That got them quiet.
“Thanks Lisa…”
“No problem.”
“Uh, well, I know this sounds crazy, possible stupid, but… maybe somewhere in the rubble, there might be some clue or a trap door that one of the scientist could possibly have taken on the night of the ambush.”
Everyone looked at her as if she stumbled onto a possible close to a case, but she didn't quite register it as such.
Immediately Joey grabbed his cell and ordered some cranes and other working vehicles to head over to the long forgotten site.
-`Few Hours Later'-
He sat by his lover's side as he waited for a call from the construction workers. `I owe him big time once he wakes up.' He thought as he held the limp hand that was warm, much to his relief.
He sighed as he looked out of the window, which overlooked a garden he loved to see each morning. When he first arrived, it was only a plain field. It was only when Seto knew what flowers he liked and what landscape caught his eye was when the garden was built. He smiled on that memory, he was really surprised the morning after with the windows opened so he could whiff the scent of flowers.
His smile faded when he remembered the lab. The place where he was born into out of scientific research.
@Flashback: Joey's POV@
Life in that hell hole was just that, hell. Since the day I was born, I was monitored, studied, and when I started to walk properly, train me how to fight. I saw failures die in front of me as a sick way to get me warped to thinking that this is the best way to turn a child to a killer. The sight of blood always sickens and scares me to no end.
I was just glad that I had Tristan as a friend at the time. We were assigned to be sparing partners as well as partners at firearms and hand job kills. Tristan, like some kids in the area, had a scientist that treats him like a son and had a gift of sarcastic humor, which I quickly picked up and was a hell a lot better then him.
Rumors spread wildly of one Humanial, who was the perfect creation of human with only small traits of animal. No one knows about this particular Humanial, except the scientists, and we heard that this one had tougher training and had to be studied solo. I thought he was a poor bastard, but since I didn't know him I didn't trouble myself to finding out.
When I was about ten or twelve years old, the scientists caught onto Tristan's father-figure scientist and execute him in front of his eyes. Tristan was permentally assigned to be my partner, since they think that I was too serious and would easily break him. But on our breaks, and far away from the prying eyes of researchers, we would joke and kid around until the whistle was blown. The same whistle used in some dog training camps and what not.
On the day of the raid, Tris and I were on our way to our training grounds when I noticed another figure. It was in the shadows and I couldn't make it out, but I did see a tail. As rumor has it, some say that this `perfect Humanial' is a dark creature. I didn't believe in them, but seeing that Humanial that day made me thought twice. As superstitions work, you get about three or five years of bad luck if you cross a black cat's path. On that day, I thought that the Humanial had to be a black cat, otherwise the lab wouldn't be raided by military stiffs and then dumped into the bad streets.
But at the same time, I wasn't sure what I saw that day. And thinking about it now, was it really bad luck? Sure I lived in a hell hole then moved into a shitty hell hole, but that led me to Seto. I don't know what to think, but I do know that I have a great life now, well, at least before this mess came up.
@End of Flashback@
-`Moukaba's and Noah's room'-
Moukaba and Noah were working on their summer project, since it helped them get their mind off of some things. But the young Husky mix Humanial did have something on his mind, a faint memory of sorts.
@Flashback: Noah's POV@
I don't remember much about the lab. I was still a bit young, but the people there were always saying cruel things to me and the others around my age.
So when the raid came, I saw a lot of colors, blurring together. But something did jump over me, it was too quick for me to comprehend, but I saw something jump.
@End of Flashback@
-`Bakura's and Ryou's Apartment'-
Bakura was looking up at the ceiling while petting his sleeping aibou's hair. He thought back at the time at the lab. He always did have a bad taste in his mouth every time he thought about it.
@Flashback: Bakura's POV@
I've always hated the place. I think I started hating even before I was born. I was always assigned to the difficult training sessions because of my short temper and rage. Man, I was just an angry kid. No… Angry doesn't even describe how I was then.
I would wake up and then I would go to the training ring and start dodging darts, bullets, rocks, anything that could be lethal. And then I would go to the firearms, where I could easily shot the outline of the head and make that outline fall like I just cut it with scissors. Then I go for physical beatings on the failures, which are pretty much retarded… Retarded and very good at either strength, speed, or both. But other then that, I was sickened by the death look in their eyes.
Once that hell deal was done with, I go back to my so called room and stayed there for all it's worth.
But on the day of the raid, I stayed put where I was at, not caring if the fire catches me first or the bastards in baggy suits. That's when I saw it. Something beyond the flames and was black. I couldn't see the face, all I knew that it was fast. By the time the bastards came around, it was gone.
@End of Flashback@
-`Marik's and Malik's Dorm'-
Marik and Malik were on cleaning duty in their dorm room, and then they had to clean the whole Egyptian exhibit. Normally they would groan and complain, but they did it without realizing.
While Malik was cleaning the cases, Marik was mopping the floor and was in deep thought.
@Flashback: Marik's POV@
I don't remember much about that place really. Just waking up, destroy stuff, and go back to my room. But I do remember the whacks I received when I was out of control or not doing anything. But other then that, nothing out of the usual.
Except that one day, some days before the raid, I saw someone, or something going around the area, but I didn't chase after it, thinking that whoever it was wasn't important. Then I heard the rumors and that made me wonder if that it was that someone I saw. But I never saw it again even through the chaos all of us went through.
@End of Flashback@
-`Luna and Alysia's Apartment'-
Luna, who is usually wakes up early, crashed on her bed and took a nap with the stuff animal in her grasp.
Alysia grinned and shook her head as she helped herself make something to eat. After about thirty minutes of putting things together, she placed them into a pot and started to stir the contents around. As she stirred, she thought about the lab.
To hell with that crap of a place! I mean hell! Those bastards just wouldn't shut up about me and my folks. So I'm a cross between snake and cat, I still look human enough! But no! Those fucked up assholes had to check me over and over and over like I'm some lab rat. If you want a fucking rat, go find that one with the crappy rat face over in one of those shitty huts those mother fuckers put us in! Damn them, damn the lab, and damn to all who even supports this fucked up hell hole!
The only good thing about the place is some of the training I have to do. I get to shoot some fucking items and imagine them as my hated scientists. It was so much fun imagining them dead. And when I'm fighting, I beat the living shit out of the dummy, but when they brought out the Failures… I didn't know what the hell to do… Until the dick said something to me. Damn shit, hope he's happy wherever the fuck he is now.
So, about a week before the raid, I was cooking, minding my own damn business when I heard something on the roof of my shitty hut. It sounded like someone jumped from another hut to mine and moved onto the other one. It wasn't the first time, but it annoyed the shit out of me. And what's worse? I kept hearing the damn rumors about a `perfect Humanial', whatever the fuck that is. But I didn't think it was the thing, what the hell would something so fucking special go hopping all around, unnoticed?
When the raid came around, I kicked some major ass! And I was on a roll to! Until some mother fucking bastard shot a dart to my ass! I still haven't found the asshole that did that, I would've enjoyed beating the living shit out of him! So, I was pretty much knocked out the rest of the raid. Damn bastards.
@End of Flashback@
Yugi was behind the counter and was currently bored out of his mind.
Atemu walked in with some sandwiches in hand and handed one to the other.
“Thanks.” Yugi said as he took a bite of his sandwiches.
“Bored Aibou?” Atemu asked, only to have the other give him a look that answered his question. He chuckled as he bit into his sandwich. He then had a far away look and looked at the door for no reason.
Yugi, knowing the look all too well, seeing it many times before on other Humanials. “Atemu?” He started to say.
Atemu snapped out of his thoughtless stare and looked at the other. “Yes, Yugi?”
“Is there something on your mind?”
He shrugged. “Just thinking about the past. Something that you don't already know.”
Yugi nodded as he continued to eat his sandwich. He then paid attention to the taste of it. “Hey, what did you put in this?”
Atemu looked thoughtful for a moment. “Cheese, ham, some of that white stuff… and mustard. Why do you ask?”
Yugi lifted one end of the bread to see the items in-between the slices mention and took a sniff. “Uh… when you mention the white stuff, was if mayo or horseradish?”
Atemu blinked as he quickly went back into the kitchen and brought back a white tub. He handed it to Yugi, who looked at it.
Yugi looked at it and cringed.
“Should I be worried?” Atemu asked. “Or disgusted?”
Yugi had to laugh at that. “Neither, Atemu. But it looks like Mom owes you another one.” The neko was lost. “This is her cottage cheese, only… it's a bit spoiled.”
Atemu's ears dropped down. “I think I'm going to get sick.”
“From two bites?” Yugi said with a look.
“Be quiet.” Atemu said, which made the other giggle, which made him a little better. But he knew deep down, that things were going to get worse, a lot worse.
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Alrighty then! Well… I let the guys go off early, yeah so… yeah… R&R please and have a great day (or evening).