Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Bond ❯ Chapter 25

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Atemu: *walks in* Hello?
Yugi: We're back!
B/M: *groans* Great…
Atemu: At least someone misses us.
So, tell. How was it?
Marik: I'm putting in the fic.
Thanks Marik!
Marik: Fuck off.
Atemu: Hasn't changed a bit. *sigh* Time to plan the next trip.
Yugi: We walk in and he's planning again.
*shrugs* You may go to the Bahamas next.
Yugi: *daydreams*
I'm going to leave you and Atemu alone and talk it out.
Yugi: If you hear anything… It's not us.
Of course not. *rolls eyes*
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Chapter 25
-`Three Days Later'-
“WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN THAT THERE'S NOTHING THERE!” Joey yelled over the phone. “YOU'VE BEEN THERE FOR THREE DAYS! THREE FUCKING DAYS!! AND YOU FIND NOTHING!! YOU KNOW WHAT? I'M GOING TO GO OVER THERE MYSELF AND SEE IT!” With that, he slammed the phone onto the receiver, nearly breaking it. He stomped out of the door and went down the hall, only to pause when he saw one certain door. He went up and opened it, only to see not only Seto, but also Moukaba and Noah.
“Hey Joey.” Moukaba said in a quiet tone.
“Hey.” Joey said as he went in.
“They didn't find it, did they?” Moukaba said.
Joey took a deep breath before responding. “Don't know. I'm gonna go ova dere n' see for myself.”
“And if what they say is true?” The youngest Kaiba said as Noah looked up at the blonde as well.
Joey took another deep breath and looked at the ground. “Don't know. At least I hope da find a clue or somethin'.” With that he headed out with only one last glance at the three in the room.
Joey went over to the site and looked at every hole, every passage way, and every nook and cranny. But it was like what they said, nothing. Nothing but destroyed objects. `Fuck…' He thought as he kicked the dirt. `Now what? The cove is the only likely place that could've had something to do with this. Hell, this is the place where it all started, right?' He walked out of the cove and apologized to the workers before he walked back to the mansion.
“What now?” He murmured. “What else is left to search?” He then stopped. “Of course! Why didn't I see it before!” He said as he banged his head on the street lamp, which caused some to stare. “I'm so stupid!”
The blonde turned around and saw the one person he was looking for.
“Mrs. Mouto! Man am I glad to see ya!”
The said woman blinked in a confused manor. “I am?” She said.
“Yeah! Man do I need help bad.”
“Yugi told me what happened four days ago.” She said. “I'm so sorry. And I would gladly help.”
“Are you good at maps?”
That lost her until she remembered what her son said. “You mean the one you used to draw out where the one coordinate is laid out.”
“The same one!”
“Okay, what seems to be the problem?”
“Well, it seems dat de most obvious place da start searching `as nothing. Not even a damn clue.”
“Well, you just made your first observation on how to find the crime scene.”
“Say what?”
“Narrow down the obvious clues and work on the ones where you least expect.” She said with a smile. “Speaking of which, is the cove the only place that is in the line?” She gave him a look as she walked by. “Oh, do you need a ride? Those kidnappers are still at large you know.”
Joey nodded, almost forgetting about the kidnapping.
Unknown to them, they were being watched.
Luna sighed as she looked over at the map again. She asked Joey to borrow it, even though she's not computer smart and only a slight good at observations. `The cove is the very likely place, but that just seems too easy.' She thought, thinking back to some of the C.S.I episodes. `And one thing any kidnapping or murder deals with is nothing is what it appears to be and never leave one piece of evidence behind. No matter how small or obvious it may appear to be.' She looked at the line again and checked it through Domino. `The kidnappers could be somewhere near the cove, but then that would raise suspicion if someone where to spot them. Then there's the water, but that's insane. There had to be a really big air pocket under the city to fit all those Humanials and Aniumans and humans!' She rubbed her temples. `This is too confusing.'
The sound of her friend made her jump in her seat and spun around quickly. “Lisa!”
“Sorry.” Lisa said when she saw how quick the other girl was.
Luna shook her head. “No, I didn't mean that. I was just in some deep thinking.”
“You've been doing that… More often then usual.”
“The curse of hardworking has been placed upon me at a young age.” Luna replied as she looked back at the map.
“Right… What the hell are you doing?”
“Looking at the map that Joey let me borrow.”
“Are you good at that shit?”
“Then what the hell are you doing?”
“I just don't believe that the cove is `the' place where the kidnappers could have their hideout.”
“So… What do you think those bastards are hiding?”
“Somewhere where they could fit a metropolis of Humanials, Aniumans, and humans alike and could be in a magnetic or technology jamming area.”
“So far, it's not making sense.”
“When is any mystery makes sense? Damn. Everyone fucking knows it's a big puzzle that has its pieces scattered all over the room.”
“And the guys think you're all talk and muscle with a great sense of taste.” Luna joked and both laughed.
“Yeah, but that's between you and me girl. If those guys ever found out I'll never hear the end of it.”
“You'll just beat the crap out of them.”
“What did I say about cussing!? That's my job!”
Luna laughed then sighed.
Alysia, not liking to see the other girl so down, grabbed her by the shoulder. “Come on! We're going out to eat!”
Luna, a bit surprised by the sudden decision, grabs the map. “Wait up! I have to close down the center!”
“Girl! All that thinking made ya forget something.”
Alysia rolled her eyes and grinned. “Atemu, Yugi, Bakura, Ryou, Marik and Malik are working today.”
Luna felt a little embarrassed, but laughed it off. “Then, I guess I should let the others know we're going, huh?”
“I'll do that, you wait for me outside.”
“Okay.” Luna said simply as she walked to the doors.
Alysia went up to the intercom speakers and cleared her throat. “Yo! Bitches! Me and my girl are going to have our break. So don't give me any of that fucking crap about us leaving early or I'm going to whoop your asses to the other side of the world. And you better hope that that place is nice like Hawaii if I do hear you complain.”
Then the light came on and she pressed it. “Yo.”
“Okay Lisa,” Yugi's voice was heard. “You and Luna could have your break. You two have been very busy when everyone isn't present.”
“Thanks boss!”
“Stop calling me that!”
“No can do, boss.”
“I can't win an argument with you, can I?”
“You might, just not there yet.”
“Well, see you later and be careful.”
“You have any damn idea who you're talking to?”
“Isn't Luna waiting for you?” Atemu's voice was heard this time.
“Yeah, I better go. See ya bitches!” With that, she turned off the speaker and headed out of the door.
On their way to a bistro, they met up with Mrs. Mouto and Joey. They agreed that they could have a bite to eat and head back to the Game shop to help out with groceries. On the way to the Game shop, a black van was following them. Joey and Alysia sensed something wrong and let Mrs. Mouto know, who agreed that the vehicle looks similar to the kidnappings. With that, she took the long route until there was no traffic. Then she drove out like a street racer.
“Damn Mrs. Mouto!” Joey said as he braced himself for a very bumpy ride.
“Where the hell did you learn how to drive?!” Alysia said, equally surprised as she and Luna were holding onto for their dear lives.
“We all go through our phases!” Was all that Mika could say as her complete focus was on the road.
Soon they were in an unused road that leads to the forest.
“We're going to die!” Joey said as braches were hitting the car.
“Oh pipe down Joseph!” Mika said as she seemed to be glaring at the road.
“I like you Mrs. Mouto!” Alysia said, now over with her being shocked and enjoying the ride, until the car hit a rock, which made it jump and made her hit her head on the roof. “Fuck!”
“Where are we going?!” Luna said as she was paled from the shock and fear.
“Where were going to shake these guys off!” Mika said as she made a sharp turn.
“I'm feeling the turkey coming up!” Joey said.
“Joey! Throw up in my car and I'll kick you out!” Mika shouted.
Joey swallowed as his ears went down.
After fifteen of silence, Mika put on her brakes hard, almost causing everyone to go through the window. In front of them were three black vans. “Everyone…” She started to say. “I want you to run when I give you the word.”
“What about you?” Luna whispered.
“I'll be fine.” Mika said with no emotion. When the men were getting close, she hit her brightest lights. “NOW!” She said.
The three got out and started to run to who knows where. It only took the men a moment to realize what's going on and some went out to find the three.
“What eva ya do!” Joey called out. “Don't look back n' don't `ink about help'n out if ya hear me get caught! Ya hear!”
“But-“ Luna was about to say, but she was cut off by a dart whizzing past her.
“Move! Keep running!” Joey called as they could hear shots coming and saw darts going into trees or passing them. Eventually a dart hit Joey in the arm, but kept running. Another dart on his leg and he started feel numb on the arm that was hit. `Tranquilizer Darts!' He thought as his leg is starting to feel the affects.
The two girls were running as fast as they could, but neither of them could run a long distance for long. Luna was starting to slow and was panting heavily. She only stopped for a second when she saw one of the men having his gun ready. Luckily, Alysia could last out longer then the other girl and dragged her out of the gun fire. The mixed Humanial shoved the other girl in front of her. “Keep running!” Was all she could say as a dart hit her calf.
After about ten minutes of running. Luna could see the lights of the busy streets. She ran until she reached the crowds. She stopped by a lamp post, which started to flicker on. Her face was red and sweaty as well as gasping hard. She looked behind her and didn't see her aibou or Joey. She waited for either of them to show. She knows she wasn't a fast runner, heck she isn't a runner period. After five minutes of waiting, she concluded the worse. “No…” She whispered as she fell to her knees, which were sore and cramped from the running. “They got them…”
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And that ends this chapter!
Atemu: Wow, you're picking people off one by one. Even your own yami.
I know, but its part of the plot. I'll eventually be next as well.
Yugi: I wonder what's going to happen next?
You're just going to wait like everyone else.
Yugi: Aww!
Don't give me that. You'll make me guilty. You have your yami to do that.
Atemu: Hey!
It's true.
Atemu: A known fact, yes, but not something to get you out of Yugi's innocent guilt trips.
Yugi: What do you mean by guilt trips?
Atemu: …
You're doomed.