Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Bond ❯ Chapter 26

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Sorry everyone! I was busy finishing up my other fic and I was addicted to a PC game.
Bakura: She's obsessed with C.S.I. The Las Vegas version.
Guilty as charged. I just like seeing how they figure out the crime as they look at each piece of evidence and put together how the crime went out.
Marik: I just enjoyed the bloody corpses.
Bakura: Same.
Why am I not surprised?
Marik: Because you know that we're insane that way.
*rolls eyes* Well, without further ado, enjoy the long awaited chapter.
Bakura: If anyone cared.
Shut up or I'll force you to watch `Barney the Movie'.
Bakura: You wouldn't dare!
My cousin owns it and if you could remember the time I kicked you out half naked in front of fangirls, and guys?
B/M: *shivers at memory*
*smirks* I didn't think so.
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Chapter 26
-`A Day Later: Center'-
When news about the abduction of Mika, Joey and Alysia went out, everyone went up to the Kaiba mansion to comfort the two boys and Luna. She arrived at the mansion, since it was closest one she could get to. When the gang arrived, she seemed… off. She didn't have a lively vibe, and she looked dead when she saw them come in. The gang was a little scared of her like that, but they did their best, only for her to get up and walk away.
“Man…” Marik said.
“You said it.” Malik said.
“She's been like that since she told us about what happened.” Moukaba said.
“Yeah… Really scary too.” Noah said. “I don't think she's going to let up anytime soon.”
“I wouldn't blame her.” Bakura said. “She hardly had a backbone before Alysia came along.”
Ryou nodded agreeing.
Atemu and Yugi were worried about Luna's mood.
“That isn't the worse of it.” Moukaba said.
“How can it be worse?” Marik asked.
“She's been looking up automatic guns after we let you guys know.” Noah said.
Everyone looked both shocked and worried.
“Shit! It's almost like that movie `Brave'!” Bakura said.
“I just hope she doesn't find out about Seto's private stash.” Moukaba said.
“Seto has a stash of guns?” Yugi said, hearing this for the first time.
“Yeah…” Moukaba said when the loud sound of a creak was heard. “And that would be the book case that he keeps it in!”
Everyone ran up to the library to see the book case opened and the storage of guns comes out. “Luna!” They all cried.
She acted like she didn't hear them and found an automatic. She didn't care what kind she got, it was a gun and it could kill people. She tested the gun's handling and found the gun pretty light and the grip felt… right. She suddenly smiled, as if she found a great hidden treasure.
“We lost the nice Luna.” Marik said.
“I'm more worried what she's going to use that gun on.” Bakura said as he held Ryou.
As Luna put that gun in it's holder that she found, she looked for another small gun to possibly use. She found three very small hand guns that were on a strap for the arm. Soon she found some throwing knives to use and placed them in her shoe. Once she was done looking, she looked at the others. “No one hurts my aibou for any reason.” She said in a stone cold tone that made every guy in the room cower to a corner. With that said, she walked to the room's exit. “I'm going home. Let me know if you find something.” With that, she was gone, walking down the hall.
“Should we stop her?” Ryou asked.
“If we do, she'll turn the gun on us.” Bakura said. “Besides, she's packed some serious load, and she doesn't have a license for those.”
“I don't think she gives a shit at the moment.” Marik said and sighed. “And I would do the same if Malik was taken like that.”
Malik looked at his aibou with a concerned look on his face as he grabbed the other's hand.
Yugi could understand what Luna's going through, but his mother was taken as well as well as his best friend. So, should he grab a gun as well?
Atemu, knowing what happened to Mika and Joey, went up to the gun stash and looked at the variety.
“What the hell are you doing?” Marik asked.
“Arming myself.” Atemu simply said as he found a hand gun, even though it wasn't automatic, he found a holder for it. “I'm not going to let them take me or Yugi without a fight.”
Bakura and Marik looked at each other and silently agreed.
“If it's a war they want…” Bakura said as he picked his guns.
“It's a war they'll get!” Marik finished as he found a two handed gun to use.
The other's stood there and watched how the three Humanials were going through with this.
“Isn't this what you're trying to avoid!?” Ryou said, remembering what Bakura said about his past.
“It is…” Bakura said. “But these bastards forced us to use the one thing that we were raised to do.”
“But…” Atemu continued. “We'll show them that, even though we were scientifically created, we have the right to live.” He loaded his gun and placed that into its holder. “And we'll not go back to being mindless war tools!
The five stood there in an amazed shock. Noah, being too young to know how the lab worked, looked up at the `veterans' and had to agree. Moukaba, understanding what standing up to the `man' is like, but he had no idea how far they were willing to go. Ryou and Malik could only stay silent about what has been said. As for Yugi, he was worried about Atemu, but also knows that his aibou is a trained professional and will do anything to get the others back, as well as a right to live without fear.
`No victories can be won without a war to spark the flame.' Yugi thought. `And this war is between the kidnappers and the Humanials/Aniumans with their aibous.' He sighed. `I wonder how Mom is doing.'
Mika, along with the other captive civilians, were devising a plan that may, or may not, work. “Okay! Any cheerleaders here or have seen a cheerleader in football games and what not?!” She called as she saw a good bunch of hands up. “Okay! You all know the human pyramid, right?! Well, we're going to have a few rows at the bottom and keep stacking up until one of us reaches the top to that skylight!”
“Are you crazy?!” A mid-age man called. “Some of us can't support a lot of the people on your backs and the lightest one here is a small boy here!” He pointed to a small boy, who was in the video camera back in New York.
“I know it's far fetched, and we may not have enough people here to pull this off! But this may be our only chance to know what those guys are doing to our aibous!”
Everyone did agree on that.
Mika, who was really pissed from the abduction, and finding that Joey and Alysia were not there, and she could presume that Luna got away safely. “And if we don't know what becomes of our aibous, then we'll know about where we are and end this nightmare!”
That caused a cheer from the huge group of hostages.
“Now let's get in line for the able elders and we'll have to decide who will be the one to check the top!”
There was silence in the room, until Duke came up.
“You'll go Mrs. Mouto.” He said. “All of us can't leave here without our aibous, and you're the only one without one, and the only one that could take this to the forces!”
Mika was shocked to hear this, but nodded, knowing that it was true. “Alright! I'll go!” She smiled and took a deep breath. “What are we standing around here for?! Let's go! Go! GO!”
~~Few hours later~~
“Damn…” Mika said as she looked at the human pyramid. There was exactly enough people to pull it off. `Now I have to climb up and be on my toes!' She thought as she took her shoes off and put them in her shirt, not caring if it has dirt on it or not.
As she climbed up, she apologized for the ones she stepped on wrong, and took a deep breath as she saw the sky light, which seemed dark. `Well that's great…' She thought as she reached her hand onto the edge and braced herself. She took a couple of deep breaths as sweat came down from her forehead. When she looked ready, she did a jump to get over the edge. She nearly slipped and fell, but she had a good grip on the edge and grabbed a vine. “A vine?” She said as she pulled herself up.
She took a deep breath as she looked around, it was a tunnel cave going left and right, but there was another skylight not far above her head, where the vine was coming down from. She smiled at the convenience of it all and looked back at the hole. “I'm up! I'll get help as soon as I can!” She called the others, which was responded with whoops and cheers. She giggled as she climbed up on the vine.
As she reached the top of that, she saw that it was night time, giving her plenty of cover from the watchful eyes. But what was a shock to her that she was standing on a very steep mountain. `If I tried to get down, I'll be dead!' She thought as she looked at the vine she was holding and saw that in went down to the jungle below. `Might as well.' She thought as she started to carefully climb down on the only nature made rope around. `Please let there not be any snakes or mosquitoes!' She thought as she finally reached the jungle ground.
It was really dark, it seemed very uninviting. `I have to do this!' She thought as she went through. `I have to get to Yugi and tell him about this place.' Then the thought hit her. `And where on earth is this place!' She smacked herself on the forehead. `Idiot! I can't be of much help if I don't know where the damn island is!' She sighed and took a moment to clear her thoughts. `Okay… Now think, in order to figure out the location of the island, I would have to sneak into a hideout or base… Then what? Hijack a helicopter or something?' She sighed. “It's durable for now.” She said to herself as she walked back to where the vine is. `Can't go around in a thick jungle without knowing where to go, right?' She thought as she went back to the top and looked at the area a bit better. It was a huge jungle, almost like a rainforest.
As she looked for any sign for life, something caught her eye. `What the hell?' Some miles off, she saw a bright light for a moment then disappeared. Then the sound of gun fire was heard next. `Oh shit!' She thought as she took a chance at trying to get across the steep mountain to get to that certain angle. `Oh those guys are so getting my `lectures' once I get my hands on them!' She thought as she nearly slipped, but regain her hold. She took a couple of breaths and continued to go to that position, ignoring the trail of blood she was leaving.
Then the bright flash of light appeared once again, helping her know she can climb down now. She carefully did so and was glad to be on solid ground. “I'm going to need a long vacation after this.” She said as she started to walk towards the dark jungle. She could hear the gun fire not far and walked carefully. `If I make a sound, I'm dead. And if I'm dead, I'm pretty much crushed everyone's chances to ending this.' She thought as she went behind trees and looking out for any guards.
She eventually spotted one and quickly hid. `Crap! What now?!' She thought when she saw a rock. She smirked as she carefully picked up the rock, which was slightly heavy, and waited for the guy to come around and hit him to the side of the head. With him out cold, she grabbed the gun and headed out once more.
Pretty soon she saw the base, which looked like a boot camp, and looked around the area. She looked at the two men standing out in front of the gates. She found some pebbles and did what she saw in the movies and threw them.
“What was that?!”
“Let's check it out!”
The two men left, making her shake her head. `That was to damn easy!' She thought as she quickly entered through the gates and started to hide behind crates and what not. `Okay… Now to find the main office or what ever they call it here.' She thought as she looked through windows, only to see a lot of chemistry activity, weaponry, armory, and she even found one of many tin huts where the Aniumans and Humanials were being held.
She looked to see if she could find Joey, Alysia, or Tristan in the group. But she couldn't find them. Then the sound of gun fire was heard once again. She went over and looked to see the most inhuman thing she ever seen.
There were the three, facing the wall as well as chained, while the men about ten feet away from them were aiming their guns at them, only to aim higher over their heads.
`This is like what I read about what the Germans do to the Jews for the fun of it!' She was pissed.
When they fired again, the three didn't make a sound of fear or flinched.
“Keep going at it!” Said a man in a rough voice.
She inched out a little more to get a good look at the man, only to look surprised. `What the hell?!'
The man was none other then Akhenaden!
`What the fuck! I thought the bastard is dead!'
Akhenaden had long grayish white hair that looked unkept and he was wearing an eye patch. “Keep going until one of them gives out the information we need!”
That was reasoned with more gun fire, this time the aiming was a bit lower, but not too low that they hit their heads. Dust fell on their heads, but they didn't move, nor did they make a sound.
`Joey… Tristan… Alysia…' Mika thought.
Akhenaden just about had enough and told the men to hold fire, which they did, and he went up to Alysia and pushed her head to the wall. “Why won't you talk?!”
Alysia bit her lip to hold back the pain that is now forming on her forehead.
“All I'm asking is where `Perfection' is! If you tell me where he his I'll let you see your aibous! Do we have a deal?!”
“Go to hell!” Alysia shouted.
Akhenaden resisted slapping her as he told the men to continue firing until the sun rises. With that order, he walked away towards a tin hut with the words `Head Office' stood above the door.
`Bingo!' She thought as she looked at the three. `Hang in there. You're doing great!' With that she went over to the tin hut and looked through the window, where she saw Akhenaden throwing papers around and cursing. From the head board, she could make out a map, but was too far away for her to see anything. `Looks like I have to wait until he falls asleep.' She thought as she sat down in the shadows and waited.
Meanwhile, Akhenaden picked up the phone and said something in a whisper. “Have you found him yet?”
“No sir, but my men said that they have spotted him with his aibou, they're not that far from us sir.”
“What about the others?”
“Yes sir, we're just hiding out as we speak to the building that they entered a moment ago.”
“Very good. Keep me posted.”
~-Domino: Near Kaiba Mansion-~
“Yes sir.” The man pressed off on his cell and kept a look out on the house.
“What did the boss have to say?” Said the other.
“The same question.”
“At least we got him this time, as well as the others!”
“No shit!”
They laughed when the other stopped laughing.
“What's the matter?” The driver asked when he felt something cold and metallic hit at the back of his head.
“Either both of you come out and quietly come with me, I will spare your lives. Other wise I will have to kill one of you and bring you in by force.” Luna demanded. After walking out of the back part of the mansion, she spotted the van hidden in the shadows and went up to it, only to hear the conversation between the two men. “Don't make me repeat myself, get out or I'll force you out!” Just when the passenger was about to reach the gun in the glove compartment, she brought out the second gun. “Don't even think about it!” With that, both men came out and both came into the mansion.
The rest of the group was coming down when they saw what Luna brought along.
“What the hell!” Marik, Malik and Bakura said when they saw the two men.
“Get some comfortable seats…” Luna said, with and uncharacteristic tone. “This might take all night.”
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That's it for now folks! I hope you like it, and again sorry for the wait!
Bakura: R&R please, or else she'll be in her depressed moods.
Marik: Her writing actually sucks when she's depressed. So, give her one or two, kay?
… Why are you guys helping me?
B/M: Cause we're bored.
I should've known.