Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Bond ❯ Chapter 27

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Oh my god! I'm so sorry for everyone who waited… how long? Two months! Oh! I'm such a terrible authoress!
Bakura: *whacks her at the back of the head with a rubber fish* Would you get over yourself? You were busy. Everyone has a life, and your readers know that! So stop feeling sorry for yourself!
*looks up in amazement* Thanks…
Bakura: I don't want to do this every time you come here all mopy and shit.
*tears up*
Bakura: Cut it with the water works and just start working.
Yes sir! *goes off*
Bakura: *sighs* Where's that Marik when you need him, I want to punch something.
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Chapter 27
At the Kaiba mansion, the two kidnappers were being held hostage by the group. They were tied up in chairs and Luna was holding her two automatics at the back of their heads.
“Now then…” Atemu said, as he had pulled up a chair across from them. The rest of the gang was behind him. “If you want to live and only spend a couple years in jail, you will corroperate with me, or my friend behind you will be more than happy to end it for you here and now.”
Luna gave him a small glare before looking at the hostages again.
“Listen! We're only doing our jobs! If you want to kill someone, take that with the others who are assigned to torture your kind to get information!” One of them said.
Atemu glared darkly. “That's not what I'm asking here…” He leaned forward, as he showed a gun in his hand. “I'll remind you again, answer our question and, maybe, let you go with only the act of kidnapping.”
“What is this?! A mafia?” The other man said as he felt the cold metal at the back of his neck.
“Answer the man.” Luna said in a dead tone. “I have no problem killing one of you this evening.”
Once that was settled, Atemu leaned back and glared at them. “First question, who is behind this and why try to gather us up once more?”
“Can't help you with the `why', but the `who' is tricky.” One of them said. “You see… He calls us up and we do what he says and tells us where to drop your kinds off.”
“So, in other words you don't know.” Bakura chimed in.
“Not his real name, but a code name if you will.” Said the other.
“And that is…”
“Devil's God…”
There was a momentary silence in the room until Atemu spoke. “Very well… Next question…” He leaned forward again. “You mentioned a `drop off'… Where is it exactly?”
“It depends where we are and who is available for the transporting.”
Atemu nodded as he studied them. “Any usual drop offs you go to?”
“The shift changes depending on the area.”
“Very well… Final question, where do these `transportation groups' take the others? And what do you do to the people with them?”
“How should we know?! We just kidnap what looks like an animal in a human form, drop them off, and let them deal with them! We don't know the place where they take them, nor is it our business whether or not they beat the crap out of them or smoke `em!”
At that moment, Atemu swiftly got up, grabbed the man's shirt, and held the gun under the jaw. “I'm asking you very seriously, and all I'm getting is crap from you…” He said in a dangerous tone. “Now answer me this… Do you stake your life on the information that you answered me, or do I have to blow another hole in your head?”
“Atemu!” Yugi called, but was held back from Marik, who shook his head.
“Don't…” He said as he watched what was going to be unfold.
“Y-Yes… I swear! That's all I know!”
Atemu glared at the man, who is currently shaking from fear, before letting the man's shirt go and walked back to the chair. “Alright…” He looked at Bakura and Marik: “You two, untie the two…” He grinned. “I believe we have an agreement here…”
The two looked at the other as if he lost his mind, but did what they were told and untie the hostages.
“Luna…” Atemu said to the young girl. “Put the guns down, but keep them out.”
Luna looked at the other the same way as the other two were, but did so by dropping her arms to her side.
“Now… If you want to redeem yourself, you will help us to get to that area.”
“WHAT!?!” Everyone called.
“You weren't after just random Humanials and Aniumans, were you?” Atemu said to the two men.
The men were silent.
“You were after me… Weren't you?”
Everyone looked at him.
“What?” Marik said.
“This kidnapping is just to raise up an awareness until I come clean, is that it?”
“Yeah… Perfection… it's true.”
“Perfection?” Moukaba said. “What kind of name is that?!”
“Mine.” Atemu said in an unemotional voice.
“Huh? Who the hell gave you that name?!”
“Who else? The scientists.”
“Wow… dumb name.” Noah said.
“It was a code name.”
“Still dumb.”
“Drop it Noah.” Moukaba said.
“But that's not all…” One of the mean said. “They also want… Maniac… Thief… Rage…Tactic… and Hound…”
“Wait a sec!” Marik said. “You mean to tell us you guys were after us this whole time?”
“We were told to, but our boss never explained why.”
“Marik…” Malik said. “When he said Maniac…”
“Yeah… That's my code name. Bakura's Thief, Alysia is Rage, Tristan is Tactic, and Joey is Hound.”
“So… He wants the six, close to perfect `weapons' including the others to `re-train' them. Correct?” Atemu said.
“Like we were saying…” Said the man. “We don't know what they do to them after we drop them off. We take `em, take them to the pick up location, and get paid. Everything else is in the dark.”
Atemu nodded. “Alright then.” He said as he got up. “You're job is to find us, correct?”
“Do you have a fucking memory problem? Yeah, our job is to find you!”
“And when you do `collect' us, do you still get the others?”
“Not that I know of…”
“We know that who ever gets you gets a ton load of bucks, double it if we brought you alive.”
“Looks like you'll get your pay check.” Atemu said, making everyone look at him.
“Are you fucking out of your mind!” Bakura said. “We went through hell from that place! And now you want us to jump back in!?”
“As far as I know, many innocent lives are in the balance from wherever they are being held.” Atemu said. “I do not wish to return either, but as far as I know, I'm not going to let others suffer so I could be safe. Especially since I'm the main catch out of the whole event.”
“Atemu…” Yugi said.
“Fine…” Bakura said. “What do we have to do… Leader?”
Atemu looked at Bakura then at the others before returning his gaze at the two men. “Do you have contact with your superior?”
Mika was still kept hidden by the shadows, but was shivering from the cold. `Damn! When does this bastard sleep?' She thought as she tried to warm her hands. `Not to mention I'm numb from sitting here to long!' Then the sound of a phone ringing caught her attention.
“What is it?!” The man gruffed. “WHAT?!” He called as he got up from his seat. “Are you sure?! You sure it's Perfection?! You have the others as well?!”
Mika listened to this as the man laughed.
“Very good! Excellent! How on earth did you catch them?” Another laugh came up. “I see! Yes! Those fools will do anything to protect those worthless beings! You got the shock collar on them and everything, correct? … Excellent, excellent! … Yes! I'll send a sub at the Domino pier, be sure that they are knocked out and blindfolded. Alright? … Good, I'll let the captain give you your reward.” He slammed the phone down and laughed. “Finally! After so long!” He went across the room, which Mika quickly got out of view for, and held up a picture. “Well brother… seems like your `fun' killed you in the end, but now everyone thinks you're me! You're such a moron!” He threw the picture into a portable fire place. “I can't believe that you and I have the same face!” He laughed as he went out of the tin hut, locked it, and went to one of the housing huts.
Mika got up and looked through the window and see if she could get in without making a sound. She took out her diamond ring, her engagement ring before her husband was killed some years back, and used it to crate a bunch of circles overlapping one another. She than took a small rock and gently tapped in different areas of the glass window. After doing the process repeatedly for a good thirty minutes, she finally made the glass gave up and she was able to create a circle big enough to fit her arm through and opened the lock of the window. `Nice!' She thought as she went in and started to look around for anything that could help her win a case order.
She looked high and low quietly and even picked locked a few filing cases, only to find one with the stamp saying `classified'. `Not to me.' She thought as she opened the file, only to see Atemu's picture, only younger. `Atemu?' She thought as she read through the file.
`Codename: Perfection… Specialty: Armed ammunition, sneak attacks, stealth… What the hell?!' She thought. `They raised him to be the ultrament weapon!' She looked to see the family category. `Father: Dr. Akhem Nie, Mother: Bassen (Black cat Humanial - 85%)… A cross breed?' She continued to read of the notes about the family. `Dr. Nie was executed for trying to release the secret base when Atemu was five, and Bassen died shortly after giving birth…' She felt sorry for Atemu. `He grew up not knowing what his parents were like.'
“Well, well.” She heard Akhenaden and turned to see him. “Looks like you found out your son's guardian's background.”
“What do you plan on accomplishing here?” She said as she stood up, knowing that she was caught.
He held a gun to her head. “Simple, finishing what hasn't been completed.” He grinned. “I would kill you now… But after hearing of the capture of `Atemu', as you call him, I have to create a plan B. Because he shouldn't be too easy to capture, even when his aibou's life is on the line.”
Mika was frozen on the spot. `Oh no…'
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Have to stop here for now folks! Remember to R&R! And I'll try to get more on as soon as I possibly can.