Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Bond ❯ Chapter 28

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hello again! Since Bakura and Marik didn't bother to show up today, I'm just going to start the fic and be on our way. Enjoy!
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Chapter 28
~`Domino Pier'~
The kidnappers were waiting by the pier in their van. One sighed as he looked back to the cages. “They'll be here in a minute.”
“Fine.” Bakura said as he tugged on the dud-shock collars. “I still don't know the point in this madness.”
“I agree.” Marik said. “And I'm the crazy one here.”
“That's what scares me the most.” Bakura said as he looked over to Atemu. “You better have a really good plan up your sleeve.”
Atemu stayed silent as he looked at Yugi, who was fumbling with his blindfold.
“If we die, I'm taking your soul to hell.” Marik warned.
“Fair enough.” Atemu said. “But I doubt that they would aim their weapons at us, but at our aibous. Of course, they could do such a thing to give them an excuse to dissect us.”
“Again, I'll drag your soul to hell and I'll torture you by any means.” Marik warned.
“And again, fair enough.”
“You sure this is a good idea?” Ryou asked. “I mean, why would we be here?”
“If they reported that they captured us, they would have to say they threatened to kill you if we didn't come along.” Atemu explained. “To be quite honest, I would rather not get any of you involved, but there's no choice. We have to make it look like it's a forced abduction and get to the island and get rid of this nightmare once and for all.”
“They're here.” Said the driver.
“In position.” Atemu said as he placed his blindfold on and leaned against the van's wall.
Yugi followed suite and leaned against the other.
The other's did the same and waited.
The submarine emerged and men came out towards the van. One by one they placed them in stretchers and carefully placed them in the surfaced elevator until they reached to a certain level.
`How much longer?' Malik thought, wanting to `wake up' right now and see what's going on. `Damn Moukaba and Noah, being the only brain kids to pull off a super strong tracking device. And they have to stay back in the mansion along with Luna, who Bakura knocked out so she wouldn't follow. Damn it all!'
“Malik… Malik… Wake up!” Yugi said as he shook the other. “We're in.”
“Finally!” Malik said as he removed the blindfold. “Where's your aibou? I want to strangle him.”
“They're not here.” Yugi said as he looked around the room, where Ryou was just removing his blindfold.
“They've sent them to another room?” Ryou asked.
“Kind of obvious.” Malik said as he twisted the blindfold in his hands.
“I'm scared guys…” Yugi said. “What if they find out? What will they do?”
“Hey, hey!” Malik said. “Did you forget whose idea was this? It was your aibou's, and he's the first class Humanial around, he knows what's in stake.”
“Yes.” Ryou said. “And he's with Bakura and Marik as well, and you know how those three are like.”
“If that crazy idiot does anything stupid, we're good as doomed.” Malik said.
“Have more faith than that!” Ryou said.
“I'm just nervous is all.” Yugi said.
“We all are…” Malik said. “But we made it this far, right?”
Yugi smiled and nodded. “Right!”
~`Another Room'~
“If those bastards even place a finger on my aibou's hair, I'll kill them all!” Marik said as he was pacing the room like a caged animal.
“Please calm down Marik, I'm sure they're fine.” Atemu said as he and Bakura watched him pacing.
“How can I calm down?!” He said as he curled up into a ball on the floor. “I want my Malik…”
Bakura sighed heavily. “Jeez…”
“All we can do now is wait until we arrived.” Atemu said as he laid back on the cot.
~And hour and a half later~
“Are we there yet?”
“As that again and I'll cut off your dick, you crazy fox.”
“Quiet both of you!” Atemu said as he went up and stood in the middle of the room. “We're slowing…” He said as he looked at them. “We're here.”
~`Outside: Island'~
Akhenaden waited with armed men as he saw the sub emerge from the surface. `After all these years… You're back to where you truly belong…' He thought as he saw the men over there placing them in lifeboats and they headed over to the island. `There you are!' He thought as he saw Atemu. `At last…'
When the boats came up, the armed men went up to the group with the group with Yugi, Ryou, and Malik, while the other group got the others.
“Come on!” One of them said as they used the butt of their guns to lead the group towards the mountains, while the other guided them towards Akhenaden.
“Remove the blindfolds!” Akhenaden ordered, which the Humanials did and glared at him. “Welcome back! We were waiting for you.”
“Where are you taking our aibous?” Malik asked.
“They'll be in the same room with the others.” The man said as he walked towards the camp, which the others were forced to follow. “As you can see, we're on an island far from the city, which is a much better idea than that cove a few years back. That way you would train without interruptions or fear of being found out.”
“Well we've been found out!” Bakura said. “And quite frankly, I enjoy my new life.”
“Tsk… Tsk… You may have found someone that you can look after, but what about those who still fear you, hmm? Ever thought about that?”
“Fuck them!” Marik said. “As long as we got someone, everyone else would fuck the hell off!”
Akhenaden laughed. “You honestly believe that they care about you?”
The three glared.
“They may now… But what about when someone comes around and catches their eye? Hmm?”
“What do you mean?” Atemu said with a slight growl.
“You should know, your `aibous' are `human', you're Humanials. Two completely different species. It almost like trying to have a gorilla mate with a cougar… You know what I mean?”
“It's true we're different…” Atemu said. “But as Humanials, we're part `human', so doesn't that make a dent in your theory? Like a Canadian woman can marry a part Latino, part Black, part Japanese, and part Arabian.” He smirked. “Just because we have a few additions to our human bodies, we have that privilege to stay with our aibous.”
Akhenaden growled as he slapped the Humanial across the face. “You may have had that privilege back there, but here you're nothing but a weapon that needs to be retrained.” He nodded to the men, who knocked the Humanials out cold. “Take them to the others!”
“Yes sir!” The men said as they dragged the three towards the camp.
“So… they think that because they're part human they can mate with other humans…” He laughed in his throat. “What would happen if you killed your own masters? Hmm? Would you still mate?” He laughed out loud as he looked at one of the guards. “You! Bring me a young boy with spiky hair that looks like `Perfection'!”
“Y-Yes sir!” Said the guard as he ran towards the mountain.
“Those things should be just effective enough to work… but I'll let him see his mother before his D-day arrives.” He said as he laughed like a mad man. “Now! Let's see if you can escape your fate!”
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