Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Bond ❯ Chapter 30

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Okay everyone! Here it is! The next chapter of the suspenseful story!
OKAY!!! Jeez…
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Chapter 30
“Yugi Mouto…” Atemu said in a dead, controlled voice.
Yugi looked somewhat hopeful, that the machine didn't work all that well.
“Prepare to take your last breath, as I carve out your heart!”
Yugi was stunned. “Atemu…”
Then he heard laughter at his right and looked to see the man. “Very good Perfection! Bring him here so he could see his mother one last time.”
“Yes sir…” Atemu said as he went up to Yugi and harshly grabbed the young man by the upper arm.
“That hurts!” Yugi said, but it was ignored as he was thrown into the room, where his mother gasped.
“Yugi!” She cried as she went up and embraced her son. “Oh Yugi!” She started to cry.
“I'll give you five minutes together.” Akhenaden said as he and Atemu walked out the door and closed it, along with the sound of a lock was heard.
“Yugi! You have to get out of here!” She said as she looked at her son straight in his eyes.
Yugi closed his eyes and calmly shook his head. “No Mom… I can't run…”
“If I did, Atemu would get me either way.” He chuckled. “If I'm going to die by someone's hands, I want it to be him.”
“That's suicide!”
“Maybe, but there's no way out of it.”
“You're giving up?!”
“I don't know what else to do Mom!” He sighed. “Atemu means everything to me, just like you and Grandpa are.” He had tears gathering at the corner of his eyes. “If I knew how to disconnect wires or bombs, I may be able to snap him out of his mind control… But the only one that could do that is in a coma and there's nothing anyone can do at this point.”
“Oh Yugi…” She said as she embraced her son. “How did this mess started? Why is fate so cruel that it requires your sacrifice to start the flare of world domination?”
He didn't know a response to this, but then again… she didn't expect an answer by him.
“Time's up!” Akhenaden said as he grabbed Yugi by the arm and roughly shoved him out of the hut.
Yugi managed to get his footing the first second, but then tripped and fell to the ground. “Ow…” He said as he looked up to see Atemu, standing there and watching him with dull, dead eyes.
“Now Yugi!” Akhenaden said. “Even though I would like to see you put out of your misery as quickly as possible, I believe in sportsmanship.” He brought out a knife. “Here… take this as your weapon.”
Mika was watching this as she was being held back by two guards. `That bastard! Forcing my son into a gladiator's area!' She thought as she looked at the knife. `As much as I hate to admit, he does have some sense to give Yugi a weapon to defend himself.'
Yugi looked at the knife but shook his head. “I will not require a weapon.” He said.
“Are you sure?” Akhenaden said with a grin. “Your former bodyguard is highly skilled in assassinations…”
“I'm aware of that.” Yugi said with a slight glare. “I still refuse your offer!”
Akhenaden chuckled. “Very well… It's your funeral!” He said as he walked away.
Yugi looked at Atemu, and for a moment… everything was silent and only heard his beating heart pounding in his hears.
“NOW! KILL!” Akhenaden shouted as the controlled Humanial charged.
“YUGI! MOVE! GET OUT OF THE WAY!” Mika shouted at her son, but he didn't move as he took a hard blow to the stomach.
Yugi had the wind knock out of him when he was punched and small droplets of blood came out of his mouth. He hit the ground, but still managed to get up, only to be kneed to the side. `Atemu…' He thought as he kept being repeatedly punched and kicked. `There was something I wanted to tell you… But I don't know if you can hear me.' He was then thrown into the air.
YUUUUGGGIIII!!!” Mika cried.
Yugi felt motionless when he was in the air. He smiled and giggled. `Even if you can hear me… I bet it's too late to say it.' He saw the other appear above him. He let his tears come out and smiled at the other. `At least my last sight in life will be you…' He could see the other ready to strike as they were close. “I love you…”
Atemu heard that and both hit the ground, with some dust coming up and surrounding them.
“That ought to do it.” Akhenaden said with a crooked smile.
When the dust nearly settled, Atemu lifted the other up, who was barely hanging in there, almost as close to his face. “What did you say?” He said it in a low voice, so that the others wouldn't hear.
Yugi opened one eye and managed to smile. “I said… I love you.” He said as he used the rest of his strength to place a soft kiss. `Good night…' He thought as he surrendered to the darkness of unconsciousness.
As the dust completely settled, Yugi looked dead by Atemu's hand. Mika went down on her knees and wept. Akhenaden was pleased to see it all go well. “Men! Take her back to the other hostages! Tell them about this event!”
“Yes sir!” They said as they dragged the shocked woman back to the mountain.
Akhenaden yawned. “Well! I'm turning in! You should get some rest as well!” He said as he looked to see the spot that Atemu occupied was gone. “What the hell?!” He looked around the area as the sun started to rise above the mountain. `Impossible! He couldn't have just up and gone off without me telling him!' He thought when a horrid idea came to his mind. `Was there something wrong with the devices? NO! Impossible! I've checked and checked and it's fool proof!' He glared at the jungle. `So why? Why did he leave without permission?'
~`Somewhere in the jungle'~
In the deep part of the jungle, but where the light can come through, there lay Yugi on a bed made of tons of leaves and he had green stuff on him where the cuts were.
Atemu, not far from Yugi, was struggling getting the thing off his head. With only a small puddle to help him, he managed to feel around the wires and other trinkets to get the band off of him. With that he threw it at a tree, which smashed it to pieces. He went over to Yugi, his eyes back to their shine, but the shine was only minimal when he looked at Yugi's condition. “Yugi… Forgive me…” He said as he started to cry. “Oh gods… What have I done?”
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Okay folks! Now that our fave character is back to normal, what will happen next?
Bakura: You really tick people off when you do this.
Marik: I would say she ticks the Pharaoh off from this scene.
What? It's part of the story, not my fault!
B/M: Yes it is!
Shut up! Anyway… R&R everyone!