Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Night in Bangkok ❯ Sloth ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
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One Night in Bangkok
by Edmondia Dantes

Disclaimer: I own all but the characters and the city. Lucky you.

AN: Lucky you. XD

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Chapter Two - Sloth
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-9:39 p.m.-

Now... where had this pretty stranger taken them?

He blinked as his eyes adjusted to the light, thick lashes opening just a bit wider in surprise.

Well. This was new.

He'd never seen so much alcohol in one place before. The music was loud, the lights were low, and a low haze of cigarette smoke filmed the air. And people - hundreds of them in expensive evening garb, swirling and bobbing around the tables, money flying from hand to hand as quickly as the playing cards that decided their fate.

Yugi raised a delicate fist to his lips and coughed. Beside him, Jounouchi's eyes lit up in glee. "Hey, they've got a ton of games here!"

"I thought it would suit you," Yami commented to the slightly shorter boy at his side, ignoring the blonde's delighted outburst. Yami seemed to do a lot of that - and Jounouchi seemed to be ignoring him back.

Yugi blinked hard. His eyes were watering. His nose itched. And he flinched when a slim hand landed on his shoulder, turning wide, startled eyes up to his doppelganger.

Ruby eyes sparkled with delighted mischief. "Well?"

Those eyes were entrancing. Yugi mentally shook his head - I don't even know him, I don't even know him, I don't even know him but he's gorgeous as hell! ...oh shit, what am I thinking?

Yami was still waiting for his reply, and the thought of disappointing him sent a sour feeling to his stomach. So Yugi managed a tiny smile and a shrug - sure, this was his first time in a bar like this, sure, he didn't quite know what to expect, but if this guy knew what he was doing...

Yami flashed him another wicked smile that made his heart do flip-flops. He really had to stop doing that, otherwise Yugi was quite certain that he would die of a heart attack by the end of the night. "Then come play a game," Yami murmured enticingly, a slender arm slipping through his own as he tugged his smaller counterpart through the crowd.

Yugi spluttered, distracted by Yami's sudden, unexpected closeness. He was certain his face was bright red. "But I- I can't... my grandpa..."

"Isn't here," Yami interrupted smoothly, "So what's to stop you from having a little fun? You're old enough to gamble... and you can't tell me you won't win."

Yugi flushed still more. He had his talents, he could admit that much... "Well..."

"Well nothing," Yami snorted, deftly darting around a table full of raucously laughing drunks, "Play."

Yugi felt a small smile curve his lips. He did so love a challenge... and Yami's arm had slipped from his own only to wrap firmly around his waist. He doubted the older boy even knew it.

He pressed himself just a little bit closer as they made their way up a few steps to the card tables.

This would be fun.

* * *

I think Yugi's getting into something he doesn't understand, Jounouchi thought as he watched the two disappear into the crowd. That guy's a weird one... sure seems fond of Yugi, though.

He'd seen the way the two looked at each other - like each found the other to be the most fascinating thing they'd ever seen. It was kinda creepy. Yugi was so damn fragile... maybe he wasn't giving him enough credit. Yami certainly didn't seem to want to hurt him, hell, it looked like all he wanted to do was bed him. And no wonder - the match of earlier had been intellectual foreplay as much as anything else, and anyone would have to be blind to not see the way they flowed together. Or those not-quite-hidden smoldering looks from behind long dark lashes whenever the cameras and the crowds couldn't see. Thickly veiled hunger, but bright and brilliant just the same, so long as you knew where to look. Yugi'd been dazzled, that much was certain - but from the soft seeking touches the stranger that wasn't kept brushing against his pale skin, he had a good idea that the other boy had been just as dazzled by Yugi.

Weird. Lust at first sight? ...well, stranger things had happened.

Yugi was having fun, that was for certain. Good for him - it wasn't like he'd ever dated, so Jou wasn't sure which gender he preferred, though he had seemed quite interested in Anzu before they had left. Guess it doesn't really matter now, he mused, 'cause that guy makes Yugi brighten more than anybody I've ever seen - even her. Well, he thought with a sigh, I just hope he doesn't get his heart broken. But somehow, I don't think that's gonna be the case. That Yami guy might be quite taken with him, but he'll be in for a surprise. Not many people can keep up with Yugi. Besides, it's about damn time Yugi got laid. Nobody should be that innocent at our age.

Speaking of which...

"Hey! Bartender! What's it take ta get some service around here?"

Here's to you, he saluted them both, and tossed back something sweet and thick and delicious. Just don't break his heart.

For a moment, he wondered who, exactly, he was addressing.

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-10:07 p.m.-

Pathetic. And yet so damnably easy that he just couldn't stop himself.

Yami flashed the loser a cold, triumphant grin as he laid down his cards with a flourish. "Full house. You lose."

His opponent, a haggard and inebriated businessman, slapped a wad of bills on the table before stumbling to his feet and wobbling off into the crowd, moaning about how quickly his wife would kill him once he returned home without the mortgage money.

Yami shrugged and started counting his money, letting his eyes drift over to the table in the corner where Yugi sat, neatly cleaning out every man foolish enough to challenge him. A soft smile curved his lips as he watched Yugi's brow furrow in concentration, pearly teeth just barely visible as he gnawed thoughtfully at his lip. The boy really was adorable... no, beautiful. So very sweet and innocent, but with a mind like quicksilver and a hint of mischief lurking in his gorgeous eyes. He wouldn't mind waking up to those eyes for the rest of eternity...

What was he thinking? He just wanted him for one night! That was all he'd ever wanted! It wasn't like he wanted to keep the child...

But he wasn't a child. Not a child at all. He watched, fascinated, as Yugi flashed a brilliant grin, tossing down a card. His opponent's face fell, and the gangly man shoveled out a crumpled handful of bills before skulking off into the shadows. Yugi beamed as he collected his winnings, seeming to glow with childish delight. Such an intriguing puzzle, his Yugi...

His Yugi?

He straightened unconsciously when those wandering amethyst eyes settled on his own. Yugi offered him a sweet, sly smile, then ducked his head shyly and turned back to his cards.

Yami smiled.

Gorgeous little thing. Perhaps... perhaps he could coax him into his bed for more than just one night. Would it truly be so bad to spend a little bit more time with this odd beauty? Something so soft and pretty and fragile... maybe, for just a while, maybe he would be able to keep him? Maybe he could... catch him and hold him long enough to play, long enough to win his bed for a few nights, long enough to capture his pretty body and his pretty self and see what his little one could do?

But first he had to catch his prey. He couldn't just ignore his future bedmate, could he?

Yami got up from his seat and melted through the crowds, intent on his mesmerizing little plaything.

And if you've tumbled from heaven and into my arms tonight...

Beauty so perfect must be a sin - or a miracle.

But why should the angels cast out their own child?

He paused suddenly, disconcerted. ...and why should they leave him to me?

* * *

He watched his approach from the corner of his eye. Deftly ducking and weaving around tables and shouting gamblers, wending a curving way through the roiling sea of humanity, ever-graceful and lethal as arsenic sugar - oh yes, he was beautiful - and he knew it.

Yugi hid a smile as those captivating eyes settled on him.

Beautiful and deadly. He didn't know how he knew - but he did. And it should have frightened him, it should have terrified him, but it did not.

Perhaps that was the most frightening thing of all. He shouldn't be this drawn to a boy who was little more than a stranger. He shouldn't even be here gambling. He didn't like alcohol or people frivolously wasting money - but now here he was, swimming in it - relishing in the familiar ease of victory that ended every new battle. And, to be fair, there were challenges here... but a normal challenge to anyone else would only be easy pickings for himself. And this was the most money he'd ever made in his life - except for the check he and Yami would split for their winnings, and that from his last tournament. The last was already gone, money spent for his education and to support the game shop. It was so easy like this...

Was it so bad? His Yami was very alluring.

His Yami?

...it was scary how much he liked the sound of that.

So it was with his best approximation of a sultry smile that he welcomed the other into his seat, and a soft sigh when warm, moist breath ghosted over his skin, the faintest of caresses, deceptively innocent and dripping with honeyed invitation.

"I missed you." The words were an intimate murmur, purred like milk and almonds against his ear, and his dark eyes were ember-bright and smoldering. Heat thickened around him as the slim body invaded his space, burrowing much too close for comfort, yet he savored the touch nonetheless.

Yugi arched an eyebrow, repressing a pleased shudder at the undisguised nuzzling - Yami was far from shy when it came to physical attention. And he smelled... good. Better than good. He was blushing again, dammit. "Did you?"

Leather, not his own, rubbed against his thigh. "Would I lie to you?"

He turned back to his cards, swallowing a nervous gulp. "You would."

Soft silk brushed, feather-soft and clinging, past his cheek. "Aa... not to you, precious one. Not to you."

He held no illusions. This creature - painfully alluring, yes, but darkness swirled as a living thing around him. How could he know that he wouldn't be tainted? "Wouldn't you?"

A smile, buried against his neck. Satan's child, what else could he be? But still so warm... midnight and madness and all the beautiful broken things that hid in the darkness and hunted on young innocence... "Iie... never you..."

Graceful arms slipped around his waist, and he shivered, but not from fear nor cold. Apprehension, or was it expectation instead? "Am I really so special?"

Yami chuckled, low and warm and deep in his throat. Perfection in a broken dream. "Why don't you find out?"

Yugi giggled in reply. Why not indeed? Wasn't the darkling his for the night? Innocent he might be, but he wasn't so naive as he seemed... and Yami made no effort to disguise his interest. "I think I will."

Yami smiled like a knife, but said nothing, merely rested his chin on Yugi's shoulder and peered thoughtfully at his cards.

Yugi shifted his weight carefully, eyes sliding halfway shut as a strong leg slipped between his own. The arms looped loosely around his middle tightened, dragging him back against a firm chest, deft fingers latching on to one of the belts slung around his hips. So strange... he'd never been this close to anyone, not even Anzu had ever clung onto him so tightly. But why was he thinking about her? This wasn't Domino City, they weren't even officially dating, and he was unattached.

Free for the taking.

Free to take whatever was offered him.

Yugi wriggled back slightly, half-surprised at the soft purr that buzzed pleasantly against his neck. Yami... His lashes drooped still further at the soft brush of moist lips against his skin. But I guess I've already been claimed for the night - and the offer had been laid at his feet in the first instant he had clasped hands with his lovely stranger.

Yami inhaled softly, the sensation odd but thrilling as it rippled through the firm warmth of the body plastered against his own. "Pay attention... we have company."

"Company or prey?" he breathed, letting his fingers fan out over his deck. After a moment, warm gold drifted atop them. He held back a sigh as Yami's fingers twined intimately into his own, suddenly struck with an odd, crystalline realization, bright and shining in the smoky haze of his thoughts.

We belong like this. I don't even know who he is... but he's mine now, at least for just one night. Catch what life you can when you can have it, because you'll never get it again - oh Grandpa, I don't think this is what you meant when you told me to chase after my dreams!

"Hn. Does it matter?"

And if my dreams are steeped in shadow... I hope you understand, because I'll never be able to explain it. Forgive me, grandfather - but it's so easy.

For both of us. For everything.

Another swaying drunk staggered up to their table, and he hid his smile as best he could.

I've finally found my match. It's taken me forever but I've found him and he's more beautiful and wonderful and stranger than I ever imagined.

Another warm chuckle rippled against his spine as the man tumbled into the vacant seat and goggled at them with bleary, red-rimmed eyes. No, the man posed no challenge to either one of them - but a willing fool with riches to spare...? He was only a poor college student. Could he afford to say no?

Of course not.

His free hand dropped unconsciously to his belt, fingers tucking into the warm curve of Yami's arm, prompting another velvet purr that sent a shiver coursing down his body and a flush spreading like spilled wine across his cheeks.

Of course not.

* * *
-10:28 p.m.-

Jounouchi sat at the bar and sipped his drink, watching the proceedings with a smug smile.

Strange, really... he'd met Yugi long ago, had been an ass, and finally became a best friend through some miracle, and now he had to sit back and watch his best friend flirt with another guy. Funny, he hadn't known Yugi even knew how to flirt like that. It was most likely completely unconscious of him, but Yami certainly seemed to be falling for it, if he wasn't mistaken. The arms currently wrapped around Yugi's waist seemed to be some indication that Yami was not uninterested in flirting back - and a bit more forcefully than Yugi was.

The way he leaned over and whispered suggestions into Yugi's ear seemed like a blatant clue. He kept toying with Yugi's hair, too, from what he could see, anyway.

The resemblance was really weird, though. How many people in the world had hair like that? And okay, Yami's was a little bit different, but that kind of style was just outrageous. Even considering that, what were the chances that they would have the exact same choice of clothing?

And dammit, what was with all those buckles anyway?!


His eyes widened, and he nearly choked on his drink. Yugi! Forward, ain't ya? And here I thought you were shy! You couldn't even ask Anzu out without turning bright red, but this guy's all over you and you're just fine! And you? Sitting on his lap on the first date?

But Yami certainly didn't seem to mind. In fact, it almost seemed like he had dragged Yugi there.

And Yugi... was practically purring in his arms.

Jounouchi stared at Yugi, at his drink, and back at Yugi again.

He downed the rest of his glass and winced as the alcohol burned his throat. I'm gonna need to get drunk real quick if they're going this fast... best friend or not, there are some things I'd rather not see Yugi doing. Or things I'd rather not remember seeing Yugi do.

He took a final sip, and choked.

Oi! Did Yami just stick his tongue where I think he did?!

Judging by the fact that Yugi's complexion now more closely resembled a tomato than anything else, he was probably right.

His lips pursed in an appreciative whistle.

...damn, he is so getting some tonight.

"Bartender! More of this stuff! God knows I'm gonna need it by the end of the night!"

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~ End Chapter Two ~

AN: Review? For meeeeeeeeeeee?