Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Night in Bangkok ❯ Pride ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
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One Night in Bangkok
by Edmondia Dantes

Disclaimer: Characters you recognize aren't mine. Steal my plot and I eat your soul.

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Chapter Three - Pride
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-11:05 p.m.-

You could only spend so much time winning money off of hopeless alcoholics. So he'd brought his pair of tourists to another venue, a bit more refined and a bit more dangerous, but disguised as a run-down grocery store on a filthy back street hidden well into the shadows cast by the towering skyscrapers.

Yami hid a smug smile when Yugi took his arm, glancing around at his neon-lit surroundings with wary caution. Take care in the darkness... and how had he learned of such things? And why did that thought make bile rise in his throat and cause his fists to clench?

A soft nuzzle brushed against his shoulder, unconscious but sweet. His anger was gone, dispelled with only the simplest of touches. Silksoft skin, clean and smooth and smelling faintly of peaches. Heh. Yugi used girly shampoo. But still...


Am I the leader? he asked silently, amused, sending an inquiring glance towards his slightly smaller counterpart.

Equally amused amethyst eyes flashed his way, and he couldn't help but wonder if Yugi knew what he was thinking. But Yugi only giggled and slid closer to his side, arm slipping down his side to latch firmly onto his waist.

Or do I belong to you? he wondered as they swept into the second club of the night, Jounouchi trailing silently behind them.

Why don't you find out? he seemed to tease silently, eyes brighter than the outside glow.

In the darkness of the entrance, hidden by shadows so familiar as to be the shredded souls of the damned, no one could see the predatory hunger of his smile.

* * *

Yugi felt his eyes widen as they slipped through the low-slung entryway. This place was far more sumptuous than the last. The lighting was, as always, a low butter yellow, casting the dark wood of the bars and lounges into a rich, glowing warmth. The men here were all dressed in rumpled suits, and dark-eyed waitresses served drinks to those that reclined on the low sofas scattered around the large room.

And the women.

Women, breathtakingly beautiful women, clad in shimmering silks and tight leather all around, hanging over smug businessmen and dancing on the floor with their chosen partners. Not just women - here and there lay beautiful doe-eyed boys tangled in the grasp of older lovers.

A brothel? A nightclub? Both?

Yugi flushed and pressed unconsciously closer to Yami.

Now he felt like a child.

"Why so shy?" Warm breath tickled his ear, soft and erotic and tasting of honey.

Yugi glanced over, saw the soft smirk on his lips, and shivered.

What are we doing here? You know it's you I want... you and only you. I'm not sharing you. Not tonight. Not ever.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Jounouchi's appreciative glance at his surroundings. He should probably close his mouth - the slackjawed look didn't go very far towards impressing... er... ladies of the night.

So that's why we're here? Entertainment for us all. Been here often, have you? Dragged some other innocent here - or did you play with those whose affections are for sale?

The arm around his waist tightened, a slim hand slipping down his back only to settle comfortably in his back pocket. He stiffened, but couldn't object - it would be far too dangerous to lose him in a place like this. So many willing lovers... any would find a night with this creature a prize. And he's my prize. I won him. These people - they might be beautiful, but he's too brilliant for them. He's too brilliant for anyone...

A soft, experimental squeeze coaxed a short gasp past his lips. Except... he wants me. And what does that say about me? I'm not half so bold or daring... and wasn't it strange how he could claim his own innocence when the touch of a boy who was little more than a stranger sent chills down his spine and heat swirling in his stomach?

Beside him, Yami threw back his head and laughed, all velvet and chocolate and decadence, gold and ruby and deepest ebony.

The hunger-shrouded gazes that fell upon them gleamed with desire, whether for himself or his companion, he was uncertain. But no... you can't touch us tonight.

Yugi rubbed himself deliberately against Yami, glaring down the envious eyes of the others, pressing heavily against his darkling's soft, insistent attentions, delicate half-caresses and lingering touches that made his stomach melt. Another arm slipped around him, tight and unquestionably possessive, the other boy clinging so closely to him that they were almost stumbling over each other as they sauntered slowly through the room.

Mine for tonight... all mine. You can't have him.

And you can't have me.

He'd kill you first.

I know he would.

When they tumbled to a stop at the bar, he was flushed with heat and desire, and warm and distracted by the press of the slim body at his side.

And when he leaned away to fetch his drink, the pang of loss he felt burned like a mortal wound.

Pouting unhappily, he reached out and caught Yami's slender arm between his fingertips - and when Yami turned back to him with a mischievous glint in his slanted eyes, Yugi found himself nearly swept onto his lap again as he leaned against a bar stool and raised some small round snack to his lips.

His mouth fell open in surprise, and Yami, a soft smirk toying at his lips, fed it to him delicately - but something flickered in his expression when Yugi took a long moment to suck the sticky sauce off of his fingertips.

"It's sweet," he breathed, pulling away gently, licking his lips to savor the taste of his skin, "Very sweet."

Yami's eyes darkened as alluringly as the soft tones of his voice. "You're so much sweeter, my little hikari." So much sweeter...

Hikari? Suddenly embarrassed, Yugi ducked his head shyly, staring down at heavy gold and black leather. Oh God, I haven't even known him for three hours and I've already got a pet name.

He tried to repress the little thrill that ran down his spine, but it didn't work.

Behind them, Jounouchi snorted into his drink and turned away, attention caught by a flash of swirling lavender.

Yami sipped his drink slowly, one arm supporting Yugi, deliberate ruby staring thoughtfully at the gleaming puzzle that dangled around his neck.

Yugi watched and blushed as the people danced - it wasn't dancing, it was... making out in public, it was slow groping to music, it was...

It was something he would very much like to do with his darkling.

After all, if angels can dance... why not demons?

He reached up to caress his puzzle - but his hand landed on Yami's instead.

* * *
-11:20 p.m.-

Katsuya Jounouchi dropped his drink and his jaw at the same time.

Perhaps he was going mad. That creature certainly couldn't be human - could positively not be of this world. No earthly being could be so captivating.

No woman could be so alluring.

A sultry smile and a cascade of honey hair as she danced, teasing and flirting, but never staying long enough for a touch.

She was a goddess.

Jounouchi felt his heart stop as she twirled by in a flash of lavender and perfume, sending a teasing wink in his direction.

Beautiful like a heart attack, breathtaking like a car wreck, ravishing as a thunderstorm.

And then she was gone, quick as an illusion or a mirage or fleeting madness, and he knew he had to find her again.

So maybe running around interrogating a bunch of people who didn't speak Japanese wasn't the best way to go about things, but after being slapped seven times and punched once in the gut, he finally managed to corner a tight-lipped dancer who spoke enough of his language to be intelligible.

"Who is she?"

A blank, beautiful look from a pale woman with a face like a mask.

He gestured to where she had been.

The rosebud mouth turned in distaste, forming foreign syllables that rolled awkwardly off her pink tongue. "Ma... Mai. Kujaku."

He blinked as he tried to wade through the thick accent and barely concealed disgust. Did she say Mai Kujaku?

The dark-eyed woman was gone before he could check.

But he had a name now - and it was perfect.

Jounouchi straightened from his customary slouch, ran a hand through his unruly hair, and set out to find his cloistered goddess.

Ow. He rubbed at his reddened jaw gingerly. I hope this doesn't bruise...

* * *
-11:36 p.m.-

Three fucking hours she'd been dancing, and what did she have to show for it? Nothing!

Fucking managers. "No, Mai, no money for you tonight. You helped Anzu leave with that Chinese man, no, you stay and work off her debt."

Her ankles killed, her head ached, and a distinct urge to mercilessly slaughter whomever she next encountered was rising in her chest.

Fucking. Managers. Argh. Kill. Die. Die. Die.

A soft, inquiring knock on the door.

Oh, hell no.

She looked up from unrolling her stockings, incensed, and hurled the nearest shoe at the door. "Go to hell!"

The door opened, and instead of her manager, the flying shoe hit a young man smack in the face.



Killing customers. That was bad, wasn't it? "Oops."

A muffled groan erupted from the figure sprawled out on her dressing room floor. "Ow."

She poked him with a foot.

He rolled over, rubbing his head, and looked up at her with a playful smile, honey eyes sparkling with mischief. "Hey," he greeted cheerfully, waving up at her.

Japanese? He sure didn't look it - but then again, neither did she. And it was a nice change from the clunky tongue she'd never been able to make sound natural.

She ran her eyes appraisingly across him, and felt a small, delighted smile tug at her lips.

Hm. This wasn't one of those rich bastards - she doubted he was even a customer. His eyes were much too innocent. He didn't look like the type who even carried the kind of cash she usually demanded. But he was pretty cute... pretty young, judging by the eager way he ran his eyes over her figure. No subtlety, but damn, his eyes were gentle. "Hey," she answered in kind, relieved to be speaking her native language again. It had been a long two years here.

He sat up, offering her shoe, accompanied by a dashing smile. Rather bemused, she accepted it.

"I'm Katsuya."

First name only? How strange... "Mai." She offered her hand.

"Pleased ta meet ya, Mai," he said softly, and kissed her fingertips as though she were a lady and not just another call girl.

Very cute. Very young. And very, very sweet.

She felt that silly grin get bigger. Okay, now she was officially insane. "Likewise."

"So, Mai... if you're done for the night, do you wanna get a drink?" he grinned impishly.

She really should kick him out. Or at least demand payment upfront.

She did neither. Instead, she offered him a hand up, slightly surprised by how quickly he bounced to his feet. "I'd be delighted," she purred, and held back a gleeful laugh when he flushed.

He stood and fidgeted shyly when she changed into her favorite (and extremely comfortable) boots, and blinked in surprise when she exchanged her delicate bracelets and rings for fingerless gloves - but seemed quite pleased with the change from ephemeral beauty to everyday goddess.

"Well?" she asked when finished, tossing her head proudly. It's not silk and jewels, kid, so are you gonna stay or run?

She looked up into a wide-eyed gaze. "...I think I love you," he murmured, a dazed grin on his face.

Mai blinked. Little impulsive, aren't you? "You're not the first one to say so, kid."

He held open the door like a gentleman, beaming. "But I bet ya I'm the first one to mean it."

Much to her own surprise, she blushed.

He slung a casual, comfortable arm around her waist and laughed like sunshine and summer.

And Mai Kujaku, for the first time in several years that had dragged on like eternity, giggled in sheer delight.

* * *
-11:43 p.m.-

"Dance with me."

Yami blinked, certain he hadn't heard right. He looked down into a brilliant grin and a shining pair of eyes and smiled indulgently. What had happened to his shrinking violet? He had been soft and pink for the entirety of their... rather unconventional entrance. Now? The flush had faded from his cheeks, but his lips were rosy and parted, and his expression bright and sly.


"Dance with me," Yugi repeated patiently, plucking the drink from his hand and setting it on the counter, staring up at him challengingly, a hint of mockery glimmering in the impish tilt of his head.

Dance? With Yugi?

Yugi flashed him a coy smile and wrapped his arm casually around his waist, sliding his free hand flirtatiously up his chest, pausing to linger at the puzzle before dancing his way up the chain. A delicate finger tapped his lips, and he nipped at the slim digit, a bit disappointed when Yugi pulled his hand away with a soft 'tsk' of displeasure, a soft, chastising admonishment, reprimanding him for his teasing.

I'll let you play with me... but only as long as I can play with you, Yugi murmured without speaking, dark lashes thickly shading the smoldering heat lurking in the deep amethyst of his gaze.

Hmm. A game? To dance with his gorgeous Yugi all wrapped up in leather and clutched tight in his arms?

I can manage that, he thought wickedly, and let Yugi drag him out to the dance floor.

Everything to win and nothing to lose.

Holy Ra, but he was perfect.

* * *
-11:50 p.m.-

Maybe dancing hadn't been such a good idea. The place specialized in sultry music, and he had his arms wrapped around a strong chest and his face buried against Yami's neck. His hormones were going absolutely crazy.

Yugi sighed softly, swaying easily to the beat, feeling far more comfortable than he should. Slender hands wandered over his back and through his hair, distracting and warm, and he could feel a steady heartbeat against his chest.

Yami... he thought blissfully, shifting closer to that slim form, Yami, I don't know anything about you, but I think I'm falling in love with you. Well... at the very least, I'm falling in lust. And here I thought I was straight... mmm... doesn't matter, does it? Not when I have you all to myself... even if it's only tonight, I'll have you, won't I? At least once in my life... at least once I'll have someone to love. Even if you only want my body, it doesn't matter, because I'll have yours as well. But somehow... it'll never be enough. Because I already want you for forever... but I can make do with just tonight.

The other's head dipped, and Yugi held his breath as Yami nuzzled his hair affectionately. He smelled of spice and autumn and desert, like heat and gold and the rising sun. Enticing, exotic, and thrilling - just like him.

He shivered as warm lips ghosted over his ear. God, do you even know what you do to me?

Yugi blinked as slender arms tightened possessively around his waist, one hand sliding up his back to settle in his hair. He pulled back a little, staring with some surprise into dark, brilliant crimson. And tell me, hell's forgotten child - do you want me as much as I want you?

"Yugi..." Yami whispered, seeming to savor the sound of his name. He could taste his breath now, soft and warm against his face. So very very close to this familiar stranger...

He let his eyes flutter shut as he leaned upwards to claim his first kiss, heart in his throat and trembling.

Slam. Thud. A scream.


Yugi blinked and jerked violently back from Yami, eyes flying open.

Police. Pouring in through the doors, guns drawn.


Screaming, running, half-dressed women and the men in their rumpled suits, drinks flung backwards in the faces of the law enforcement as they fled. The crowd moved as one - and Yami grabbed his hand and yanked him along with the flow.

Funny, Yugi thought dazedly through the scramble of bodies and the press of the crowd, I didn't expect my first date to be busted up by the cops.

...but Yami?

He frowned and tried not to trip over an upturned couch.

...then again, why should he be surprised? It was Yami. The strangers in the darkness - weren't they the most dangerous ones of all?


Thick swirling ebony sparking with ruby and gold. Oh, yes, this boy was dangerous. But... to him?


Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful darkness.

They ducked out a side exit and darted down a flight of stairs, dodging bodies and staggering drunks and women clutching closed half-torn robes and dropping silk and jewels as they fled.

Though their owners were squished between the walls and each other and the crushing rush of people, the twin puzzles that hung like shattered heaven from their necks never lost their unearthly shine.

* * *
-12:02 am-

They spilled out of the back entrance and into the street like torn silk and splashed brandy, scattering and fleeing every which way into the safety of the darkness and the havens of a thousand crumbling corners that opened only for their children.

Jounouchi held onto Mai's hand and prayed that Yugi had made it out of there in one piece.

But going back inside to check would be suicide.


He bit his lip, but looked at her with a smile. "Yugi will be all right. But right now... we better get out of here!"

She smiled, and the world was beautiful. "So where are we going?"

He considered for a moment. Why not crown the fallen princess? "Know the Banyan Tree Hotel?"

She blinked at him in consternated surprise. "Doesn't everyone?"

He gave her a brash grin. "'S my hotel. Wanna come?"

She tossed back her magnificent hair and laughed. "How'd a punk kid like you get in there?"

He blushed and toed the ground shyly. "I got connections. So... you coming?" And he gave her a bashful look from under his bangs.

Please, God, he prayed fervently, let her come with me.

When she beamed, her eyes sparkled like rare jewels. "Hell yes!"

God, I love you!

Hand in hand they raced off into the protective cover of the steamy night.

Jounouchi found, to his annoyance, that he couldn't get his stupid grin unstuck from his face.

Mai tossed him a flirty wink and pressed a kiss against his cheek, and right then he knew he was doomed.

I swear I'm gonna marry this girl some day, he thought blissfully, and his stupid grin got even bigger.

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AN: *giggle*


Shala - *grin* Thank you for noticing. XP

Hazel-Baka - Very... soonly?

DG-chan - THERE you are, darling! I was worried you were gonna put this one off! And... yes, actually. That is how I write. Actually, I ask other people *sweatdrops* mainly because I'm just like "Tra la la, this is right, this is good, oh no wait, that sentence has one wrong word in it, la la la..." and then I don't know why things happen, they just do. And yes, I did spellcheck the first chapter, but the html got all fookered up somehow. Thanks for the heads-up - I went back and fixed it. And... yes. I love this fic. I love love LOVE this fic. It's my darling, my baby, my freedom from the stresses of Ye Olde Big Looming Fanfics Everyone Wants Me To Finish. *happy sigh* Lovelovelooooooooooooove...

Kieka SkyWolf - So there's another one of you now? Well, hello then! Glad to see you've found my fic. ^_^

Sakura-chan - *gives you a sideways look* Don't hold yer breath about the rest of the fics. I did 'Valley' this month, that's good enough for me.

Karanadas - It's 'god'? Well, THAT'S a compliment if ever I heard one...

Lethe Seraph - *takes a bow* Why, thank you. ^_~

Anime Girl Sasami - *blinksu* Uh... you could always just shamelessly worship me... I like that.

Neko-baka-chan-chan - Bebe, your new name takes forever to type. Therefore, I shall call you "Kitty-chan" and have done with things. And no, I'm not gonna tell you where Yami stuck his tongue. Use your imagination. ^_~ And... let's just say I liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike this fic. I like it a looooooooooooooooot... And yes, seeing as how this is my seven deadly sins fic, yeah, seven chapters and an epilogue. One guess as to what chapter seven is. XP

crazytomboy1 - Does she need smelling salts or something?

Yami Krissy - I luvies my Jou, yesyesyes, I does!

Silverlily aka Blood Moon - Thank you! Me too. ^_^

SoulDreamer - Oh, there are lots of people better than me. But if I say that too loudly, I'll get lynched.

Ankutenshi - *smirk* A little from column A, a little from column B.

Last AN: Review? Onegai?