Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Night in Bangkok ❯ Gluttony ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
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One Night in Bangkok
by Edmondia Dantes

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Chapter Five - Gluttony
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-1:03 am-

"Have they stopped chasing us?" he gasped, lungs burning, throat aching, heart pounding painfully against his ribs.

"Almost - almost - but I know places they don't. Go this way!"

They dove blindly into an alleyway and kept running, feet slapping on the pavement, overly-loud in the sudden quiet - it was not silent, the city never was, but the darkness of the shadows made even the bravest souls hesitate, and the bodies they now dodged would take days to find and identify - not that anyone cared enough to try.

And still they ran, past drug houses and whorehouses and every kind of mutilated human wreckage. For a while, all he could think of was running, guided only by the slender hand curled into his own and the soft rhythm of their feet.


He blinked. "H- huh?"

"Here," Yami mumbled, seizing him by the waist as they skidded to a forceful stop, nearly tripping over each other.

Yugi blinked sweat out of his eyes and squinted. He couldn't see anything except a few grungy doors, lit by a broken neon sign that flashed erratically down the street.

Yami let go of him to shoulder in a door made indistinguishable from the walls by years of dust and grease.

With only a slight hesitation, Yugi followed the beckoning hand. Behind them, the heavy door slid shut with a rumble and faint explosion of dust.

Overturned tables and shattered furniture lay wraithlike in the gloom.

And he tumbled onto Yami's lap when both slumped to the floor in sheer exhaustion.

Warm. So warm.

He let his lashes droop as Yami curled into him, nuzzling his face into the crook of his neck.

So warm... don't leave me... my warmth... mine.

And in the arms of his darkness, he slept.

He dreamt of bloodstained gold and passion and heat and sunlight glaring on desert sands.

He woke a moment or an hour later, blinking sleep out of heavy eyes, back sore from lying on a cold floor, chest and legs warm and tingling from the boy curled up against him.

Drowsy crimson glanced up from somewhere around his stomach, and the warm body just snuggled closer as Yugi flushed.



They regarded each other in thoughtful silence, too dazed by sleep to speak aloud.

You're still here.

I'd never leave you.

Never and never and never.

Yugi yawned, raising a slim hand to rub sleepily at a thickly-lashed eye.

Bright crimson widened in delighted surprise. Kawaii!

And Yami pounced. It was ungraceful and clumsy and he was still half-addled by his own exhaustion, but Yugi giggled and batted at the playful hands clutching his shoulders, not at all perturbed by the heavy weight sprawled across his middle.

Yami purred contentedly, rubbing his nose distractingly against the curve of his neck. "Nnn. Warm."


A softly inhaled breath. "...beautiful."

Yugi shivered. Do you mean me? he wondered, and that hungry gaze slipped down his body like a caress.

Who else? he laughed, and stroked long fingers down the soft curve of his cheek, then delicately traced the contours of his shy smile.

So dark. So rich. So warm. So hungry. And so very, very beautiful. How could he resist? Without thinking, Yugi reached up and curled his fingers into thick crimson hair as he pressed gently against Yami, tilting his head up, eyes sliding shut.

He thought he felt him sigh as their lips met for the first time. Finally...

Warm and wet and velvet, tasting of thick sweetness, strong heat wrapped all around him. His lips parted shyly beneath soft, insistent coaxing, and the world seemed to crystallize around him. Yami moaned softly into his mouth as the kiss deepened, pressing still closer, and Yugi mewled hungrily as the tentative exploration slowly grew bolder.

So good... soft and searching and slick and curious and so so so hungry and his darkness tasted so so so so good...

This was everything. His Yami was everything. The world could go straight to hell, because this was his Yami holding him close and petting his hair and kissing him desperately, and this was all that existed in the world.


Then the boarded-up door collapsed into the room, sending a thick plume of grime and dust into the air.

A wild-eyed cadaver of a man came with it.

They broke apart and stared through the thick cloud of dust that hovered in the air like so much smoke. Overly-loud music poured through the jagged entryway like so much old wine, carrying with it the scent of a thousand cheap highs and week-old stale perfume.

Yugi shoved Yami back and staggered drunkenly to his feet, cuddling unconsciously close as Yami regained his own footing. They swayed uncertainly for a moment - but only a moment.

Half a minute later, Yugi stepped around broken glass and shattered tables, ever-conscious of the half-protective, half-possessive hand on his arm. Yami followed him silently across the room, grip tensing as they approached the unconscious man.

Yugi poked the slumped form cautiously with the tip of a steel-toed boot, kneeling carefully at the man's side when his prodding evoked no response.

Shit... is he dead?

Yami slid gracefully down behind him, settling lightly on his heels in the thick pile of plaster dust and drywall debris. Hesitantly, Yugi reached out, only to have his hand snatched back by the other.

"You don't know where that's been," Yami murmured, leaning forward and resting his chin on Yugi's shoulder. "...the eyes. See how sunken they are? See how pale he is?"

...how can I? With the plaster coating his face, he might as well be a ghost! Falling through a wall... what is he on?

Yugi shivered. A consequence of flirting with the night...

"Hmn. Pity he doesn't have anything useful on him. Figures, I suppose..."

Lifting from the addicted? Retribution for a slight was one thing, but this?

A slender hand flicked greasy bangs away from the ghoulish face.

"...damn. Almost dead."


Yugi twisted in his arms, turning an anguished gaze up to his Yami. Help him! he begged silently, tugging on the chain around his neck.

Warm crimson shot him a puzzled look. ...but there's nothing I can do.


Yugi bit his lip and tried not to cry.

"I'm sorry," Yami murmured into his hair, drawing him up and away from the man. "He chose his own path - and must face the consequences of what he's done. Come on, leave him be..."

But I can't!


Gods, I'm not, I'm not!

He opened his mouth to protest - and found it covered by Yami's own.

Slender hands lifted him up and backwards, and they melted into the shadows together. He stared into blood-drenched rubies and raised a brow in silent question.

Yami nibbled lightly on his lower lip, turning his gaze over Yugi's shoulder to peer at the hole in the wall. Yugi followed his line of sight, trying not to squirm as the soft pressure grew a bit harder, the tip of his tongue flicking out to dart into his mouth.

Three men staggered into the room, eyes wild and dangerous, and Yami's grip on his waist grew almost painfully tight. Instinctively, his eyes fluttered nearly shut, and he leaned up and into his darkling, pressing back hard against the wet warmth of his parted lips.

Soft mumbling, words he couldn't understand, and he knew they were judging them both.

We haven't seen anything, we don't see you, can't you tell how busy we are?

And the men ignored them. They scooped up their comrade, and vanished just as quickly as they had come.

Yugi thought he caught a glimpse of a wicked-looking knife tucked into a pair of unlaced combat boots, but couldn't be certain. His hands tightened anxiously on Yami's shoulders, and he pulled back for a moment, unnerved.

"Those men... they-mmph!"

Never mind talking.

They were gone, and the cadaver-man with them.

So what did it matter?

He shifted forward and sank his fingers into crimson-stained ebony.

A soft, slow purr was the only reply.

* * *
-1:48 am-

Yugi finally pulled away, panting for air, turning a dazed but mischievous gaze up at him. "So."

His rosy lips were soft and wet and sweet. Pretty thing. Summer and sweetness and light. "So?"

Yugi rubbed gently against him, sinking his hands into his pockets distractingly. He'd make a devastating thief... or one hell of a prostitute. "So tell me something."

Blink. Blink. Um... you want me to talk while you're groping my ass? What makes you think I can think right now? "Yes?" he managed after a moment, sounding much more composed than he felt in the face of his little hikari's teasing.

Hesitation flickered in the warm depths of his eyes. He looked adorably childlike when he blushed. "Ano, Yami-chan, how many uh... bars are there like this in the city?" and he pointed to the wall, removing his hands to do so.

Yami glared at the wall. Die, wall. "Thousands. But this one seems to have popped up out of nowhere."

Yugi purred throatily, providing a lovely distraction as he wondered what other noises he could coax this pretty thing into making. "So you didn't know it was here?"

"I'm rather annoyed that it's here." DIE, bar-thing behind the wall.

This did not stop Yugi from dragging him through the hole in the wall and into the crowded, dingy, heat-hazed room, the thick air flavored by a thousand sickly-sweet quick hits and sweat and alcohol and sex and blood and vomit.

Yugi fisted delicate hands and planted them on his hips, surveying the room with a critical eye. "Well, I never thought I'd say this..."

He tore his eyes away from the enticing curve of his backside. Since when had he been so easily distracted? Oh. Since Yugi had stuck his tongue down his throat, that was it. He needed to get Yugi to do that again. "Hm?"

"But let's get a drink."

Blink. Blink. Yugi?

"I'm thirsty."

Blink. Blink. My Yugi?

A soft, sly smirk, sweet and painfully alluring. "That lady with no shirt on is flirting with me."

Bitch! "...excuse me while I go kill her."

Soft hands toyed with the puzzle around his neck. "Yami. Drink. You. Me. Dancing."

This was pathetic of him, it really was. Where had his willpower gone? "...very well."

Sharp teeth nipped gently at his fingertips, Yugi's soft tongue darting out to lap and suckle lightly at his skin. He choked on a breath of air, staring down into eyes that were intoxicatingly dark. "Come on."

He watched with wide eyes as the slender figure melted into the eager embrace of the mad crowd. Ever-so innocent...

Perhaps not.

He sent a dozen laughing addicts sprawling as he sprinted after his leather-clad hikari.

Don't even think about touching him! He's mine! Mine mine mine!

They got the hint when he pinned the slim warmth that was Yugi up against the bar and stole his drink directly from the soft curve of his lips.

Mmm... yes, yes, mine...

Soft little fingertips curled into his hair, his hikari purring in velvet appreciation, delicate mouth opening willingly beneath his own.

Slick silken heat and aching sweetness -

He tasted even better that way.

* * *
-1:52 am-

The music was loud and fast and heavy enough to drive an innocent mad.

Perfect for a smoke-filled grungy corner of the universe where the hopeless shared their misery for a hit or a bit of cash.

Yugi liked dancing. He'd always liked dancing, the steady pulse of the rhythm coming as naturally to him as breathing, an escape from reality that he'd always treasured. Even the sickly sweet smell of alcohol and tobacco and a thousand other things flooding through the air couldn't take away that freedom. The warm buzz of his drink replenished the energy running through the streets had sapped, and he was intoxicatingly warm and feeling alive.

Slender arms tightened possessively around his hips, and he leaned back against leather and hard sweetness. "It's just a game," he breathed, low enough for only Yami to hear. "Play with me?"

"Always," came the soft reply. A promise? But wasn't it unwise to make pacts with the creatures of the night? Was he, the unwary innocent, crazy for wanting what he did? Tonight... it was so strange, but tonight... tonight was velvet skin and urgent kisses in the darkness and need and want and his Yami. Even if it were only tonight... even if only that...

He probably was going crazy. But then - who would know save the boy who held him so closely? Who would he tell of what he had done? No one would believe him, at any rate - delicate little Yugi? Playing with a creature borne of the night and fleeing the police at every other turn? Never. Angels could not fall... except into the arms of demons.

God, he was so deliciously beautiful...

Yugi closed his eyes and lost himself in the arms of the darkness.

Swirling shadows and flashes of light.

Heat and friction and moist breath against his skin.

Slim hands wandering his body, soft caresses that grew more demanding with every touch, and he let his hands slide down taut muscle and trembling desire, let himself push and stroke and grope and be fondled in return. Cherish and want and need and ache - what would he give for this elsewhere? Elsewhen?

Rubbing. Half-stifled gasps lost within the roar of the pounding beat.


Yugi tilted his head back a fraction as a warm tongue dragged wetly over his neck. "Nnn... Yami..."

A soft, throaty purr, slender fingers slipping beneath his waistband enticingly. "Hikari..."

Fumble. Bare skin molten against his stomach. "Hmm..."

Pet. Leather taut and slippery beneath his fingertips. His Yami arched against him with a soft growl, long fingers rubbing roughly against his skin. "Mmm..."

God, want you so much!

Then he spun in his arms and crushed his mouth to his Yami's, and then they were both mewling and panting and kissing again and again and staggering away from the crushing press of the bodies surrounding them.

The lights and the heat and the drugs and the taste of his mouth were distracting, and he wasn't quite sure which way was up, so he didn't protest when Yami dragged him off to a secluded booth in the corner, landing awkwardly on his back but dragging his Yami down with him, catching the velvet of his mouth in a rough kiss that left them both trembling.

The fake leather of the seat was cracked and stained with blood or alcohol or both. It didn't matter. Nothing mattered except the warm hands stroking down his body and the hungry lips at his throat.

Too fast? His friends back home would be horrified. ...actually, Jou would probably be cheering him on, where had he gone with that blonde?

His darkling nibbled at his mouth impatiently, and he pushed up hard against him, letting a moan slip past his lips. Oh! Mmm... Yami purred, low and wicked and silk, teeth closing sharply over his jaw, and he knew he was trembling when slow kisses slid hungrily down his skin.

God, if he saw this... if he knew... his grandfather would have a fit. Not to mention Anzu... he'd kissed her cheek before, held her hand and wrapped his arms around her waist when they danced, but... passion-drenched heat and madness and darkness and fierce wet kisses and eager hands sliding down every curve and dip of his body were things very different from shy, awkward touches on a crowded dance floor.

And his Yami was nothing like Anzu.

He slid his hands underneath a leather shirt and raked his nails down velvet skin, rewarded for his actions with a soft groan and a warm, heavy body shifting enticingly against him.

Doesn't matter, he thought as he pressed into a bruising kiss, Doesn't matter at all...

Slippery contact, his Yami tasting of scotch and spice and ravenous hunger. He suckled hard at his tongue, slick and sweet, relishing the groan that melted in his mouth like so much black sugar.

Nothing else matters. Nothing but this.

A soft cry parted his lips as seeking fingers started to stroke urgently at his hips. He nipped roughly at dusky golden skin, feeling the shudder that shook the taller boy, the half-stifled mewl of pleasure that tumbled into his mouth. Heat and touch and taste and yes...


God, it was so good...

* * *
-2:04 am-

Yami held back a moan as he ground hard against his little one, catching Yugi's soft cry with a desperate kiss. So warm, his Yugi soft and yielding beneath him, slender body pinned ruthlessly against the seat. Delicate hands slid down his back and pants and held him down with surprising strength - but Yugi needn't have bothered, there was no way in hell he was leaving this intoxicating creature. Never.

Warm wriggling heat and painful want.


A soft gasp. "Yami..."


"Mmm... good..."

Salty lips, warm and bruised and parted, ghosting deliciously over his skin. Thick, fervent desperation - deep black clawing need, sharp brilliance wanting and longing and craving and...


Whimper. Wet. Want you, want you, want you need you now!

Urgent little fingers groping and fondling, and that soft pretty voice choked and pleading. Clothes - too many. If only - if only they were home! Anywhere but here... anywhere!

Tiny hips rubbed desperately hard against him, frantic heat and delicious friction, soft bruised lips perfect and parted underneath his own - slippery wet and tasting berry-sweet, tainted by the faintly sour aftertaste of alcohol. He groaned into that fragile mouth, pressing him down harder, stifling a scream as Yugi thrust roughly back against him. It felt so good, so good...!

You're mine... for now and for eternity, you're mine. Gods, what you've done to me...!

Yugi growled softly, honeyed breath purring out from behind sharp teeth, shifting deliciously beneath his thighs. Lust-hazed violet locked onto crimson, and he couldn't keep back a shudder at what he saw simmering there. So hungry...

"Mine," Yugi hissed, slender hands fisting in his hair.

And he couldn't reply, because Yugi was kissing him again, hard and wet and sweet, and the warm willing body underneath him was all that mattered in the world.

Yugi... gods Yugi... such a perfect match for him, so very right...

Another whimper, soft tongue lapping at his earlobe, tiny teeth nipping roughly at his skin, and gods but he wanted him! If he felt like this now, then gods, to take him...!

He cried into their next kiss.

And the next.

And the next.

And the next.




Slender hips bucked hard against him, and he thrust and mewled and cried for his sweetness.

And his sweetness thrust and mewled and cried for him in return.


Not enough, not enough! Perfect and aching and wonderful but gods above, he needed more!

So much want, so much, he needed to be buried in that slim body, gods, he needed Yugi tight and sweet and writhing and moaning and crying underneath him, and he needed wet heat and tense pleading, and he needed that look in his eyes, he needed that desperate hunger, he needed slender arms and sleek skin and frantic need, he needed to take and take and take and take and take and have and own and love and want and sweet and yes and his and... gods... Yugi!

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