Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One's Desire ❯ The Beginning Of The Party ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]



Ryou's POV

I'm just packing all my gear for tonight for the party. It's so nice to have Bakura around the house. I'm just happy we're together too. Wait! I never told Bakura we're going to a party!!

I practically jump ten feet high as I feel a light tap on my shoulder. I hastily turn around only to face Bakura who's smirking.

"Don't do that!" I pant clutching my chest while running my hand through my hair.

"Heh sorry. You called?" Bakura said sorry?! Ok now I've seen everything.

"I did?"

"The mind link was on"


"So? What did you want to ask me?"

I stare up at him and into those mysterious lust filled eyes that I could dream of forever. He's staring back just as I stare at him. Our eyes are both locked as I hear a light tapping of feet.

"Yes…?" he nods for me to go on as I shake it off and return a small cheerful smile.

"Would you like to come to a party tonight at Kaiba's Mansion?" I say casually as he just snorts. So he's not one of Kaiba's biggest fans but it's not like he's going to be the only one there.

"So Rich boy's decided to throw a party?" he grunts folding his arms and facing the opposite direction.

"I'm just guessing as much" I whisper as he continues to grunt. I'm taking he's not enjoying the idea of a party. I guess I just have to pull the cute innocent act off.

"Please Bakura it'll mean so much to me!" I clasp my hands together and practically beg him. I give him the best cute eyes I possibly ever could do and he takes a quick glance sighing.

I'd better get an Oscar for this performance.

"Fine. But if anyone annoys me… They'll be sent to the shadow realm" he mutters and I hug him tightly, nuzzling closer to him.

"Thank you Bakura! You won't regret it!" I whisper as he just ruffles my hair once again and wanders off into his own room.

I'm now exceptionally happy, well usually I always am but now it's even better!

I swing my gear over my shoulder and bounce down the stairs and into the kitchen. Padding away I dump all my belongings next to the front door soon only to retreat back to the kitchen. Well its party so I have to cook something to bring to Kaiba's right?

"Wrong. You really need to learn to turn your mind link off hikari" I hear Bakura's voice trail off behind me as I immediately flinch. How does he keep appearing behind me so quick?

"Well you should know hikari I am a spirit" I can tell he's got on of those mischievous smirks upon that already confident face of his.

"Thank you for the compliment" I hear him chuckle, while I just sigh.

I turn our mind link off and reluctantly spin around so I'm yet again facing him.

"You ready?" I ask examining his clothing chose. Normal as always. Not that I can't complain. I'm just wearing my simple turtleneck and jeans. He nods and we gather all our gear and lock up the house and make our way to the party.


We've finally made it to the Kaiba Mansion and we are just standing outside the door waiting for someone to answer.

I take a quick glance at my yami as he repeatedly presses the doorbell awaiting assistance that we're not receiving. I grab his inpatient hand and grasp it in mine as he just uses his other hand to press the button. I sigh lightly while running my pale cold hand through my messy white locks until finally the door opens to reveal… none other than the great Seto Kaiba himself.

"Evening Kaiba" I say bowing slightly to him as Bakura just mutters a few unpleasant things to himself as Kaiba nods.

"A few things before I let you and your yami enter my home. First of all everything I won is in top condition. Anything scratched or even touched he'll be paying for it. Next of all- Where do you think you're going Bakura!?!" I was lost in the boredom of Kaiba's rant that I hadn't even realized that my yami had just wandered into Kaiba's home. I have to give Bakura credit for doing that. Kaiba must be furious.

"Get back here Tomb Robber" Kaiba grits through his teeth, as I look down towards his pale clenched knuckle. I guess he doesn't like being stood up.

"I'm fine Kaiba! I might go take a look around before everyone gets here" I sweat drop and try to stay as far away as possible from this fiery heat off between the two taking a few steps inside and making a break for the lounge where I'm guessing everyone currently is.

Before I know it I'm tossed against the finely furnished walls, pressed up right against my back with my eyes locked with harsh icy cold blue ones. His hand is pressed against my wrist and the other above my head to keep his balance. I'm guessing he's not enjoying our company.

"I'm not blaming this on you Ryou but if your yami doesn't behave himself… it's not my fault for any damage I may cause on him" I wince slightly until I recall what he said at the beginning. He's not blaming it on me? It was me who invited him here in the first place. And normally Kaiba doesn't care what others think about him or whom he blames things on. Maybe his little brother's effecting him or something.

"Also Ryou…" he releases my wrist while saying this as he breathes lightly on my ear while I flinch. This isn't true.

"I don't believe that good for nothing Bakura deserves you" my eyes widen completely as I look back into Kaiba's hunger filled eyes as I struggle to get out of his grasp.

"You're wrong Kaiba!" I growl most amazingly which is defiantly not like me. But whenever it comes to Bakura I always get jumpy and would do anything for him. No Kaiba's wrong!

He merely shrugs finally letting go of me but keeping his cool self in front of me while I gently rub my wrist. He was clutching it pretty hard. Like he cares. He doesn't care about anyone or anything. He was just about to leave to the lounge where I was currently heading.

Just before he leaves he quickly turns around and places both hands on his hips keeping his hard glare.

"Just so you know Ryou… If Bakura ever hurts you. You can always come here. There's plenty of room" he says as I just fume. What makes him think Bakura will ever hurt me?!

"Thanks for the offer but no thanks." I reply casually. I will not let Kaiba push me around anymore.

"Whatever you want, but remember. I'm just a phone call away." With that last statement he wanders off into the lounge as I fume madly inside. That selfish Kaiba! What makes him so confident that Bakura would do such a thing?! And I can last just fine by myself! I mean sure when Bakura left I was a bit heart shattered and upset but I've got all my friends to help me get past it.

I might as well just join the others in the lounge. I mean what's the point of a party when you're just angry? I just shake off the experience and head off to the lounge to where all the other's are for a simple fun night of relaxation.


Insanity Gurl: Oh gomen!! A thousand gomens!! For such late updates!! School's just been a real pain but it's fine now!! But have I made Kaiba the baddie in this story O_O NO!!!!