Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Way Street ❯ Chapter8 ( Chapter 8 )
One Way Street
by Dragondreamer and Yami Dragon
Disclaimer: We don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! DUH! If we did, the show wouldn't be fit for kids, that's for sure!
Warning: This story contains shouenen-ai (guy/guy relationships) and yaoi (guys having sex with guys). It also contains coarse language and violence. If you don't like it, or become offended by such things, what are you doing here? Haven't you figured out by now that all our writing contains this stuff?
Note: /…/ Tristan's thoughts
[…] Seto's thoughts
DD: So here's where we tie it all together.
YD: Well, sorta. We weren't going to put it in, but we figured that we'd get death threats.
Tristan: Don't ours count?
YD: Nope.
Joey stood across the park, concealed in the shadow of a tree, and watched them.
Ryou had called earlier and asked him if he wanted to come to the park with them, but he just couldn't face Yugi and Yami. Not after last night. He didn't know what to say.
And he knew Tristan was going to be there with Kaiba. They were already there, with Mokuba, waiting for everyone else to show up.
The amber eyed teen watched as Mokuba tried to get the basketball into the basket. His brother was watching him like a hawk from Tristan's arms. Tristan was sitting on the grass with his back against the pole holding up the net, Seto leaning against his chest.
He watched closely as Tristan said something that caused Kaiba to lean back and look up at the other brunet. Tristan smiled, bringing his hand up to touch the other's face as he leaned down to kiss him briefly.
Then, the shock of Joey's life…Kaiba smiled!! Not his usual trademark "I'm better than you" smirk, but a real, genuine smile.
Joey was mulling this phenomenon over when he heard someone call Tristan's name. He looked to see Yugi, Yami and the others approaching the basketball court.
He moved further into the shadows, feeling a bit guilty for spying on his friends. He wanted to see if what Ryou said was true. That Kaiba really did love Tristan…that you could tell by watching him.
The blond had his doubts, so he leaned against the tree, deciding he wasn't going to leave until he had his answer.
"Come on, big brother! Come on, Tristan!" Mokuba ran towards the two teens. "Let's play some basketball!"
Seto grabbed the raven haired boy when he got within arm's reach and pulled him down. "You're hyper today. What has Tristan been feeding you when I'm not around?"
"Oh, nothing special." Tristan began to tickle Mokuba. "Just lots of sugar."
"AAAHHH!! Stop!!" Mokuba wiggled in his brother's arms. "Tr-Tristan! S-stop!"
Seto let go, laughing, and Mokuba scrambled away, stopping to stick his tongue out at the two boys.
"Hey!" Kendra yelled. "Are you guys playing or what?"
Seto got to his feet, pulling Tristan up. They made their way over to the court, Yami and Seto eying each other warily.
"I usually play with Yugi and Ryou." Tristan told his lover. "So I'll take Mokuba and you can take Kendra."
"Yeah!" Yugi piped up. "It'll be nice to see you and Yami on the same team, Kaiba!"
Seto was about to make a sharp retort when Tristan cleared his throat. Seto looked at the other brunet who gave him a "play nice" look. The CEO just grinned and held out his hand to Yami, who reluctantly accepted it.
"Truce?" Seto tried not to look too imposing as he towered over Yami.
"Very well. For now."
"Better than nothing." Mokuba muttered to Yugi.
"Okay." Kendra grabbed the ball from Mokuba. "Tristan, Kaiba…let's go."
Amidst much laughter, the game started, continuing on until Bakura accidentally knocked Mokuba down.
Tristan whirled on the white haired spirit and grabbed him by the shirt. "Watch yourself, Bakura!"
Ryou sent a quick plea through the link for his yami not to kill his friend and then stepped between them as Seto grabbed Tristan by the collar and pulled him back.
"I'm FINE, Tristan!" Mokuba quickly got to his feet. "I'm okay!"
Bakura's eyes narrowed momentarily and he growled, reaching for Tristan's throat.
"Enough!" Yami stepped up next to Ryou, in between the two combatants. "It was an accident, Tristan. Back down, Tomb Robber."
Ryou threw himself into his yami's arms while Kendra grabbed him from behind. Bakura visibly calmed himself and stepped away from Tristan.
"Keep you hands to yourself, Taylor, and we won't have a problem."
The tension hung in the air until Yugi suggested that they take a break. Kendra and Ryou led Bakura off in the opposite direction from the others.
"You okay, Mokuba?" Tristan turned to the younger Kaiba, his tone anxious.
Mokuba rolled his eyes. "I said I'm fine, didn't I?"
Seto sent his brother an admonishing look and put his arm around Tristan. "He's fine, love. Calm down."
The group settled on the grass next to the court. Tristan was still trembling with suppressed anger, but began to relax as Mokuba sat down next to him and he was able to assure himself that the boy was okay.
Seto watched his lover watch his brother. [What has gotten into him? Bakura could have killed him! Judging from Yami's reaction to me, I won't get a chance to get Yugi alone. Maybe I can talk to Ryou.]
His thoughts were interrupted as Kendra came over. "We're gonna take off. Bakura's already gone. I think it's for the best anyway. You know how he gets."
Yugi looked disappointed but agreed with the others to let Bakura go to cool off. They said goodbye to Kendra and decided to head home themselves.
As they split up at the park's entrance, Tristan suddenly found himself being glomped by Yugi.
"If you need us tomorrow, please call us." Yugi's huge eyes pleaded.
"I'll be fine, little guy. Don't worry." Tristan untangled himself from his small friend, smiling encouragingly at him before climbing into Seto's car.
Yugi sighed as Yami put an arm around his waist, watching with tears in his eyes as they pulled away.
Joey watched Ryou and Yami break up the argument between Tristan and Bakura. The look on Kaiba's face let the blond know that he had no idea what was going on. But Joey knew. He knew what it was that would make Tristan do something as stupid as trying to take on the spirit of the Ring.
He'd seen enough.
He slipped into the trees surrounding the park, not wanting anyone to see him.
He was still struggling with how he felt. For some reason, he wasn't as upset about Yami and Yugi as he was about Kaiba and Tristan. It seemed to make more sense with his small friend and the Pharaoh. They had a connection because of the Puzzle.
At least that's how he justified it to himself.
He walked further into the woods, lost in his thoughts, not noticing a certain spirit following him like a wraith.
"I knew I saw him." Bakura muttered to himself.
Tracking the blond through the woods was easy. Too easy. Bakura grumbled to himself as he cut away from the path and circled around so he was in front of Joey. He wanted to find out why he had been spying. He had a good idea, but he thought it was time someone confronted Joey. His lips curled into a sneer as he thought of how the others were pussyfooting around the blond.
He concealed himself in the branches of a tree and waited for his prey.
They were just pulling up in front of the mansion when Seto's cell phone rang. Seto was glad for the break in the silence. Tristan hadn't said a word the whole way back. He hadn't heard what it was that Yugi had said to him, but whatever it was had upset him.
Tristan and Mokuba climbed out of the car, leaving Seto to answer the call. Mokuba flinched as he heard his brother yelling.
He looked up at Tristan, his grey eyes wide. "That can't be good."
Seto got out of the car, tossing his phone onto the driver's seat with a barely controlled rage. "I have to go to the office. Damn flunkies screwed up one of the biggest contracts I've managed to land!"
Tristan came and put his arms loosely around Seto's waist. "It's okay, amante. Go get it cleared up. Mokuba and I will be fine."
Pulling away from Tristan, Seto crouched down to look Mokuba in the eye. "Be good for Tristan, little brother. I don't know when I'll be back."
"Okay, Seto." Mokuba hugged his big brother, completely understanding the look he was giving him.
"Go on." Seto stood, tussling the boy's hair and smiling as he ran into the house.
He then turned back to Tristan, pulling him into his arms and holding him close. "Sorry about this, love."
"It's okay. You have a business to run." Tristan smiled, running his hands through the other's hair before pulling him down for a kiss.
Seto trembled as Tristan's tongue brushed against his own. He tightened his grip, pulling their bodies flush and moaning as Tristan ground into him.
Seto broke the kiss, breathing hard. "Someone's going to lose their job for making me go in today."
Tristan gave Seto a shove towards the car. "Go. You'll be home that much sooner."
Seto snuck another quick kiss before jumping into his car.
He looked in the rearview mirror as he pulled out of the driveway. Tristan was still standing there, watching him leave. Seto wasn't sure, but he thought he saw tears on his lover's face.
Joey yelped in surprise as a body dropped down from the tree he was walking under and flattened him to the ground.
"And just where are you going, mutt?"
Joey groaned, hearing a familiar voice and seeing a flash of white hair as his attacker got off him. He turned over on his back and pushed himself up into a sitting position, rubbing his head.
"What the fuck was that for, Bakura?"
"Why were you watching us?" Bakura stood in front of Joey, his hands on his hips.
"None of your business!" Joey scowled.
"You were spying, on everyone, my hikari included. That makes it my business."
Joey got painfully to his feet, cursing his bad luck for running into Bakura. He was going to have to try and explain himself now. He didn't fancy a vacation in the Shadow Realm.
"I was just seeing what everyone was up to. I didn't want to come over because I didn't want to deal with Kaiba."
"You suck at lying, Joey." Bakura leaned back against the tree he had jumped from. "Try telling me the truth."
Joey clenched his fists and tried to stare Bakura down. He wasn't big on spilling his guts. But if he didn't he was afraid Bakura would spill them for him in a rather unpleasant manner.
"Fine!" Joey gave in, seeing the feral gleam in the fiend's eyes. "I wanted to see if Ryou was right."
"You're not making any sense."
Joey ran his hand through his hair, leaning against a tree opposite Bakura. "He said that you could tell that Kaiba loves Tristan by watching him."
"Are you still on about that?" Bakura rolled his eyes. "What's your problem anyway? Is it because it's Tristan? Or do you have something against all gays?"
"It's just…" Joey shuddered.
"So, going to stop hanging around the Pharaoh and his light? `cause they're gay too, you know."
Joey hung his head, blushing. "Yeah, I know. I kinda…well, almost…walked in on them last night."
Bakura snorted. "You're surprised?"
"Well…not really." Joey looked at the white haired man. "It makes sense…kinda."
"So, what's your problem with Tristan?"
"Tristan's just such…such a…GUY!"
"What has masculinity got to do with it?" Bakura scowled. "You think I'M feminine?"
"WHAT?!" Joey's eyes went impossibly wide. "You're not…you are?!"
"Have a problem with me now?" Bakura's lip curled into a sneer and he pushed away from the tree, stalking toward the blond.
"Umm…n-no…" Joey pressed back against the bark; sure he was a dead man.
Bakura got close to the blond, chuckling at the smell of fear that radiated from him. He reached out and hooked a hand into Joey's golden locks, pressing his entire body against him.
"Wh-what are ya doin'?" Joey asked nervously.
"It's always been my opinion that people with such a violent reaction to it are hiding a fear of their own homosexual tendencies." Bakura hissed, leaning forward as if to kiss the blond.
Joey clenched his eyes shut and whimpered. There was no way he could get away from Bakura. His stomach churned. He was going to be kissed by another guy! Oh gods!
Joey suddenly found himself on his knees, Bakura having let him go.
"Or maybe not." Bakura smirked.
"That wasn't funny, Bakura!" Joey jumped to his feet, ready to take a swing at the spirit.
"Oh, calm the hell down." Bakura's laugh had an evil ring to it. "I was just playing with you."
Joey growled. "I'm NOT queer!"
"Whatever." Bakura waved a hand dismissively. "But you ARE an idiot for letting your archaic scruples get in the way of your friendship with Tristan."
"Just shut your big mouth and let me finish." Bakura pinned the blond with a cold stare. "You two have been friends for years. He's stood by you and you've always been there for him. He needs you now, Wheeler. He HASN'T told Kaiba. And knowing him, he's not likely to."
"Just put you fucking narrow minded morals aside and SEE! He doesn't deserve this. Get the fuck over it already!"
Joey opened his mouth to make a retort when Bakura just seemed to melt into the bushes, disappearing.
Joey shook his head, wondering what had gotten in to the white haired spirit. It wasn't like him to care about anyone else's business. But what he had said…it was the same thing Yugi had said to him from the first.
Tristan did need him.
"I'm such an ass."
They were right. It didn't matter what he thought. Tomorrow was Tristan's birthday and he was going to be there for him. Just like he always was.
"Damn." Seto muttered to himself as he parked his car.
He sat for a moment, thinking back on the last few hours. He had ended up firing four people for the mess they had made of the multi-million dollar contract; which he had barely been able to save. And the whole time, his mind had been on Tristan.
Seto folded his arms over the top of the steering wheel and rested his chin on them.
He had finally called Yugi, but he hadn't been much help. It had taken him ten minutes just to convince Yami that he didn't have an ulterior motive for wanting to speak to Yugi before he had been allowed to talk to the small duelist.
Yugi had refused to tell Seto anything, saying it wasn't his place. This had frustrated Seto to no end. He had tried explaining that he needed to know what was going on because he was worried about Tristan. Yugi had sympathized, but still refused to talk.
He had left the CEO with one piece of advice however. To be with Tristan tomorrow, without any distractions. Yugi had said he was sure that Tristan would tell him, he just needed to be patient.
Seto rolled his eyes as he got out of the car. Patience wasn't one of his strong points.
He made his way through the house, knowing he'd find his brother and his lover together. He walked into his private den, a smile immediately lighting up his eyes at the scene before him.
Tristan was sitting on the couch, wearing only a pair of cargo shorts, with his legs tucked up, reading a book. Mokuba was snuggled into the curve of his legs, dressed in his pajamas, sound asleep with his head on Tristan's hip and his arm dangling over the brunet's leg, the book he had been reading lay on the floor. Tristan had the hand not holding his book tangled in Mokuba's long hair.
Seto walked quietly over to them, bending to retrieve Mokuba's book. Tristan smiled at the look on his face when he read the title.
"War and Peace?" Seto whispered.
Tristan shrugged. "He wanted to read it."
"No wonder he's asleep." Seto reached down and gathered his brother into his arms. "I should put him to bed. It's late."
Tristan stood up, leaving his book on the arm of the couch and held out his arms. "Can I?"
"Sure, love." Seto carefully transferred Mokuba into Tristan's arms, smiling again when his brother burrowed into Tristan's bare chest.
When they reached the top of the stairs, Seto stopped to kiss Mokuba on the forehead. "I'm going to go get changed. I'll be right back."
Tristan nodded and carried Mokuba into his room.
Seto quickly changed in to a pair of black shorts and a matching tank top. He went over to the bedside table and slipped a small tube of lube into his pocket. He had some serious plans for tonight. He was just glad that he had gotten home in time to put those plans into action.
Slipping back out into the hallway, he stopped at the closed door next to Mokuba's room, knocking softly. Hearing the occupant call out for him to enter, he stuck his head in the door, informing the woman, who was Mokuba's personal maid; that he and Tristan were going out for a few hours. She shooed him away with a smile, telling him that she would handle anything that came up.
He thanked the woman and proceeded to his brother's room.
He stood in the doorway, watching Tristan kneeling by the side of the bed. Tristan stroked Mokuba's hair, leaning down to place a gentle kiss on the boy's forehead before standing and drawing the covers over him.
Seto stepped back as he stood slowly, walking from the room and shutting the door softly behind him. He wrapped his arms around Seto's waist and buried his face in his neck.
"Love?" Seto whispered, feeling Tristan's tears run down his neck as he cried silently. "What's wrong? Why won't you talk to me?"
Tristan just shook his head, trembling as he fought to bring himself under control. "I'm okay."
Seto sighed, rubbing his lover's back. [Patience. Yugi told me I'd have to be patient.]
"Come on." Seto pulled back, taking Tristan's hand. "There's something I want to show you."
Tristan followed him in a daze, not taking in their surroundings until Seto led them through a small gate in the wall surrounding the mansion's grounds.
"Where are we going?"
"Just trust me." Seto smiled slyly.
Tristan looked around what appeared to be a large field. There was a full moon overhead, making it almost as bright as day. In the distance, he could make out a stand of trees. He moved closer to Seto, slipping an arm around him.
They walked through the field, enjoying the warm air and the cool feeling of the dew-damp grass beneath their bare feet. Occasionally, Seto would look at Tristan and smile, but neither of them broke the peaceful silence.
When they reached the trees, Seto slipped from Tristan's embrace and took his hand again. "Close your eyes."
Tristan raised an eyebrow, but did as he was told.
Seto led him along a faint path, taking care that Tristan didn't trip. They arrived at a small clearing and Seto kept going until they got to the center where he released Tristan's hand and stood back.
"Open your eyes, love."
"Oh, wow." Tristan breathed. "It's beautiful."
The clearing they were standing in was surrounded by trees and completely carpeted with tiny white flowers that reflected the light of the moon overhead, giving the space an ethereal glow.
"Very beautiful." Seto's voice was husky.
Tristan turned to look at him, his breath catching in his throat. Seto's faintly tanned skin seemed to glow in the moonlight and his eyes glittered with a hunger that made Tristan's whole body tingle with anticipation.
"So very, very beautiful." Seto pulled Tristan close, his hand coming up to caress the shorter teen's face.
Tristan flushed at Seto's words. "Did you…did you just call me beautiful?"
"I did." Seto's lips ghosted over the side of Tristan's face. "You are…to me."
"Hush." Seto leaned down and kissed Tristan, gently dominating him.
/Something's…different. I don't have the urge to control him this time./ Tristan moaned into the kiss as he felt Seto's fingers glide over his back. /I don't understand./
Seto broke the kiss, leaning back to strip off his shirt. "I want you, Tristan."
"I want you, amante."
They got lost in each other's eyes as they removed the rest of their clothes. Seto laid down, resting on hip and elbow and held out his hand to Tristan. Tristan took a moment to study the perfect form of his lover before laying next to him, reaching up to tangle a hand in his hair and tipping his face up in invitation.
Seto gently pushed him over on his back before claiming his lips, surprised when Tristan gave in to his demands. [This is encouraging. Maybe I won't have to convince him after all.]
"Tristan?" Seto slowly let his hands roam over the other's chest. "Will you let me…take you?"
Tristan's whole body stiffened in shock at Seto's words. "I…Seto…"
"I want to so badly, love." Seto interrupted. "I want to know what it feels like to be inside you. I want to love you the way you love me."
"It's just that…I haven't…no one has. Not since…" Tristan stopped, not wanting to bring up his name now.
"Not since Brad." Seto's eyes narrowed minutely and he fought down a spike of jealousy. "I know I'm not him, but I love you. And I want to make love to you."
Tristan immediately felt guilty. "I'm not comparing you, amante. I couldn't do that. You mean more to me than he ever did. I love you too." Tristan bit his lip before continuing. "Love you enough to let you."
"Oh, love." Seto pressed feather light kisses along the other's jaw. "This isn't about control. I just…I just want to make you feel good…like you always do for me."
The sincerity in his voice made Tristan's heart skip a beat. He reached up and pulled Seto down on top of him, fusing their lips together and giving himself up to his lover.
Seto took his time exploring, letting his hands run over the muscled shoulders and the sculpted planes of Tristan's chest. He left his lover's lips to follow the path his hands had taken, wanting to taste every inch of him.
Tristan moaned loudly as Seto bit gently on a nipple before soothing it with his tongue. He shivered as he moved down his love's body, hearing Tristan whispering his name over and over again.
It took every ounce of his self control not to just take him. He wanted to make it as perfect as he knew how. To show Tristan just how much he loved him.
Tristan cried out as Seto's soft lips enclosed his arousal. "Amante…amante…gods…so good…"
Seto pinned down the twitching hips and forced off his gag reflex, taking in as much as he could. He pulled back, encircling the tip with his tongue, feeling Tristan tense. He took him in all the way again, sucking hard and caressing Tristan's stomach gently.
Tristan bucked up under Seto's hands, hissing as he spilled his seed into his lover's mouth. He heard Seto rummaging around in the pile of their clothes and the sound of a bottle being flipped open before Seto kissed him again, slipping a slick finger into him and moving it gently in and out of his body.
Seto stopped his movements, breaking the kiss, as he felt Tristan tense up. "I'm sorry, love."
"No. No, I'm fine." Tristan grated out. "Don't stop."
Seto took his lips again, kissing him deeply as he continued to prepare him. He frowned inwardly when Tristan didn't relax.
"Now." Tristan gasped, pulling back. "Now, Seto."
Seto slowly pushed into Tristan's shaking body, stopping when Tristan bit his lip so hard it bled.
"Do it!" Tristan whispered in a pain laced voice.
Seto pulled out slowly, thrusting back in as gently as he could, establishing a slow pace. He looked down into Tristan's pain glazed eyes, stopping when tears began to run down the other's face.
"You're hurting."
"It's okay."
"No. It's not." Seto pulled away, sitting back on his heels.
"Come here, love." He grasped Tristan's hands, pulling him up.
Catching on quickly to what the other had in mind, Tristan straddled Seto's waist, slowly lowering himself until Seto was once again completely embedded inside him. He laid his head on Seto's shoulder, listening to the taller brunet's hitching breath. The pain was less, and feeling that he had some control now that he wasn't pinned beneath Seto, he was able to relax fully.
He lifted his head and looked into Seto's eyes, which were dark with desire and filled with tears. He braced his hands against Seto's shoulders and slowly began to move on him, feeling the last of the tension leave his body to be replaced by pure pleasure.
"Tristan…oh baby…" Seto's breath came out in a harsh sob. "You feel so…incredible."
Tristan leaned back, trusting Seto to hold him, and began moving faster. Seto wrapped his arms tightly around the other's body and moved forward to run his tongue along his collarbone.
Tristan buried his hands in Seto's hair, pulling him up and kissing him hungrily. There was no fight for dominance, each of them giving and taking equally as their movements became more frantic.
"Amante…please…oh gods…" He was teetering on the edge, so close, yet unable to let go.
Suddenly, everything went crystal clear. Tristan stilled, as did Seto. Hazel and blue met and locked and Tristan became aware of minute things; the soft breeze caressing his sweat damp skin, the sound of Seto's heart, thundering in time with his own, and how the moonlight seemed unnaturally bright.
Then, something inside him snapped and he arched his back, screaming Seto's name, plunging into a white hot abyss where stars exploded behind his clenched eyelids. He collapsed against Seto, a dead weight.
The sight and feel of his lover's convulsing body sent Seto over the edge as well, and he buried his face in Tristan's neck with a small whimper.
Seto brought his breathing under control, noticing that Tristan was still slumped against him. "Tristan? Love, are you okay?"
"Can't move." Tristan mumbled against Seto's shoulder. "Don't wanna."
Seto chuckled tiredly, leaning forward, easing Tristan down on the ground, withdrawing before lying down next to him. He threw an arm over Tristan, cuddling into his chest with a sigh.
"That was…gods! I can't even describe it. What happened?"
"I don't know. But I love you.
"Love you too, amante." Tristan kissed the top of Seto head, bringing up his arm to hold him closer. "I don't think I could move right now if I had to."
"Then don't."
"We need to get back. What if Mokuba wakes up and needs us?"
"S'fine. Peggy c'n take care of `im." Seto's voice was low and slurred as he began to succumb to exhaustion.
"'kay." Tristan followed his lover into slumber.
Tristan pulled on his shirt and leaned over to kiss Seto softly, trying not to wake him.
He had no idea what time they had arrived back at the mansion last night, the two of them collapsing into bed, asleep again before they could pull up the covers.
The dawn had see Tristan wide awake, as it always did on this day. He had crept quietly from bed, taking a quick shower and getting dressed to leave. And the last thing he wanted was Seto waking up and questioning him. He figured he could be gone and back before the other teen woke.
He slipped from the bedroom, going down the hall and softly opening Mokuba's door, seeing the young Kaiba curled up on his side, his hair draped over his face. Choosing not to disturb him, he closed the door and moved through the mansion, seeing no one until he passed through the gate on his motorcycle.
Reaching Domino Cemetery, he parked the bike and, after pulling off his helmet, quickly scaled the gate that hadn't been open for the day yet.
As soon as he hit the ground, the tears started.
Walking swiftly though the graveyard, following the route he had committed to memory. Stopping in front of a row of small stones embedded in the ground, the knelt in front of one, pulling a small blue stuffed bear from his pocket.
He gently brushed leaves and bits of grass from the head stone, revealing the writing.
Michael Joseph Taylor
beloved son and brother
Tristan didn't even try to stop the tears that rushed down his face. "I miss you, little brother."
Tristan: I had a little brother?
YD: *shrugs* You did in this fic.
Seto: So? What happened?
DD: Ppfftt! You KNOW bloody well that you'll have to wait for the next chapter for that!
Joey: so, I'm not an ass anymore?
YD: I didn't say that. *evil grin*
DD: Please review folks! You know how much we love you guys!
